61 research outputs found

    Historical Alfalfa Landraces Perform Higher Yield Under Dry Farming in Turkey

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    AbstractDrought is a serious abiotic stress affecting crop yield and is an increasingly significant challenge to crop production with the climate change. Cultivars that perform well under limited water are the key for the global food security. One of the main problems for plant breeders is the availability of plant germplasm that could perform well under water limited conditions. There is wealth of wild germplasm adapted to water limited environments but they yield poorly in agricultural systems. However, historical landraces could be the key to counterbalance the yield loses due to increased drought caused by climate change. Alfalfa is a forge legume cultivated throughout the world and affected from drought significantly. USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) has a collection of Turkish alfalfa landraces gathered in second half of the last century. In this study, we evaluated the agronomic performance of a total of 100 historical landraces, wild accessions and modern cultivars in a replicated field trial in two locations in Kars Province of Turkey in order to evaluate the field performance of the accessions under non-irrigated conditions and to compare yield performance of landraces with modern cultivars.The results revealed that when all 100 entries were evaluated, the historical landraces on average perform as high as modern cultivars for the agronomic traits such as total biomass yield and plant height. When the accessions and entries considered separately, the top 20 high yielding accessions were all landraces with a few high performing wild accessions outperforming modern cultivars. The results conclude that historical landraces could directly be used in dry agriculture possess significant alleles for water use efficiency. The outcome of the current study suggests that the evaluation of plant genetic resources, especially historical landraces, under different climate conditions is vital for effective breeding strategies

    Attitudes and practices against COVID-19 vaccines in Turkiye

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    OBJECTIVE: Vaccination is the primary way to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine hesitancy and refusal are one of the most important challenges against to reach herd immunity. The aim of this study is to examine the reasons for not get-ting vaccinated and the attitudes toward vaccines by people in Turkiye, who were not vaccinated, even though a COVID-19 vaccine was available for them.METHODS: This cross-sectional study is conducted in Eyupsultan district of Istanbul. The study population is 12,540. A questionnaire consisted of three sections as sociodemographic characteristics, attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines, and Vaccination Attitudes Examination (VAX) scale was used. Among the sample size, participation rate is 69.4%.RESULTS: About 50.2% of the participants (n=259) are male, 80.3% are married, 13.1% are university graduates, and 44.0% are working in a job. About 32.8% of the participants have COVID-19 history. About 34.4% of the participants stat-ed that they would be vaccinated against COVID-19. Although those who define themselves as vaccine refuser are 5.4%, those who still refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19 are 20.1%. In addition to this, those who are hesitant about COVID-19 vaccines are 45.6%. The most frequently preferred vaccine is comirnaty (41.7%). About 13.1% of the participants stated that "if we had a domestic COVID-19 vaccine, I would have it." The most common sources of information about vaccines are television with 78.4%, and health workers are in the last place with 14.7%. "Concerns about side effects" are the most frequently cited (85.9%) reason for not vaccinating. The mean score of the VAX scale is 42.34 +/- 10.93, and the "mistrust of vaccine benefit" is higher among primary school graduates than other educational status groups (p=0.001).CONCLUSION: Anti-vaccination attitudes have increased with the COVID-19 vaccines during pandemic. Our study is valu-able in terms of examining the reasons of individuals who have not gotten vaccinated even though they had no access prob-lems. Prominent concerns of the population should be approached seriously. Otherwise, vaccine hesitancy can be a decisive factor that would prevent the success of the struggle against pandemic

    Turkish and European identity constructions in the 1815-1945 period

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    FEUTURE Online Paper No. 4 This FEUTURE paper focuses on Turkey’s and Europe’s perceptions of each other in identity and cultural terms between two periods: 1789-1922 and 1923-1945. It identifies the identity representations developed by both sides in response to key selected political and cultural drivers of these periods by subjecting the writings of prominent Ottoman bureaucrats and intellectuals in the first period as well as newspaper articles and editorials in Europe and Turkey in both periods to Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). Identity representations are then discussed in relation to the pre-identified focal issues in the relationship; namely nationalism, status in international society, civilisation and state-citizen relations. The paper finds that there is no linear pattern to identity representations that are constantly contested in both the Turkish and European contexts. Certain positive and negative events trigger identity representations in novel ways, feeding into a set of relations which can be identified by conflict, convergence or cooperation.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692976. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

    Hemşirelik Lisans Programlarında Görevli Akademisyenlerin Duygusal Emek Düzeyleri ve Duygusal Emek, İş Doyumu ve Tükenmişlik Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

