279 research outputs found

    Ivarplazmában lokalizált RHS-ek azonosítása DNS microarray tecnikával Drosophila melanogasterben = Identification of germ plasm specific RHAs by DNA microarray method in Drosophila

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    Drosophila melanogasterben az embrionális ivarsejtek azonosságát a pete poszterior csúcsán, az ivarplazmában lokalizált anyai géntermékek határozzák meg. Pályázatunk célja egy microarray alapú, genomszintű reverz genetikai kísérletsor végrehajtása volt ivarplazmában lokalizált RNS-ek azonosítása érdekében Drosophila melanogasterben. Genetikai módszerekkel ivarplazma hiányos és ivarplazmában túltengő petéket állítottunk elő és azok RNS tartalmát DNS microarray tecnikával hasonlítottuk össze. Polimeráz láncreakción alapuló egyszálú DNS jelölő technikát adaptáltunk pete in situ hibridizációs kísérletünkhöz, mellyel a mikroarray kísérlet eredményét tudjuk megerősíteni. Az ivarplazmában lokalizált RNS-ek funkcionális vizsgálatát kettősszálú RNS interferencia eljárással végeztük. A kettős szálú RNS-ek petébe való bejuttatására nagy tagszámú sorozatkísérlet kivitelezésére alkalmas gene gun technológiát adaptáltuk. Elvégeztük két ivarplazmában lokalizálódó RNS-t kódoló gén részletes funkcionális analízisét. | In Drosophila melanogaster, the embryonic germ cells develop under the control of factors that localize in the germ plasm, at the most posterior part of the egg. The goal of the project was to perform a genome-wide reverse genetic experiment in order to isolate novel germ plasm localized RNA species. Making use of special genetic backgrounds, we established germ plasm deficient and germ plasm overproducing Drosophila eggs and compared their RNA content by using microarray technique. The results of the microarray experiments were confirmed with a modified in situ RNA hybridization method in which gene specific single stranded labeled DNA probes were used. The functional analysis of the germ plasm localized RNAs was performed with the help of gene gun mediated double stranded RNA interference. Finally, detailed genetic and cell biological analyses were carried out in the case of two genes which encode for germ plasm localized RNAs

    Effect of rosemary and garlic oil supplementation on glutathione redox system of broiler chickens

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    The purpose of present study was to investigate the effect of rosemary and garlic oils on the lipid peroxidation and glutathione redox system in the blood and liver of broiler chicken. Day-old Hubbard broiler chickens (n=200) were fed with commercial broiler feed (control) and supplemented with garlic oil (0.25 g kg-1), rosemary oil (1.5 g kg-1) or their combination (0.25 g kg-1 garlic oil and 1.5 g kg-1 rosemary oil). At the end of the growing period (42 days of age) blood and liver samples of 10 animals were taken from each group to determine malondialdehyde and reduced glutathione content and glutathione peroxidase activity. There were no significant differences in the blood plasma or in red blood cell haemolysates among the groups, but garlic oil supplementation increased significantly reduced glutathione content and both essential oils the glutathione peroxidase activity in liver. However, combination of the two oils caused increase of malondialdehyde content of liver together with significantly higher glutathione peroxidase activity as compared to the control. Due to the beneficial effect on glutathione redox system both essential oils – used solely – can be used to reduce the effects of oxidative processes in physiological conditions

    Encoding true second-order arithmetic in the real-algebraic structure of models of intuitionistic elementary analysis

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    Based on the paper [4] we show that true second-order arithmetic is interpretable over the real-algebraic structure of models of intuitionistic analysis built upon a certain class of complete Heyting algebras

    Egyes környezeti terhelések (kadmium, króm, nikkel, ólom) hatásának vizsgálata baromfi embrió modellben különös tekintettel a lipidperoxidációra és a glutation redox rendszer működésére = Investigation of some environmental loading (cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead) in chicken embryo model system with special attention to the peroxidation and the glutathione redox system

