72 research outputs found

    Biosorption kinetics of a direct azo dye Sirius Blue K-CFN by Trametes versicolor

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    In this study, lyophilized Trametes versicolor biomass is used as a sorbent for biosorption of a textile dye, Sirius Blue K-CFN, from an aqueous solution. The batch sorption was studied with respect to dye concentration, adsorbent dose and equilibrium time. The effect of pH and temperature on dye uptake was also investigated and kinetic parameters were determined. Optimal initial pH (3.0), equilibrium time (2 hrs), initial dye concentration ( 100 mg l-1) and biomass concentration (1.2 mg l-1) were determined at 26\ubaC. The maximum biosorption capacity (qmax) of Sirius Blue K-CFN dye on lyophilized T. versicolor biomass is 62.62 mg/g. The kinetic and isotherm studies indicated that the biosorption process obeys to a pseudo-second order model and Langmuir isotherm model. In addition, the biosorption capacities of fungal biomass compared to other well known adsorbents such as activated carbon and Amberlite, fungal biomass biosorptions capacities were found to be more efficient

    Old maps and the effectiveness of chitosan as antimicrobial agent

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    [EN] In the case of tangible cultural heritage items made of natural fibres, biodegradation due to microorganisms can lead over time to undesirable deterioration, including physical, mechanical and chemical damage as well as aesthetic alteration of materials. In this study, the antifungal activity tests were performed on 3 old maps (on silk, on canvas and on paper) using the AATCC 30-2004 test method. Map samples were immersed in a chitosan solution (10 g/l) and evaluated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with a Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (ULTRA 55, ZEISS). The process showed that, due to its antimicrobial effect, chitosan treatment is effective for removing external agents and microorganisms present on fibre surfaces. The technique is simple, efficient and the results indicated that chitosan can be transformed into a very good and cheap antimicrobial solution for the conservation and preservation of heritage objects.The research article was produced with equal scientific involvement of all authors. We acknowledge the partially contribution of University of Oradea Grants, Competition "Scientific Research of Excellence Related to Priority Areas with Capitalization through Technology Transfer: INO-TRANSFER-UO", Projects No. 329/2021; No. 317/2021.Indrie, L.; Capablanca Francés, L.; Erden, E.; Kilic, M.; Ilies, DC.; Grama, V.; Safarov, B.... (2022). Old maps and the effectiveness of chitosan as antimicrobial agent. Industria Textila. 73(4):420-425. https://doi.org/10.35530/IT.073.04.20215642042573

    Pseudomonas sp.'den karıştırmalı tank reaktöründe polihidroksialkanoatların üretim optimizasyonu, kinetik modellendirilmesi, izolasyonu,karakterizasyonu ve biyomateryal olarak kullanım olanaklarının araştırılması

