485 research outputs found

    Kinetic simulations of ladder climbing by electron plasma waves

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    The energy of plasma waves can be moved up and down the spectrum using chirped modulations of plasma parameters, which can be driven by external fields. Depending on whether the wave spectrum is discrete (bounded plasma) or continuous (boundless plasma), this phenomenon is called ladder climbing (LC) or autoresonant acceleration of plasmons. It was first proposed by Barth \textit{et al.} [PRL \textbf{115}, 075001 (2015)] based on a linear fluid model. In this paper, LC of electron plasma waves is investigated using fully nonlinear Vlasov-Poisson simulations of collisionless bounded plasma. It is shown that, in agreement with the basic theory, plasmons survive substantial transformations of the spectrum and are destroyed only when their wave numbers become large enough to trigger Landau damping. Since nonlinear effects decrease the damping rate, LC is even more efficient when practiced on structures like quasiperiodic Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) waves rather than on Langmuir waves \textit{per~se}

    The Kibble-Zurek Problem: Universality and the Scaling Limit

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    Near a critical point, the equilibrium relaxation time of a system diverges and any change of control/thermodynamic parameters leads to non-equilibrium behavior. The Kibble-Zurek problem is to determine the dynamical evolution of the system parametrically close to its critical point when the change is parametrically slow. The non-equilibrium behavior in this limit is controlled entirely by the critical point and the details of the trajectory of the system in parameter space (the protocol) close to the critical point. Together, they define a universality class consisting of critical exponents-discussed in the seminal work by Kibble and Zurek-and scaling functions for physical quantities, which have not been discussed hitherto. In this article, we give an extended and pedagogical discussion of the universal content in the Kibble-Zurek problem. We formally define a scaling limit for physical quantities near classical and quantum transitions for different sets of protocols. We report computations of a few scaling functions in model Gaussian and large-N problems and prove their universality with respect to protocol choice. We also introduce a new protocol in which the critical point is approached asymptotically at late times with the system marginally out of equilibrium, wherein logarithmic violations to scaling and anomalous dimensions occur even in the simple Gaussian problem.Comment: 19 pages,10 figure

    Violation of the zeroth law of thermodynamics for a non-ergodic interaction

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    The phenomenon described by our title should surprise no one. What may be surprising though is how easy it is to produce a quantum system with this feature; moreover, that system is one that is often used for the purpose of showing how systems equilibrate. The violation can be variously manifested. In our detailed example, bringing a detuned 2-level system into contact with a monochromatic reservoir does not cause it to relax to the reservoir temperature; rather, the system acquires the reservoir's level-occupation-ratio

    True optical spacial derivatives for plasma density measurements

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    This paper shows analytically and numerically that a vortex plate coupled to a neutral density filter can deliver a true optical derivative when placed at the focal plane of a 2f2f lens pair. This technique turns spatial variations in intensity into an intensity, which square root is the spatial derivative of the initial intensity variation. More surprisingly, it also turns any spatial variations in phase into an intensity, which square root is the spatial derivative of the initial phase variation. Since the optical derivative drops the DC component of the signal, it is possible to measure the full electron plasma turbulence spectrum optically, without using any interferometer

    A search for heavy Kaluza-Klein electroweak gauge bosons at the LHC

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    The feasibility for the observation of a certain leptonic Kaluza-Klein (KK) hard process in {\em pp} interactions at the LHC is presented. Within the S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 TeV1^{-1} extra dimensional theoretical framework with the focus on the KK excitations of the Standard Model γ\gamma and Z0Z^0 gauge bosons, the hard-process, ffˉn(γ/Z)nFFˉf\bar f \to \sum_n\left(\gamma^*/Z^*\right)_n \to F \bar F, has been used where ff is the initial state parton, FF the final state lepton and (γ/Z)n\left(\gamma^*/Z^*\right)_{n} is the nthn^{\rm th} KK excitation of the γ/Z0\gamma/Z^0 boson. For this study the analytic form for the hard process cross section has been independently calculated by the authors and has been implemented using the {\sc Moses} framework. The Moses framework itself, that has been written by the authors, was used as an external process within the {\sc Pythia} Monte Carlo generator which provides the phase space generation for the final state leptons and partons from the initial state hadrons, and the simulation of initial and final state radiation and hadronization. A brief discussion of the possibility for observing and identifying the unique signature of the KK signal given the current LHC program is also presented.Comment: 16 pages 10 figures, MCnet number: MCnet/10/06, Accepted by JHE