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    Nursing education involves both theory and practice, which require nurse academics to interact face to face both with nursing students during teaching process, and individuals, families and other health care professionals in practice. Besides their educational responsibilities, nurse academicians have to conduct research, participate scientific meetings, publish and contribute to scientific knowledge, and perform administrative works to progress through their academic careers. Thus, emotional labor is an important part of the academic life. This descriptive and correlational study was conducted to investigate the relationship between emotional labor levels, job satisfaction and burnout of 474 nurse academicians working in nursing undergraduate programs of state universities located at seven geographical areas of in Turkey in 2019. Ethical approval, written permissions of Universities, authors’ permissions who conducted Turkish validity and reliability studies of instruments, and informed consents of participants were obtained. Data were collected through using “Descriptive Characteristics Form”, “Emotional Labor Scale”, “The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory” and the “Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire”. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, skewness and kurtosis, t test, one-way analysis of variance, Hierarchical regression model and path analysis which is a structural equation model. According to the results, nurse academicians mostly preferred to display genuine acting, (4.38±0.65), deep acting (2.89±1.22), and surface acting (1.84±0.79) respectively. Nurse academicians highest mean scores obtained from burnout and job satisfaction scales were work-related burnout (48.32±15.3) and internal job satisfaction (46.32±6.79). Emotional labor was a determinant factor on job satisfaction and burnout. Results indicated positive correlation between surface acting and all dimensions of burnout, and negative correlation between genuine acting and burnout. Working as a nurse academician in Faculty of Nursing increased work and student related burnout, while being a research assistant/lecturer and female gender increased personal burnout. Both deep acting and genuine acting have increased job satisfaction, while being a research assistant/lecturer, personal burnout and wok-related burnout have led to decrease in job satisfaction. Based on the results, scientific meetings towards increasing the awareness of nurse academicians on the importance of genuine acting and deep acting during their interactions between students, and further research on investigating factors that affect burnout and job satisfaction at academic institutions are suggested.Hemşirelik eğitiminin teorik ve uygulamayı içermesi, hemşire akademisyenlerin hem öğretim sürecinde öğrenciler ile hem de uygulamada birey, aile ve diğer sağlık bakım profesyonelleri ile etkileşim içinde olmalarını gerektirmektedir. Hemşire akademisyenler, eğitimle ilgili sorumluluklarının yanı sıra, akademik kariyerlerinde ilerleyebilmek için araştırmalar yapmak, bilimsel toplantılara katılmak, yayınlarla bilimsel bilgiye katkıda bulunmak ve idari işleri de yerine getirmek zorundadırlar. Bu nedenle duygusal emek akademik yaşamın önemli bir parçasıdır. Bu tanımlayıcı ve ilişkisel araştırma, hemşirelik lisans programlarında görevli akademisyenlerin duygusal emek düzeyleri ve duygusal emek, iş doyumu ve tükenmişlik arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amacıyla, Türkiye’nin yedi coğrafi bölgesindeki devlet Üniversitelerinde çalışan 474 hemşire akademisyen üzerinde 2019 yılında yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın yürütülebilmesi için etik kurul onayı, ilgili Üniversitelerden resmi izin, ölçüm araçlarının Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmasını yapan yazarlar ve katılımcılardan aydınlatılmış onam alınmıştır. Veriler “Tanımlayıcı Özellikler Formu”, “Duygusal Emek Ölçeği”, “Kopenhag Tükenmişlik Envanteri” ve “Minnesota İş Doyumu Ölçeği” aracılığı ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, Kolmogorov Smirnov, skewness ve kurtosis değerleri, t testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi, Hiyerarşik regresyon modeli ve yapısal eşitlik modeli olan yol analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma bulgularına göre; akademisyenlerin en fazla doğal, samimi duyguları sergilediği (4,38±0,65), onu sırasıyla derinden rol yapma (2,89±1,22) ve yüzeysel rol yapmanın (1,84±0,79) takip ettiği belirlenmiştir. Hemşire akademisyenlerin, tükenmişlik ve iş doyumu ile ilgili elde ettiği en yüksek puan ortalamaları “İş ile ilgili tükenme” (48,32±15,3) ve “İçsel iş doyumu” (46,32±6,79) alt boyutlarındadır. Duygusal emeğin tükenmişlik ve iş doyumunu etkileyen bir belirleyici olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuçlar, yüzeysel rol yapma ile tükenmişlik tüm alt boyutları arasında pozitif, doğal duygular ile tükenmişlik arasında negatif ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Hemşirelik Fakültesi’nde çalışmak iş ve öğrenci ile ilgili tükenmeyi artırmış iken; araştırma görevlisi/öğretim görevlisi unvanında çalışmak ve kadın olmak kişisel tükenmeyi artırmıştır. Derinden rol yapmanın ve doğal duyguların, iş doyumunu artırdığı; araştırma görevlisi/öğretim görevlisi unvanında çalışmanın, kişisel tükenmenin ve iş ile ilgili tükenmenin ise iş doyumunu azalttığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları doğrultusunda, akademisyenlerin öğrencileriyle etkileşimleri sürecinde derinden rol yapmanın ve doğal duyguların önemine ilişkin farkındalığının artırılmasına yönelik bilimsel etkinliklere yer verilmesi, akademik ortamda tükenmişlik ve iş doyumunu etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesine yönelik ileriye dönük araştırmaların yürütülmesi önerilmiştir

