81 research outputs found

    Parametric generalization of Baskakov operators

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    Herein we propose a non-negative real parametric generalization of the Baskakov operators and call them as alphaalpha-Baskakov operators. We show that alphaalpha-Baskakov operators can be expressed in terms of divided differences. Then, we obtain nnth order derivative of alphaalpha-Baskakov operators in order to obtain its new representation as powers of independent variable xx. In addition, we obtain Korovkin’s type approximation properties of alphaalpha-Baskakov operators. Moreover, by using the modulus of continuity, we obtain the rate of convergence. Numerical results presented show that depending on the value of the parameter alphaalpha, an approximation to a function improves compared to the classical Baskakov operators

    An efficient algorithm for rank and subspace tracking

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    Erbay, Hasan/0000-0002-7555-541XWOS: 000240086000013Traditionally, the singular value decomposition (SVD) has been used in rank and subspace tracking methods. However, the SVD is computationally costly, especially when the problem is recursive in nature and the size of the matrix is large. The truncated ULV decomposition (TULV) is an alternative to the SVD. It provides a good approximation to subspaces for the data matrix and can be modified quickly to reflect changes in the data. It also reveals the rank of the matrix. This paper presents a TULV updating algorithm. The algorithm is most efficient when the matrix is of low rank. Numerical results are presented that illustrate the accuracy of the algorithm. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The patient's refusal of treatment in pre hospital emergency medicine :

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    TEZ8828Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2012.Kaynakça (s. 116-131) var.xiv, 135 s. : res. ; 29 cm.Emergency care is a unique area of medicine. It is a special area of both the physical space and human resources. It has own dynamics. Pre-hospital emergency medicine is a different version of the emergency medicine. The basic approach of pre-hospital emergency medicine is to care directly to the patient at scene. Being a non-hospital environment brings health care professionals face many problems. Ethical issues, is one of the most important issues of this field. In ethical issues, refusal of treatment and related process are major problem area. Purpose of this study was to determine the approaches of emergency health care professionals on the refusal of treatment. For this purpose, it was made a descriptive research to pre-hospital emergency health care professionals who engaged active duty in the field in Kahramanmaraş, Adana, Mersin and Antakya. There are 10 expressions in the form of data collection. It was asked to participants to score between points 0-10 according to the degree of adoption of these expressions. 424 participants were evaluated. Accordingly, health care professionals are adopt the patient's right to refuse of treatment. However, it contains the important ethical conflicts as the existence of an emergency medical condition and detection of competence, during the use of this right. Age of the young professionals and female participants exhibited an attitude which highlights the utility. In general, it was found that incompetent patients have not the right to refuse the treatment. Young participants have demonstrated an attitude of respect for patient's autonomy. However, they expressed an opinion that prone to paternalism in emergency medical situations. Generally, it was found that pre-hospital emergency care professionals adopted the right the refuse of treatment; however they did not adopt the use of the right in presence of life-threatening situations and non-competence of the patient.Acil tıp kendine özgü bir tıp alanıdır. Gerek fiziki mekan gerekse insan kaynakları olarak özelleşmiş bir alandır. Kendine özgü dinamikleri mevcuttur. Acil tıbbın farklı bir versiyonu ise hastane öncesi acil tıptır. Hastane öncesi acil tıbbın temel yaklaşımı hastaya olay yerinde tıbbi müdahalede bulunmaktır. Hastane dışı bir ortamda bulunmak sağlık profesyonellerini pek çok sorunla yüz yüze getirmektedir. Etik sorunlar, bu alanın en önemli sorunlarından biridir. Etik sorunlar içinde ise tedavi reddi ve bununla bağlantılı süreçler önemli bir sorun alanı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmamızın amacı, acil sağlık profesyonellerinin tedavi reddi konusundaki yaklaşımlarını saptamaktır. Bu amaçla Kahramanmaraş, Adana, Mersin ve Antakya'da sahada aktif görev yapan hastane öncesi acil sağlık hizmetlerinde görev yapan sağlık profesyonellerine yönelik tanımlayıcı bir araştırma yapılmıştır. Uygulanan veri toplama formunda 10 ifade bulunmaktadır. Katılımcılardan bu ifadeleri benimseme derecelerine göre 0-10 arası puan vermeleri istenmiştir. 424 katılımcının verileri değerlendirilmiştir. Buna göre sağlık profesyonelleri hastanın tedaviyi reddetme hakkını benimsemektedir. Ancak bu hakkın kullanımı aşamasında, acil tıbbi durum varlığı ve yeterliğin tespiti konuları önemli etik çatışmaları barındırmaktadır. Meslek yaşı genç katılımcılar ve kadın katılımcılar yarar sağlamayı önceleyen bir tutum sergilemişlerdir. Genel anlamda ise yeterliği olmayan hastaların tedaviyi reddetme hakkı olmadığı yönünde bir görüş bulunduğu ortaya çıkmıştır . Genç katılımcılar hasta özerkliğine saygılı bir tutum ortaya koymuşlardır. Ancak genç katılımcılar paradoksal olarak, acil tıbbi durumlar söz konusu olduğunda paternalizme yatkın bir görüş belirtmişlerdir. Genel olarak; hastane öncesi acil sağlık profesyonellerinin hastanın tedaviyi reddetme hakkını benimsediği, ancak hayati tehlikenin varlığında ve kişinin yeterliği olmadığı durumlarda bu hakkın kullanımını benimsemediği bulunmuştur.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: TF2010D2

