62 research outputs found

    The Announcement of Dar al-Harb in Cyber Media in Context of the Theological Policy of Jihad: Reading the Cyber-Jihad and ISIS based on the Pharmakon Characteristic of the Cyber Media

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    ‘Pharmakon’ is a dualist word which means remedy or poison, or neither remedy nor poison, and it was used by Jacques Derrida in the Pharmacy of Plato (La Pharmacie de Platon - 1972) where he made a structural analysis of Plato's dialog with Phaedrus. Some think that it is a remedy; it is beneficial, and it produces and mends. Others think that it is a poison, because it makes you forget, makes you become distant to the truth, and isolates you from reality. This is similar to the character of cyber media, which is considered as both a remedy and a poison, indicating a widely-accepted dilemma between its purposes and conditions when it was first created and the form of usage today. This is related to the fact that cyber media is being discussed once again after the announcement of cyber-jihad by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria), since some believe that radical Islam is a remedy, and others believe that it makes you become distant to the truth and turns a defensive tool into an antagonistic weapon

    Female Urethral Malignant Melanoma With Vesical Invasion: A Case Report

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    We report a 75-year-old female with a primary urethral malignant melanoma. A mass protruding from inside the urethra was detected on physical examination. Abdominopelvic magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass extending from the urethra with dimensions of 4 × 2 cm, and periurethral heterogenous fatty planes consistent with infiltration. The histopathologic examination was consistent with HMB45(+) malignant melanoma. We performed cystourethrectomy and bilateral inguinal and pelvic lymphadenectomy in one session. The pathology report revealed primary malignant melanoma of the urethra invading the inferior bladder wall. The patient received no adjuvant therapy because of cardiopulmonary morbidities and the presence of multiple pulmonary metastases. The patient eventually died 13 months after surgery

    Antituberculosis drug resistance patterns in two regions of Turkey: a retrospective analysis

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    BACKROUND: The emergence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains resistant to antituberculosis agents has recently received increased attention owing largely to the dramatic outbreaks of multi drug resistance tuberculosis (MDR-TB). METHODS: Patients residing in Zonguldak and Kayseri provinces of Turkey with, pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosed between 1972 and 1999 were retrospectively identified. Drug susceptibility tests had been performed for isoniazid (INH), rifampin (RIF), streptomycin (SM), ethambutol (EMB) and thiacetasone (TH) after isolation by using the resistance proportion method. RESULTS: Total 3718 patients were retrospectively studied. In 1972–1981, resistance rates for to SM and INH were found to be 14.8% and 9.8% respectively (n: 2172). In 1982–1991 period, resistance rates for INH, SM, RIF, EMB and TH were 14.2%, 14.4%, 10.5%, 2.7% and 2.9% (n: 683), while in 1992–1999 period 14.4%, 21.1%, 10.6%, 2.4% and 3.7% respectively (n: 863). Resistance rates were highest for SM and INH in three periods. MDR-TB patients constituted 7.3% and 6.6% of 1982–1991 and 1992–1999 periods (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the importance of resistance rates for TB. Continued surveillance and immediate therapeutic decisions should be undertaken in order to prevent the dissemination of such resistant strains

    Does pelvic injury trigger erectile dysfunction in men?

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    WOS: 000442089500008PubMed ID: 26764545Purpose: Pelvic ring fractures constitute 3%-8% of all fractures of the skeletal system and are generally related with high energy trauma. Sexual dysfunction following pelvic fracture has a high incidence, and affects the male patients both physically and psychologically. In this study, we aimed to investigate the impact and frequencies of comorbidities such as erectile dysfunction (ED) with adverse sociocultural and psychological consequences for the patient who had a pelvic ring fracture. Methods: This study included 26 men who corresponded to the inclusion criteria and agreed to participate our study. Results: According to fracture types, most of our cases were Tile type A1 and type A2. Severe and moderate ED were detected in 46.1% (12/26) of these patients via the International Index of Erectile Function-5 questionnaire. Conclusion: ED develops following pelvic fractures, especially in Tile type B and C pelvic fractures

    A Rare Renal Epithelial Tumor: Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Primary renal mucinous cystadenocarcinoma is a very rare lesion of kidney which originates from the metaplasia of the renal pelvic uroepithelium. Only one case with primary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma has been reported in the English literature. We report second case of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma which was radiologically classified as type-IIF Bosniak cyst in peripheral localization. We aimed to present this extreme and unusual entity with its radiological, surgical, and pathologic aspects under the light of literature

    Görüntü duyarlı uzaktan algılamalı robot tasarımı ve uygulaması

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.ÖZET Anahtar Kelimeler: Ofiolit, Elastik Dalgalar, Yoğunluk, Debye Sıcaklığı, Yer Kabuğu. Troodos ofiolit kayaçlarında uygulanan Derin Sismik Yansıma Yöntemi sonuçlarına dayanarak ofiolit yapıdaki kayaçlarının petro-fiziksel özellikleri incelenmiş, yüksek basınç ve termodinamik koşullarda elde edilen elastiki dalgaların hız verilerine dayanarak karakteristik Debye sıcaklıkları hesaplanmış, kayaçların yoğunluğundaki değişmeler de göz önüne alınarak Atlantik Okyanusu Yerkabuğu Modeli'nin kurulması incelenmiştir. VIIINVESTIGATION OF PETRO-PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OPfflOLITIC ROCKS IN TROODOS AND THE FORMATION MODEL OF ATLANTIC OCEANAL CRUST SUMMARY Key Words: Ophiolit, Elastic Wawes, Density, Debye Temperature, Earth Surface In this thesis, petro-physical properties of ophiolitic rocks in Troodos have been investigated by using the results of Deep Seismic Reflection methot At the same time Debye temperatures have been calculated by means of the data of elastic waves of high pressure and thermo-dynamic conditions, and formation of the Atlantic Ocean Earth Surface model has been investigated by taking into consideration changes of rocks density. VII

    Görüntü duyarlı uzaktan algılamalı robot tasarımı ve uygulaması

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    .Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Tezin PDF’i omadığından sisteme yüklenememiştir.ÖZET Anahtar Kelimeler: Ofiolit, Elastik Dalgalar, Yoğunluk, Debye Sıcaklığı, Yer Kabuğu. Troodos ofiolit kayaçlarında uygulanan Derin Sismik Yansıma Yöntemi sonuçlarına dayanarak ofiolit yapıdaki kayaçlarının petro-fiziksel özellikleri incelenmiş, yüksek basınç ve termodinamik koşullarda elde edilen elastiki dalgaların hız verilerine dayanarak karakteristik Debye sıcaklıkları hesaplanmış, kayaçların yoğunluğundaki değişmeler de göz önüne alınarak Atlantik Okyanusu Yerkabuğu Modeli'nin kurulması incelenmiştir. VIIINVESTIGATION OF PETRO-PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF OPfflOLITIC ROCKS IN TROODOS AND THE FORMATION MODEL OF ATLANTIC OCEANAL CRUST SUMMARY Key Words: Ophiolit, Elastic Wawes, Density, Debye Temperature, Earth Surface In this thesis, petro-physical properties of ophiolitic rocks in Troodos have been investigated by using the results of Deep Seismic Reflection methot At the same time Debye temperatures have been calculated by means of the data of elastic waves of high pressure and thermo-dynamic conditions, and formation of the Atlantic Ocean Earth Surface model has been investigated by taking into consideration changes of rocks density. VII