    Optimization of Minimum Spanning Tree and Traveling Salesman Problems Arising in a University Campus Network

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    The network problem of a university campus is investigated in this study. The facilities such as departments, administration buildings, dormitory and etc. on the network are considered as the nodes. The aims of this study are twofold: finding the shortest distance which visits all nodes and finding the minimum path which connects all nodes. To achieve the aforementioned goals, the problem is modeled as a traveling salesman problem (TSP) and minimum spanning tree (MST), respectively. Two different binary integer programming models are developed and applied to the case study of Gaziantep University campus network with 72 nodes. The results of the models provide the feasible route to visit all nodes and the feasible path which interconnects every node pair of

    Bazı Silajlık Mısır Çeşitlerinin Verim ve Bitkisel Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

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    The study was conducted to determine yield and some plant characteristics in some silage corn varieties grown as the main product in Igdir province ecological conditions. The study was established to randomized complete block design pattern with three replications in irrigating conditions. In this research, plant height (cm), forage yield (t ha-1), fodder ratio (%), dry matter yield (t ha-1), leaf ratio (%), stem ratio (%), cob ratio (%), the number of leaf (number/ plant), plant weight (g) were determined in 10 silage corn varieties. According to results; plant height between 204.2 cm (OSSK-602) and 313.9 cm (OSSK-644), forage yield 60.5 t ha-1 (OSSK-602) and 110.5 t ha-1 (TK-6063), hay ratio 30.3% (OSSK-644) and 38.6% (TK-6063), hay yield 20.3 t ha-1 (OSSK-602) and 41.5 t ha-1 (TK-6063), ), leaf ratio 14.3% (OSSK- 596) and 18.3% (RX-9292), stem ratio 42.3% (Hido) and 51.0% (OSSK-644), cob ratio 36.0% (OSSK-644) and 45.6% (OSSK-602), the number of leaf 11.0 (OSSK-602) and 13.3 g (TC-6063) plant weight 635.9 g (OSSK-602) and 1160.6 g (TK-6063) was found. As a result, TK-6063, Hido and Shemall varieties has been found suitable for region ecology, respectively.Bu çalışma Iğdır ekolojik şartlarında ana ürün olarak yetiştirilen bazı silajlık mısır çeşitlerinin verim ve bazı bitkisel özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Araştırma, sulu koşullarda 3 tekerrürlü olarak şansa bağlı tam bloklar deneme desenine göre kurulmuştur. Araştırmada, 10 silajlık mısır çeşidinin bitki boyu, yeşil ot verimi, kuru ot oranı, kuru ot verimi, yaprak oranı, sap oranı koçan oranı, yaprak sayısı ve bitki ağırlığı belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, bitki boyu 204.2 cm (OSSK-602) ve 313.9 cm (OSSK-644), yaş ot verimi 60.5 t ha-1 (OSSK-602) ve 110.5 t ha-1 (TK-6063), kuru ot oranı %30.3 (OSSK-644) ve %38.6 (TK-6063), kuru ot verimi 20.3 t ha-1 (OSSK-602) ve 41.5 t ha-1 (TK-6063), ), yaprak oranı %14.3 (OSSK- 596) ve %18.3 (RX-9292), sap oranı %42.3 (Hido) ve %51.0 (OSSK-644), koçan oranı %36 (OSSK-644) ve %45.6 (OSSK-602), bitkide yaprak sayısı 11.0 (OSSK-602) ve 13.3 (TC-6063) bitki ağırlığı 635.9 g (OSSK-602) and 1160.6 g (TK- 6063) arasında bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, bölge şartlarında en uygun mısır çeşitlerinin TK-6063, Hido ve Shemall olduğu bulunmuştur

