26 research outputs found

    Stočni graÅ”ak - značajan faktor obezbeđenja biljnih proteina

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    The paper emphasizes growing and utilization of fodder pea in forage and grain production. The yield and quality of different pea varieties in forage and grain especially important in plant protein provision. The paper offers a review of areas, production, average yield of fodder pea as forage and grain crops from 1955 until the present day. Possible ways of utilization as well as access to optimal of utilization are also emphasized.U radu je razmatrana problematika gajenja i iskoriŔćavanja stočnog graÅ”ka u proizvodnji krme i zrna. Posebno je obrađen prinos i kvalitet sortimenta stočnog graÅ”ka u proizvodnji krme i zrna kao koncentrovanog stočnog hraniva, značajnog u obezbeđenju biljnih proteina. Dat je pregled kretanja povrÅ”ina, obima proizvodnje i prosečni prinosi po hektaru, stočnog graÅ”ka za krmu i zrno od 1955. do danas (SGJ-2000), te mogući načini iskoriŔćavanja i optimalne faze pristupa koriŔćenju

    Krmne kupusnjače u proizvodnji i koriŔćenju krme - prednosti i nedostaci

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    In the text, the notion of forage brassicas is clearly defined. Economic significance of forage brassicas is shown especially in the production of cattle food, i.e. of forage. Advantages and disadvantages in their growth and utilization are also shown. Different possibilities of the forage yield and its quality are given as well as its agrotechnical significance. It is also pointed to an increasing significance of brassicas in other fields of economy, not only for the production of forage and cattle food in general but also for biodiesel and bee grazing.U radu je jasno definisan pojam krmnih kupusnjača. Prikazan je njihov privredni značaj, posebno u proizvodnji stočne hrane, odnosno krme. Predstavljene su prednosti i nedostatci u njihovom gajenju i iskoriŔćavanju. Date su mogućnosti ostvarenja prinosa krme i njen kvalitet, kao i agrotehnički značaj. Ukazano je na rastući značaj kupusnjača u drugim sverama privrednog života, osim proizvodnje krme i stočne hrane uopÅ”te (biodizel pčelinja paÅ”a)

    Potencijal manje rasprostranjenih vrsta jednogodiŔnjih mahunarki za prinos zrna - Bob (Vicia faba l)

