64 research outputs found

    Mokopuna rising: Developing a best practice for early intervention in whanau violence

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    In a very difficult meeting, an extremely unpleasant man was concerned about the possible loss of his power and the continuation of his plans and dreams for the future. And I said, yeah well, you should be worried, because according to your philosophy, when you’re dead, you’re dead. But when I’m dead, my mokopuna will be rising. (Personal Communication, Rob Cooper, 2007) “Mokopuna Rising” is about claiming space for Maori to define best practice for reducing and avoiding whanau violence1 It is research in progress towards a PhD, being carried out with the Ngati Hine Health Trust, in Te Taitokerau (Northland)

    EU KIDS ONLINE 2019 in Finland: Focus on civic non-participation and media literacy

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    Kids all over the world, including Europe, are using diversified online platforms to meet their everyday goals in various purposes such as education, entertainment, consumption, interaction, creation and so on. Young people’s widespread engagement with modern technologies helps them to learn in the media and through the media that has resulted to turn them into digital citizen. However, in Finland, mediacentric youth generation is still not interested in participating civic matters online. Therefore, the aim of the study is to frame this civic non-participatory tendency in the manuscript of the article titled ‘Youth online in Finland: civic non-participation’. Moreover, the reflection paper is for moving forward the discussion of the manuscript’s certain issue by constructing a model of civic media education as a pedagogical solution of civic non-participation. This study is a part of EU KIDS ONLINE 2019, basically focused on Finland where 1350 Finnish youth respondents represented the age group of 9 to 17. EU KIDS ONLINE is a Europe based survey which has been conducted in 21 European countries. The aim of this survey is to ensure youth’s safety in web platform by evaluating their uses and experiences of online activities. Finally, this statistical research has created opportunity to work more on Finnish youth and their civic activity from qualitative perspective. In addition, it also may help the policy makers to implement new form of civic media education in Finnish pedagogy

    The role of the peripheral narrator in Moby-Dick, Heart of darkness and The Great Gatsby

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    The purpose of this thesis is to examine the unique role of the peripheral narrator in Moby-Dick, Heart of Darkness and The Great Gatsby. Each narrator\u27s point of view is unique in that, though he is a character within the story, his participation in the action is restricted by his peripheral status which allows him to witness and evaluate the other characters, particularly the pro­tagonlst. The distinguishing characteristic of this narrative frame necessitated by the use of such a narrator is that the author surrenders his omniscience regarding his other characters by letting his narrator tell the reader only what he as an observer legitimately discovers. The reader has available to him the thoughts, feelings and perceptions of the witness-narrator who views the story from what may be called the wandering periphery

    The Life Changer: Social Workers in Rehabilitation Facilities for Child in Conflict with the Law

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    Delinquent minors are offered special services intended to prevent them from entering the juvenile justice system. Through productive activities, delinquents are trained to acquire socially acceptable behavior with the help of social workers. This phenomenological study explored the social workers' experiences in handling juvenile cases. The study focused on 10 social workers from rehabilitation facilities of children in conflict with the law in the Zamboanga Peninsula Region, Philippines. The result of the study revealed that working with the juvenile's case, social workers have encountered positive and negative experiences. The study leads to the challenges and plight of social workers in their day-to-day activity in juvenile case management. As for how the participants coped with the challenges, they have been mentored and adjusted very well like their work. They also managed their challenges by viewing them as advocacy and service to humanity through altruistic activities. 

    Reclaiming Kaitiakitanga : An intergenerational perspective of Kaitiakitanga within Te Parawhau

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    Kaitiakitanga is a concept that is utilised widely throughout the Māori world for the protection and preservation of cultural aspects to Māori. Through years of application by westernised mainstream processes the value has largely been restricted to the realms of environmental protection. This restriction has often been the result of misinterpretation of Kaitiakitanga and its relevance as a concept to Māori. The purpose of the thesis is to question how the perspective of Kaitiakitanga is constructed in the minds of representatives from the hapĆ« of Te Parawhau. To test for variance, the research spans across two generations of hapĆ« members. Using Whakawhiti Kƍrero for data collection as well as Kaupapa Māori methodology as guidance, the thesis explores perspectives of two generations of Te Parawhau descendants around Kaitiakitanga and how it can be developed to aid in the growth and prosperity of the hapĆ«. Key themes highlighted by the analysis encompass ideas of connectedness as well as spiritual, physical, environmental and human elements of responsibility and obligation. The thesis introduces a distinct Te Parawhau analytical framework for its analysis of rich kƍrero by hapĆ« members in relation to Kaitiakitanga. Through this framework the value of Kaitiakitanga is tested for relevance to Te Parawhau and its future development. The world view of Te Parawhau has formed the basis of participant perspectives around Kaitiakitanga and leads the researcher to consider that such knowledge is important to the future functionality of Māori value’s. The thesis concludes to show that there are indeed differences in application and perspectives of Kaitiakitanga within the hapĆ« of Te Parawhau

    Market Needs Assessment for Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security Management in a State-Funded College

