16 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Singular Lagrangians as Field Systems

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    The link between the treatment of singular lagrangians as field systems and the general approch is studied. It is shown that singular Lagrangians as field systems are always in exact agreement with the general approch. Two examples and the singular Lagrangian with zero rank Hessian matrix are studied. The equations of motion in the field systems are equivalent to the equations which contain accleration, and the constraints are equivalent to the equations which do not contain acceleration in the general approch treatment.Comment: 10 Pages, Latex, no Figure

    Solving conformable Gegenbauer differential equation and exploring its generating function

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    In this manuscript, we address the resolution of conformable Gegenbauer differential equations. We demonstrate that our solution aligns precisely with the results obtained through the power series approach. Furthermore, we delve into the investigation and validation of various properties and recursive relationships associated with Gegenbauer functions. Additionally, we introduce and substantiate the conformable Rodriguez's formula and generating functio

    Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of singular Lagrangians with linear velocities

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    In this paper, constrained Hamiltonian systems with linear velocities are investigated by using the Hamilton-Jacobi method. We shall consider the integrablity conditions on the equations of motion and the action function as well in order to obtain the path integral quantization of singular Lagrangians with linear velocities.Comment: late

    Bargmann invariants and off-diagonal geometric phases for multi-level quantum systems -- a unitary group approach

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    We investigate the geometric phases and the Bargmann invariants associated with a multi-level quantum systems. In particular, we show that a full set of `gauge-invariant' objects for an nn-level system consists of nn geometric phases and 1/2(n1)(n2){1/2}(n-1)(n-2) algebraically independent 4-vertex Bargmann invariants. In the process of establishing this result we develop a canonical form for U(n) matrices which is useful in its own right. We show that the recently discovered `off-diagonal' geometric phases [N. Manini and F. Pistolesi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 8, 3067 (2000)] can be completely analysed in terms of the basic building blocks developed in this work. This result liberates the off-diagonal phases from the assumption of adiabaticity used in arriving at them.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figure

    An investigation of the Hamiltonian formulation of singular systems

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    Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra