893 research outputs found

    Biserial algebras via subalgebras and the path algebra of D_4

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    We give two new criteria for a basic algebra to be biserial. The first one states that an algebra is biserial iff all subalgebras of the form eAe where e is supported by at most 4 vertices are biserial. The second one gives some condition on modules that must not exist for a biserial algebra. These modules have properties similar to the module with dimension vector (1,1,1,1) for the path algebra of the quiver D_4. Both criteria generalize criteria for an algebra to be Nakayama. They rely on the description of a basic biserial algebra in terms of quiver and relations given by R. Vila-Freyer and W. Crawley- Boevey

    Digital Streetwork. Bericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des Modellprojektes in Bayern im Jahr 2022

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    Bericht der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des Projektes „Digital Streetwork" für das Jahr 2022. „Digital Streetwork“ (DSW) startete im Sommer 2021 als Modellprojekt in Kooperation des Bayerischen Jugendringes (BJR) mit dem JFF – Institut für Medienpädagogik in Forschung und Praxis. Der BJR ist der Träger des Projektes und das JFF für die fachliche und wissenschaftliche Begleitung zuständig. Gefördert wird das Projekt durch das Bayerische Staatsministerium für Familie, Arbeit und Soziales als Bestandteil des Aktionsplans Jugend. Ziel der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung ist es, zielführende Arbeitsweisen und Vernetzungsstrukturen sichtbar zu machen sowie auf Herausforderungen hinzuweisen, die sich den Fachkräften im Rahmen des in dieser Form neuartigen Arbeitsfeldes stellen. Es wurden vier Instrumente verwendet, um ein umfassendes Bild von der Arbeit der Fachkräfte zu erhalten: eine umfangreiche Dokumentenanalyse von im Projektkontext entstandenen Dokumenten, qualitative Interviews und Beobachtungen mit im Projekt tätigen Fachkräften und ergänzend ein Feedback-Tool für Klient*innen. Die Ergebnisdarstellung des Berichtes lässt sich grob in drei Teile gliedern: die individuelle Arbeit der Fachkräfte in ihren verschiedenen Arbeitsbereichen mit einem besonderen Fokus auf die Kontakt- und Beziehungsarbeit und auf unterschiedlichen Plattformen und Games (Kapitel 2 – 4), Team-, Vernetzungs- und Kooperationsaktivitäten (Kapitel 5) sowie zentrale Herausforderungen und Spannungsfelder (Kapitel 6)

    Comparative Life Cycle Assessment Of Conventionally Manufactured And Additive Remanufactured Electric Bicycle Motors

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    In a circular economy, remanufacturing is crucial in reducing the use of primary raw materials and energy compared to new production. However, poor availability of non-standardized wear components can prevent remanufacturing. Additive manufacturing is a promising alternative to conventional manufacturing or spare part purchase for those wear components required for remanufacturing. However, there is uncertainty regarding the environmental impact of using additive manufacturing for remanufacturing. This paper compares conventional and additive spare parts manufacturing to evaluate the potential environmental savings of remanufacturing electric bicycle motors. Therefore, a reference motor was selected, and its manufacturing processes were modeled in SimaPro using the ecoinvent 3.8 Life Cycle Assessment database and the latest knowledge on processing and manufacturing processes. The results show that conventional production of electric bicycle motors has a climate warming potential of around 28 kg CO2-eq. Additive remanufacturing of electric bicycle motors at the end of their life cycle offers significant environmental savings potential. The extent of savings depends on the condition of the used electric bicycle motor and, accordingly, the number of components that need to be replaced. According to the IPCC method for the electric bicycle motor investigated, the study estimates that approximately 90.4 % savings potential can be achieved in terms of Global Warming Potential

    "Es war die ganze Zeit ein Jonglieren". Chancen und Herausforderungen von Online-Formaten in der kulturellen Bildung

