23 research outputs found

    Cellular Therapy as Promising Choice of Treatment for COVID-19

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    In the pandemic of COVID-19, while living normals have been changing, there have been a huge effort globally to find out effective and safe treatment agents and vaccines. As of now, the advances show the progress in vaccine development, however the treatment of the COVID-19 is yet not fully specified. The drugs, i.e. antibiotics, antivirals, antimalarians, even anti-HIV agents which have been known already were taken out of the shelves and brought into use in different combinations. On the other hand, the cellular treatment, more specifically the mesenchymal stem cell therapy has been encouraged, resulting in various evidence published all over the world. This chapter aims to compile the published information, in means of methods, disease manifestations, results and limitations, about the stem cell treatment of the COVID-19 and to provide a source of harmonized reference for scientific society

    Differential expression of Caveolin-1 in hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation with differentiation state, motility and invasion

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    WOS: 000264914000001PubMed ID: 19239691Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [SBAG-107S026]; Dokuz Eylul University Research FoundationDokuz Eylul University [05.KB.SAG.071]We thank Prof. Mehmet Ozturk for providing us HCC cell lines and for his critical reading of the manuscript; and Prof. Aykut Uren for his helpful discussions on the manuscript. We also thank to Evin Ozen for her technical assistance. This work was supported by grants to Nese ATABEY from the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK, SBAG-107S026) and Dokuz Eylul University Research Foundation (05.KB.SAG.071)


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    Bu çalışmada, seri ve paralel RLC devrelerinin internet üzerinden analizine olanak sağlayan, elektrik eğitimine yönelik bir eğitim aracı geliştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, kullanıcıların karşılıklı etkileşim içerisinde bulunacağı internet sayfaları hazırlanmıştır. Devrelere ilişkin modellerin benzetimi MATLAB programında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tasarımı gerçekleştirilen internet tabanlı benzetim modeli sayesinde, kullanıcılar internet üzerinden diledikleri bir elektrik devresinin benzetim modeline erişebilmekte, modelde bulunan parametreleri deneysel bir yaklaşım içerisinde değiştirerek, devrenin geçici ve kararlı durum tepkilerini, yine internet üzerinden grafiksel olarak analiz edebilmektedirler


