122 research outputs found

    Impact of Microbiological Fertilizer Baikal EM-1 on Onion Growth in Greenhouse Conditions

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    The microbiological fertilizer Baikal EM-1 contains lactic acid bacteria, photosynthetic bacteria, nitrogen fixing bacteria, Saccharomyces yeasts and microbial cultivation media. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of it on onion grown in controlled greenhouse conditions. In summer 2014 two trials with this product were carried out on onions in greenhouse conditions. Before planting onion bulbs were soaked in water with added fertilizer and growth substrate was watered with the fertilizer according to the instructions of manufacturer. During the vegetation period plants were watered with the fertilizer several times. Identical treatment was performed with water in the control plots. Different treatment schemes and growth substrates (neutralized peat and substrate for vegetables) were used in both trials. The main difference of the used substrates was in the content of mineral nutrients that was higher in the substrate for vegetables. In the second trial additional fertilization with ammonium nitrate was applied three times during the vegetation period. At the end of the trials the yield of onion leaves was estimated, as well as the length of leaves and their chlorophyll content was measured. At the first trial the obtained yield of onion leaves was increased by 6.4 % and in the second by 8.2 % due to treatment with Baikal EM-1 but these differences were not statistically significant in comparison to the control plots. In general, the fertilizer increased all other measured parameters as well, including average length of leaves by 4.6 % and 1.3 %, the chlorophyll content by 5.0 % and 1.5 %, in the first and second trial respectively, and percentage of onions developing leaves increased by 13.2 % in the second trial. Only the last parameter showed statistically significant differences in comparison to the control. Additionally the growth of the onion was more even in the control treatment. In conclusion, the microbiological fertilizer Baikal EM-1 gave positive impact on onions in greenhouse conditions

    Intrinsic Motivational Factors for College Freshmen and Seniors and Employees in the Work Force Regarding Career Path Choice

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    Within the area of industrial-organizational psychology, understanding motivation within organizations is a central concern. Motivation is defined as a person’s internal disposition to be concerned with an approach to positive incentives and avoid negative incentives. Though it can be used to help predict behavior, there is also the involvement of ability and environmental factors surrounding individuals that differentiate between different people’s behavior and performance. Dealing with the motivating factors that cause a person to pursue certain career paths, this review will provide a theoretical approach to the intrinsic value that someone would place on this process and would use to make his or her decision, rather than the extrinsic values that are commonly labeled. Looking at the reasons and processes that are used when determining both a major in college as well as a career in the real world, whether the latter follows the first or not, this approach will give an insightful reasoning as to the most common intrinsic values that people place on their areas in life, and the processes that accompany both the value-setting and decision-making

    Moterų ir vyrų vadovavimo savybių suvokimas organizacijų valdybose

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    Straipsnyje siekiama išsiaiškinti, kokį vaidmenį šių laikų vadovavime turi moterų ir vyrų vadovų savybės ir ar gali būti rastas bendras lyderystės savybių rinkinys. Atlikta literatūros apžvalga ir tyrimas, kurio metu apklaustididžiųjų Latvijos bankų darbuotojai. Taip pat pristatomas interviu, kuriame dalyvavo trijų didžiųjų Latvijos organizacijų vadovai iš skirtingų pramonės šakų.The author of the article seeks to answer the question about the golden balance of perceived feminine and masculine qualities trying to find out if gender plays any role in today’s leadership. The author presents the review of relevant literature, analyses a survey of dedicated employees of a large local bank, proposes interviews with senior management representatives of three relatively large Latvian companies acting in different industries

    Diana Ergle's Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity

    A study of low pressure distillation in a packed column

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    M.S.William Meese Newto

    Most important strategic and managerial factors for plant-based milk analogue entrance in China using Blue Ocean Strategy

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    Using semi-structured interviews ten professionals from the industry provided an insight into the current landscape of plant-based milk analogs in China and graded each factor from 1 to 5. Their responses were analyzed via coding and grouped as themes around each factor. Results showed that for a plant-based milk analog company choosing to enter the Chinese food market, the most important factors are market attractiveness, scaling up possibility, availability of substitutes and product attributes, as well as e-commerce. It is recommended to focus on these factors to better understand the competitive landscape and the most important consumer values as well as possibly expand in the future