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    Faba bean (Vicia faba L) represents one of the most important protein sources for both human consumption, mainly in the form of immature pods and immature grains, and animal feeding, mostly in the form of mature grains A small-plot trial has been carried out at the Rimski Sancevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops during 2005 and 2006, including ten faba bean genotypes of diverse geographic origin from the Annual Forage Legumes Collection of the Forage Crops Department (Tab. 1). All genotypes were sown in early March, with a crop density of 55 plants nr2, and were harvested in the stage of full maturity of the first pods. There were significant differences in all monitored characteristics between the ten examined genotypes at the levels of 0.05 and 0.01 (Table 2). Grain yield measured after the harvest and at a moisture content of 14 %, in average varied between 3670 kg ha-1 in Tanagra and 6860 kg ha-1 in B-413. Straw yield, determined on the basis of grain yield per plant and plant mass of the samples taken before the harvest, in average ranged from 3518 kg ha-1 in Tanagra to 6690 kg ha-1 in B-413. Harvest index, calculated as a ratio between grain yield per plant and plant mass, in average varied from 0.60 Mammoth and 0.59 in Petite Windsor to 0.44 in PP 1 and Debek. Potential grain crude protein yield, determined on the basis of grain yield and an average value of grain crude protein content in faba bean of 325 g kg-1, in average ranged between 1193 kg ha-1 in Tanagra and 2230 kg ha-1 in B-413. Potential straw crude protein yield, determined on the basis of straw yield and an average value of straw crude protein content in faba bean of 99 g kg-1, in average ranged from 348 kg ha-1 in Tanagra and 374 kg ha-1 in Petite Windsor to 714 kg ha-1 in B-412. Faba bean has a considerable potential for grain production, with grain yields at the same level as protein pea and grain crude protein yields of more than 1500 kg ha-1, and can respresent an excellent additional protein feed to soya bean meal. Although less rich than grain, faba bean straw can be a source of protein for various purposes. The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Institute for Agrobotany in Tapioszele, Hungary, the Fodder Crops and Pastures Institute in Larissa, Greece, the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture, the national Plant Germplasm System, USA, and the Institute of Plant Production Piest'any in Piest'any, Slovakia, as donors of the Annual Forage Legumes Collection.Mikroogled, izveden tokom 2005. i 2006. godine na oglednom polju Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Å ančevima, uključio je deset genotipova boba (Vicia faba L) različitog geografskog porekla. Prosečan prinos zrna varirao je između 3670 kg ha-1 kod genotipa Tanagra i 6860 kg ha-1 kod genotipa B-413. NajviÅ”i prosečni prinos slame utvrđen je kod genotipa B-413 (6690 kg ha-1), dok je najniži prinos slame utvrđen kod genotipa Tanagra (3518 kg ha-1). Genotipovi Mammoth i Petite Windsor odlikovali su se značajno viÅ”im žetvenim indeksom u odnosu na ostalih osam ispitivanih genotipova boba (0,60 i 0,59). Prosečne vrednosti ostvarivog prinosa sirovih proteina zrna, kretale su se od 1193 kg ha-1 kod genotipa Tanagra do 2230 kg ha-1 kod genotipa B-413. NajviÅ”i prosečni prinos slame utvrđen je kod genotipa B-412 (714 kg ha-1), dok je značajno niži prinos sirovih proteina slame utvrđen kod genotipova Tanagra i Petite Windsor (348 kg ha-1 i 374 kg ha-1)

    Prinos i komponente prinosa zrna stočnog graŔka u zavisnosti od tipa lista

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    A three-year small-plot trial (2000-2002) was established at the Rimski Å ančevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad to study pea genotypes with common and afila-type leaves. Used in the trial were three common cultivars (Javor, Tyrkys and Accord) and three afila-type ones (Jezero, Consort and Harmony). The highest average plant height (91 cm), first pod height (47 cm) and grain number per plant (37) were found in the cultivar Accord, while the largest number of pods per plant (10) were found in the cultivar Harmony. The greatest plant mass (14.1 g) was found in Jezero and the largest grain yield per plant in Tyrkys (7.3 g). Consort had the highest harvest index (0.57) and Harmony the largest grain yield per unit area (3.412 t ha-1).TrogodiÅ”nji (2000-2002) mikroogled sa genotipovima graÅ”ka običnog i afila tipa lista bio je postavljen na oglednom polju Naučnog instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na Rimskim Å ančevima. Obuhvatao je tri sorte običnog (Javor, Tirkis i Akord) i tri sorte afila tipa lista (Jezero, Konzort i Harmoni). Najvećom prosečnom visinom biljke (91 cm), visinom prve mahune (47 cm) i najvećim brojem zrna po biljci (37) odlikovala se sorta Akord, dok je najviÅ”e mahuna po biljci (10) imala sorta Harmoni. Najveća masa biljke (14,1 g) bila je kod sorte Jezero, a najveći prinos zrna po biljci kod sorte Tirkis (7,3 g). Sorta Konzort ostvarila je najveći žetveni indeks (0,57), a sorta Harmoni najveći prinos zrna po jedinici povrÅ”ine (3,412 t ha-1)

    Environmental impact of introducing legumes into cropping system in temperate regions

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    The use of legumes in cropping system is one measure that has been taken in agricultural production to increase environmental protection and to encourage sustainable use of natural resources. Legumes offer many benefits to sustainable agriculture and the integration of legumes into cropping systems brings costs and benefits, both internal and external to the farm. For ecological reasons, legumes are gaining increasing importance. Legume can be easily included in a crop rotation and, in contrast to grasses and crucifers, contribute additional N to the nutrient cycle by symbiosis. Some of this N can be used later as animal feed in the form of protein in herbage while the rest of the accumulated N can be taken up by subsequent crops. On the basis of experiments conducted in Serbia it can be concluded that the management decision concerning the use of legumes as cover crops should be based on the balance between farm profitability and environmental sustainability

