38 research outputs found

    Analysis of the relationship between structure and performance of inter-organizational collaborative networks

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    Cada vez mais, as empresas têm percebido as vantagens de estabelecerem alianças umas com as outras, formando redes. Essas vantagens podem estar ligadas aos mais variados objetivos, que são mensurados por diferentes indicadores de desempenho. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo a determinação das características estruturais que são mais adequadas, considerando uma série de possíveis indicadores de desempenho, para uma rede interorganizacional colaborativa. Para tal, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico-exploratório em duas bases de dados, e utilizada uma abordagem qualitativa para sistematizar as informações encontradas. Como principal resultado deste trabalho, foi construído um quadro teórico que sistematiza a relação entre a estrutura e o desempenho de uma rede. Acredita-se que este artigo possa servir como uma contribuição inicial para um campo de pesquisa ainda pouco explorado

    Sustainability improvement opportunities in Brazilian sectors: analysis of DEA slacks

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    The concept of sustainable production used in Camioto et al. (2014) evaluates the efficiency of Brazil’s industrial sectors from 1996 to 2009, taking into account energy consumption and respective contributions to the country’s economic and social aspects. In this article a replication of the performance of these sectors is conducted (Textile, Foods and Beverages, Chemical, Mining, Paper and Pulp, Nonmetallic and Metallurgical), from 1996 to 2010, with an in-depth analysis regarding the slacks between the current and the target performance in each variable relating to the sustainability analyzed. To determine these slacks, the SBM model of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method was used with the window analysis. The variables analyzed were energy consumption and fossil-fuel carbon emissions (inputs) and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per sectors, the persons employed and personnel expenses (outputs). The results showed that the variables which need the most changes to improve performance in all the sectors are the variables ‘persons employed’, followed by ‘fossil-fuel carbon emissions’, ‘Personnel expenses’, ‘Energy consumption’ and ‘GDP by sector’. It is expected that this study may provide a basis for future research and strategies to be implemented in other countries in order to guide the implementation of a more sustainable industrial policy

    Effects of an adapted physical activity program on the physical condition of elderly women: an analysis of efficiency

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    Background: Specific research tools and designs can assist in identifying the efficiency of physical activity in elderly women. Objectives: To identify the effects of physical activity on the physical condition of older women. Method: A one-year-long physical activity program (123 sessions) was implemented for women aged 60 years or older. Four physical assessments were conducted, in which weight, height, BMI, blood pressure, heart rate, absences, grip strength, flexibility, VO2max, and static and dynamic balance were assessed. The statistical analyses included a repeated measures analysis, both inferential (analysis of variance - ANOVA) and effect size (Cohen's d coefficient), as well as identification of the participants' efficiency (Data Envelopment Analysis - DEA). Results: Despite the observation of differences that depended on the analysis used, the results were successful in the sense that they showed that physical activity adapted to older women can effectively change the decline in physical ability associated with aging, depending on the purpose of the study. The 60-65 yrs group was the most capable of converting physical activity into health benefits in both the short and long term. The >65 yrs group took less advantage of physical activity. Conclusions: Adherence to the program and actual time spent on each type of exercise are the factors that determine which population can benefit from physical activity programs. The DEA allows the assessment of the results related to time spent on physical activity in terms of health concerns. Article registered in Clinicaltrials.gov under number NCT01558401

    An analysis of the literature on humanitarian logistics and supply chain management: paving the way for future studies

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    The area of disaster management has become increasingly prominent in a context of frequent political, religious change and conflict, and within it, the field of knowledge on humanitarian logistics and supply chain management (HLSCM) has attracted attention from a variety of stakeholders, such as scholars, practitioners and policy makers. Consequently, humanitarian logistics and supply chain research has seen a significant increase in the quantity of works emerging, particularly journal articles. In this context, we aim to systematize the selected contemporary literature on humanitarian logistics and supply chain management. After identifying the relevant literature on Scopus and Web of Science, we chart a systematization of this body of knowledge by applying a system of codes and classifications to it. Based on research gaps found, we propose an original research agenda for further developing the humanitarian logistics and supply chain management field, as suggested avenues for future research

    Systematization and comparison of techniques, models and prospects non-parametric of productive efficiency´s analysis

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    Hoje, cada vez mais empresas empreendem uma busca desenfreada por eficiência produtiva em suas operações, sendo que essa eficiência será vital para a sobrevivência dessas empresas em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo. Com isso, fez-se necessário o desenvolvimento de técnicas que ajudassem na análise e avaliação da eficiência produtiva de empresas. Essas técnicas, chamadas genericamente de técnicas de análise de eficiência produtiva, são divididas em duas categorias: (a) as paramétricas (que constroem uma função) e (b) as não-paramétricas (que realizam cálculos empíricos por meio de uma fronteira de eficiência) sendo que, dentre as técnicas não-paramétricas de análise de eficiência, podemos citar a análise por envoltória de dados (DEA) e a técnica dos números índices. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as principais técnicas não-paramétricas de análise de eficiência produtiva existentes na literatura e descobrir suas principais dimensões, equações, modelos, perspectivas e atualizações, para depois compará-las, vendo em quais situações cada técnica responde melhor. Para tal, foi realizada uma revisão dos principais conceitos ligados a essas técnicas e foi construído um sistema especialista que sistematiza o processo de escolha dentre as várias técnicas, modelos e perspectivas de análise de eficiência produtiva encontradas. Com esse trabalho espera-se obter uma compilação das principais técnicas de análise eficiência não-paramétricas existentes na literatura, que possa ajudar gestores e acadêmicos que porventura vierem a estudar ou aperfeiçoar essas técnicas.Today, more and more companies undertak a search for unbridled productive efficiency in its operations being that, this efficiency will be vital to the survival of these companies in an increasingly competitive market. With this, made it necessary to the development of techniques that help in the analysis and evaluation of the productive efficiency of firms. These techniques, known generally how techniques of the productive efficiency\'s analysis, are divided into two categories: (a) the parametric (which build a function) and (b) the non-parametric (which perform calculations empirical through a border of efficiency) being that, among the non-parametric techniques for the analysis of efficiency, we can cite the data envelopment analysis (DEA) and the technique of index numbers. The main objective of this work is to identify the main non-parametric techniques of productive efficiency´s analysis existing in the literature and discover its main dimensions, models, equations, perspectives and updates, and then compare them, seeing in which situations each technique responds better. For this, a review was undertaken of the main concepts related to these techniques and built a system specialist that systematize the process of choosing among the various techniques, models and prospective of productive efficiency\'s analysis found. With this work expect itself to get a compilation of the main techniques nonparametric of analysis of efficiency that existing in the literature, which can help managers and academics who will come to study or perhaps refine these techniques