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    Günümüzde en hızlı gelişme kaydeden alanlardan birisi bilişim teknolojileridir. Bilişim teknolojileri arasında en önemli payı ise internet almaktadır. Üzerinde çalışma yapılan birçok sistemin bilgisayar kontrollü olmasının yanı sıra internet tabanlı olarak tasarlanması yönünde eğilimler artmıştır. Bu açıdan, bilgisayar destekli eğitim modelleri yaygın eğitim sürecinde en iyi ve etkili sonuca ulaşılmasını sağlayacaktır. Mesleki ve teknik eğitim öğrencileri için pratik deneyim sağlamanın klasik yolu laboratuvar temelli sistemler kullanmaktır. Bu sistemler deney donanım düzenekleri ve laboratuvar ölçüm setleri gerektirmektedirler. Fiziki koşulların yetersizliğinden dolayı öğrenciler laboratuvarlardan sınırlı zaman aralığında faydalanmaktadırlar. Ayrıca emniyet ve güvenlik amaçlı olarak uzman bir kişiye ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında, gerçek zamanlı bir web tabanlı laboratuvar uygulaması hazırlanmıştır. Örnek çalışma olarak Elektrik eğitiminde önemli yeri olan Elektrik Makinaları dersleri ele alınmıştır. Tasarımı ve uygulaması gerçekleştirilen web tabanlı laboratuvar, canlandırmalarla desteklenmiş konu anlatımı sayfaları, elektrik makinalarının matematiksel modelleri üzerinde oluşturulmuş benzetimler ve gerçek zamanlı olarak uzaktan erişilebilen deneylerden oluşmaktadır. Sistem, genel olarak sunucu/istemci mimarisi tabanlıdır. Bütün işlemler sunucu tarafından yürütülmektedir. İstemci bilgisayar tarafında, internet erişimi ve tarayıcı program dışında ilave yazılım veya donanım birimlerine ihtiyaç duyulmamaktadır. Sisteme, internet üzerinden uzaktan erişimli olarak bağlanan kullanıcılar, elektrik makinaları hakkındaki temel bilgileri etkileşimli konu anlatım sayfalarından öğrenebilirler. Bununla birlikte, makinanın değişik parametre değerleri altındaki dinamik tepkilerini, web tabanlı benzetim modelleri üzerinden inceleyebilirler. Ayrıca, sunucu bilgisayar tarafındaki deney setlerine internet üzerinden erişmek mümkündür. Bu sayede, web tabanlı ve gerçek zamanlı deney yapılması sağlanmıştır. İnternet üzerinden gerçek zamanlı deneyler yürütülürken, deney seti bir ağ kamerası yardımıyla istemci tarafından görüntülenebilmektedir. izmir gundem komik videolar cizgi film izle cizgi film 3d oyunlar oyunlar Information technologies are one of the fast developing subjects in these days. Internet takes the most important part in information technologies. Nowadays, besides the computer controllability, web based control abilities of the systems have been gained popularity. Accordingly, education systems based on computer technologies provides effective models in education. Vocational and technical education requires some tools and experimental studies to be carried out in laboratories. These studies include many measurements and test equipments. If the conditions of laboratories are not good and there are not sufficient equipments, students can only use these systems in the limited time. In addition, experimental studies have to be done under the control of an instructor. In this thesis, an Internet based real time laboratory has been prepared. Electric machines courses, which are an important topic in electrical education, have been chosen as a case study. The system consists of the real time remote accessible experiments via the internet in addition to theoretical presentations with animations and simulations on mathematical models of the electrical machines. The system is mainly based on server/client architecture. All operation steps are executed by the server. So, clients do not need any additional software rather than internet connection and an internet browser. Remotely located users can learn the theoretical information about the electrical machines using interactive web pages. Also, users can use the simulation models over the web to observe the machine's dynamic behaviors under the different parameters. Moreover, they can remotely access to real experimental sets via the internet to perform real time experiments. While the real time experiments are being operated over the internet, the experimental set can be monitored remotely with a network camera

    Cyber Security in Industrial Control Systems and SCADA Applications: Modbus TCP Protocol Example

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    Electrical energy generation, transmission and distribution systems are evaluated in terms of national security dimension and defined as critical infrastructures. Monitoring and controlling of these systems are provided by Industrial Control Systems (ICS) or Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. According to the latest advances in communication and internet technology, ICS/SCADA systems have started to become integrated with these systems. As a result of this situation, current or existing vulnerabilities in information and communication technology affect SCADA systems directly. Therefore, this paper focuses on the cyber security of ICS/SCADA systems. It has been proved that the lack of authentication detected in Modbus TCP protocol, one of the most used in ICS/SCADA systems, can be exploited. In order to solve this security issue, a software is developed using the Python programming language for blocking or mitigating the cyber attacks. The proposed solution is subjected to several tests and results show that the attacks can be prevented successfully. Thus, it is considered that the proposed work will contribute to the security of ICS/SCADA systems and the industrial protocols used for communicating these systems

    Design and Control of Multi – Input Multi – Output DC-DC Converter for Neutral Point Clamped Inverters

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    In this study, multi-input multi-output DC/DC converter topology is presented for both multisource operation and voltage unbalancing of Neutral Point Clamped (NPC) inverters. Multisource operation is provided with multi-input feature of proposed converter model. The unbalanced capacitor voltages in NPC inverter leading to increase the harmonics are compensated on the DC side by the multi-output feature of this topology. PI controllers are utilized to control the capacitor voltages and power flow of grid connected inverter. Simulation studies are performed in Matlab/Simulink platform to verify the theoretical background and performance of the proposed topology. Simulation results show that, produced power from two input sources is successfully transferred to grid through the proposed converter structure and NPC inverter. Even if NPC inverter disturbs the equality of capacitor voltages, the voltage balance is maintained by the controllers and proposed converter model. The results that are obtained under balanced and unbalanced conditions show that, the proposed system considerably decreases the harmonics


