43 research outputs found

    Franchising in the Balkan area: A review

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    Franchising in the Balkan area has been present since the late 1980s and early 1990s when the countries of the so-called communist block started a transition to a market economy and opened their borders to new companies, ā€œnewā€ ideas, foreign companies, and foreign capital. Franchising was introduced mainly by foreign companies, which triggered activities of local entrepreneurs who started to use franchising as their growth strategy. Although almost 30 years have passed since then, franchising in those countries is in different phases of development, ranging from very early to very developed phases of development. The paper will examine the current status of franchising in several countries in the Balkan area (i.e., Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, and Macedonia) and present current opportunities for and barriers to further development. In the first part of the paper, we will give a brief introduction to franchising and several theories used for explaining franchising. In the second part, the current situation in relation to franchising in several countries in the Balkan area will be presented based on the current number of franchising systems and the existing legal framework. In the last part, similarities between the countries under study will be examined, and based on the findings, a conclusion will be made together with proposals for further research

    Information security: threat from employees

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    Information security inside the organization is becoming a major issue in the modern and global world. Information accessibility and security are a major issue where user behaviour plays an important role. Information security user behaviour is becoming an increasing threat to their organization information security. Since the organization is investing in and implementing information security systems, the issue of employeesā€™ behaviour has become increasingly important. This paper aims to show how workers treat information security and is looking upon so called ā€œpeople problemā€. In the research, the personal behaviour of health care professionals and workers in a Croatian production company in relation to information security was tested. Results have shown that the overall behaviour of respondents in production company is more responsible and security awareness with proper use of passwords is associated with knowledge about the importance of security application in their work. Further research is recommended

    Carsharing situation in Croatia

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    Carsharing is becoming very popular in the western world as an effective method to contain rising prices of fuel and vehicles. It was brought about as a possible solution to the changing condition of growing economies and population where there is an increased need for travel but there is also a need for expense economizing. Due to its role in reducing fuel consumption, controlling pollution and traffic congestion, there is an increased usage of carsharing services as an alternative transportation option in big cities. Today, worldwide several different carsharing methods are being used. This paper examines the current situation of carsharing in the world and two initiatives for starting carsharing programs in Croatia. The main goal of this paper is to define what carsharing is, how successful it is in the world and if there is potential for it in Croatia. The most developed carsharing regions in the world are Western Europe and North America. In the last several years Asia, Australia and South America have started carsharing projects and have the biggest growth in members and vehicles. Carsharing is still not recognized in Croatia. There were a few initiatives for starting the program but they failed. In order to determine the possibility and potential of carsharing in Croatia it is necessary to conduct further market research

    Carsharing situation in Croatia

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    Carsharing is becoming very popular in the western world as an effective method to contain rising prices of fuel and vehicles. It was brought about as a possible solution to the changing condition of growing economies and population where there is an increased need for travel but there is also a need for expense economizing. Due to its role in reducing fuel consumption, controlling pollution and traffic congestion, there is an increased usage of carsharing services as an alternative transportation option in big cities. Today, worldwide several different carsharing methods are being used. This paper examines the current situation of carsharing in the world and two initiatives for starting carsharing programs in Croatia. The main goal of this paper is to define what carsharing is, how successful it is in the world and if there is potential for it in Croatia. The most developed carsharing regions in the world are Western Europe and North America. In the last several years Asia, Australia and South America have started carsharing projects and have the biggest growth in members and vehicles. Carsharing is still not recognized in Croatia. There were a few initiatives for starting the program but they failed. In order to determine the possibility and potential of carsharing in Croatia it is necessary to conduct further market research


