89 research outputs found

    Influence of parameterized small-scale gravity waves on the migrating diurnal tide in Earth's thermosphere

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    Effects of subgrid-scale gravity waves (GWs) on the diurnal migrating tides are investigated from the mesosphere to the upper thermosphere for September equinox conditions, using a general circulation model coupled with the extended spectral nonlinear GW parameterization of Yi\u{g}it et al (2008). Simulations with GW effects cut-off above the turbopause and included in the entire thermosphere have been conducted. GWs appreciably impact the mean circulation and cool the thermosphere down by up to 12-18%. GWs significantly affect the winds modulated by the diurnal migrating tide, in particular in the low-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere and in the high-latitude thermosphere. These effects depend on the mutual correlation of the diurnal phases of the GW forcing and tides: GWs can either enhance or reduce the tidal amplitude. In the low-latitude MLT, the correlation between the direction of the deposited GW momentum and the tidal phase is positive due to propagation of a broad spectrum of GW harmonics through the alternating winds. In the Northern Hemisphere high-latitude thermosphere, GWs act against the tide due to an anti-correlation of tidal wind and GW momentum, while in the Southern high-latitudes they weakly enhance the tidal amplitude via a combination of a partial correlation of phases and GW-induced changes of the circulation. The variable nature of GW effects on the thermal tide can be captured in GCMs provided that a GW parameterization (1) considers a broad spectrum of harmonics, (2) properly describes their propagation, and (3) correctly accounts for the physics of wave breaking/saturation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physic

    Role of gravity waves in vertical coupling during sudden stratospheric warmings

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    Gravity waves are primarily generated in the lower atmosphere, and can reach thermospheric heights in the course of their propagation. This paper reviews the recent progress in understanding the role of gravity waves in vertical coupling during sudden stratospheric warmings. Modeling of gravity wave effects is briefly reviewed, and the recent developments in the field are presented. Then, the impact of these waves on the general circulation of the upper atmosphere is outlined. Finally, the role of gravity waves in vertical coupling between the lower and the upper atmosphere is discussed in the context of sudden stratospheric warmings.Comment: Accepted for publication in Geoscience Letter

    Gravity waves and high-altitude CO2_2 ice cloud formation in the Martian atmosphere

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    We present the first general circulation model simulations that quantify and reproduce patches of extremely cold air required for CO2_2 condensation and cloud formation in the Martian mesosphere. They are created by subgrid-scale gravity waves (GWs) accounted for in the model with the interactively implemented spectral parameterization. Distributions of GW-induced temperature fluctuations and occurrences of supersaturation conditions are in a good agreement with observations of high-altitude CO2_2 ice clouds. Our study confirms the key role of GWs in facilitating CO2_2 cloud formation, discusses their tidal modulation, and predicts clouds at altitudes higher than have been observed to date.Comment: Accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters (GRL

    Internal gravity waves in the thermosphere during low and high solar activity: Simulation study

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95256/1/jgra20438.pd

    Role of variability in determining the vertical wind speeds and structure

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/94947/1/jgra21412.pd

    Importance of capturing heliospheric variability for studies of thermospheric vertical winds

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95431/1/jgra21925.pd

    Variability of Gravity Wave Effects on the Zonal Mean Circulation and Migrating Terdiurnal Tide as Studied With the Middle and Upper Atmosphere Model (MUAM2019) Using a Nonlinear Gravity Wave Scheme

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    Implementing a nonlinear gravity wave (GW) parameterization into a mechanistic middle and upper atmosphere model, which extends to the lower thermosphere (160 km), we study the response of the atmosphere in terms of the circulation patterns, temperature distribution, and migrating terdiurnal solar tide activity to the upward propagating small scale internal GWs originating in the lower atmosphere. We perform three test simulations for the Northern Hemisphere winter conditions in order to assess the effects of variations in the initial GW spectrum on the climatology and tidal patterns of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. We find that the overall strength of the source level momentum flux has a relatively small impact on the zonal mean climatology. The tails of the GW source level spectrum, however, are crucial for the lower thermosphere climatology. With respect to the terdiurnal tide, we find a strong dependence of tidal amplitude on the induced GW drag, generally being larger when GW drag is increased

    Heating and cooling of the thermosphere by internal gravity waves

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/95637/1/grl26003.pd
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