    Specifičnosti u tehnologiji proizvodnje krmnog sirka i sudanske trave u agroekoloŔkim uslovima Vojvodine

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    The paper emphasizes the importance of forage sorghum and Sudan grass in animal nutrition. Peculiarities in production technology with respect to utilization, crop rotation, tillage, fertilization, time and mode of sowing as well as crop mowing are taken into consideration. Production in irrigation conditions have also been analyzed, such as the effect of irrigation on green forage yield, plant water requirements and preirrigation soil moisture.U radu su razmatrane specifičnosti u tehnologiji proizvodnje krmnog sirka i sudanske trave sa aspekta načina iskoriŔćavanja, počev od izbora preduseva obrade zemljiÅ”ta, đubrenja, vremena i načina setve, do koÅ”enja useva. Takođe analizirane su specifičnosti gajenja ovih biljnih vrsta u uslovima navodnjavanja sa aspekta potreba biljaka za vodom, racionalnog režima zalivanja i efekata navodnjavanja na ostvarene prinose zelene mase

    Zasnivanje viŔegodiŔnjih krmnih leguminoza u združenoj setvi sa stočnim graŔkom

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    Perennial forage legumes produce poor yields during the establishment year if seeded as pure crops. In that light a companion/nurse crop is needed to overcome this lack of productivity in establishment years. Traditional options for this purpose include oats, or barley. But these crops do not provide all protein that farmer needs. Fodder pea as protein crop meets this requirement. Information on use of fodder pea as companion crop receives little mention in the literature. Some authors claim that forage peas can be used as suitable companion crop in perennial forage legumes establishment. In alfalfa and red clover establishment with fodder pea as nurse crop nitrogen fixation is more efficient, in particular at the very beginning of growing season. Forage and protein yield in the first year of growing increase and crop has higher competition with weed. The aim of this study was to determine whether fodder peas is suitable crop to use for the establishment of perennial forage legumes. In particular to determine the effect of pea genotype with different morphological properties (semi leaf, and reduced leaflets) and develop of agronomic practices for using peas to establish forage legumes. These include number of pea plants i.e. seeding rate, and establishment method. The trial was carried out at the experimental field in randomized block design in three replications during two years (2004 and 2005). Perennial legumes were alfalfa (cv. Mediana) and red clover (cv. Kolubara). Regarding fodder pea, two factors has been applied: fodder pea variety (Jezero-semi-leaf less and Javor-common leaf with reduced leaflets) and number of pea plants (30, 60, 90 plants of pea per square meter). Control variants were pure stand of alfalfa and red clover and their mixture with oat. At stage of technological maturity forage and protein yield (t ha-1) were monitored. On average the highest forage yield has been achieved in control-2, then variants with cover crop and the lowest in pure stand of investigated perennial legumes. Concerning fodder pea variety on average both for alfalfa and red clover similar forage yield has been achieved. Regarding number of plants the highest average yield was obtained with 90 pea plants. First cut has the highest portion in annual yield. As consequence of small variation in crude protein content, crude protein yield has the same trend like forage yield.ViÅ”egodiÅ”nje krmne leguminoze u prolećnom zasnivanju, Å”to je najčeŔći slučaj u naÅ”im agroekoloÅ”kim uslovima daju mali prinos krme u prvoj godini ako se seju kao čist usev. Združena setva je efikasan način za povećanje prinosa krme u prvom otkosu, odnosno prvoj godini života. Tradicionalne opcije združene setve viÅ”egodiÅ”njih leguminoza koje imaju za cilj povećanje prinosa uključuju strna žita, pre svega ovas ili ječam. Međutim, ovi usevi nemaju zadovoljavajući kvalitet, Å”to nije slučaj kod stočnog graÅ”ka koji pored prednosti vezanih za kvalitet ima i odgovarajuće morfoloÅ”ke i bioloÅ”ke osobine pogodne za združenu setvu, Å”to se pozitivno odražava na naredne otkose i godine eksploatacije poduseva. U poljskim uslovima u toku dve godine postavljena su dva uporedna dvofaktorijalna ogleda u kome su podusevi bili lucerka i crvena detelina. U odnosu na stočni graÅ”ak kao nadusev ispitivana su dva faktora, sorta (Jezero i Javor) i broj biljaka (30, 60, i 90 po m2). Kao kontrola koriŔćene su lucerka i crvena detelina sejane u čistoj setvi i združeno sa ovsem. U obe godine istraživanja najveći prinos zelene mase kod oba poduseva dobijen je u smeÅ”i sa ovsem. U združenoj setvi sa stočnim graÅ”kom, na svim tretmanima dobijen je veći prinos u odnosu na kontrolu 1 (čist usev viÅ”egodiÅ”nje leguminoze). U pogledu faktora A, kod obe sorte dobijene su slične vrednosti prinosa zelene mase. Kada je u pitanju broj biljaka (faktor B), najveći prinos je dobijen setvom 90 biljaka po m2. Prvi otkos u združenoj setvi ima izrazit udeo u produkciji zelene mase na godiÅ”njem nivou. S obzirom na mali razmak varijacije u pogledu sadržaja proteina, prinos proteina u prvom otkosu ima isti trend kretanja kao i prinos zelene mase