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    Management and development of human resources is becoming increasingly important due to the new position and role of man in all social processes, as well as their management. Motivation and employee satisfaction are the basis of modern management occupations of human resources because only the construction of quality motivational system can help organization to increase its competitive ability and value. Big corporations are increasingly looking upon motivation and motivation techniques in order to retain their employees and to increase competitiveness of the company. Their managers need to know who their employees are, what are their habits, what kind is their behavior in the company, whether they are willing to work in teams, their features and capabilities. Based on the answers to these questions, managers need to know which of the motivational techniques apply to individual employee in order to achieve the best result. This paper describes different motivation theories and shows the theoretical framework of human resource management through motivation and compensation programs based on practical example. As a practical example, Hrvatski Telekom (HT) was chosen due to its compliance with the basic principles of human resource management including motivating employees which results in company success on Croatian telecommunication market.Upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima i njihov razvoj postaju sve važnijima zbog novog mjesta i uloge čovjeka u svim druÅ”tvenim procesima, kao i u njihovu upravljanju. Motivacija i zadovoljstvo zaposlenika postaju temeljem zanimanja suvremenog menadžmenta ljudskih potencijala jer jedino se izgradnjom kvalitetnog motivacijskog sustava može pomoći organizaciji da poveća svoju konkurentsku sposobnost i vrijednost. Upravo to povećanje konkurentnosti smatra se veoma bitnim u danaÅ”njem poslovnom svijetu te je stoga prijeko potrebno poznavati pojam, tehnike i učinke motivacije. Motivacijske tehnike koriste se kako bi se zaposlenici viÅ”e angažirali u obavljanju zadataka koji su im dodijeljeni. Menadžeri trebaju znati tko su njihovi zaposlenici, koje su njihove radne navike, kakvo im je ponaÅ”anje u tvrtki, jesu li spremni na timski rad, njihove mogućnosti i sposobnosti. Na temelju dobivenih odgovora na ova pitanja, menadžeri trebaju znati koju od motivacijskih tehnika primijeniti na pojedine zaposlenike kako bi se postigao najbolji rezultat. Rad istražuje različite teorije motivacije i pokazuje teorijski okvir upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima uz pomoć motivacije i kompenzacijskih programa koji je prikazan na praktičnom primjeru. Hrvatski Telekom izabran je kao praktičan primjer zbog njihova praćenja osnovnih načela upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima, Å”to uključuje i motivaciju zaposlenih koja je u konačnici rezultirala uspjesima tvrtke na hrvatskom telekomunikacijskom tržiÅ”tu


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    Franchising has been present in the global economy in its current format for more than a hundred years. Companies have used franchising for growing their business and geographical expansion by bridging the distance in partnership with local entrepreneurs. Micro franchising provides a proven business model and a chance for self-employment by exploiting all advantages of franchising on a far smaller scale than traditional franchising. This model also helps potential entrepreneurs with low income to cross certain barriers, establish a sustainable business and create opportunities for new employment with the mentorship of the franchisor. With micro franchising, franchise systems could open locations where franchising in the traditional format would (could) not work and by doing so it could expand their business and gain competitiveness on the market, while at the same time enhancing employment and the development of entrepreneurship. This paper examines the micro-franchising situation in Croatia and checks if this model of growing business can help in increasing competitiveness of a company and at the same time enhance self-employment. Due to their pioneer work in the field of micro franchising in Croatia, Body Creator and Surfā€™nā€™Fries were chosen as practical examples

    Franchising and its influence on entrepreneurs growth strategies

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    Doktorska disertacija obuhvaća tematiku franÅ”iznog poslovanja kao sve važnijeg, ali joÅ” uvijek nedovoljno istraženog segmenta poduzetniÅ”tva. Disertacija nastoji odgovoriti na pitanje je li franÅ”izni poslovni model bolja i sigurnija metoda rasta za poduzetnike te s kojim se ograničenjima (internim i eksternim) poduzetnici suočavaju prilikom odabira franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela kao metode rasta? Ekonomski utjecaj franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela očituje se kroz output i stvaranje novih poslova, povećanje porezne osnovice, ekonomsku modernizaciju, razvoj malog i srednjeg poduzetniÅ”tva te stjecanje novih dinamičkih vjeÅ”tina i sposobnosti. Na koriÅ”tenje franÅ”iznim poslovnim modelom utječu čimbenici iz okoline i unutarnji čimbenici. FranÅ”izni poslovni model pokretač je zapoÅ”ljavanja i daljnjeg razvoja poduzetniÅ”tva te ga određuje način uspjeÅ”nog odvijanja poslovanja i optimalan broj zaposlenih kod primatelja. FranÅ”izni poslovni model do sada se istraživao na osnovi dviju osnovnih teorija, no u novije vrijeme promatra se u okviru nekoliko novih teorija. Upravo raznolikost novih pravaca koji se mogu primijeniti u istraživanju franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela ukazuje na daljnju potrebu istraživanja franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela s postavljanjem novih pitanja i istraživačkih implikacija. U dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela nije dobiven konačan odgovor na to je li franÅ”izni poslovni model tip poduzetniÅ”tva pa bi buduća istraživanja trebala uzeti u obzir koncept prepoznavanja prilika, rizika, organizacijske veličine, faze organizacijskog razvoja i autonomije organizacije. Provedenim empirijskim istraživanjem davatelja franÅ”ize utvrđen je njihov odnos prema procesu inovativnosti unutar franÅ”iznih sistema, odnos očekivanja koja su imali od franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela i ostvarenja tih očekivanja te su identificirana ograničenja koja davatelji franÅ”ize susreću tijekom upotrebe franÅ”ize. Istraživanje je potvrdilo postavljene hipoteze o utjecaju franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela na razvijanje i osnaživanje poduzetničkih kapaciteta na mikro, mezzo i makrorazini. Poduzetnici, davatelji franÅ”ize, koriste se franÅ”iznim poslovnim modelom kako bi ostvarili brži rast uz manje rizika i investicija nego Å”to bi to bilo u slučaju koriÅ”tenja nekim drugim poslovnim modelom rasta. KoriÅ”tenjem franÅ”iznim poslovnim modelom tvrtke davatelji franÅ”ize ostvaruju povećanje prihoda i imaju veći broj i veću disperziju lokacija, Å”to pridonosi povećanju zapoÅ”ljavanja. Interne karakteristike poslovnog subjekta te eksterne karakteristike okoline utječu na odluke o pokretanju franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela te na učestalost, vrstu i učinkovitost franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela. Predložena su i daljnja istraživanja franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela u cilju boljeg objaÅ”njenja upotrebe i djelovanja franÅ”iznog poslovanja na gospodarstvo Hrvatske. Dane su preporuke kojima bi se trebalo utjecati na povećanje upotrebe franÅ”iznog poslovnog modela (osnaživanje nacionalne udruge, centri za franÅ”izno poslovanje, fakulteti i sveučiliÅ”ta, financijske institucije) u Hrvatskoj radi rjeÅ”avanja prepreka na makro, mezzo i mikrorazini