    Determination of Feeding Values of Different Grain Corn (Zea mays L.) Varieties

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    Bu araGtırma Iğdır Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi deneme alanlarında 10 adet RX-9292, SHEMALL, OSSK-602, 71 MAY 69, OSSK-596, OSSK-644, TK-6063, 72-MAY-80, HGDO ve TK-6060 mısır çeGidi kullanılarak tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre üç tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuGtur. AraGtırmada kullanılan mısır çeGitlerinin tanelerinde ham protein (HP), nötr deterjan lif (NDF), asit deterjan lif (ADF), asit deterjan lignin (ADL), kuru madde sindirilebilirliği (KMS), sindirilebilir enerji (SE), metabolik enerji (ME), kuru madde tüketimi (KMT), nispi yem değeri (NYD) belirlenmiGtir. AraGtırma sonuçlara göre en yüksek ham protein oranları RX-9292, SHEMALL, OSSK-602 ve 71 MAY 69 çeGitlerinden elde edilmiGtir. En düGük NDF ve ADF oranları sırasıyla %26.8 ve %2.72 olarak 71 MAY 69 çeGidinden elde edilmiGtir. Bunun birlikte en yüksek kuru madde sindirilebilirliği % 86.8, sindirilebilir enerji değeri 3.98 Mcal kg-1, metabolik enerji değeri 3.27 Mcal kg-1 ve en yüksek KMT (Kuru madde tüketim oranı), %4.54 ve nispi yem değeri en yüksek 305.5 olan 71 MAY 69 çeGidi hayvan besleme için önerilebilir.In this research, 10 RX-9292, SHEMALL, OSSK-602, 71 MAY 69, OSSK-596, OSSK-644, TK-6063, 72-MAY- 80, HIDO and TK-6060 maize types were used in the experiment areas of the Agricultural Faculty of Iğdır University. In this study, CP (Crude protein), NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber) ADL (Acid Detergent Lignin), DMD (Dry matter digestibility), DE (Digestible energy), ME (Metabolizable energy), DMI (Dry matter intake), RFV (Relative feed value) contents of grain of corn varieties was determined. The random blocks were set up with three replications according to the trial design. According to the results obtained, the highest crude protein ratios were obtained from RX-9292, SHEMALL, OSSK- 602, and 71 MAY 69 varieties. The lowest NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) and ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber) ratios were 26.8% and 2.72%, respectively, of 71 MAY 69. The highest DMD (Dry matter digestibility) was 86.8%, the digestible energy value was 3.98 Mcal kg-1, the metabolic energy value was 3.27 Mcal kg-1, the highest DMI (Dry matter intake) was 4.54% and the RFV (Relative feed value) was highest at 305.5 71 MAY 69 genotype may be suggested for animal feeding

    Bazı Silajlık Sorgum ve Sudan Otu Çeşitlerinin İkinci Ürün Verim ve Bazı Bitkisel Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate some plant traits and yield of silage sorghum cultivars and sudangrass grown as the second crop in the center of agricultural research and applying, in the 2015 year. In the experiment was used three sorghum (Rox, Early Sumac, and Leoti), two sorghum x sudangrass hybrid (Nutri Honey and Hay Day) and one, Sudan-grass (Gözde 80) under irrigated conditions of Iğdır. The experimental layout was completely randomized block design with three replicates. Plant height of cultivars (cm), dry matter ratio (%), green herbage and dry matter yield (kg da-1), leaf ratio (%), the stem ratio (%), ear rate (%), the number of leaves per plant and the plant weight (g) was determined in the trial. According to results of experiments, plant heights (197.1-299.4 cm), green yield (3482-8337 kg da-1), dry matter ratio (32.0-38.0 %), dry matter yield (1141.2-2658.1 kg da-1), leaf ratio (15.7-20.0%), the stem ratio (71-78 %), the panicle ratio (7.3-9.3%), the number of leaves (9.5-12.5), the plant weight (375.5-875.4 g plant-1) was obtained. Additionally, positive and a significant correlation was observed between the of plant weight and the dry matter yield on the green herbage yield, but the effects of plant height, leaf, stem, leaves rates were insignificant. These results suggested that Hay Day, Leoti and Early Sumac will be able to grow as a silage in respect of green herbage and dry matter yields under the ecological condition of this region