    Effect of field pea companion crop on alfalfa pigment content

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    Field pea has potential to be a suitable companion crop for alfalfa establishment. It is a fast growing crop, arvested early and thus reduces duration of competition. Compared to other companion crops, such as small grains, it allows better light transmition through canopy to an undersown species. The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of field pea as a companion crop for alfalfa establishment. A two-factor trial was carried out at the experiment field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops at Rimski Šančevi from 2004 to 2009. The experiment involved two pea varieties (Jezero - semi-leafless and Javor - normal leaves with reduced leaflet size) and four pea densities (0, 30, 60 and 90 plants m-2) and control variant with oat as companion crop. When the field pea had reached the harvestable stage, samples were taken for determining alfalfa chlorophyll and carotenoids content. In average, chlorophyll and carotenoids content were higher in all treatments of companion cropping than in the sole crop of alfalfa

    Proizvodnja semena lucerke u Vojvodini

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    The main production region of alfalfa seed in Serbia is the Vojvodina Province. Alfalfa seed production is estimated on 3000 ha, with average yield of 250 kgha-1 (Figure 1). Annual seed production in the Vojvodina Province is around 750 tons with estimated value of 1.7-2 million euros. The main characteristic of this production is significant seed yield variation (from 50 to 800 kgha-1), depending on climatic conditions, first of all rainfall amount and distribution (Figure 2). Because alfalfa plants are lush, they easily lodge after the stages of budding or flowering and produce a low seed yield. To ensure high and stable seed yields, it is necessary to prevent the luxuriant growth of alfalfa plants and their subsequent lodging. Cutting is the most effective practice to limit the luxuriant growth. Furthermore cutting may be used to time the beginning and duration of the stage of flowering, i.e., to synchronize the flowering with the maximum activity of pollinating insects, which is of key importance for seed yield performance in alfalfa. Variations in alfalfa seed yield level may be controlled to some extent by the cut system (Table 1). Late cuts ensures a reduced stand density and maximum number of productive shoots. Also, plant height is reduced and dry matter content in the stem significantly increased in relation to the systems of early and medium cuts (Table 2). Consequently, plant sensitivity to lodging is considerably reduced while conditions for alfalfa flowering and activity of pollinating insects are improved, which results in increased seed yield. Application of modern cultural practice in alfalfa seed production with average climatic conditions, resulting in seed yild of 350-400 kgha-1. In favourable climatic conditon it is posibele to achive 600-800 kgha-1 of alfafa seed.Proizvodnja semena lucerke u Srbiji najvećim delom locirana je u Vojvodini na oko 3.000 ha, sa prosečnim prinosom od 250 kgha-1. Prosečna godiÅ”nja produkcija semena u Vojvodini iznosi oko 750 tona, a vrednost ove proizvodnje procenjuje se na 1,7-2 miliona Eura. Osnovno obeležje proizvodnje semena lucerke u Vojvodini je veliko variranje prinosa od 50 do 800 kgha-1 u zavisnosti od vremenskih uslova godine (od količine i rasporeda padavina). Sistemom kosidbe semenskog useva moguće je smanjiti varijacije prinosa semena lucerke, odnosno moguće je u određenom stepenu ublažiti nepovoljno dejstvo uslova godine. Za proizvodnju semena najčeŔće se koristi drugi otkos na ranije zasnovanim (starim) luceriÅ”tima. Prvi otkos koristi se za proizvodnju krme, a kosi se u fazi punog cvetanja, odnosno u trećoj dekadi maja. Primenom svih neophodnih agrotehničkih mera, pri prosečnim ekoloÅ”kim uslovima, postiže se prinos semena 350-400 kgha-1, a pri povoljnim uslovima može se dobiti 600-800 kgha-1