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    A fémterheléseket az inkubáció előtt alkalmazott egyszeri fürösztéssel, illetve a légkamrába történő injek-tálásos technikával idéztük elő kadmium, króm és nikkel vízoldható sóinak szubletális dózisaival. Megállapítottuk, hogy a fürösztéses módszerrel végzett fémterhelés nem idézett elő szignifikáns morfológiai elváltozásokat a csirke embrióban. A kezelések hatására az MDA tartalom nőtt, a GSHPx aktivitás pedig csök-kent, ami oxidatív stressz folyamatokra utal. Az injektálással végzett kezelések hatására nem szignifikánsan nőtt az elhalt embriók és a morfológiai elváltozások aránya. Nikkel hatására a GSH koncentráció szignifikán-san kisebb, a GSHPx aktivitás pedig nagyobb volt a kontroll-hoz viszonyítva. A változások fokozott lipid per-oxidációra utalnak, amelyet az antioxidáns rendszer ha-tékonyan kivédett. Kadmium hatására a MDA kon-centráció és a GSHPx aktivitás szignifikánsan nőtt, amely fokozott lipidperoxidáció mellett az antioxidáns védelmi rendszer fokozott aktivitására utal. A króm hatására az MDA tartalom nőtt, a GSHPx aktivitás pedig csökkent, ami a glutation redox rendszer terhelését jelzi. Az injektálásos módszerrel kezelt csirkékkel vég-zett nevelési kísérletben a króm és a nikkel terhelt csoportokban a kis állatlétszám miatt csak előzetes ered-ményeket kaptunk, amelyek még a kelést követően is jelentős oxidatív stresszre és a glutation rendszer ki-merülésére mutatnak. A kadmium terhelés a nevelési kísérlet során nem mutatott számottevő változásokat. | Metal-load was carried out using single bathing or single injection into air cell before incubation with sub-le-thal doses of water-soluble salts of cadmium, chromium and nickel. It was found that metal-load with bath-ing method did not cause significant morphological changes in the chicken embryo. The treat-ments caused increase of MDA content and decrease of GSHPx activity as which suggest oxidative stress processes. As effect of the treatments with single injection ratio of the dead embryos and morphological abnormalities increased not significantly. Nickel caused decrease in the GSH content and increase in GSHPx activity, which suggests improvement in lipid peroxidation which was defence by the antioxidant system effectively. Cadmium caused significant increase in both MDA content and GSHPx activity which suggest improvement in lipid peroxidation and higher activity of the antioxidant defence. Chromium caused higher MDA content and lower GSHPx activity, which suggests the exhaustion of the glutathione redox system. In the rearing experi-ment with chicken hatched from the eggs treated with injection method in the case of chromium and nickel loading only preliminary results were obtained because of the low number of viable animals. The results suggests oxidative stress and exhaustion of the glutathione system even after hatching. Cadmium did not cause measurable effects during the rearing period

    Hibakorrekciós algoritmusok a koordináta méréstechnikában = Error correction algorithms in coordinate measuring technique

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    A projekt keretében kidolgozásra került egy mérési eljárás, amely alkalmas mérő- és megmunkálógépek mozgó elemeinek térbeli helyzetének és orientációjának meghatározására. A mérés eredményeként azok a transzformációs mátrix jelennek meg, amely a testnek a referencia koordináta rendszerhez viszonyított helyzetét határozzák meg. A továbbiakban ezeket az értékeket használjuk fel a korrekciós vektorok meghatározására. Közbenső mátrixok rotációs részének meghatározásához kvaternió interpolációt, a transzlációciós vektor kiszámításánál spline interpolációt alkalmaztunk. A mérési eljárás hibáit részletesen elemeztük egy koordináta asztal esetében. | In the framework of the project a new measurement system was developed, which is capable to determine the position and orientation of measuring or production machine's carriages simultaneously. The results are given int he form of transformation matrices reprezenting the position and orientation of the body relative to the reference coordinate system. Later these values are used to calculate the correction vectors. For the determination of the rotational part of the intermediate matrices quaternion interpolation was used, while in case of the translational portion spline interpolation was applied. The possible errors of the measuring system were analysed in case of a 2D coordinate table

    The Influence of Perceived Macro Environment on the Competitiveness of Internationalized Medium-Sized and Large Enterprises

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    Firm competitiveness is a crucial trait of companies which managers strive to improve, and even policy makers focus on it regarding economic development. As companies are embedded into different layers of the environment, this study aims to identify the influence of top managerial perception about the external environment on the firm-level competitiveness of medium-sized and large internationalized companies. The investigation is based on the 6th round of the Competitiveness Survey conducted in Hungary between October 2018 and July 2019 from which n = 107 medium-sized or large companies qualified for this study. The institution-based view from the strategic management literature was chosen to differentiate the variables in the macroeconomic environment of the firm while the FCI index was used to measure firm-level competitiveness. After conducting factor and regression analyses, the results show that the perceived macro environment is positively related to the competitiveness of internationalized medium-sized and large companies. Managerial perceptions on civil service and education had the strongest significant positive association with firm-level competitiveness, whereas perceptions on social and ecological expectations had a significant positive association with the Adaptivity of the firm. This study contributes to the existing body of literature by demonstrating that, even within contentious institutional contexts, the perceptions of internationalized medium and large companies’ top managers regarding education, civil service, and social and ecological expectations have a discernible influence on the competitiveness of these companies

    Simple methods to assess the credibility of the Hungarian inflation targeting regime

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    In our paper, we introduce simple approaches to assess the credibility of the Hungarian inflation targeting (IT) monetary policy regime in the period between July 2001 and April 2009. First, we present the findings of a non-representative survey we conducted amongst the major stakeholders of monetary policy. The results of the survey suggest that, according to financial market players, the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) lost some of its credibility between 2002 and 2007.We then apply simple methods to assess the success of the IT regime and to measure the predictability and gradualism of the decisions of the MNB’s Monetary Council (MC) and the consistency of central bank communication. The results of this analysis show that the time series of the inflation measure using unchanged tax rates became stationary after the introduction of IT in 2001, while the predictability and gradualism of MNB MC’s policy rate decisions and the consistency of central bank communication each displayed low levels in the observed period