20 research outputs found

    New horizons from novel therapies in malignant pleural mesothelioma

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a relatively rare, but highly lethal cancer of the pleural mesothelial cells. Its pathoge-nesis is integrally linked to asbestos exposure. In spite of recent developments providing a more detailed understanding of the pathogenesis, the outcomes continue to be poor. To date, trimodality therapy involving surgery coupled with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy remains the standard of therapy. The development of resistance of the tumor cells to radiation and several che-motherapeutic agents poses even greater challenges in the management of this cancer. Ionizing radiation damages cancer cell DNA and aids in therapeutic response, but it also activates cell survival signaling pathways that helps the tumor cells to overcome radiation-induced cytotoxicity. A careful evaluation of the biology involved in mesothelioma with an emphasis on the workings of pro-survival signaling pathways might offer some guidance for treatment options. This review focuses on the existing treatment options for MPM, novel treatment approaches based on recent studies combining the use of inhibitors which target different pro-survival pathways, and radiotherapy to optimize treatment

    Current treatment strategies in malignant pleural mesothelioma with a treatment algorithm

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a rare disease with a poor prognosis. The main therapeutic options for MPM include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy (RT). Although multimodality therapy has been reported to improve survival, not every medically operable patient is able to undergo all recommended therapy. With improvements in surgical techniques and systemic therapies, as well as advancements in RT, there has been a potential new paradigm in the management of this disease. In this review, we discuss the current literature on MPM management and propose a functional treatment algorithm

    Effectiveness of a telehealth patient education intervention for breast cancer awareness and screening uptake among Afghan refugee women: a cross-sectional survey and feasibility studyResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: Refugee populations have low levels of cancer awareness, low cancer screening rates, and a high rate of advanced or metastatic cancer at diagnosis. Educational interventions to improve cancer awareness and screening have been successful in other nationality refugee populations but have never been implemented in Afghan refugee populations. We aimed to estimate the level of breast cancer awareness among Afghan refugee women and test the feasibility of a telehealth breast cancer educational intervention to increase breast cancer awareness in this population. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of Afghan refugee women residing in Istanbul, Türkiye who had no personal history of breast cancer and who presented to outpatient primary clinics for care between August 1, 2022, and February 10, 2023 was performed. Participant awareness of breast cancer (BC) was assessed using the validated BC awareness tool, Breast Cancer Awareness Measure (BCAM), during a telehealth encounter. After this baseline assessment, a BC educational intervention was administered to each participant during the telehealth encounter. Six months after the initial assessment and education, a follow-up BCAM was administered via telehealth in order to determine the effectiveness of the education intervention. Findings: One hundred participants were accrued to the study. Median age was 49 years (range: 40–64). All participants had no formal education, were married, and were not employed. Prior to the educational intervention, BC awareness was low; none of the participants were able to identify some common signs/symptoms and risk factors for BC. Prior to the educational intervention, zero participants had ever had a mammogram or seen a physician for a breast-related concern. Six months after the educational intervention, up to 99 percent of participants (99 of 100 participants) were able to correctly identify common signs or symptoms and risk factors for BC. Six months after the educational intervention, all one hundred participants had accepted the offer of a screening mammogram. Interpretation: A telehealth BC education intervention meaningfully increased BC awareness in Afghan refugee women. This increase in BC awareness was associated with a strong increase in completion of BC screening. Further implementation of educational interventions is warranted in order to increase participant awareness and improve screening rates. Funding: Dana Farber Cancer Institute Jay Harris Junior Faculty Research Grant

    Could The Neutrophil To Lymphocyte Ratio Be A Poor Prognostic Factor For Non Small Cell Lung Cancers?

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    Background: Although many prognostic factors have been identified for lung cancers, new ones are needed to determine the course of the disease. Recently, a high neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) prior to surgery or treatment has been shown to be an indicator of prognosis for cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the value of NLR as a prognostic factor and the correlation between NLR and other probable clinical prognostic factors in non small cell lung cancer patients prior to treatment. Materials and Methods: Data of patients who were diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer in our institution were retrospectively reviewed. Demographic and clinicopathologic characteristics were recorded. NLR was calculated before the application of any treatment. Results: A total of 299 patients, 270 (90%) males and 29 (10%) females, were included in the study. Age (p= 3 (p=0.048), NLR >= 4 (p=0.025) and NLR >= 5 (p=0.018) were found to be the prognostic factors. Age, anemia, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, the stage, NLR (>= 5) were an independent prognostic factors. There was a positive correlation between NLR and the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (0.23, p=0.001), the C reactive protein levels (r=0.36, p<0.001). Conclusions: Prior to treatment high NLR was found as an independent poor prognosis factor. Besides, NLR correlated with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status and the C reactive protein levels.WoSScopu

    A Case Of Multifocal Skin Metastases From Lung Cancer Presenting With Vasculitic-Type Cutaneous Nodule

