4 research outputs found

    Helicobacter suis infection alters glycosylation and decreases the pathogen growth inhibiting effect and binding avidity of gastric mucins

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    Helicobacter suis is the most prevalent non-Helicobacter pylori Helicobacter species in the human stomach and is associated with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. H. suis colonizes the gastric mucosa of 60-95% of pigs at slaughter age, and is associated with chronic gastritis, decreased weight gain, and ulcers. Here, we show that experimental H. suis infection changes the mucin composition and glycosylation, decreasing the amount of H. suis-binding glycan structures in the pig gastric mucus niche. Similarly, the H. suis-binding ability of mucins from H. pylori-infected humans is lower than that of noninfected individuals. Furthermore, the H. suis growth-inhibiting effect of mucins from both noninfected humans and pigs is replaced by a growth-enhancing effect by mucins from infected individuals/pigs. Thus, Helicobacter spp. infections impair the mucus barrier by decreasing the H. suis-binding ability of the mucins and by decreasing the antiprolific activity that mucins can have on H. suis. Inhibition of these mucus-based defenses creates a more stable and inhabitable niche for H. suis. This is likely of importance for long-term colonization and outcome of infection, and reversing these impairments may have therapeutic benefits

    Virtual reality gaming in rehabilitation after stroke - user experiences and perceptions

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    Purpose The present study explored participants experiences with and perceptions of using fully immersive head-mounted virtual reality (VR) gaming as rehabilitation after stroke. Methods Four men and three women (median age 64 years) with chronic stroke and varying motor impairment (mild to severe) were interviewed after 10 weeks of VR training on the commercial HTC Vive system, focusing on the upper extremities. Inductive qualitative thematic analysis was performed. Results The analysis revealed three main themes: playing the game, benefits and effects, and personalizing the game. Playing the game encompasses both the feeling of being immersed in the game and descriptions of the gaming being motivating and fun. Benefits and effects describe the participants expectations of potential benefits, the importance of getting feed-back, and the impact in daily life. Personalizing the game includes finding the right game and level, and the participants need for support to achieve full use of the training. Conclusions Participants with chronic stroke described the fully immersive VR gaming intervention as a fun and motivating way to improve their functioning in everyday life. Qualitative studies are needed to explore how people with stroke perceive VR gaming when it is implemented in real clinical environments.Clinical implications VR gaming was perceived as a positive and motivating rehabilitation after stroke. Getting feedback and perceiving benefits are essential parts of VR rehabilitation. Commercial fully immersive VR-games might be an option for stroke rehabilitation when the game can be personalized and support is available.Funding Agencies|Swedish government; Swedish county councils [ALFGBG-718711]; Swedish county councils, the ALF agreement [ALFGBG-718711]; Swedish Research CouncilSwedish Research CouncilEuropean Commission [VR 2017-00946]; Swedish Heart-Lung FoundationSwedish Heart-Lung Foundation; Swedish Brain Foundation; Promobilia; Norrbacka Eugenia Foundation</p

    Brachyspira species avidity to colonic mucins from pigs with and without brachyspira hyodysenteriae infection is species specific and varies between strains

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    Brachyspira hyodysenteriae is commonly associated with swine dysentery (SD), a disease that has an economic impact on the swine industry. B. hyodysenteriae infection results in changes to the colonic mucus niche with massive mucus induction, which substantially increases the number of B. hyodysenteriae binding sites in the mucus. We previously determined that a B. hyodysenteriae strain binds to colon mucins in a manner that differs between pigs and mucin types. Here, we investigated if adhesion to mucins is a trait observed across a broad set of B. hyodysenteriae strains and isolates and furthermore at a genus level (B. innocens, B. pilosicoli, B. murdochii, B. hampsonii, and B. intermedia strains). Our results show that binding to mucins appears to be specific to B. hyodysenteriae, and within this species, the binding ability to mucins varies between strains/isolates, increases for mucins from pigs with SD, and is associated with sialic acid epitopes on mucins. Infection with B. hyodysenteriae strain 8dII results in mucin glycosylation changes in the colon, including a shift in sialic acid-containing structures. Thus, we demonstrate through hierarchical cluster analysis and orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) models of the relative abundances of sialic acid-containing glycans that sialic acid-containing structures in the mucin O-glycome are good predictors of B. hyodysenteriae strain 8dII infection in pigs. The results emphasize the role of sialic acids in governing B. hyodysenteriae interactions with its host, which may open perspectives for therapeutic strategies