    Floristički sastav i kvalitet zemljiŔta Na prirodnim travnjacima Vojvodine

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    Ten specific locations (Aradac, Titel, Novi Sad, KrnjeÅ”evci, Melenci - two locations, Deliblato, Bela crkva, Kumane and Novo MiloÅ”evo) on permanent grasslands of Vojvodina province were selected over the period of two years (2005, 2006). The soil and floristic analyses conducted in the locations of Movo MiloÅ”evo and Kumane indicated that cultural practices wouldn't be sufficient and that more serious practices would be needed. Regarding soil chemical composition, pH value vary from slight acid to slight alcal, except the locality of Aradac where reaction is acid. In all determinated locations nitrogen and potasium content is high, while phosphorus vary from low to high. Localities differ in floristical composition and thus in capability in animal nutrition. By applying cultural practices it is possible to increase forage yield and quality on determinated location. All locations were marked using GPS. Also, measures were taken to help the grasslands overwintering and to facilitate the action of fertilization treatments in the spring of 2007.U toku dvogodiÅ”njeg perioda (2005/2006) određeno je deset specifičnih divergentnih lokaliteta (Aradac, Titel, okolina Novog Sada, KrnjeÅ”evci Melenci - dva lokaliteta, Deliblato, Bela Crkva, Kumane i Novo MiloÅ”evo) na prirodnim travnjacima Vojvodine. Na navedenim lokalitetima utvrđen je hemijski sastav zemljiÅ”ta i floristički sastav, odnosno kvalitet prirodnih travnjaka. Svi determinisani lokaliteti su obeleženi i locirani uz pomoć GPS metode. U pogledu hemijskog sastava zemljiÅ”ta, pH vrednost varira od blago kisele do blago alkalne, izuzev lokaliteta Aradac na kome je utvrđena kisela reakcija zemljiÅ”nog rastvora. Na svim lokalitetima je utvrđen visok sadržaj azota i kalijuma, dok sadržaj fosfora u zemljiÅ”tu varira od niskog do visokog. Ispitivani lokaliteti se razlikuju u pogledu florističkog sastava odnosno kvaliteta travnjaka, pa time i podobnosti za ishranu domaćih životinja. Na svim lokalitetima moguće je povećati prinos i kvalitet travnjaka primenom određenih agrotehničkih mera, pre svega drljanjem i đubrenjem. U tom smislu primenjene su adekvatne mere za tzv. prezimljavanje travnjaka, u cilju efikasnijeg sprovođenja i delovanja tretmana (drljanje i đubrenje) u proleće naredne godine (2007)