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    Abstract: Market Needs Assessment for Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security Management in a State-Funded College. Objective: This study was carried out to evaluate and appraise the market demand for a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security in J.H. Cerilles State College, Philippines in 2021. Methods: The methodology used for this study was a descriptive survey conducted online using google forms. A random sampling method was used in selecting the 100 respondents from among students, graduates, and professionals from private and public institutions. Frequency counts, percentage, and weighted average mean were used in analyzing the data. Findings: The result revealed that offering BSISM in JHCSC is feasible as to the management viability, market viability, operation viability, and location, as well as industry viability. Conclusion: Competent and qualified teachers and staff are required for the long-term viability of the new program offering, with the availability of teaching resources being a secondary consideration in the decision to offer such a program. Location and future demand must also be given attention prior to proposing a new course.Keywords: industrial security, security profession, market demand viability.Abstrak: Penilaian Kebutuhan Pasar untuk Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security Management di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri. Tujuan: Studi ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi dan menilai permintaan pasar untuk gelar Bachelor of Science in Industrial Security di J.H. Cerilles State College, Filipina pada tahun 2021. Metode: Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei deskriptif yang dilakukan secara online menggunakan google form. Metode random sampling digunakan dalam memilih 100 responden dari kalangan mahasiswa, lulusan, dan profesional dari lembaga swasta dan publik. Frekuensi Hitung, Persentase, dan Rata-rata Tertimbang digunakan dalam menganalisis data. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penawaran BSISM di JHCSC layak untuk kelayakan manajemen, kelayakan pasar, kelayakan operasi, dan lokasi, serta kelayakan industri. Kesimpulan: Guru dan staf yang kompeten dan berkualitas diperlukan untuk kelangsungan jangka panjang dari penawaran program baru, dengan ketersediaan sumber daya pengajaran menjadi pertimbangan sekunder dalam keputusan untuk menawarkan program semacam itu. Lokasi dan permintaan di masa depan juga harus diperhatikan sebelum mengusulkan kursus baru.Kata kunci: keamanan industri, profesi keamanan, kelayakan permintaan pasar.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i3.20211

    Risiko Kejadian Batuk Kering Pada Pasien Hipertensi Yang Menggunakan ACEi Dan Upaya Penanganannya

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    Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor merupakan antihipertensi yang digunakan untuk menurunkan tekanan darah. ACEi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kaptopril, lisinopril, ramipril dan enalapril yang memiliki efek samping paling banyak batuk kering. Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui presentase kejadian batuk kering pada pasien hipertensi yang menggunakan ACEi di Kota Pontianak serta upaya penangannya. Metode: Desain penelitan ini observasional (non eksperimental) dengan rancangan potong lintang. Kriteria inlklusi adalah pasien hipertensi berusia ?18 tahun yang menggunakan ACEi selama ?2 minggu mengalami batuk kering. Terpilih subjek sebanyak 47 responden yang menggunakan ACEi diambil secara purposive sampling. Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah distribusi penggunaan ACEi di kota Pontianak yaitu kaptopril 72,340%, lisinopril 14,894%, ramipril 8,511%, dan enalapril 4,255%. Kejadian efek samping ACEi batuk kering sebesar 87,80%, pusing 43,903%, mulut kering 25,829%, dan konstipasi 9,756%. Perlunya upaya penanganan kejadian efek samping batuk kering tersebut. Kesimpulan: Penggunaan antihipertensi ACEi memeliki efek samping paling tinggi yaitu batuk kering yang dapat mengganggu proses tercapainya terapi dan kepatuhan pengobatan hipertensi. Kata Kunci : Hipertensi, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor, Batuk Kering

    Students’ Satisfaction on School Services in a State College in the Philippines

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    Abstract: Students’ Satisfaction on School Services in a State College in the Philippines. Objective: This study was purposely conducted to determine the satisfaction level of Bachelor of Science in Criminology students on the school services offered in J.H. Cerilles State College (JHCSC), Philippines in 2019. Methods: This is a descriptive type of research utilizing a modified-validated questionnaire from the working guide of the accreditors in the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP). Frequency Counts, Percentage, and Weighted Average Mean were used in analyzing the data. Total enumeration was used as the sampling methodology. A total of 152 criminology students were identified as the respondents of the study. Findings: Results show that library and guidance services have the highest level of satisfaction rating while school canteen and criminology laboratory have the lowest students’ satisfaction. Conclusion: The students were satisfied with the services offered by those offices that directly attended to their academic and emotional needs.Keywords: students satisfaction, school services, services quality, higher education institution.Abstrak: Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Layanan Sekolah di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Filipina. Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa S1 Kriminologi terhadap layanan sekolah yang ditawarkan di J.H. Cerilles State College (JHCSC), Filipina pada tahun 2019. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang telah dimodifikasi-validasi dari pedoman kerja para akreditor di Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP). Frekuensi Hitung, Persentase, dan Rata-rata Tertimbang digunakan dalam menganalisis data. Metode pencacahan total digunakan sebagai metode pengambilan sampel. Sebanyak 152 mahasiswa jurusan kriminologi diidentifikasi sebagai responden penelitian. Temuan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa layanan perpustakaan dan bimbingan memiliki tingkat kepuasan tertinggi sedangkan kantin sekolah dan laboratorium kriminologi memiliki kepuasan siswa terendah. Kesimpulan: Para siswa puas dengan layanan yang ditawarkan oleh kantor-kantor yang secara langsung memenuhi kebutuhan akademik dan emosional mereka.Kata kunci: kepuasan mahasiswa, pelayanan sekolah, kualitas layanan, institusi pendidikan tinggi. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v11.i2.20210
