870 research outputs found

    World Market for Mergers and Acquisitions

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    Despite the fact that one-third of worldwide mergers involve firms from different countries, the vast majority of the academic literature on mergers studies domestic mergers. What little has been written about cross-border mergers has focused on public firms, usually from the United States. Yet, the vast majority of cross-border mergers involve private firms that are not from the United States. We provide an analysis of a sample of 56,978 cross-border mergers occurring between 1990 and 2007. We first characterize the patterns of who buys whom: Geography matters, with firms being much more likely to purchase firms in nearby countries than in countries far away. Purchasers are usually but not always from developed countries and they tend to purchase firms in countries with lower accounting standards. A significant factor in determining acquisition patterns is currency movements; firms tend to purchase firms from countries relative to which the currency of the acquirers country has appreciated. In addition, economy-wide factors reflected in the countrys stock market returns lead to acquisitions as well. Both the currency and stock market effect could suggest either misvaluation or wealth explanations. Our evidence is more consistent with the wealth explanation than the misvaluation explanation.Mergers; Currency movements; Market movements; Valuation

    Macroeconomic Conditions and Capital Raising

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    Economic theory, as well as commonly-stated views of practitioners, suggests that macroeconomic conditions can affect both the ability and manner in which firms raise external financing. Theory suggests that downturns should be associated with a shift toward less information-sensitive securities, as well as a ‘flight to quality,’ in which firms can issue high-rated securities but not low-rated ones. We evaluate these hypotheses on a large sample of publicly-traded debt issues, seasoned equity offers, and bank loans. We find that worse macroeconomic conditions lead firms to use less information-sensitive securities. In addition, poor market conditions affect the structure of securities offered, shifting them towards shorter maturities and more security. Furthermore, market conditions affect the quality of securities offered, with worsening conditions substantially lowering the number of low-rated debt issues. Overall, these findings suggest that macroeconomic conditions are important factors in firms’ capital raising decisions.Market downturns; Security choice; Maturity; Security

    A methodology for solving single-model, stochastic assembly line balancing problem

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this paper, a methodology is developed to solve the single-model, stochastic assembly line balancing problem for the objective of minimizing the total labor cost and the expected incompletion cost arising from tasks not completed within the prescribed cycle time. The methodology is based on determining an initial DP based solution and its improvement using a branch-and-bound procedure which uses an approximate solution instead of a lower bound for fathoming nodes. Detailed experimentation shows the superiority of this method over the most promising one from the literature. # 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    World Markets for Mergers and Acquisitions

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    Despite the fact that one-third of worldwide mergers involve firms from different countries, the vast majority of the academic literature on mergers studies domestic mergers. What little has been written about cross-border mergers has focused on public firms, usually from the United States. Yet, the vast majority of cross-border mergers involve private firms that are not from the United States. We provide an analysis of a sample of 56,978 cross-border mergers occurring between 1990 and 2007. We first characterize the patterns of who buys whom: Geography matters, with firms being much more likely to purchase firms in nearby countries than in countries far away. Purchasers are usually but not always from developed countries and they tend to purchase firms in countries with lower investor protection and accounting standards. A significant factor in determining acquisition patterns is currency movements; firms tend to purchase firms from countries relative to which the acquirer’s currency has appreciated. In addition economy-wide factors reflected in the country’s stock market returns lead to acquisitions as well. Both the currency and stock market effect could reflect either misvaluation or wealth explanations. Our evidence is more consistent with the wealth explanation than the misvaluation explanation.

    Primary psoas muscle abscess diagnosed and treated during pregnancy: case report and literature review.

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    BACKGROUND: Primary psoas muscle abscess is rare and can be difficult to diagnose, particularly during pregnancy. CASE: To our knowledge, this is the first case of primary psoas muscle abscess diagnosed during pregnancy. Clinical investigation did not reveal any infection spreading from adjacent structures. Surgical drainage and simultaneous Cesarean delivery of the infant, combined with appropriate antibiotics, enabled a cure. CONCLUSION: The possibility of psoas muscle abscess should be taken into account when investigating lower back pain during pregnancy if conventional approaches are unsatisfactory

    Universality Classes in Isotropic, Abelian and non-Abelian, Sandpile Models

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    Universality in isotropic, abelian and non-abelian, sandpile models is examined using extensive numerical simulations. To characterize the critical behavior we employ an extended set of critical exponents, geometric features of the avalanches, as well as scaling functions describing the time evolution of average quantities such as the area and size during the avalanche. Comparing between the abelian Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld model [P. Bak, C. Tang and K. Wiensenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 381 (1987)], and the non-abelian models introduced by Manna [S. S. Manna, J. Phys. A. 24, L363 (1991)] and Zhang [Y. C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 63, 470 (1989)] we find strong indications that each one of these models belongs to a distinct universality class.Comment: 18 pages of text, RevTeX, additional 8 figures in 12 PS file

    Migrant mothers’ creative interventions into racialized citizenship

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    Racialized migrant mothers are often cast as marginal to theoretical and political debates of citizenship, yet by taking seriously the contributions to cultural and caring citizenship they make, we challenge the racialized boundaries of citizenship. Drawing on theories of enacting citizenship, that is, challenging hegemonic narratives of who can legitimately claim to contribute to citizenship, we explore migrant women’s mothering through participatory theatre methods. Through analysis of participatory action research (PAR) with migrant mothers in London, we emphasize the significance of embodied and affective meanings for challenging racialized citizenship. The theatre methods allow participants to develop collective subjugated knowledges challenging racialized, gendered and classed stratifications of rights, burdens and privileges of caring citizenship. This draws attention to the important role of creativity of the self as an aspect of both cultural and care work for understanding racialized migrant mothers’ citizenship

    Measurement of the total antioxidant response using a novel automated method in subjects with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

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    BACKGROUND: Oxidative stress, an increase in oxidants and/or a decrease in antioxidant capacity, is one of the potential biochemical mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. We aimed to investigate the total antioxidant response using a novel automated method in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis subjects. As a reciprocal measure, we also aimed to determine total peroxide level in the same plasma samples. METHODS: Twenty-two subjects with biopsy proven nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and 22 healthy controls were enrolled. Total antioxidant response and total peroxide level measurements were done in all participants. The ratio percentage of total peroxide level to total antioxidant response was regarded as oxidative stress index. RESULTS: Total antioxidant response of subjects with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis was significantly lower than controls (p < 0.05), while mean total peroxide level and mean oxidative stress index were higher (all p < 0.05). In subjects with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, fibrosis score was significantly correlated with total peroxide level, total antioxidant response and oxidative stress index (p < 0.05, r = 0.607; p < 0.05, r = -0.506; p < 0.05, r = 0.728, respectively). However, no correlation was observed between necroimflamatory grade and those oxidative status parameters (all p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is associated with increased oxidant capacity, especially in the presence of liver fibrosis. The novel automated assay is a reliable and easily applicable method for total plasma antioxidant response measurement in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

    Measurement of tibial nerve excursion during ankle joint dorsiflexion in a weight-bearing position with ultrasound imaging

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    The ability of peripheral nerves to stretch and slide is thought to be of paramount importance to maintain ideal neural function. Excursion in peripheral nerves such as the tibial can be measured by analysis of ultrasound images. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of longitudinal tibial nerve excursion as the ankle moved from plantar flexion to dorsiflexion in a standardised weight-bearing position. The reliability of ultrasound imaging to measure tibial nerve excursion was also quantified