288 research outputs found

    Expansion of the Open Area (Johari Window) and Group Work Directed to Enhancing the Level of Subjective Well-being

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    Open and healthy communication plays an important role in the determination of human relations. While people are interpreting the bodily feedbacks given by the people they are communicating with to understand their intentions, they rely on the information they give about themselves; that is, their explanations about themselves. The Johari Window technique is the technique that supports the creation of trust in interpersonal relations, as well as the elimination of problems arising in the communication used in counseling processes. According to this technique, the area including an individual's behaviors, attitudes, feelings, experiences, skills or clear information about how he/she looks is called the open area. This area’s being broad plays an important role in the individual’s developing close relationships with other members of society, in his/her happiness or in his/her living positive emotions. In many studies, it was determined that both the physical health and psychological health of the people who shared their knowledge about themselves were positively affected. The purpose of the current study is to expand the open area of the group members participating in nine-session group work by using Johari window so that their understanding and awareness of themselves can be improved and their understanding of others can be enhanced and they can be enabled to see interpersonal differences. The study group of the current research is comprised of 12 students; 5 females and 7 males, from the Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance who participated in the study on a volunteer basis. In the current study, in order to collect data, the Psychological Well-being Scale, which was developed on the basis of Ryff's (1989) psychological well-being model and the Johari Window Evaluation Form developed according to the model proposed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham were used. According to the posttest results obtained at the end of the study, it was observed that the open areas of the university students participating in the group work were expanded and their scores taken from the sub-dimension “positive relationships with others” of the subjective well-being increased


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    The aging phenomenon, which threatens a great section of the world population and constitutes a risk group, may affect the feelings of men and women related to aging and the elderly. As the necessity and importance of discussing the problems caused by the biopsychosocial changes associated with the aging phenomenon have increased day by day, in this study the subjective well-being levels and perceptions on aging in terms of the variable of gender were determined. The current study employed the field survey method aiming to explore phenomena in their natural conditions. A total of 266 participants participated in different age groups in the study. Two data collection tools were used in the current study. The first data collection tool is an interview form consisting of a total of 4 questions designed to investigate how aging is perceived; the second data collection tool is wellbeing scale. The comments that have been subject to descriptive analysis are experienced. The results revealed that the male and female participants generally perceived the old age as a negative situation. It was observed that the situation felt annoyed by both groups in the aging process was the biological changes. The second negative situation for the participants is the psychological anxieties related to aging. As a result, although they are from different age groups and gender, the participants are considered as aging, biological, psychological and social change complexity. The media is an important element in the formation of this negative situation by making more fearful and worrying publications about physical changes related to age or aging.  Article visualizations


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    Emotions serve a function of preparing individuals’ psychological responses to various situations by affecting their decisions in every part of their lives. Cognitive emotion regulation processes lead individuals to identify their priorities and to make life plans and to act in accordance with these plans. In much of the research focusing on emotion regulation, which is of a vital importance for the individual, it is claimed that the healthy expression of emotions depends on how the babyhood, early childhood and adolescence periods are spent. Thus, the current study aims to reveal the emotion regulation strategies employed by the middle school 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students and to explore whether they vary significantly depending on the gender variable. The current study adopted the cognitive emotion regulation strategies divided into nine main categories by Garnefski, Kraaij and Spinhoven (2001). The current study employed the field survey method aiming to explore phenomena in their natural conditions. A total of 127 students participated in the study. Two data collection tools were used in the current study. The first data collection tool is comprised of three stories left uncompleted to be completed by the students and the second data collection tool is an interview form made up of a single question. The collected data were subjected to descriptive analyses and then the emerging emotion regulation strategies are presented together with their frequencies. When the obtained data were generally evaluated, it was found that both male and female students employ passive strategies such as acceptance, rumination (focus on thought) and positive refocusing almost at every grade level.  Article visualizations

    Finite-Bandwidth Calculations for Charge Carrier Mobility in Organic Crystals

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    Finite-bandwidth effects on the temperature dependence of the mobility of injected carriers in pure organic crystals are explored for a simplifed case of impurity scattering. Temperature-dependent bandwidth effects are discussed briefly through a simplified combination of band and polaronic concepts

    The Protective Effect of Kefir and Vitamin C on Azoxymethane Induced Toxicity and Induction of Metallothionein in Mice