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    Polyhydroxyalkanoates or PHAs are linear polyesters synthesized and stored in the cell cytoplasma as water-insoluble incusions by bacteria under the limited nitrogen and excessive carbon sources. These biopolymers are alternative to oil-derived polymers and they have different physical and chemical properties. Besides they are biocompatible and biodegradable, PHAs can be used in most of biomedical applications including tissue engineering as a tissue scaffold, controlled drug release and biomedical implants. The most common problem encountered in PHA production is high production costs of PHA. The production costs can be reduced by developing efficient bacterial strains and optimizing the production process. Because of the these reasons, this project aims to develop recombinant Pseudomonas sp. by harboring PHA synthase genes, which are responsible in the synthesis of PHA, to wild-type Pseudomonas sp. and to develop recombinant phaZ-deficient Pseudomonas sp. In addition to these studies, optimization of the PHA production in the submerged culture conditions were investigated and the biopolymer produced in bacteria was isolated and characterized by Fourier Transformation Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR), Differential Scanning Colorimetery (DSC), Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC). FTIR and NMR analysis results showed that wild-type P. aureofaciens produced medium chain length PHA (mcl-PHA) composed of 3-hydroxyoctanoate monomers as a major component when the sodium octanoate was used as a sole carbon source and GPC analysis results showed that the molecular weight of produced mcl-PHA was 248 kDA. DSC results showed that the melting temperature (Tm) and glass transition temparature (Tg) of mcl-PHA were "42oC" and "-41oC", respectively. The results from the TGA analysis showed that the mcl-PHA was stable until 294oC. Also, the potential usage of the biopolymer as a biomaterial was also investigated.Polihidroksialkanoatlar (PHA) azot sınırlamalı koşullarda ve aşırı karbon kaynağı varlığında bakterilerde granüller halinde depolanan poliesterlerdir. Sahip oldukları fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikler sayesinde bu biyopolimerler, petrol-türevli polimerlere karşı iyi birer alternatif oluşturmaktadır. Biyouyumlu ve biyobozunur özellikte olmalarının yanı sıra PHA'lar doku mühendisliği ve biyomedikal alanında oldukça uygun materyallerdir. PHA'ların yaygın olarak kullanımında karşılaşılan sorun üretim maliyetlerinin yüksek olmasıdır. Bu sorun, daha etkin bakteriyel suşların geliştirilmesi ve daha iyi bir proses optimizasyonu ve kontrolü ile giderilebilir. Bu tez projesinde, farklı Pseudomonas suşları kullanılarak PHA'ların yıkımında görev alan phaZ geninin delesyonu ve PHA'ların üretiminde görev alan PHA sentaz genlerinin yine doğal üretici Pseudomonas suşlarına aktarımı üzerine çalışmalar yapılarak daha etkin bir bakteriyel suş geliştirildi. Geliştirilen rekombinant ve doğal üretici Pseudomonas suşu tarafından PHA üretim verimleri karşılaştırıldı ve geliştirilen rekombinant suş ile mcl-PHA üretim verimi (YXP) %4,1'den %7,6'ya arttırıldı. Ayrıca derin kültürlerde PHA üretiminin optimizasyonu, üretilen biyopolimerin izolasyonu ve karakterizasyonu yapılarak üretilen biyopolimerin biyomateryal olarak kullanım olanakları araştırıldı. Karakterizasyon çalışmaları için Fourier Transform Infrared spektroskopisi (FTIR), Nükleer Manyetik Rezonans spektroskopisi (NMR), Diferansiyel Taramalı Kalorimetre (DSC), Termo Gravimetrik Analiz (TGA) ve Jel Permeasyon Kromatografisi (GPC) analizlerinden yararlanıldı. FTIR, NMR ve GPC analizleri sonucunda doğal üretici P. aureofaciens'in karbon kaynağı olarak sadece sodyum oktanoat kullanıldığı koşullarda majör bileşen olarak 3-hidroksioktanoat monomerlerinden oluşan, yaklaşık 248 kDA molekül ağırlığına sahip orta zincirli PHA (mcl-PHA) ürettiği tespit edildi. DSC analizleri sonucunda üretilen mcl-PHA'nın erime noktası (Tm) "42oC", cam geçiş sıcaklığı (Tg) ise "-41oC" olarak saptandı ve Termo gravimetrik analiz sonucunda 294 oC'de kimyasal yapısının %96'sının bozunduğu tespit edildi

    A new splice-site mutation of SPINK5 gene in the Netherton syndrome with different clinical features: A case report

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    Netherton syndrome (NS) is a rare genodermatosis characterized by the triad of ichthyosiform erythroderma, hair shaft abnormality and an atopic diathesis. We report a case of a 20-year-old male patient presented with pruritus, decreased sweat secretion and generalized erythema on his body. Netherton syndrome is caused by mutations in the SPINK5 gene that is a crucial role for epidermal barrier function in the skin. Different clinical and phenotypical features can occur based on various LEKTI-domains mutations. Diagnosis is made by the atopic story, hair shaft abnormality, cutaneous lesions and identification of the SPINK5 gene mutation. In our patient, we detected a new splice site mutation in the SPINK5 gene and pili annulati as hair abnormality. Affected patients are usually misdiagnosed because of cutaneous lesions such as atopic dermatitis. Therefore, each clinical finding should be evaluated together. We aimed to present a case with a new SPINK5 gene mutation and different clinical features in NS