3,727 research outputs found

    Central Higgs Production at LHC from Single-Pomeron-Exchange

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    Contrary to common perceptions about systems produced in Single-Pomeron-Exchange (SPE) pp interactions, the hard diffractive process discovered at the CERN SPS-Collider leads to dominant central production of Higgs bosons at the LHC. The rate for SPE production of Higgs bosons is calculated to be 7-9 % of the total inclusive Higgs rate. In addition, an SPE measurement program of dijet events is outlined for the early days of LHC running which should answer many fundamental questions about the Pomeron structure and its effective flux factor in the proton.Comment: 14 pages, 7 Encapsulated Postscript figures, LaTex, submitted to European Phisical Journal

    Analysis of Small Muscle Movement Effects on EEG Signals

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    In this thesis, the artefactual effects of the small muscle movements were investigated. Upper frequency bands (30 Hz) of the EEG signal were extracted in order to investigate the artefactual effects of the small muscle movements. When the contamination level is high, the detection of the small muscle artifact can be made with the 92.2% accuracy. If these artifacts are really small such as a single finger movement, the detection accuracy decreases to 64%. But, the detection accuracy increases to 72% after removing the eye blink artifacts. The results of the classification support our hypothesis about the artefactual effects of the small muscle movements

    Evidence for xi- and t-dependent damping of the Pomeron Flux in the proton

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    We show that a triple-Regge parametrization of inclusive single diffraction agrees with the data in the following two domains: (a) xi > 0.03 at all t, (b) |t| > 1 GeV^2 at all xi. Since the triple-Regge parametrization fails when applied to the full xi-t range of the total single-diffractive cross section, we conclude that damping occurs only at low-xi and low-|t|. We give a (``toy'') parametrization of the damping factor, D(xi), valid at low-|t|, which describes the diffractive differential cross-section (dsig/dt) data at the ISR and roughly accounts for the observed s-dependence of diffractive total cross-section up to Tevatron energies. However, an effective damping factor calculated for the CDF fitted function for dsig/dxidt at sqrt(s} = 1800 GeV and |t| = 0.05 GeV^2, suggests that, at fixed-xi, damping increases as s increases. We conjecture that, in the regions where the triple-Regge formalism describes the data and there is no evidence of damping, factorization is valid and the Pomeron-flux-factor may be universal. With the assumption that the observed damping is due to multi-Pomeron exchange, our results imply that the recent UA8 demonstration that the effective Pomeron trajectory flattens for |t| > 1 GeV$^2 is evidence for the onset of the perturbative 2-gluon pomeron. Our damping results may also shed some light on the self-consistency of recent measurements of hard-diffractive jet production cross sections in the UA8, CDF and ZEUS experiments.Comment: 19 pages, 7 Encapsulated Postscript figures, LaTex, Phys. Lett. B (in press - 1998

    The Weevil Next Door: Exploring the impact of associational effects on C. pitcheri to better biological control practices

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    Lake Michigan dwelling dune thistle, Circium pitcheri, is a federally threatened plant, whose reproduction is affected by a non-native weevil, Larinus planus. Originally introduced as a biological control agent to combat the spread of Canada thistle, Circium arvense, this weevil is instead using C. pitcheri as a host for its larvae. Associational susceptibility is an important factor to consider in hopes of preventing the damage to this endangered plant. The goal of this study was to observe L. planus behavior to determine why there is a correlation between increased density of beach grass and high levels of C. pitcheri damage. We hypothesize that C. pitcheri’s neighboring grass community is used as a dispersal aid for the non-native weevil, making neighboring thistle hosts more susceptible to weevil damage in grassy environments. To test this, we conducted ethogram studies at Whitefish Dunes State Park (WDSP) in Door County, WI. At WDSP, we found that L. planus physically used beach grass to get to C. pitcheri and largely failed to disperse using the sand. These results should help provide ecologically sustainable management strategies, while also promote more in-depth host specific analyses prior to the release of biological control agents

    On Some Hadamard-Type Inequalıtıes for (r,m) -Convex Functıons

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    In this paper, we define a new class of convex functions which is called (r,m) - convex functions. We also prove some Hadamard\u27s type inequalities based on this new definition

    Project PROMETHEUS: Design and Construction of a Radio Frequency Quadrupole at TAEK

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    The PROMETHEUS Project is ongoing for the design and development of a 4-vane radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) together with its H+ ion source, a low energy beam transport (LEBT) line and diagnostics section. The main goal of the project is to achieve the acceleration of the low energy ions up to 1.5 MeV by an RFQ (352 MHz) shorter than 2 meter. A plasma ion source is being developed to produce a 20 keV, 1 mA H+ beam. Simulation results for ion source, transmission and beam dynamics are presented together with analytical studies performed with newly developed RFQ design code DEMIRCI. Simulation results shows that a beam transmission 99% could be achieved at 1.7 m downstream reaching an energy of 1.5 MeV. As the first phase an Aluminum RFQ prototype, the so-called cold model, will be built for low power RF characterization. In this contribution the status of the project, design considerations, simulation results, the various diagnostics techniques and RFQ manufacturing issues are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of the 2nd International Beam Instrumentation Conference 2013 (IBIC'13), 16-19 Sep 2013, WEPC02, p. 65

    Stent thrombosis in patients with drug-eluting stents and bioresorbable vascular scaffolds

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    The percutaneous coronary intervention has undergone rapid evolution over the last 40 years and has become one of the most widely performed medical procedures. The introduction of intracoronary stents improved the safety and efficacy of percutaneous coronary intervention. But with the advent of stenting, a new potentially fatal enemy emerged: stent thrombosis. Ever since, adjunct pharmacological therapy, stent technique and technology have been adjusted to reduce the risk of stent thrombosis. The aim of the present article is to provide an overview of past, present and future aspects of percutaneous intervention in relation to stent thrombosis
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