5 research outputs found


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    The present study analyses the psychometric properties of the Selfefficacy Scale in the Field of Teamwork and Leadership in men and women university students. The overall sample consisted of 2089 participants: 902 women and 1187 men, with a mean age of 18.53 years (SD= 1.52) and 18.99 years (SD= 1.80) respectively. Psychometric analysis showed that a twofactorial structure (Teamwork and Entrepreneurship) was viable and adequate for both populations (men and woman) according to the established psychometric requirements when the informers are the students themselves. In addition, the factor structure, factor loadings and intercepts are considered invariant in the two groups; however, there are differences between groups for the means of Teamwork factor

    Factorial Composition of the Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-Being (Qewb) in Mexican University Students

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    The present study aims to provide empirical support for the factorial division Questionnaire adapted by Schutte et al. (2013) in a sample of women and men Mexicans adults. The total sample was of 1477 Mexican university students; 774 women and 703 men. The age ranged between 18 and 28 years (mean = 20.67 卤 1.90 years). The factorial structure of the questionnaire was analyzed by 1) Exploratory factor analysis and 2) confirmatory factor analysis and factorial invariance. The factors of both subsamples showed adequate reliability and high congruence between pairs of factors, particularly considering the small number of items in each, resulting in a fully confirmatory model. However, the model obtained does not match fully with that proposed by Schutte et al. (2013)

    Old Age Prejudice in Mexican University Students: Comparisons by Gender

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    The goal of the present research was to compare the profiles of old age prejudice in male and female students from the area of physical activity. The study was conducted from January to October 2016. Participants were recruited from different semesters of the Physical Education and Human Motricity bachelor鈥檚 degrees offered at the Faculty of Physical Culture Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico. The sample was obtained through convenience sampling, and included 1652 participants; 828 women and 824 men, mean age was 20.51 卤 1.83 years 20.90 卤 2.03 years respectively. The approach of the study was quantitative with a descriptive survey-like design. All participants completed the Questionnaire on Negative Stereotypes towards Old Age. Results from the Multivariate Analyses of Variance, and the follow-up Univariate Analyses of Variance, show that men report greater levels of prejudice towards old age on the sociomotivational (F = 31.657, p<.001) and character-personality (F = 15.789, p<.001) factors. No differences were found on the health factor (i.e., mental and physical). These results suggest that when designing any type of intervention in which the purpose isto improve the perception of young people towards the elderly, the variable gender should be considered. Future research should replicate these findings in larger samples

    Revista de ciencias del ejercicio FOD

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    Expertos en teor铆a curricular, proponen un plan de estudios deber谩 atenderse con ejercicios de forma curricular al menos cada cuatro a帽os. La presente investigaci贸n, refiere resultados de un primer acercamiento al modelo educativo centrado en el aprendizaje y basado en competencias que se aprob贸 en el a帽o 2005 para la Licenciatura en Educaci贸n Fisica de la Facultad de Educaci贸n Fisica y Ciencias del Deporte de la Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua. Con la paticipacion de 279 sujetos, considero como variable predictiva a los estudiantes de la carrera seg煤n sus 谩reas de opci贸n curricular: salud deporte y educaci贸n, y como variable de resultados las competencias: cultura en salud; elementos conceptuales b谩sicos; presentaci贸n de servicios en salud y la competencia de investigaci贸n en las 谩reas de salud y educaci贸n