    Family presence and the press effects on prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation: attitudes of a group of emergency caregivers

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    There have been many studies regarding family presence during cardiopulmonary resuscitation and most of them are about emergency services or intensive care units. However, the issue has not been studied enough in terms of prehospital emergency medicine and the perspective of prehospital emergency caregivers. In this study, it is aimed to present the attitudes of a group of prehospital emergency care professionals to family presence and the press effects during prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The data for this descriptive research was collected from the participants of 63 prehospital caregivers in Afyonkarahisar. The data was collected using a questionnaire designed by the authors and the responses summarized by using frequencies and percentages. Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the sample and each of the survey items. The local ethics committee approval was obtained. Most participants were strongly opposed to family presence and the press during CPR. The highest mean in the phrases that “I don’t want any press member to be there when I perform CPR on a patient.” There is no significant difference in family presence during CPR between the role and year of the experience. Prehospital emergency caregivers mostly have negative attitude towards family presence and the press during CPR. They mostly think the presence of significant others and being watched adversely affects their CPR performance. Disturbing effect on caregivers is not only related to the presence of family members or to other significant others but also the press. Family presence and the press effect on prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation are crucial issues that need more attention

    Some Ethical Issues in Prehospital Emergency Medicine

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    SUMMARYPrehospital emergency medical care has many challenges including unpredictable patient profiles, emergency conditions, and administration of care in a non-medical area. Many conflicts occur in a prehospital setting that require ethical decisions to be made. An overview of the some of ethical issues in prehospital emergency care settings is given in this article. Ethical aspects of prehospital emergency medicine are classified into four groups: the process before medical interventions, including justice, stigmatization, dangerous situations, and safe driving; the treatment process, including triage, refusal of treatment or transport, and informed consent; the end of life and care, including life-sustaining treatments, prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), withholding or withdrawal of CPR, and family presence during resuscitation; and some ambulance perception issues, including ambulance misuse, care of minors, and telling of bad news. Prehospital emergency medicine is quite different from emergency medicine in hospitals, and all patients and situations are unique. Consequently, there are no quick formulas for the right action and emotion. It is important to recognize the ethical conflicts that occur in prehospital emergency medicine and then act to provide the appropriate care that is of optimal value


