1,308 research outputs found

    More new distribution records for Florida water beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Elmidae, Hydrophilidae, Scirtidae), with additional notes on Scirtes oblongus Guérin-Méneville

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    New distribution records for the State of Florida are given for several genera and species of water beetles. These include Dytiscidae: Acilius confusus Bergsten; Dytiscus carolinus AubĂ©; Matus bicarinatus (Say); Elmidae: Oulimnius nitidulus LeConte; Stenelmis mera Sanderson; S. morsei White; Hydrophilidae: Laccobius minutoides d’Orchymont; Scirtidae: Sarabandus robustus (LeConte); Scirtes oblongus GuĂ©rin-MĂ©neville. Additional information is provided on the distribution, morphology and three color forms of S. oblongus which is considered to be a senior synonym of Scirtes sexlineatus Chevrolat and S. interruptus Chevrolat

    Risk Characteristics of Healthcare Workers that Decline Voluntary Influenza Vaccination

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    Influenza, also known as the flu, is one of the most common seasonal illnesses with outbreaks occurring each year. Transmission of the influenza virus in a hospital setting is a significant concern, because although most cases of influenza are mild, up to 25% require outpatient medical care, as many as 4% require inpatient care, and 1% require intensive care. One way to prevent influenza is through vaccination of those deemed to be high risk for contracting and spreading the disease, such as healthcare workers. The purpose of this study was to identify personal, demographic and professional characteristics of healthcare workers who decline influenza vaccination in a Southeastern United States teaching hospital. Characteristics examined in this study included gender, ethnicity, number of years employed at the hospital, personnel role and level of patient contact. The method for this research involved the utilization of existing (secondary) data from the 2010-2011 flu vaccination program gained from the employee database of the hospital. A population consisting of 22,845 healthcare workers was observed. Findings included identification of African Americans as the ethnic group with the highest declination rate. Healthcare workers with little patient contact also had high rates of declination. While physicians and nurses had relatively low rates of declination, environmental service workers had a high rate of declination. This study concluded that although specific groups were identified with high rates of declination, further research is needed to determine the reason behind declination amongst these groups and if any relationship can be made with regard to education level or job title that affects declination of the influenza vaccine. Future research is needed to understand why healthcare workers decline vaccination and how to improve vaccination rates in this population.Caroline EplerHutchins, MatthewJim MelanconPeterson, YasenkaMaster of ScienceDepartment Not ListedImprint: Cunningham Memorial Library, Terre Haute, Indiana State University.201205MastersTitle from document title page. Document formatted into pages: contains 55p. : ill. Includes appendix and bibliography

    Re-structure : an exploration of relational engagement through objects & object making

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    Home is a loaded concept. For each of us it means a vast spectrum of associations, emotions and values. However, there are also a myriad of universal commonalities of what home is in our collective imaginations and experiences despite the increasingly transitory and elusive ideas about what home means for each of us. Whatever or wherever we might call home, our experiences within the walls of what we understand to be home impact and shape us. It is the physical and sociological structure that shapes our lives and the shelter from which we depart to grow into the larger world surrounding it. This body of work is an exploration of the construct of ‘home’ as both material and immaterial structure of relationships and objects. Through various approaches to projects across mediums and forms, I have sought to align my process of making with my own developing definition of home and of the domestic through means of connection, collaboration adn community. At the heart of these is a dependence and value of relationships. In exploring relational structures and objects that mediate them through the process of making, I have deepened my belief that relationships are at the core of who we are and how we choose to design our lives. With this in mind, my aim has been to investigate our relationship to objects, our relationship to the making of objects, and our relationship to others, their narratives and histories. Of the utmost import in driving these themes has been a desire to create objects that arise from personal and meaningful places that go further to become structures of support for the life and development of new narratives

    A new species of \u3ci\u3eUvarus\u3c/i\u3e Guignot, 1939 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae: Bidessini) from Florida, USA