    Economic growth and human development: a global analysis of social efficiency of Nation-states

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    Mesmo sendo uma condição indispensável para que ocorra o desenvolvimento humano, o crescimento econômico nem sempre é convertido eficientemente em qualidade de vida pelos Estados-nação. Deste modo, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de mensurar a eficiência social dos países, que expressa à capacidade de um Estado-nação converter sua riqueza produzida em qualidade de vida, e de determinar fatores que possam explicá-la. Como hipóteses de pesquisa para esses fatores, foram considerados: (i) a atuação do Estado, do Mercado e da Sociedade Civil; (ii) o estoque de capital físico, natural, humano, cultural, social e institucional; (iii) a presença de liberdades política, econômica e de expressão; (iv) o efeito do próprio desenvolvimento humano; e (v) outras características socioeconômicas dos países. Para que esse objetivo fosse alcançado, foram utilizadas as técnicas: (a) Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA), em sua forma padrão, cruzada, invertida e tripla; (b) regressão linear simples; (c) clusterização por eficiência; (d) método k-means; e (e) testes estatísticos de diferença entre médias. Os principais resultados obtidos indicaram que as ex-repúblicas soviéticas e os países de passado socialista foram os que mais se destacaram na eficiência social; já os países desenvolvidos, apesar de apresentarem elevados indicadores sociais, sendo altamente eficazes, não se destacaram na eficiência; os países do sul da África, por sua vez, além de possuírem a pior condição social, foram também os mais ineficientes. Quanto aos fatores explicativos da eficiência social, concluiu-se que possuem impacto positivo: (1) a taxa básica de juros; (2) a taxa bruta de investimentos; (3) a taxa de estradas pavimentadas; (4) a taxa de alfabetização; (5) o número de médicos per capita; (6) a liberdade fiscal; (7) além de quase todos os outputs sociais utilizados na análise de eficiência, com exceção da inflação. Por outro lado, os fatores que se relacionam negativamente com a eficiência são: (a) o saldo da balança corrente; (b) a quantidade de reservas de petróleo; (c) o PIB per capita; (d) o nível de caridade; (e) a ausência de corrupção; (f) a liberdade de investimento e financeira; (g) a liberdade política e de expressão; (h) a taxa de fecundidade na adolescência; (i) a taxa de infectados com HIV; e (j) o nível de emissões de \'CO IND.2\'. Apesar de alguns resultados encontrados terem sido bastante polêmicos, afastando-se tanto do senso comum quanto de teorias estabelecidas, acredita-se que o presente trabalho contribuiu para lançar luz sobre um novo e fértil campo de pesquisa, denominado eficiência social.Despite being a prerequisite for occurring development, economic growth is not always fully converted into welfare or quality of life, since countries have different levels of efficiency in carrying out this conversion. Thus, this study aimed to determine the efficiency of Nation-states to convert their wealth produced in quality of life (social efficiency) and, subsequently, to investigate the impact in this efficiency of the factors: (i) performance of the State, Market and Civil Society; (ii) stock of physical , natural, human, cultural, social and institutional capital; (iii) political , economic and expression freedoms; (iv) human development itself; and (v) other socioeconomic characteristics of the countries. To accomplish this goal, we have used: (a) Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in its standard, cross, reversed and triple form; (b) simple linear regression; (c) clustering for efficiency; (d) k-means method; and (e) statistical tests of differences between means. The main results indicate that the ex-Soviet republics and the countries of the socialist past were most outstanding in social efficiency; whereas the developed countries, although having high social indicators, i.e., high efficacy, not were excelled in efficiency; the countries of southern Africa, in turn, have the worst social condition, and were also the most inefficient. As for the explanatory factors of social efficiency, it was concluded that had positive impact the variables: (1) prime rate; (2) gross rate of investment; (3) rate of paved roads; (4) literacy rate; (5) number of doctors per capita; (6) fiscal freedom; (7) and the most social indicators that were used in the analysis of efficiency, with the exception of inflation. On the other hand, the factors that are negatively related to efficiency are: (a) current account balance; (b) amount of oil reserves; (c) GDP per capita; (d) level of charity; (e) corruption absence; (f) freedom of investment and financing; (g) political freedom and expression; (h) adolescent fertility rate; (i) the rate of HIV-infected; and (j) level of \'CO IND.2\' emissions. Although some results have been quite controversial, away from both common sense and established theories, it is believed that this work has helped to shed light on a new and fertile field of research called social efficiency