55 research outputs found

    Genomic abnormalities of TP53 define distinct risk groups of paediatric B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma

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    Funder: RCUK | Medical Research Council (MRC); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/501100000265Funder: Good Will CauseFunder: MRC/EPSRC Newcastle Pathology NodeFunder: Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Trust); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/501100003776Funder: Blood Cancer UK - Senior Bennett Fellowship #12005 North East Promenaders Against Cancer (NEPAC) The Little Princess Trust JGW Patterson FoundationAbstract: Children with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) have an excellent chance of survival, however, current clinical risk stratification places as many as half of patients in a high-risk group receiving very intensive chemo-immunotherapy. TP53 alterations are associated with adverse outcome in many malignancies; however, whilst common in paediatric B-NHL, their utility as a risk classifier is unknown. We evaluated the clinical significance of TP53 abnormalities (mutations, deletion and/or copy number neutral loss of heterozygosity) in a large UK paediatric B-NHL cohort and determined their impact on survival. TP53 abnormalities were present in 54.7% of cases and were independently associated with a significantly inferior survival compared to those without a TP53 abnormality (PFS 70.0% vs 100%, p < 0.001, OS 78.0% vs 100%, p = 0.002). Moreover, amongst patients clinically defined as high-risk (stage III with high LDH or stage IV), those without a TP53 abnormality have superior survival compared to those with TP53 abnormalities (PFS 100% vs 55.6%, p = 0.005, OS 100% vs 66.7%, p = 0.019). Biallelic TP53 abnormalities were either maintained from the presentation or acquired at progression in all paired diagnosis/progression Burkitt lymphoma cases. TP53 abnormalities thus define clinical risk groups within paediatric B-NHL and offer a novel molecular risk stratifier, allowing more personalised treatment protocols

    The effects of passive heating and cooling on the energy performance of buildings - CEN calculation procedures

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    In the discussion of global warming and the increasing costs of most energy carriers, the implementation of passive heating and cooling in all kinds of buildings has become more and more important, as these systems do not require the use of energy derived from fossil fuels. Passive heating means to minimise all avenues of heat loss from the building whilst maximising solar heat gains. Passive cooling includes the reduction of solar heat gain into the building, as well as removing heat from internal heat sources by passive (or natural) strategies, e.g. by night-time ventilation. Both passive heating and passive cooling rely on the site, structure and architectural design of the building and on the materials used in its construction. Their effect on the building’s net energy performance is considered in the calculation procedures set out in EN ISO 13790 [1]. This paper first defines the methods and systems used for passive heating and cooling before the various ways of calculating these effects that are specified in the CEN standards are described

    Thermal bridges in the EPBD context

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    Thermal bridges increase the building energy demand for heating and cooling. For well insulated envelopes and buildings with increased energy efficiency, the influence of thermal bridging on the energy consumption is of major importance. Here the ratio between the thermal bridging effect and the overall thermal losses increases compared to low or medium insulated buildings and it is possible that the effect of thermal bridges on the energy demand compensates or even overtakes, for instance, the energy gain provided by thermal solar collectors for domestic hot water. The impact of thermal bridging on the energy consumption is even more pronounced in the case of building retrofit, where solving thermal bridges often is an issue, especially where external insulation is not applicable because of architectural constraints or not effective because of the presence of a lot of balconies. This paper is based on the work in a European project called ASIEPI (Assessment and Improvement of the EPBD Impact (for new buildings and building renovation), www.asiepi.eu). It presents three different issues in connection with thermal bridges: 1. National requirements and calculation procedures (detailed and simplified) in the Member States participating in ASIEPI. In order to facilitate a correct comparison amongst MS regulations, the overview is split per geographical and climatic area: Northern, Central and Southern Europe. 2. Impact of thermal bridges on the energy performance of buildings. Studies that analyse the influence of detailed calculations of thermal bridges in comparison of neglecting the influence, but also in comparison with default values for thermal bridges have been gathered for both summer and winter conditions. 3. Thermal bridge atlases and software to calculate thermal bridge effects. An overview and a categorisation of available atlases and software products have been made

    Energieverbraeuche von Bildungsgebaeuden in Deutschland

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    The legislator has laid down limits for the heat demand of new residential or utility buildings in the thermal protection ordinance. But the thermal energy consumption of the existing stock of buildings can be influenced to a minor degree only. In order to demonstrate the importance of taking action to reduce the consumption of thermal and electric energy specifically in this sector, corroborated data on the average consumption in existing buildings need to be compiled. Whereas such a confirmed database exists for residential buildings, reliable statistics are not so far available for utility buildings. The publication wants to fill this gap. It looks into the energy consumption of existing buildings in the German education sector. (orig.)Der Verordnungsgeber begrenzt durch die Waermeschutzverodnung den Heizwaermebedarf von Neubauten in Wohn- und Nutzgebaeuden. Auf den Heizenergieverbrauch des Bestands von Gebaeuden kann jedoch nur geringfuegig eingewirkt werden. Um zu verdeutlichen, wie wichtig es besonders hier ist, Massnahmen zur Reduzierung des Verbrauchs von Heizenergie und Strom zu ergreifen, muessen abgesicherte Angaben zu den durchschnittlichen Verbraeuchen im Bestand ermittelt werden. Fuer Wohngebaeude liegt eine abgesicherte Datenbasis vor, fuer Nutzgebaeude fehlen bislang statistisch abgesicherte Werte. Diese Untersuchung moechte die Luecke schliessen helfen. Sie beschaeftigt sich mit den Energieverbraeuchen von Bildungsgebaeuden im Bestand der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: RO 6226(98)+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Weber..2001-Oevolution - Fertighaeuser im Wandel. Vom Niedrigenergiehaus zum Null-Heizenergiehaus Zielsetzung - Konzepte - Entwicklung - Realisierung - Erkenntnisse

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    While the current heat insulation regulation after 5 years is still asking for a limit consumption of up to 10 liters of fuel per squaremeter and year depending on the building's geometry, the new 3-liters-house by Weber Haus has an energy need which compares to only 30 percent. The zero energy house allows even to do completely without fossile fuels. With this brochure titled ''The change of ready-built houses'' we would like to invite you to get to know the essential development concepts of the different types of houses and to use the experience from the implementation of the concepts and the following technical evaluation when you make your decision regarding purchasing or conceptualizing a house.Waehrend also die aktuelle Waermeschutzverordnung nach fuenf Jahren immer noch einen Grenzwert von bis zu 10 Litern Heizoelverbrauch pro Quadratmeter und Jahr je nach Gebaeudegeometrie vorschreibt, praesentiert sich das 3-Liter-Haus von WeberHaus mit einem Energiebedarf, der vergleichsweise beiie nur 30 Prozent liegt. Das Null-Heizenergiehaus erlaubt gar den vollstaendigen Verzicht auf Einsatz von fossilen Brennstoffen. In der vorliegenden Broschuereo Fertighaeuser im Wandel moechten wir Sie herzlich dazu einladen, die wesentlichen Entwicklungskonzepte der unterschiedlichen Haustypen kennen zu lernen und die Erfahrungen aus der Realisierung der Konzepte sowie der anschliessenden messtechnischen Auswertung in Ihre Entscheidungsfindung bezueglich Kauf oder Konzeption eines Hauses mit aufzunehmen. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F02B698 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung, Berlin (Germany)DEGerman
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