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    Uzaktan erişimli deneysel çalışma imkânı sunan web tabanlı laboratuvarlardaki en önemli sorunlardan biri, aynı anda birden fazla kullanıcının deney platformundan yararlanamayışıdır. Bu soruna çözüm olarak çalışmada, tek bir platform ve aynı sunucu bilgisayar üzerinden aynı anda birden fazla kişinin deney yapmasına izin veren bir e-laboratuvar tasarımı ve uygulaması sunulmuştur. Örnek uygulama alanı olarak Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği programında önemli bir yeri olan Elektrik Makinaları dersinin bazı uygulamaları seçilmiştir. Endüstriyel uygulamalarda sıkça kullanılan doğru akım motoru, adım motoru ve servo motor ile ilgili temel deneyler, gerçekleştirilen platform üzerinden eş zamanlı olarak yapılmaktadır. Sistemin genel kontrolünde FPGA denetleyici kullanılmıştır. FPGA’in paralel işlem yapmasından dolayı hem deneylere eş zamanlı erişim kolaylıkla sağlanmış hem de veri alışverişi daha hızlı ve güvenli gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kullanıcılar tasarlanan web sayfaları üzerinden dilediği deney düzeneğine bağlanarak deneyi uzaktan yürütebilmekte ve tüm deneysel verileri sayısal ve grafiksel ortamda inceleyebilmektedir. Çalışmanın tek bir sunucu bilgisayar ve denetleyici üzerinden gerçekleşmesi sistemin maliyetini ve boyutunu düşürmüştür. Ayrıca kolay bir şekilde yeni deney düzeneklerinin eklenebilmesinden dolayı sistem rahatlıkla geliştirilebilir. Böylece, sunulan çalışma yeni ve özgün bir yöntem ile e-laboratuvar uygulamalarına katkı sağlamaktadır

    Early Period Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Turkish Electricity Profile

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    The World Health Organization has defined Covid-19, a virus first seen in China in December 2019, as a global epidemic on March 11, 2020 due to its spread and severity. On the same date, the first case was diagnosed in Turkey and then a great success has been achieved in preventing the rise of the epidemic curve thanks to the measures taken timely and accurately. These measures such as lockdown restrictions, stopping the activities of some businesses, taking a break to face to face education at all levels and passing through to distance education, arranging shift working and work at home models for the staff employed in both public and private sector had impacts on the electricity generation and consumption profile. Supply-demand rates changed on a daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal basis. Therefore, effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on Turkish electrical energy profile is examined and analyzed in this paper comparatively with recent years. Some parameters such as lockdown days, public holidays, workdays, Ramadan month and feast, meteorological conditions, annual growth and development rate have been especially considered. Authors consider that the study will contribute to both the literature and to readers thanks to its detailed technical analyzes and evaluations

    A novel design for e-laboratories: Simultaneously accessible experimental application platform

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    One of the crucial issues in web-based laboratories allowing remote access to real experiments is their insufficiency for allowing simultaneous access to multiple users. As a solution to this problem, this study presents the design and implementation of an e-laboratory that allows conducting experiments by more than one users at the same time through a single experimental platform and the same server. For the case study, some experiments of Electrical Machines course, which has an important role in Electrical and Electronics Engineering syllabus, are selected. In this context, basic experiments of some widely used machines in industrial applications like direct current machines, stepper motors and servo motors can be conducted simultaneously by using the platform achieved. A FPGA controller is used for the main control process of the system. Thanks to the FPGA's capability of parallel operation, simultaneous access to experiments are provided easily and data transfer is performed more quickly as well as reliably. Users can carry out any experiment remotely by connecting to the related experimental set via the designed web pages and can analyze all experimental results both graphically and numerically. The cost and the dimension of the system is decreased because of using just a single controller and only one server as well. Besides, the system can be expanded easily because of the ability to add new experimental sets simply. Thus, the study contributes to e-laboratory applications by presenting a novel and innovative approach