359 research outputs found

    Reactors for microbial electrobiotechnology

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    From the first electromicrobial experiment to a sophisticated microbial electrochemical process - it all takes place in a reactor. Whereas the reactor design and materials used strongly influence the obtained results, there are no common platforms for MES reactors. This is a critical convention gap, as cross-comparison and benchmarking among MES as well as MES vs. conventional biotechnological processes is needed. Only knowledge driven engineering of MES reactors will pave the way to application and commercialization. In this chapter we first assess the requirements on reactors to be used for bioelectrochemical systems as well as potential losses caused by the reactor design. Subsequently, we compile the main types and designs of reactors used for MES so far, starting from simple H-cells to stirred tank reactors. We conclude with a discussion on the weaknesses and strengths of the existing types of reactors for bioelectrochemical systems that are scored on design criteria and draw conclusions for the future engineering of MES reactors. [GRAPHICS]

    Mineral precipitation-induced porosity reduction and its effect on transport parameters in diffusion-controlled porous media

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    Background: In geochemically perturbed systems where porewater and mineral assemblages are unequilibrated the processes of mineral precipitation and dissolution may change important transport properties such as porosity and pore diffusion coefficients. These reactions might alter the sealing capabilities of the rock by complete pore-scale precipitation (cementation) of the system or by opening new migration pathways through mineral dissolution. In actual 1D continuum reactive transport codes the coupling of transport and porosity is generally accomplished through the empirical Archie\u27s law. There is very little reported data on systems with changing porosity under well controlled conditions to constrain model input parameters. In this study celestite (SrSO4) was precipitated in the pore space of a compacted sand column under diffusion controlled conditions and the effect on the fluid migration properties was investigated by means of three complementary experimental approaches: (1) tritiated water (HTO) tracer through diffusion, (2) computed micro-tomography (μ-CT) imaging and (3) post-mortem analysis of the precipitate (selective dissolution, SEM/EDX). Results: The through-diffusion experiments reached steady state after 15days, at which point celestite precipitation ceased and the non-reactive HTO flux became constant. The pore space in the precipitation zone remained fully connected using a 6μm μ-CT spatial resolution with 25% porosity reduction in the approx. 0.35mm thick dense precipitation zone. The porosity and transport parameters prior to pore-scale precipitation were in good agreement with a porosity of 0.42±0.09 (HTO) and 0.40±0.03 (μ-CT), as was the mass of SrSO4 precipitate estimated by μ-CT at 25±5mg and selective dissolution 21.7±0.4mg, respectively. However, using this data as input parameters the 1D single continuum reactive transport model was not able to accurately reproduce both the celestite precipitation front and the remaining connected porosity. The model assumed there was a direct linkage of porosity to the effective diffusivity using only one cementation value over the whole porosity range of the system investigated. Conclusions: The 1D single continuous model either underestimated the remaining connected porosity in the precipitation zone, or overestimated the amount of precipitate. These findings support the need to implement a modified, extended Archie\u27s law to the reactive transport model and show that pore-scale precipitation transforms a system (following Archie\u27s simple power law with only micropores present) towards a system similar to clays with micro- and nanoporosity. © 2015 Chagneau et al

    Connected pathway relative permeability from pore-scale imaging of imbibition

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    Pore-scale images obtained from a synchrotron-based X-ray computed micro-tomography (µCT) imbibition experiment in sandstone rock were used to conduct Navier–Stokes flow simulations on the connected pathways of water and oil phases. The resulting relative permeability was compared with steady-state Darcy-scale imbibition experiments on 5 cm large twin samples from the same outcrop sandstone material. While the relative permeability curves display a large degree of similarity, the endpoint saturations for the µCT data are 10% in saturation units higher than the experimental data. However, the two datasets match well when normalizing to the mobile saturation range. The agreement is particularly good at low water saturations, where the oil is predominantly connected. Apart from different saturation endpoints, in this particular experiment where connected pathway flow dominates, the discrepancies between pore-scale connected pathway flow simulations and Darcy-scale steady-state data are minor overall and have very little impact on fractional flow. The results also indicate that if the pore-scale fluid distributions are available and the amount of disconnected non-wetting phase is low, quasi-static flow simulations may be sufficient to compute relative permeability. When pore-scale fluid distributions are not available, fluid distributions can be obtained from a morphological approach, which approximates capillary-dominated displacement. The relative permeability obtained from the morphological approach compare well to drainage steady state whereas major discrepancies to the imbibition steady-state experimental data are observed. The morphological approach does not represent the imbibition process very well and experimental data for the spatial arrangement of the phases are required. Presumably for modeling imbibition relative permeability an approach is needed that captures moving liquid-liquid interfaces, which requires viscous and capillary forces simultaneously

