30 research outputs found

    Controlling and predicting droplet size of nanoemulsions: scaling relations with experimental validation

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    Gupta, Ankur et al. “Controlling and Predicting Droplet Size of Nanoemulsions: Scaling Relations with Experimental Validation.” Soft Matter 12.5 (2016): 1452–1458.Eni S.p.A

    Nanoemulsions: formation, properties and applications

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    Nanoemulsions are kinetically stable liquid-in-liquid dispersions with droplet sizes on the order of 100 nm. Their small size leads to useful properties such as high surface area per unit volume, robust stability, optically transparent appearance, and tunable rheology. Nanoemulsions are finding application in diverse areas such as drug delivery, food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and material synthesis. Additionally, they serve as model systems to understand nanoscale colloidal dispersions. High and low energy methods are used to prepare nanoemulsions, including high pressure homogenization, ultrasonication, phase inversion temperature and emulsion inversion point, as well as recently developed approaches such as bubble bursting method. In this review article, we summarize the major methods to prepare nanoemulsions, theories to predict droplet size, physical conditions and chemical additives which affect droplet stability, and recent applications.Eni S.p.A

    Steering particles by breaking symmetries

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    We derive general equations of motions for highly-confined particles that perform quasi-two-dimensional motion in Hele-Shaw channels, which we solve analytically, aiming to derive design principles for self-steering particles. Based on symmetry properties of a particle, its equations of motion can be simplified, where we retrieve an earlier-known equation of motion for the orientation of dimer particles consisting of disks (Uspal et al 2013 Nat. Commun. 4), but now in full generality. Subsequently, these solutions are compared with particle trajectories that are obtained numerically. For mirror-symmetric particles, excellent agreement between the analytical and numerical solutions is found. For particles lacking mirror symmetry, the analytic solutions provide means to classify the motion based on particle geometry, while we find that taking the side-wall interactions into account is important to accurately describe the trajectories

    A review on laser-induced crystallization from solution

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    Crystallization is abound in nature and industrial practice. A plethora of indispensable products ranging from agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals to battery materials, are produced in crystalline form in industrial practice. Yet, our control over the crystallization process across scales, from molecular to macroscopic, is far from complete. This bottleneck not only hinders our ability to engineer the properties of crystalline products essential for maintaining our quality of life but also hampers progress toward a sustainable circular economy in resource recovery. In recent years, approaches leveraging light fields have emerged as promising alternatives to manipulate crystallization. In this review article, we classify laser-induced crystallization approaches where light-material interactions are utilized to influence crystallization phenomena according to proposed underlying mechanisms and experimental setups. We discuss non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation, high-intensity laser-induced nucleation, laser trapping-induced crystallization, and indirect methods in detail. Throughout the review, we highlight connections amongst these separately evolving sub-fields to encourage interdisciplinary exchange of ideas.Comment: V. Korede and N. Nagalingam contributed equally to this wor

    Laser-Induced Cavitation for Controlling Crystallization from Solution

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    We demonstrate that a cavitation bubble initiated by a Nd:YAG laser pulse below breakdown threshold induces crystallization from supersaturated aqueous solutions with supersaturation and laser-energy dependent nucleation kinetics. Combining high-speed video microscopy and simulations, we argue that a competition between the dissipation of absorbed laser energy as latent and sensible heat dictates the solvent evaporation rate and creates a momentary supersaturation peak at the vapor-liquid interface. The number and morphology of crystals correlate to the characteristics of the simulated supersaturation peak