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    Although cutaneous metastasis occurs usually at the terminal stage of the disease, it may be rarely concurrent with the diagnosis and may also present as the first sign of the illness. A 55-year-old male patient presented with vasculitic-type cutaneous nodular lesions and a necrotic distal phalangeal lesion developed over the last month. He was a tradesman and smoked 40 packets year. On physical examination, he was found to have multiple cutaneous lesions on the skin of the face, limbs, neck, scalp, dorsal side, fingers, subungual side, right leg, and feet. A skin lesion punch biopsy was performed and squamous cell carcinoma metastasis was detected. He was diagnosed as having squamous cell lung cancer with bronchoscopic biopsy. Although it is very rare, cutaneous metastases that is concurrent with the diagnosis of lung cancer may be the first sign of the disease. In patients with suspicious skin lesions, the patient's age, smoking history, and other symptoms should be evaluated and a biopsy should be performed.PubMe

    Nowe perspektywy leczenia złośliwego międzybłoniaka opłucnej

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    Złośliwy międzybłoniak opłucnej to stosunkowo rzadko występująca choroba rozrostowa komórek mezotelialnych opłucnej, cechująca się dużą śmiertelnością. Jej patogeneza nieodłącznie wiąże się z ekspozycją na działanie azbestu. I chociaż coraz więcej wiadomo na ten temat, nadal wiele zagadnień dotyczących mechanizmu powstawania i rozwoju złośliwego międzybłoniaka opłucnej pozostaje niejasnych. Terapia trójmodalna, składająca się z leczenia chirurgicznego skojarzonego z chemioterapią i/lub radioterapią, nadal pozostaje terapią standardową. Rozwój oporności komórek guza na radioterapię oraz niektóre środki chemioterapeutyczne bardzo utrudniają leczenie tego nowotworu. Promieniowanie jonizujące uszkadza DNA komórek nowotworowych i zwiększa odpowiedź na leczenie, lecz uaktywnia także szlaki sygnałowe przeżycia komórki, co pozwala komórkom nowotworowym pokonać cytotoksyczność wywołaną promieniowaniem. Uważna ocena międzybłoniaka na poziomie biologicznym, z naciskiem na mechanizmy działania szlaków sygnałowych prowadzących komórkę na drogę przeżycia, może być pomocna przy wyborze opcji terapeutycznej. Niniejsza praca skupia się na dostępnych metodach leczenia złośliwego międzybłoniaka opłucnej, nowym podejściu terapeutycznym opartym na najnowszych badaniach, wykorzystującym inhibitory ukierunkowane na różne szlaki sprzyjające przeżyciu i radioterapii stosowanej w celu optymalizacji metod leczenia

    Burden of prostate cancer in the Middle East: A comparative analysis based on global cancer observatory data

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    Abstract Background Prostate cancer represents a significant global health issue, yet our understanding of its impact in the Middle East remains limited. This study aimed to assess the incidence and mortality of prostate cancer in the Middle East, and compare these rates to those in Europe and North America. Materials and Methods We utilized the 2020 Global Cancer Observatory data, compiling incidence and mortality rates of prostate cancer in 20 Middle Eastern countries. We calculated mortality‐to‐incidence ratios (MIR) and compared the age‐standardized incidence rate (ASIR) and MIR between the Middle East and the combined regions of North America and Europe. The countries were further stratified based on the Human Development Index (HDI) and income level for additional analysis. Results In 2020, the Middle East documented an estimated 51,649 new prostate cancer diagnoses, accounting for 3.7% of global cases. Despite a significantly lower ASIR in the Middle East compared with Europe and North America (10.50 vs. 21.50, p = 0.0087), the region had a higher MIR (12.35 vs. 3.00, p = 0.0476). When stratified based on HDI or income levels, there was no significant difference in MIRs; however, a significant trend of increasing MIR with decreasing HDI (p = 0.028) and income levels (p = 0.016) was observed. Conclusions Despite a lower incidence, our analysis showed a significantly higher MIR for prostate cancer in the Middle East compared with Europe and North America. These findings underscore the unique challenges posed by prostate cancer in the Middle East and emphasize the necessity of tailored strategies to address this pressing public health issue

    New Horizons from Novel Therapies in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

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    Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a relatively rare, but highly lethal cancer of the pleural mesothelial cells. Its pathoge-nesis is integrally linked to asbestos exposure. In spite of recent developments providing a more detailed understanding of the pathogenesis, the outcomes continue to be poor. To date, trimodality therapy involving surgery coupled with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy remains the standard of therapy. The development of resistance of the tumor cells to radiation and several che-motherapeutic agents poses even greater challenges in the management of this cancer. Ionizing radiation damages cancer cell DNA and aids in therapeutic response, but it also activates cell survival signaling pathways that helps the tumor cells to overcome radiation-induced cytotoxicity. A careful evaluation of the biology involved in mesothelioma with an emphasis on the workings of pro-survival signaling pathways might offer some guidance for treatment options. This review focuses on the existing treatment options for MPM, novel treatment approaches based on recent studies combining the use of inhibitors which target different pro-survival pathways, and radiotherapy to optimize treatment