    Strong quantum memory at resonant Fermi edges revealed by shot noise

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    Studies of non-equilibrium current fluctuations enable assessing correlations involved in quantum transport through nanoscale conductors. They provide additional information to the mean current on charge statistics and the presence of coherence, dissipation, disorder, or entanglement. Shot noise, being a temporal integral of the current autocorrelation function, reveals dynamical information. In particular, it detects presence of non-Markovian dynamics, i.e., memory, within open systems, which has been subject of many current theoretical studies. We report on low-temperature shot noise measurements of electronic transport through InAs quantum dots in the Fermi-edge singularity regime and show that it exhibits strong memory effects caused by quantum correlations between the dot and fermionic reservoirs. Our work, apart from addressing noise in archetypical strongly correlated system of prime interest, discloses generic quantum dynamical mechanism occurring at interacting resonant Fermi edges.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    A global analysis of the comparability of winter chill models for fruit and nut trees

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    Many fruit and nut trees must fulfill a chilling requirement to break their winter dormancy and resume normal growth in spring. Several models exist for quantifying winter chill, and growers and researchers often tacitly assume that the choice of model is not important and estimates of species chilling requirements are valid across growing regions. To test this assumption, Safe Winter Chill (the amount of winter chill that is exceeded in 90% of years) was calculated for 5,078 weather stations around the world, using the Dynamic Model [in Chill Portions (CP)], the Chilling Hours (CH) Model and the Utah Model [Utah Chill Units (UCU)]. Distributions of the ratios between different winter chill metrics were mapped on a global scale. These ratios should be constant if the models were strictly proportional. Ratios between winter chill metrics varied substantially, with the CH/CP ratio ranging between 0 and 34, the UCU/CP ratio between −155 and +20 and the UCU/CH ratio between −10 and +5. The models are thus not proportional, and chilling requirements determined in a given location may not be valid elsewhere. The Utah Model produced negative winter chill totals in many Subtropical regions, where it does not seem to be useful. Mean annual temperature and daily temperature range influenced all winter chill ratios, but explained only between 12 and 27% of the variation. Data on chilling requirements should always be amended with information on the location and experimental conditions of the study in which they were determined, ideally including site-specific conversion factors between winter chill models. This would greatly facilitate the transfer of such information across growing regions, and help prepare growers for the impact of climate change

    Teleportation, Braid Group and Temperley--Lieb Algebra

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    We explore algebraic and topological structures underlying the quantum teleportation phenomena by applying the braid group and Temperley--Lieb algebra. We realize the braid teleportation configuration, teleportation swapping and virtual braid representation in the standard description of the teleportation. We devise diagrammatic rules for quantum circuits involving maximally entangled states and apply them to three sorts of descriptions of the teleportation: the transfer operator, quantum measurements and characteristic equations, and further propose the Temperley--Lieb algebra under local unitary transformations to be a mathematical structure underlying the teleportation. We compare our diagrammatical approach with two known recipes to the quantum information flow: the teleportation topology and strongly compact closed category, in order to explain our diagrammatic rules to be a natural diagrammatic language for the teleportation.Comment: 33 pages, 19 figures, latex. The present article is a short version of the preprint, quant-ph/0601050, which includes details of calculation, more topics such as topological diagrammatical operations and entanglement swapping, and calls the Temperley--Lieb category for the collection of all the Temperley--Lieb algebra with physical operations like local unitary transformation

    Electrical-thermal analytical modeling of monopolar RF thermal ablation of biological tissues: determining the circumstances under which tissue temperature reaches a steady state

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    This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES doi:10.3934/mbe.2015003 AND ENGINEERING following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE) Pages: 281 - 301, Volume 13, Issue 2, April 2016 is available online at http://www.aimsciences.org/journals/displayArticlesnew.jsp?paperID=11998[EN] It has been suggested that during RF thermal ablation of biological tissue the thermal lesion could reach an equilibrium size after 1-2 minutes. Our objective was to determine under which circumstances of electrode geometry (needle-like vs. ball-tip), electrode type (dry vs. cooled) and blood perfusion the temperature will reach a steady state at any point in the tissue. We solved the bioheat equation analytically both in cylindrical and spherical coordinates and the resultant limit temperatures were compared. Our results demonstrate mathematically that tissue temperature reaches a steady value in all cases except for cylindrical coordinates without the blood perfusion term, both for dry and cooled electrodes, where temperature increases infinitely. This result is only true when the boundary condition far from the active electrode is considered to be at infinitum. In contrast, when a finite and sufficiently large domain is considered, temperature reaches always a steady state.This work received financial support from the Spanish "Plan Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad" under Grant TEC2014-52383-C3-R (TEC2014-52383-C3-1-R).López Molina, JA.; Rivera Ortun, MJ.; Berjano, E. (2016). Electrical-thermal analytical modeling of monopolar RF thermal ablation of biological tissues: determining the circumstances under which tissue temperature reaches a steady state. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. 13(2):281-301. https://doi.org/10.3934/mbe.2015003S28130113