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    In der Untersuchung stehen ausgewählte, im Rahmen von Kultur macht stark geförderte Projekte und die Erfahrungen der Fachkräfte, die für die Umsetzung dieser Projekte verantwortlich waren, im Fokus. Kultur macht stark, ein Förderprogramm des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), hat das Ziel, Kindern und Jugendlichen aus benachteiligenden Verhältnissen kulturelle Bildung zu ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen anschaulich, wie Phänomene des digitalen Wandels auch in der kulturellen Bildung aufgegriffen werden. Potenziale werden vor allem in Bezug auf das Anknüpfen an die Lebenswelt von Kindern und Jugendlichen, die Möglichkeit, sich zeit- und ortsunabhängig zu treffen, sowie das erleichterte Einbinden von digitalen Inhalten und Werkzeugen bzw. externer Expertise sichtbar. Gleichzeitig wird deutlich, dass die Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in Präsenz weiterhin große Bedeutung hat. Gerade Kinder und Jugendliche aus benachteiligenden Strukturen sind schwerer zu erreichen, wenn Projekte der kulturellen Bildung auf technische Infrastruktur angewiesen sind. Weiterhin werden die Potenziale hybrider bzw. blended Formate deutlich, um die Vorteile beider Arbeitsweisen nutzbar zu machen und kulturelle Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche im Zuge des digitalen Wandels nachhaltig gestalten zu können. (DIPF/Orig.

    Cost evaluation of an innovative outreach clinic across social insurance codes in rural Northern Germany - A routine data analysis

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    A community outreach clinic was established in 2013 in a rural part of Germany to counsel and better integrate patients with mental health disorders or clients with psychosocial problems into the healthcare and complementary social assistance system. In a pilot study, we aimed to evaluate the costs of the integration assistance system after the outreach clinic was opened, the number of visits and the trend in the costs of the social assistance system of the federal state. Anonymised secondary cost data were used to evaluate the costs associated with the integration assistance receivers before (2010–2012) and after the establishment of the outreach clinic (2013–2015). Total costs were descriptively compared between the intervention group (consultation in the outreach clinic), the non-referral group, and a propensity score-matched control group for the years 2013–2015. To monitor the counselling activity, we used anonymised data on visits to the outreach clinic between 2013 and 2015. Data from 50 clients in the outreach clinic and 678 non-referral clients were analysed. The total costs of the integration assistance for the years 2013–2015 amounted to EUR 21,516 (95% CI 14,513–28,518) and EUR 28,464 (25,789–31,140) respectively. Propensity score matching of the controls resulted in equalised total costs for the years 2013 through 2015 for clients (n = 50, EUR 21,516 (14,513–28,518)) and controls (n = 250, EUR 21,725 (18,214–25,234)). The total number of integration assistance receivers in the district was lower than the average for the federal state. The number of consultations at the outpatient clinic steadily increased from 146 in 2013 to 1,090 in 2015. Counselling in the outreach clinic might help reduce the placement of clients into integration assistance, including supported housing, and slow the expected cost trend. However, counselling failed to lower total costs in the integration assistance service, possibly due to the selection of more severe cases

    SARS-CoV-2 NSP12 associates with TRiC and the P323L substitution acts as a host adaption.

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    ImportanceSARS-CoV-2 has caused a worldwide health and economic crisis. During the course of the pandemic, genetic changes occurred in the virus, which have resulted in new properties of the virus-particularly around gains in transmission and the ability to partially evade either natural or vaccine-acquired immunity. Some of these viruses have been labeled Variants of Concern (VoCs). At the root of all VoCs are two mutations, one in the viral spike protein that has been very well characterized and the other in the virus polymerase (NSP12). This is the viral protein responsible for replicating the genome. We show that NSP12 associates with host cell proteins that act as a scaffold to facilitate the function of this protein. Furthermore, we found that different variants of NSP12 interact with host cell proteins in subtle and different ways, which affect function

    Assessing the causal association of glycine with risk of cardio-metabolic diseases.

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    Circulating levels of glycine have previously been associated with lower incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) but it remains uncertain if glycine plays an aetiological role. We present a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies for glycine in 80,003 participants and investigate the causality and potential mechanisms of the association between glycine and cardio-metabolic diseases using genetic approaches. We identify 27 genetic loci, of which 22 have not previously been reported for glycine. We show that glycine is genetically associated with lower CHD risk and find that this may be partly driven by blood pressure. Evidence for a genetic association of glycine with T2D is weaker, but we find a strong inverse genetic effect of hyperinsulinaemia on glycine. Our findings strengthen evidence for a protective effect of glycine on CHD and show that the glycine-T2D association may be driven by a glycine-lowering effect of insulin resistance.N. G. F. and F.I. acknowledge funding from Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit MC_UU_12015/5. N.G.F. and N. J. W. acknowledge funding from the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre Cambridge: Nutrition, Diet, and Lifestyle Research Theme (IS-BRC-1215-20014). S. B. is supported by Sir Henry Dale Fellowship jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (204623/Z/16/Z). J. D. is funded by the National Institute for Health Research [Senior Investigator Award]. N. J. W. and C. L. acknowledge funding from the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit (MC_UU_12015/1)
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