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    The present study was conducted to investigate whether vitamin C or kefir (a milk-based fermentation  product) protected Swiss albino mice from azoxymethane (AOM) toxicity. We also investigated the effect  of AOM administration on the induction of metallothionein (MT) expression in mice tissues. 40 12-weekold  male/female (20:20) Swiss albino mice with a mean weight of 31.4 g were allocated into four groups.  Animals in the first group were the control group. Animals in the other three groups were treated with  AOM (5mg/kg body weight) subcutaneously twice weekly for a total of 7 weeks. Animals in the second  group were treated only with AOM. Those in the third group were allowed access to kefir (50% wt/vol) ad  libitum. Those in the fourth group received vitamin C subcutaneously (500 mg/kg) per day for 7 weeks. Six  weeks after the final AOM treatment, all animals were sacrificed and necropsied. AOM administration  caused severe liver lesions including enlarged hepatocytes (megalocytes) and many contained enlarged  nuclei. Vitamin C and kefir administration clearly reduced the severity of AOM induced liver lesions.  Induction of MT expression was observed in the liver and kidneys, particularly in the centrilobular zones  and renal cortex, mainly in the distal renal tubules, collecting tubules, Henle's loop, and medulla, respectively.  In conclusion, vitamin C and kefir supplementation were found to be able to reduce the severity of  hepatotoxic lesions.,

    Psikolojik İhtiyaçlar Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Çalışması

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    Bu araştırma genç yetişkin bireylerin psikolojik ihtiyaçlarını belirlemek amacıyla geliştirilmiş olan“Psikolojik ihtiyaçlar Ölçeğinin” geçerlik ve güvenirliğini test etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Ölçeğingeliştirilmesi sırasıyla; madde havuzu oluşturulabilmesi için ön veri toplama, nitel verilerin analiziyapılarak ölçeğin; maddelerini hazırlama, kapsam geçerliği için uzman görüşü alma, denemeuygulaması, verilerin analizinde Açımlayıcı Faktör Analizi ve Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi ile aracıngüvenirlik - geçerlik çalışmasının yapılması, şeklinde bir yol izlenmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini2019-2020 yılı içinde Kafkas üniversitesinin farklı fakültelerinde öğrenim görmekte olan 18-27 yaşarası toplam 1075 üniversite öğrencisi oluşturmaktadır. Ölçeğin Taslak maddeleri, Murray’inkuramında yer verdiği 25 psikolojik ihtiyacı ve toplam 356 maddeyi kapsayacak biçimdeoluşturulmuştur. Analiz sonuçlarına göre güvenilir bulunmayan maddeler çıkarılmış ve son olarak 50maddelik ve 4 boyutlu bir ölçek yapısı ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu boyutlar sırasıyla 1. faydalı olma/şefkatgösterme (olumlu sosyal davranış) 20 maddeden (Açıklanan varyans %22.47), 2. cinsellik 9 maddeden(Açıklanan varyans %13.59), 3. üstünlük/başatlık/gösteriş yapma 12 maddeden (Açıklanan varyans%13.68), 4. kendini açma 9 maddeden (Açıklanan varyans %9.21) maddeden oluşmaktadır. Ölçek%58.96 luk bir varyans açıklamıştır. Bu değerler ölçeğin açıkladığı varyans yükünün yeterli olduğunugöstermektedir. Ölçeğin güvenirliği için madde analizine bağlı olarak hesaplanan Cronbach Alpha içtutarlılık katsayıları .909 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, üniversite öğrencileri örneklemindegeliştirilen Psikolojik İhtiyaçlar Ölçeğinin yetişkinlerin psikolojik ihtiyaçlarını ölçmede geçerli vegüvenilir bir araç olduğu ortaya konmuştur

    Theory of shot noise in space-charge limited diffusive conduction regime

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    As is well known, the fluctuations from a stable stationary nonequilibrium state are described by a linearized nonhomogeneous Boltzmann-Langevin equation. The stationary state itself may be described by a nonlinear Boltzmann equation. The ways of its linearization sometimes seem to be not unique. We argue that there is actually a unique way to obtain a linear equation for the fluctuations. In the present paper we treat as an example an analytical theory of nonequilibrium shot noise in a diffusive conductor under the space charge limited regime. Our approach is compared with that of Schomerus, Mishchenko and Beenakker [Phys. Rev. B 60, 5839 (1999)]. We find some difference between the present theory and the approach of their paper and discuss a possible origin of the difference. We believe that it is related to the fundamentals of the theory of fluctuation phenomena in a nonequilibrium electron gas.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Determining the electronic performance limitations in top-down fabricated Si nanowires with mean widths down to 4 nm

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    Silicon nanowires have been patterned with mean widths down to 4 nm using top-down lithography and dry etching. Performance-limiting scattering processes have been measured directly which provide new insight into the electronic conduction mechanisms within the nanowires. Results demonstrate a transition from 3-dimensional (3D) to 2D and then 1D as the nanowire mean widths are reduced from 12 to 4 nm. The importance of high quality surface passivation is demonstrated by a lack of significant donor deactivation, resulting in neutral impurity scattering ultimately limiting the electronic performance. The results indicate the important parameters requiring optimization when fabricating nanowires with atomic dimensions

    Modeling Microstructure and Irradiation Effects

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