    Teorijski okvir ekonomske perspektive franŔize

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    FranÅ”iza je način Å”irenja poslovanja i distribucije proizvoda i usluga koji pruža mogućnost vođenja poslovanja pod prepoznatljivim imenom i za koji se ističe da postoji ako se pojavljuju sljedeća tri elementa: poduzetnik dopuÅ”ta koriÅ”tenje svojim imenom, dopuÅ”ta koriÅ”tenje svojim sustavom poslovanja i ostvaruje prihod u obliku pristojbi, na početku ili tijekom trajanja ugovora. Nekoliko raznih teoretskih pravaca koristi se za definiranje razloga koriÅ”tenja franÅ”iznog poslovanja, odnosa između tvrtki u franÅ”iznom poslovanju te razloga uporabe franÅ”ize kao metode rasta. Teorije koje objaÅ”njavaju franÅ”izno poslovanje mogu se promatrati prema tome odnose li se na tvrtku davatelja franÅ”ize, na franÅ”izni sustav ili na okruženje u kojemu franÅ”izni sustav posluje. Rezultati dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja franÅ”iznog poslovanja potiču nova istraživačka pitanja te iniciraju koriÅ”tenje novih teorijskih pravaca za definiranje razloga uporabe franÅ”ize kao metode rasta poduzetnika

    Influence of new customs procedures and logistic security standards on companies competiveness ā€“ a Croatian company case study

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    In todayā€™s global market, companies are constantly confronted with the competition on the local, national and international level. Companies therefore use a variety of strategies and tools to become and/or remain competitive. Potential areas for cost reduction in companies are supply chain management and logistic and customs procedures. Implementation of various logistic standards in supply chain management can provide significant cost savings for the companyā€™s daily operations and thus reduce overall costs and improve the competitiveness. Using different customs procedures and logistic standards to reduce their costs and become more competitive in the market is necessary for Croatian companies. The method of using these tools is not a one-time process and requires constant efforts. Companies therefore have to be ready to improve daily to be and remain competitive. Using a variety of modern customs procedures can save their money and time, not only through these procedures, but also through better use of their employeeā€™s time, their own vehicles and other equipment. The paper analyzes various customs procedures and logistic standards that can help companies save time and money and improve their competitiveness. In the example of Croatian company, which uses various available procedures and standards the benefits of their use are shown. Apart from bringing savings in operations, all these procedures and standards allow the company to be better, cheaper and more attractive to buyers

    Development of Franchising in the Emerging Market of Croatia

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    Franchising is a new sector in transitioning and emerging Croatia. Those companies involved in retailing, distribution, and wholesaling operations are now becoming aware of the benefits (and costs) of franchising as an organizational method and are considering its adaptation to the local context. However, franchising is underdeveloped with only a handful of active firms, lack of regulatory structure, lack of support from institutions, disinterested banks and little experience in the marketplace. Our contribution is an assessment of the franchising model in the Croatian context