27 research outputs found

    A weighted dispersive estimate for Schr\"{o}dinger operators in dimension two

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    Let H=Δ+VH=-\Delta+V, where VV is a real valued potential on R2\R^2 satisfying |V(x)|\les \la x\ra^{-3-}. We prove that if zero is a regular point of the spectrum of H=Δ+VH=-\Delta+V, then \|w^{-1} e^{itH}P_{ac}f\|_{L^\infty(\R^2)}\les \f1{|t|\log^2(|t|)} \|w f\|_{L^1(\R^2)}, |t| >2, with w(x)=log2(2+x)w(x)=\log^2(2+|x|). This decay rate was obtained by Murata in the setting of weighted L2L^2 spaces with polynomially growing weights.Comment: 23 page

    Analytic and asymptotic properties of non-symmetric Linnik's probability densities

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    Ankara : Department of Mathematics and The Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 1995.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1995.Includes bibliographical references leaves 44-45We prove that the function 1 , a 6 (0 ,2 ), ^ e R, 1 + is a characteristic function of a probability distribution if and only if ( a , 0 e P D = {{a,e) : a € (0,2), \d\ < m in (f^ , x - ^ ) (mod 27t)}. This distribution is absolutely continuous, its density is denoted by p^(x). For 0 = 0 (mod 2tt), it is symmetric and was introduced by Linnik (1953). Under another restrictions on 0 it was introduced by Laha (1960), Pillai (1990), Pakes (1992). In the work, it is proved that p^{±x) is completely monotonic on (0, oo) and is unimodal on R for any (a,0) € PD. Monotonicity properties of p^(x) with respect to 9 are studied. Expansions of p^(x) both into asymptotic series as X —»· ±oo and into conditionally convergent series in terms of log |x|, \x\^ (^ = 0 ,1 ,2 ,...) are obtained. The last series are absolutely convergent for almost all but not for all values of (a, 0) € PD. The corresponding subsets of P D are described in terms of Liouville numbers.Erdoğan, M BurakM.S

    Fractal solutions of linear and nonlinear dispersive partial differential equations

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    In this paper we study fractal solutions of linear and nonlinear dispersive PDE on the torus. In the first part we answer some open questions on the fractal solutions of linear Schr\"odinger equation and equations with higher order dispersion. We also discuss applications to their nonlinear counterparts like the cubic Schr\"odinger equation (NLS) and the Korteweg-de Vries equation (KdV). In the second part, we study fractal solutions of the vortex filament equation and the associated Schr\"odinger map equation (SM). In particular, we construct global strong solutions of the SM in HsH^s for s>32s>\frac32 for which the evolution of the curvature is given by a periodic nonlinear Schr\"odinger evolution. We also construct unique weak solutions in the energy level. Our analysis follows the frame construction of Chang {\em et al.} \cite{csu} and Nahmod {\em et al.} \cite{nsvz}.Comment: 28 page

    Energy Growth in Schrödinger's Equation with Markovian Forcing

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    Schrödinger's equation is considered on a one-dimensional torus with time dependent potential v(θ,t)=λV(θ)X(t), where V(θ) is an even trigonometric polynomial and X(t) is a stationary Markov process. It is shown that when the coupling constant λ is sufficiently small, the average kinetic energy grows as the square-root of time. More generally, the H^s norm of the wave function is shown to behave as t^(s/4A)

    Dispersive estimates for massive Dirac operators in dimension two

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    We study the massive two dimensional Dirac operator with an electric potential. In particular, we show that the t1t^{-1} decay rate holds in the L1LL^1\to L^\infty setting if the threshold energies are regular. We also show these bounds hold in the presence of s-wave resonances at the threshold. We further show that, if the threshold energies are regular that a faster decay rate of t1(logt)2t^{-1}(\log t)^{-2} is attained for large tt, at the cost of logarithmic spatial weights. The free Dirac equation does not satisfy this bound due to the s-wave resonances at the threshold energies.Comment: 40 page

    Energy Growth in Schrödinger's Equation with Markovian Forcing

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    Schrödinger's equation is considered on a one-dimensional torus with time dependent potential v(θ,t)=λV(θ)X(t), where V(θ) is an even trigonometric polynomial and X(t) is a stationary Markov process. It is shown that when the coupling constant λ is sufficiently small, the average kinetic energy grows as the square-root of time. More generally, the H^s norm of the wave function is shown to behave as t^(s/4A)

    On the LpL^p boundedness of wave operators for two-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators with threshold obstructions

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    Let H=Δ+VH=-\Delta+V be a Schr\"odinger operator on L2(R2)L^2(\mathbb R^2) with real-valued potential VV, and let H0=ΔH_0=-\Delta. If VV has sufficient pointwise decay, the wave operators W±=slimt±eitHeitH0W_{\pm}=s-\lim_{t\to \pm\infty} e^{itH}e^{-itH_0} are known to be bounded on Lp(R2)L^p(\mathbb R^2) for all 1<p<1< p< \infty if zero is not an eigenvalue or resonance. We show that if there is an s-wave resonance or an eigenvalue only at zero, then the wave operators are bounded on Lp(R2)L^p(\mathbb R^2) for 1<p<1 < p<\infty. This result stands in contrast to results in higher dimensions, where the presence of zero energy obstructions is known to shrink the range of valid exponents pp.Comment: Revised according to referee's comments. 22 pages, to appear in J. Funct. Ana

    Mixed norm estimates for a restricted X-ray transform

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    In this paper, we establish optimal mixed norm inequalities, except for endpoints, for a certain restricted X-ray transform in arbitrary dimensions. In doing so, we demonstrate that a method [2] applied heretofore only to simpler nonmixed norm estimates can also be adapted to the mixed norm case

    Mixed norm estimates for a restricted X-ray transform

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    In this paper, we establish optimal mixed norm inequalities, except for endpoints, for a certain restricted X-ray transform in arbitrary dimensions. In doing so, we demonstrate that a method [2] applied heretofore only to simpler nonmixed norm estimates can also be adapted to the mixed norm case