    The origin of non-thermal fluctuations in multiphase flow in porous media

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    Core flooding experiments to determine multiphase flow in properties of rock such as relative permeability can show significant fluctuations in terms of pressure, saturation, and electrical conductivity. That is typically not considered in the Darcy scale interpretation but treated as noise. However, in recent years, flow regimes that exhibit spatio-temporal variations in pore scale occupancy related to fluid phase pressure changes have been identified. They are associated with topological changes in the fluid configurations caused by pore-scale instabilities such as snap-off. The common understanding of Darcy-scale flow regimes is that pore-scale phenomena and their signature should have averaged out at the scale of representative elementary volumes (REV) and above. In this work, it is demonstrated that pressure fluctuations observed in centimeter-scale experiments commonly considered Darcy-scale at fractional flow conditions, where wetting and non-wetting phases are co-injected into porous rock at small (<10−6) capillary numbers are ultimately caused by pore-scale processes, but there is also a Darcy-scale fractional flow theory aspect. We compare fluctuations in fractional flow experiments conducted on samples of few centimeters size with respective experiments and in-situ micro-CT imaging at pore-scale resolution using synchrotron-based X-ray computed micro-tomography. On that basis we can establish a systematic causality from pore to Darcy scale. At the pore scale, dynamic imaging allows to directly observe the associated breakup and coalescence processes of non-wetting phase clusters, which follow “trajectories” in a “phase diagram” defined by fractional flow and capillary number and can be used to categorize flow regimes. Connected pathway flow would be represented by a fixed point, whereas processes such as ganglion dynamics follow trajectories but are still overall capillary-dominated. That suggests that the origin of the pressure fluctuations observed in centimeter-sized fractional flow experiments are capillary effects. The energy scale of the pressure fluctuations corresponds to 105-106 times the thermal energy scale. This means the fluctuations are non-thermal. At the centimeter scale, there are non-monotonic and even oscillatory solutions permissible by the fractional flow theory, which allow the fluctuations to be visible and—depending on exact conditions—significant at centimeter scale, within the viscous limit of classical (Darcy scale) fractional flow theory. That also means that the phenomenon involves both capillary aspects from the pore or cluster scale and viscous aspects of fractional flow and occurs right at the transition, where the physical description concept changes from pore to Darcy scale

    HtrA1 Mediated Intracellular Effects on Tubulin Using a Polarized RPE Disease Model

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of irreversible vision loss. The protein HtrA1 is enriched in retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells isolated from AMD patients and in drusen deposits. However, it is poorly understood how increased levels of HtrA1 affect the physiological function of the RPE at the intracellular level. Here, we developed hfRPE (human fetal retinal pigment epithelial) cell culture model where cells fully differentiated into a polarized functional monolayer. In this model, we fine-tuned the cellular levels of HtrA1 by targeted overexpression. Our data show that HtrA1 enzymatic activity leads to intracellular degradation of tubulin with a corresponding reduction in the number of microtubules, and consequently to an altered mechanical cell phenotype. HtrA1 overexpression further leads to impaired apical processes and decreased phagocytosis, an essential function for photoreceptor survival. These cellular alterations correlate with the AMD phenotype and thus highlight HtrA1 as an intracellular target for therapeutic interventions towards AMD treatment

    Nanoparticle–membrane interactions

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    Engineered nanomaterials have a wide range of applications and as a result, are increasingly present in the environment. While they offer new technological opportunities, there is also the potential for adverse impact, in particular through possible toxicity. In this review, we discuss the current state of the art in the experimental characterisation of nanoparticle-membrane interactions relevant to the prediction of toxicity arising from disruption of biological systems. One key point of discussion is the urgent need for more quantitative studies of nano-bio interactions in experimental models of lipid system that mimic in vivo membranes

    Rates of self-reported delinquency among Western Australian male and female high school students: the malefemale gender gap

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    The Adapted Self-Report Delinquency Scale (ASDS) was administered to 328 adolescents (174 males and 154 females) from eight high schools in Perth, Western Australia. The ages of the sample ranged from 13 to 17 years. Males reported a greater percentage level of involvement than females in 36 of 40 individual delinquent behaviours comprising the ASDS. A between-subjects multivariate analysis of variance using a Bonferroni adjusted alpha revealed a significant multivariate main effect of gender, F(6, 318) = 3.98, p < 0.001, partial η2 = 0.08. No significant main effect of age was evident. Univariate F-tests revealed that males scored significantly higher than females on only one of seven delinquent factors (physical aggression). These data are discussed in light of established evidence showing male predominance in delinquency, recent reports suggesting a male-female gender gap, and theories that have attempted to explain this disparity in offending among males and females