62 research outputs found

    Regulation of microRNA during cardiomyocyte maturation in sheep.

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    BACKGROUND: There is a limited capacity to repair damage in the mammalian heart after birth, which is primarily due to the inability of cardiomyocytes to proliferate after birth. This is in contrast to zebrafish and salamander, in which cardiomyocytes retain the ability to proliferate throughout life and can regenerate their heart after significant damage. Recent studies in zebrafish and rodents implicate microRNA (miRNA) in the regulation of genes responsible for cardiac cell cycle progression and regeneration, in particular, miR-133a, the miR-15 family, miR-199a and miR-590. However, the significance of these miRNA and miRNA in general in the regulation of cardiomyocyte proliferation in large mammals, including humans, where the timing of heart development relative to birth is very different than in rodents, is unclear. To determine the involvement of miRNA in the down-regulation of cardiomyocyte proliferation occurring before birth in large mammals, we investigated miRNA and target gene expression in sheep hearts before and after birth. The experimental approach included targeted transcriptional profiling of miRNA and target mRNA previously identified in rodent studies as well as genome-wide miRNA profiling using microarrays. RESULTS: The cardiac expression of miR-133a increased and its target gene IGF1R decreased with increasing age, reaching their respective maximum and minimum abundance when the majority of ovine cardiomyocytes were quiescent. The expression of the miR-15 family members was variable with age, however, four of their target genes decreased with age. These latter profiles are inconsistent with the direct involvement of this family of miRNA in cardiomyocyte quiescence in late gestation sheep. The expression patterns of 'pro-proliferative' miR-199a and miR-590 were also inconsistent with their involvement in cardiomyocyte quiescence. Consequently, miRNA microarray analysis was undertaken, which identified six discrete clusters of miRNA with characteristic developmental profiles. The functions of predicted target genes for the miRNA in four of the six clusters were enriched for aspects of cell division and regulation of cell proliferation suggesting a potential role of these miRNA in regulating cardiomyocyte proliferation. CONCLUSION: The results of this study show that the expression of miR-133a and one of its target genes is consistent with it being involved in the suppression of cardiomyocyte proliferation, which occurs across the last third of gestation in sheep. The expression patterns of the miR-15 family, miR-199a and miR-590 were inconsistent with direct involvement in the regulation cardiomyocyte proliferation in sheep, despite studies in rodents demonstrating that their manipulation can influence the degree of cardiomyocyte proliferation. miRNA microarray analysis suggests a coordinated and potentially more complex role of multiple miRNA in the regulation of cardiomyocyte quiescence and highlights significant differences between species that may reflect their substantial differences in the timing of this developmental process

    Multicellular transcriptional analysis of mammalian heart regeneration

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    BACKGROUND: The inability of the adult mammalian heart to regenerate following injury represents a major barrier in cardiovascular medicine. In contrast, the neonatal mammalian heart retains a transient capacity for regeneration, which is lost shortly after birth. Defining the molecular mechanisms that govern regenerative capacity in the neonatal period remains a central goal in cardiac biology. Here, we assemble a transcriptomic framework of multiple cardiac cell populations during postnatal development and following injury, which enables comparative analyses of the regenerative (neonatal) versus nonregenerative (adult) state for the first time. METHODS: Cardiomyocytes, fibroblasts, leukocytes, and endothelial cells from infarcted and noninfarcted neonatal (P1) and adult (P56) mouse hearts were isolated by enzymatic dissociation and fluorescence-activated cell sorting at day 3 following surgery. RNA sequencing was performed on these cell populations to generate the transcriptome of the major cardiac cell populations during cardiac development, repair, and regeneration. To complement our transcriptomic data, we also surveyed the epigenetic landscape of cardiomyocytes during postnatal maturation by performing deep sequencing of accessible chromatin regions by using the Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin from purified mouse cardiomyocyte nuclei (P1, P14, and P56). RESULTS: Profiling of cardiomyocyte and nonmyocyte transcriptional programs uncovered several injury-responsive genes across regenerative and nonregenerative time points. However, the majority of transcriptional changes in all cardiac cell types resulted from developmental maturation from neonatal stages to adulthood rather than activation of a distinct regeneration-specific gene program. Furthermore, adult leukocytes and fibroblasts were characterized by the expression of a proliferative gene expression network following infarction, which mirrored the neonatal state. In contrast, cardiomyocytes failed to reactivate the neonatal proliferative network following infarction, which was associated with loss of chromatin accessibility around cell cycle genes during postnatal maturation. CONCLUSIONS: This work provides a comprehensive framework and transcriptional resource of multiple cardiac cell populations during cardiac development, repair, and regeneration. Our findings define a regulatory program underpinning the neonatal regenerative state and identify alterations in the chromatin landscape that could limit reinduction of the regenerative program in adult cardiomyocytes

    Alpha kinase 3 signaling at the M-band maintains sarcomere integrity and proteostasis in striated muscle

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    Muscle contraction is driven by the molecular machinery of the sarcomere. As phosphorylation is a critical regulator of muscle function, the identification of regulatory kinases is important for understanding sarcomere biology. Pathogenic variants in alpha kinase 3 (ALPK3) cause cardiomyopathy and musculoskeletal disease, but little is known about this atypical kinase. Here we show that ALPK3 is an essential component of the M-band of the sarcomere and define the ALPK3-dependent phosphoproteome. ALPK3 deficiency impaired contractility both in human cardiac organoids and in the hearts of mice harboring a pathogenic truncating Alpk3 variant. ALPK3-dependent phosphopeptides were enriched for sarcomeric components of the M-band and the ubiquitin-binding protein sequestosome-1 (SQSTM1) (also known as p62). Analysis of the ALPK3 interactome confirmed binding to M-band proteins including SQSTM1. In human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes modeling cardiomyopathic ALPK3 mutations, sarcomeric organization and M-band localization of SQSTM1 were abnormal suggesting that this mechanism may underly disease pathogenesis

    Cardiomyocyte functional etiology in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is distinctive - A new preclinical model

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    Background--Among the growing numbers of patients with heart failure, up to one half have heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). The lack of effective treatments for HFpEF is a substantial and escalating unmet clinical need-and the lack of HFpEF-specific animal models represents a major preclinical barrier in advancing understanding of HFpEF. As established treatments for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) have proven ineffective for HFpEF, the contention that the intrinsic cardiomyocyte phenotype is distinct in these 2 conditions requires consideration. Our goal was to validate and characterize a new rodent model of HFpEF, undertaking longitudinal investigations to delineate the associated cardiac and cardiomyocyte pathophysiology. Methods and Results--The selectively inbred Hypertrophic Heart Rat (HHR) strain exhibits adult cardiac enlargement (without hypertension) and premature death (40% mortality at 50 weeks) compared to its control strain, the normal heart rat. Hypertrophy was characterized in vivo by maintained systolic parameters (ejection fraction at 85%-90% control) with marked diastolic dysfunction (increased E/E'). Surprisingly, HHR cardiomyocytes were hypercontractile, exhibiting high C


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    Building a new heart from old parts: stem cell turnover in the aging heart

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    FunSel mesenchymal stromal cells stay for the party

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