634 research outputs found

    Kink oscillations in magnetic tubes with twisted annulus

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    Aims.We study kink waves in a magnetic flux tube modelled as a straight core surrounded by a magnetically twisted annulus, both embedded in a straight ambient external field, and derive the dispersion relation for this configuration. Methods.The existence and behaviour of the kink modes are examined with specific attention to the effect that the addition of magnetic twist has on phase speeds and periods. Analytic expansions to the short and long wavelength approximations are also considered. Results.The magnetic twist is found to introduce of an infinite set of body modes into solutions of the dispersion relation not present in the untwisted case. Moreover, for the kink modes, the width of interval of this infinite set, generally found to occupy phase speeds around the annulus' longitudinal Alfvén speed, increases for longer wavelengths. Two surface modes are also present in the solution, one at each surface: the internal and the external edges of the annulus. The magnetic twist is found to increase or decrease the phase speeds of these surface modes that are depending on the ratio of internal and external Alfvén speeds in the flux tube. Conclusions.The magnetic twist of the annulus region of a flux tube is found to have a marked effect on the phase speeds of occurring modes. A straight annulus layer increased (or decreased) the periods of the surface modes for a tube modelled as a density (magnetic) enhancement. The addition of twist reduces the periods of the modes in both cases

    Parton showers as sources of energy-momentum deposition in the QGP and their implication for shockwave formation at RHIC and at the LHC

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    We derive the distribution of energy and momentum transmitted from a primary fast parton and its medium-induced bremsstrahlung gluons to a thermalized quark-gluon plasma. Our calculation takes into account the important and thus far neglected effects of quantum interference between the resulting color currents. We use our result to obtain the rate at which energy is absorbed by the medium as a function of time and find that the rate is modified by the quantum interference between the primary parton and secondary gluons. This Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal type interference persists for time scales relevant to heavy ion phenomenology. We further couple the newly derived source of energy and momentum deposition to linearized hydrodynamics to obtain the bulk medium response to realistic parton propagation and splitting in the quark-gluon plasma. We find that because of the characteristic large angle in-medium gluon emission and the multiple sources of energy deposition in a parton shower, formation of well defined Mach cones by energetic jets in heavy ion reactions is not likely.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Hidden symmetry of the quantum Calogero-Moser system

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    Hidden symmetry of the quantum Calogero-Moser system with the inverse-square potential is explicitly demonstrated in algebraic sense. We find the underlying algebra explaining the super-integrability phenomenon for this system. Applications to related multi-variable Bessel functions are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, latex, no figure

    Liouville theory and uniformization of four-punctured sphere

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    Few years ago Zamolodchikov and Zamolodchikov proposed an expression for the 4-point classical Liouville action in terms of the 3-point actions and the classical conformal block. In this paper we develop a method of calculating the uniformizing map and the uniformizing group from the classical Liouville action on n-punctured sphere and discuss the consequences of Zamolodchikovs conjecture for an explicit construction of the uniformizing map and the uniformizing group for the sphere with four punctures.Comment: 17 pages, no figure

    Modelling 3D magnetic networks in a realistic solar atmosphere

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    This is the final version. Available from OUP via the DOI in this recordThe magnetic network extending from the photosphere (solar radius ≃ R☉ ) to lower corona (R☉ + 10Mm) plays an important role in the heating mechanisms of the solar atmosphere. Here we further develop the models with realistic open magnetic flux tubes of the authors in order to model more complicated configurations. Closed magnetic loops, and combinations of closed and open magnetic flux tubes are modelled. These are embedded within a stratified atmosphere, derived from observationally motivated semi-empirical and data-driven models subject to solar gravity and capable of spanning from the photosphere up into the chromosphere and lower corona. Constructing a magnetic field comprising self-similar magnetic flux tubes, an analytic solution for the kinetic pressure and plasma density is derived. Combining flux tubes of opposite polarity it is possible to create a steady background magnetic field configuration modelling a solar atmosphere exhibiting realistic stratification. The result can be applied to SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI and other magnetograms from the solar surface, upon which photospheric motions can be simulated to explore the mechanism of energy transport. We demonstrate this powerful and versatile method with an application to Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager data.Academy of FinlandScience and Technology Facilities Council (STFC

    General approach to potentials with two known levels

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    We present the general form of potentials with two given energy levels E1E_{1}, E2E_{2} and find corresponding wave functions. These entities are expressed in terms of one function Ο(x)\xi (x) and one parameter ΔE=E2\Delta E=E_{2}-E1E_{1}. We show how the quantum numbers of both levels depend on properties of the function Ο(x)\xi (x). Our approach does not need resorting to the technique of supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanics but automatically generates both the potential and superpotential.Comment: 14 pages, REVTeX 3.0. In v.2 misprints and inaccuracies in presentation corrected, discussion of 3-dim. case added. In v.3 misprint in eq. 41, several typos and inaccuracies in English corrected. To be published in J. of Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Spinor two-point functions and Peierls bracket in de Sitter space

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    This paper studies spinor two-point functions for spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 fields in maximally symmetric spaces such as de Sitter spacetime, by using intrinsic geometric objects. The Feynman, positive- and negative-frequency Green functions are then obtained for these cases, from which we eventually display the supercommutator and the Peierls bracket under such a setting in two-component-spinor language.Comment: 22 pages, Latex. In the final version, the presentation has been improve

    The Near Infrared NaI Doublet Feature in M Stars

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    The NaI near-infrared doublet has been used to indicate the dwarf/giant population in composite systems, but its interpretation is still a contentious issue. In order to understand the behaviour of this controversial feature, we study the observed and synthetic spectra of cool stars. We conclude that the NaI infrared feature can be used as a dwarf/giant discriminator. We propose a modified definition of the NaI index by locating the red continuum at 8234 angstrons and by measuring the equivalent width in the range 8172-8197 angstrons, avoiding the region at lambda > 8197 angstrons, which contains VI, ZrI, FeI and TiO lines. We also study the dependence of this feature on stellar atmospheric parameters.Comment: 9 pages, (TeX file) + 7 Figures in Postscript format. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Near-infrared Spectral Features in Single-aged Stellar Populations

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    Synthetic spectra for single-aged stellar populations of metallicities [M/H] = -0.5, 0.0 and +0.5, ages = 3 to 17 Gyrs, and initial mass function exponents x = 0.1 to 2.0 were built in the wavelength range 6000-10200 Angstrons. For such we have employed the grid of synthetic spectra described in Schiavon & Barbuy (1999), computed for the stellar parameters 2500 <= Teff <= 6000 K, -0.5 <= log g <= 5.0, [M/H] = -0.5, 0.0 and +0.5, and [alpha/Fe] = 0.0, together with the isochrones by Bertelli et al. (1994) and Baraffe et al. (1998). The behavior of the features NaI8190, CaII8662, TiO6600 and FeH9900 in the integrated spectra of single stellar populations were studied in terms of metallicity, initial mass function and age variations. The main conclusions are that the NaI doublet is an IMF-sensitive feature, which is however sensitive also to metallicity and age, whereas TiO, CaII and FeH are very sensitive to metallicity and essentially insensitive to IMF and age.Comment: 13 pages + 7 figures, ApJ accepte