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    A new species of Uvarus Guignot, 1939 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae: Bidessini), is described from Florida, USA. It is most similar to U. suburbanus (Fall), but differs in the shape of the much stouter and broader median lobe of the male genitalia

    Campbell and the Colleges

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    Based on the Reed Lectures from 1971, Gresham, the twelfth president of Bethany College, explores how the school\u27s founder Alexander Campbell articulated his philosophy of education. He then, demonstrates how leaders affiliated with Disciples of Christ went on to found other institutions of higher education. This study shows the variety of entrepreneurial institutions begun within the Stone-Campbell tradition and the challenges of survival that schools faced even in the early 1970s. Chapters include: â–Ș Campbell on Education â–Ș Campbell\u27s Bethany â–Ș Subsequent Colleges and the Campbell Heritage â–Ș The Present Predicament of the Collegeshttps://digitalcommons.acu.edu/acu_library_books/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Desert of Knowledge

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    “Ain’t No Real Pimps Out There No More”: Street-involved Women’s Characterizations of Men Who Facilitate Street-based Sex Work

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    Drawing upon five years of ethnographic research with over 100 Denver, Colorado women involved in street­‐based sex work and drug use, this paper explores what the women\u27s discursive framings of men who facilitate women\u27s sex work activities reveal about the exclusionary social and criminal justice practices that shape their lives

    It Takes a Village: An Exploration of the Components Needed to Create Professional Themed Fashion

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    Arguably, there are few examples of imagery in advertising that are more powerful than professional quality fashion portraits. However, creating successful images in this genre is incredibly challenging. Photographers must not only master the crafts of lighting, posing and other techniques in their profession, but they must also master scheduling, time management, communication and interpersonal relationships. The photographer must rely on a team of professionals, from make-up artists to models. This poster will document one undergraduate students’ journey to master these challenges and complete a series of themed fashion portraits for commercial usage. Em­phasis will be placed on documentation, explanation of techniques and visualization of the Final products

    Taastav neuropsĂŒhholoogia ja selle areng Eestis

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    NeuropsĂŒhholoogiline taastusravi tegeleb ajukahjustusest tingitud kognitiivsete, emotsionaalsete, kĂ€itumuslike ja psĂŒhhosotsiaalsete probleemide leevendamisega. Vaatamata kĂŒllaltki lĂŒhikesele ajaloole on neuropsĂŒhholoogiliste sekkumiste kasulikkus leidnud nĂŒĂŒdseks tĂ”estust nii individuaalsel kui ka riiklikul tasandil. JĂ€rjest laiemalt on hakanud levima holistiline rehabilitatsioonimudel, kus patsiendi lĂ€hedased ja keskkond on tihedalt kaasatud raviprotsessi. NeuropsĂŒhholoogi töö patsiendiga algab pĂ”hjalikust hindamisest ja patsiendikesksete eesmĂ€rkide seadmisest ning sobivate sekkumiste rakendamise jĂ€rel on oluline toetada uute oskuste ĂŒldistumist. Eestis on tegu suhteliselt noore, kuid kiiresti areneva valdkonnaga. Viimastel aastatel on laienenud siinsed erialased Ă”ppimis- ja koolitusvĂ”imalused

    Diagnosis and treatment of constrictive bronchiolitis

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    Constrictive bronchiolitis is a bronchiolar airway disease that surrounds the lumen with fibrotic concentric narrowing and obliteration. The mosaic pattern seen on the expiratory high-resolution chest CT scan is diagnostic in an individual with shortness of breath, early inspiratory crackles, and irreversible airflow obstruction. Swyer-James-MacLeod syndrome is no longer considered a congenital disorder but as constrictive bronchiolitis detected in young adults who had infectious pneumonia during infancy. For lung transplant recipients, tacrolimus continues to be an important immune suppression medication, extracorporeal photopheresis may improve the decline of pulmonary function, and azithromycin may be effective in some lung transplant recipients for treatment of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome for prevention of constrictive bronchiolitis
