467 research outputs found

    Comparison of potential models of nucleus-nucleus bremsstrahlung

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    At low photon energies, the potential models of nucleus-nucleus bremsstrahlung are based on electric transition multipole operators, which are derived either only from the nuclear current or only from the charge density by making the long-wavelength approximation and using the Siegert theorem. In the latter case, the bremsstrahlung matrix elements are divergent and some regularization techniques are used to obtain finite values for the bremsstrahlung cross sections. From an extension of the Siegert theorem, which is not based on the long-wavelength approximation, a new potential model of nucleus-nucleus bremsstrahlung is developed. Only convergent integrals are included in this approach. Formal links between bremsstrahlung cross sections obtained in these different models are made. Furthermore, three different ways to calculate the regularized matrix elements are discussed and criticized. Some prescriptions for a proper implementation of the regularization are deduced. A numerical comparison between the different models is done by applying them to the α+α\alpha+\alpha bremsstrahlung.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Transcriptome-based reconstructions from the murine knockout suggest involvement of the urate transporter, URAT1 (slc22a12), in novel metabolic pathways.

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    URAT1 (slc22a12) was identified as the transporter responsible for renal reabsorption of the medically important compound, uric acid. However, subsequent studies have indicated that other transporters make contributions to this process, and that URAT1 transports other organic anions besides urate (including several in common with the closely related multi-specific renal organic anion transporters, OAT1 (slc22a6) and OAT3 (slc22a8)). These findings raise the possibility that urate transport is not the sole physiological function of URAT1. We previously characterized mice null for the murine ortholog of URAT1 (mURAT1; previously cloned as RST), finding a relatively modest decrement in urate reabsorptive capacity. Nevertheless, there were shifts in the plasma and urinary concentrations of multiple small molecules, suggesting significant metabolic changes in the knockouts. Although these molecules remain unidentified, here we have computationally delineated the biochemical networks consistent with transcriptomic data from the null mice. These analyses suggest alterations in the handling of not only urate but also other putative URAT1 substrates comprising intermediates in nucleotide, carbohydrate, and steroid metabolism. Moreover, the analyses indicate changes in multiple other pathways, including those relating to the metabolism of glycosaminoglycans, methionine, and coenzyme A, possibly reflecting downstream effects of URAT1 loss. Taken together with the available substrate and metabolomic data for the other OATs, our findings suggest that the transport and biochemical functions of URAT1 overlap those of OAT1 and OAT3, and could contribute to our understanding of the relationship between uric acid and the various metabolic disorders to which it has been linked

    Relativistic semiempirical-core-potential calculations in Ca+^+, Sr+^+, and Ba+^+ ions on Lagrange meshes

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    Relativistic atomic structure calculations are carried out in alkaline-earth-metal ions using a semiempirical-core-potential approach. The systems are partitioned into frozen-core electrons and an active valence electron. The core orbitals are defined by a Dirac-Hartree-Fock calculation using the grasp2k package. The valence electron is described by a Dirac-like Hamiltonian involving a core-polarization potential to simulate the core-valence electron correlation. The associated equation is solved with the Lagrange-mesh method, which is an approximate variational approach having the form of a mesh calculation because of the use of a Gauss quadrature to calculate matrix elements. Properties involving the low-lying metastable 2D3/2,5/2^2D_{3/2,5/2} states of Ca+^{+}, Sr+^{+}, and Ba+^{+} are studied, such as polarizabilities, one- and two-photon decay rates, and lifetimes. Good agreement is found with other theory and observation, which is promising for further applications in alkali-like systems.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Towards an ab initio description of the light-nuclei radiative captures

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    The 3He(α,γ)7Be{^3{\rm He}}(\alpha,\gamma){^7{\rm Be}} and 3H(α,γ)7Li{^3{\rm H}}(\alpha,\gamma){^7{\rm Li}} astrophysical SS factors are evaluated at low collision energies (less than 2.5 MeV in the centre-of-mass frame) within the no-core shell model with continuum approach using a renormalized chiral nucleon-nucleon interaction.Comment: 4 pages, submitted as a proceeding of the 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physic

    3He(α,γ)7Be{^3{\rm He}}(\alpha,\gamma){^7{\rm Be}} and 3H(α,γ)7Li{^3{\rm H}}(\alpha,\gamma){^7{\rm Li}} astrophysical SS factors from the no-core shell model with continuum

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    The 3He(α,γ)7Be{^3{\rm He}}(\alpha,\gamma){^7{\rm Be}} and 3H(α,γ)7Li{^3{\rm H}}(\alpha,\gamma){^7{\rm Li}} astrophysical SS factors are calculated within the no-core shell model with continuum using a renormalized chiral nucleon-nucleon interaction. The 3He(α,γ)7Be{^3{\rm He}}(\alpha,\gamma){^7{\rm Be}} astrophysical SS factors agree reasonably well with the experimental data while the 3H(α,γ)7Li{^3{\rm H}}(\alpha,\gamma){^7{\rm Li}} ones are overestimated. The seven-nucleon bound and resonance states and the α+3He/3H\alpha+{^3{\rm He}}/{^3{\rm H}} elastic scattering are also studied and compared with experiment. The low-lying resonance properties are rather well reproduced by our approach. At low energies, the ss-wave phase shift, which is non-resonant, is overestimated.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to Phys. Lett.

    Exchange effects in nucleus-nucleus reactions

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    We present a scattering model for nuclei with similar masses. In this three-body model, the projectile has a core+valence structure, whereas the target is identical to the core nucleus. The three-body wave functions must be symmetrized for the exchange of the cores. This property gives rise to non-local potentials, which are computed without approximation. The present model is an extension of the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel (CDCC) formalism, with an additional treatment of core exchange. We solve the coupled-channel system, including non-local terms, by the RR-matrix method using Lagrange functions. This model is applied to the 13C+12^{13}{\rm C}+^{12}C, 13N+12^{13}{\rm N}+^{12}C and 16O+12^{16}{\rm O}+^{12}C systems. Experimental scattering cross sections are fairly well reproduced without any parameter fitting. The backward-angle enhancement of the elastic cross sections is due to the non-local potential. We discuss in more detail the various non-local contributions and present effective local potentials.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Physical Review