    Universal motion of mirror-symmetric microparticles in confined Stokes flow

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    Comprehensive understanding of particle motion in microfluidic devices is essential to unlock novel technologies for shape-based separation and sorting of microparticles like microplastics, cells and crystal polymorphs. Such particles interact hydrodynamically with confining surfaces, thus altering their trajectories. These hydrodynamic interactions are shape-dependent and can be tuned to guide a particle along a specific path. We produce strongly confined particles with various shapes in a shallow microfluidic channel via stop flow lithography. Regardless of their exact shape, particles with a single mirror plane have identical modes of motion: in-plane rotation and cross-stream translation along a bell-shaped path. Each mode has a characteristic time, determined by particle geometry. Furthermore, each particle trajectory can be scaled by its respective characteristic times onto two master curves. We propose minimalistic relations linking these timescales to particle shape. Together these master curves yield a trajectory universal to particles with a single mirror plane.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, 1 PDF file containing Supplementary Text, Figures and Tabl

    Low-cost fluorescence microscope with microfluidic device fabrication for optofluidic applications

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    Optofluidic devices have revolutionized the manipulation and transportation of fluid at smaller length scales ranging from micrometers to millimeters. We describe a dedicated optical setup for studying laser-induced cavitation inside a microchannel. In a typical experiment, we use a tightly focused laser beam to locally evaporate the solution laced with a dye resulting in the formation of a microbubble. The evolving bubble interface is tracked using high-speed microscopy and digital image analysis. Furthermore, we extend this system to analyze fluid flow through fluorescence-Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique with minimal adaptations. In addition, we demonstrate the protocols for the in-house fabrication of a microchannel tailored to function as a sample holder in this optical setup. In essence, we present a complete guide for constructing a fluorescence microscope from scratch using standard optical components with flexibility in the design and at a lower cost compared to its commercial analogues.Comment: N. Nagalingam and A. Raghunathan contributed equally to this wor

    Engineering particle trajectories in microfluidic flows using particle shape

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    Recent advances in microfluidic technologies have created a demand for techniques to control the motion of flowing microparticles. Here we consider how the shape and geometric confinement of a rigid microparticle can be tailored for ‘self-steering’ under external flow. We find that an asymmetric particle, weakly confined in one direction and strongly confined in another, will align with the flow and focus to the channel centreline. Experimentally and theoretically, we isolate three viscous hydrodynamic mechanisms that contribute to particle dynamics. Through their combined effects, a particle is stably attracted to the channel centreline, effectively behaving as a damped oscillator. We demonstrate the use of self-steering particles for microfluidic device applications, eliminating the need for external forces or sheath flows.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CMMI-1120724)Novartis (Firm)United States. Army Research Office (Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies Contract W911NF-09-D-0001

    Contact angle hysteresis: a review of fundamentals and applications

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    Contact angle hysteresis is an important physical phenomenon. It is omnipresent in nature and also plays a crucial role in various industrial processes. Despite its relevance, there is a lack of consensus on how to incorporate a description of contact angle hysteresis into physical models. To clarify this, starting from the basic definition of contact angle hysteresis, we introduce the formalism and models for implementing contact angle hysteresis into relevant physical phenomena. Furthermore, we explain the influence of the contact angle hysteresis in physical phenomena relevant for industrial applications such as sliding drops, coffee stain phenomenon (in general evaporative self-assembly), and curtain and wire coating techniques

    Synthesis of colloidal microgels using oxygen-controlled flow lithography

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    We report a synthesis approach based on stop-flow lithography (SFL) for fabricating colloidal microparticles with any arbitrary 2D-extruded shape. By modulating the degree of oxygen inhibition during synthesis, we achieved previously unattainable particle sizes. Brownian diffusion of colloidal discs in bulk suggests the out-of-plane dimension can be as small as 0.8 μm, which agrees with confocal microscopy measurements. We measured the hindered diffusion of microdiscs near a solid surface and compared our results to theoretical predictions. These colloidal particles can also flow through physiological microvascular networks formed by endothelial cells undergoing vasculogensis under minimal hydrostatic pressure (∼5 mm H2O). This versatile platform creates future opportunities for on-chip parametric studies of particle geometry effects on particle passage properties, distribution and cellular interactions.United States. Army Research Office (Institute for Collaborative Biotechnologies. Grant W911NF-09-0001)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grants CMMI-1120724 and DMR-1006147)Singapore-MIT Alliance in Research and Technology (SMART