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    Medicine is a discipline with its own rules and manner of operation. Literature is oneof the dozens of kinds of art. The common point of both fields is that they touch human storiesfrom within life. Human stories in the field of health are about the processes in which aperson lives,may live or is able to live.With the definition of medical story, it is narrative whicsh are written by medicalstaffs, especially physicians. Medical narratives are fictitious narratives connected withmedical realities, interpreting the health environment from the perspective of a physician orhealth care provider. Such is the primary concern of the works in the literary concerns.The medical narratiation is a field with a limited number of examples in both Turkishliterature and world literature. Due to the diversity of medical education models in recentyears, there is a growing interest in the relationship of medicine with literature and socialsciences.Both in terms of medical education and in the context of literary and medical literacy,“Medical Narratiation” as a product of “quest fo beauty” is a new and distinctive area inTurkish literature.Tıp, kendine özgü kuralları ve işleyiş biçimi olan bir disiplindir. Edebiyat ise sanatın onlarcatüründen biridir. Her iki alanın da ortak noktası, yaşamın içinden insan hikayelerine temasetmeleridir. Sağlık alanındaki insan hikayeleri, kişinin yaşadığı, yaşayacağı ya da yaşama olanağıbulunan süreçler üzerinedir. Anlatı metinleri bakımından tıp alanına yönelik en uygun edebi tür, öyküolarak düşünülebilir.Tıp gibi özel bilgi, donanım ve beceri gerektiren bir alana yönelik edebi eser vermek, yazarlaraçısından kolay bir durum değildir. Bu konuda yetkin örnekler sunabilmek için iki temel şartıngerekliliğinden bahsedilebilir: Bunlardan biri, edebi türlerin genelinde olmasa bile öykü türündeyazmaya alışık, yazı sancılarına aşina bir kalem olmaktır. Diğeri ise tıp ve sağlık ortamını içerdengözlemleyebilen, çatışmaları, ikilemleri ve kimi tıbbi parametreleri değerlendirip yorumlayabilecekbir deneyime sahip olmaktır.Bu bağlamda "tıp öykücülüğü" özel bir alana dair öykülerin, içeride olup biten hakkındabilgisi ve sezgisi olan yazarlar tarafından kaleme alınmasını gerektirmektedir. Tıp öykücülüğü, gerekTürk Edebiyatı'nda gerekse dünya edebiyatında oldukça sınırlı sayıda örneği bulunan bir alandır. Sonyıllarda tıp eğitimi modellerinin çeşitlenmesi nedeniyle, tıbbın edebiyat ve sosyal bilimlerle olanmünasebetlerine yönelik bir ilgi artışı söz konusudur.Hem tıp eğitimi boyutuyla hem de edebiyat ve tıp okur-yazarlığı bağlamında "güzeli arayış"çabasının bir ürünü olarak "Tıp Öykücülüğü" Türk Edebiyatı'nın yeni ve özgün bir alanı olmayaadaydır

    Design and Analysis of a Novel Authorship Verification Framework for Hijacked Social Media Accounts Compromised by a Human

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    Compromising the online social network account of a genuine user, by imitating the user’s writing trait for malicious purposes, is a standard method. Then, when it happens, the fast and accurate detection of intruders is an essential step to control the damage. In other words, an efficient authorship verification model is a binary classification for the investigation of the text, whether it is written by a genuine user or not. Herein, a novel authorship verification framework for hijacked social media accounts, compromised by a human, is proposed. Significant textual features are derived from a Twitter-based dataset. They are composed of 16124 tweets with 280 characters crawled and manually annotated with the authorship information. XGBoost algorithm is then used to highlight the significance of each textual feature in the dataset. Furthermore, the ELECTRE approach is utilized for feature selection, and the rank exponent weight method is applied for feature weighting. The reduced dataset is evaluated with many classifiers, and the achieved result of the F-score is 94.4%

    Parametric generalization of Baskakov operators

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    Erbay, Hasan/0000-0002-7555-541X;WOS: 000482798000009Herein we propose a non-negative real parametric generalization of Baskakov operators and call them alpha-Baskakov operators. We show that alpha-Baskakov operators can be expressed in terms of divided differences. Then, we obtain the nth order derivative of alpha-Baskakov operators in order to obtain its new representation as powers of independent variable x. In addition, we obtain Korovkins-type approximation properties of alpha-Baskakov operators. Moreover, by using the modulus of continuity, we obtain the rate of convergence. Numerical results presented show that depending on the value of the parameter alpha, an approximation to a function improves compared to classical Baskakov operators

    Comparison of Two-Parameter Bernstein Operator and Bernstein-Durrmeyer Variants

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    Erbay, Hasan/0000-0002-7555-541XWOS: 000451335800008The quantum calculus and the post-quantum calculus have recently gained broad popularity in computational science and engineering due to their applications to diverse areas such as solution of differential equations, approximation theory and computer-aided geometric design. Herein, we consider two parameters but two different modified Bernstein-Durrmeyer operators along with two-parameter Bernstein operator. We obtain estimates to the differences between the Bernstein operator and each modified Bernstein-Durrmeyer operator using classical modulus of continuity. In addition, similar estimates are obtained for Chebyshev functional of these operators. Main purpose of using two-parameter operators is to allow us more flexible approximations compared to their classical versions, namely depending on values of parameters, the approximation can be speeded up. Numerical results presented approves the theoretical results