32 research outputs found

    Papel de la ultrasonografía endoscópica y la punción aspirativa guiada por ecoendoscopia en la estadificación prequirúrgica del carcinoma de esófago

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 25 de Abril de 200

    Diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic impact of endoscopic ultrasonography in patients with intermediate suspicion of choledocholithiasis and absence of findings in magnetic resonance cholangiography Precisión diagnóstica e impacto terapéutico de la ultrasonografía endoscópica en los pacientes con sospecha intermedia de coledocolitiasis y colangiorresonancia normal

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    Background: endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRC) are the elective tests in the diagnosis of choledocholithiasis. MRC is best accepted by patients, but its sensitivity might decrease in the evaluation of microlithiasis. Aim: to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic impact of EUS in a prospective cohort of patients with intermediate suspicion of choledocolithiasis and no findings in MRC (normal MRC). Material and methods: during a period of 24 months, all the patients with clinical intermediate suspicion of choledocholithiasis and normal MRC were included. Sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of MRC and EUS were compared, and so their impact in the management of these patients. Results: seventy six patients were evaluated (lithiasis in 30% of them). Sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy of EUS (100%, 92%) were significantly higher than MRC values (0%, 70%) (p Antecedentes: la ultrasonografía endoscópica (USE) y la colangiografía por resonancia magnética nuclear (CRM) son las técnicas de elección para el diagnóstico de litiasis en la vía biliar. Aunque la CRM es mejor aceptada por los pacientes, la sensibilidad de esta para detectar litiasis de pequeño tamaño podría ser insuficiente. Objetivo: estudiar de forma prospectiva la precisión diagnóstica y el impacto terapéutico de la USE en los pacientes con sospecha intermedia de coledocolitiasis y CRM normal. Material y métodos: se incluyeron prospectivamente durante 24 meses todos los pacientes con sospecha clínica intermedia de coledocolitiasis y CRM negativa. Se compar�� la sensibilidad, especificidad, precisión diagnóstica, valor predictivo positivo y negativo de CRM y USE, así como su impacto en el tratamiento. Resultados: se evaluaron 76 pacientes (litiasis en el 30%). La sensibilidad y precisión diagnóstica de USE (100%, 92%) eran significativamente superiores a las alcanzadas por la CRM (0%, 70%) (p < 0,05). Los hallazgos de la USE (sospecha de coledocolitiasis) propiciaron un cambio significativo en la actitud terapéutica (realización de CPRE terapéutica) en el 38% de los pacientes (CRM había descartado coledocolitiasis y contraindicado la CPRE) (p < 0,05). Conclusiones: en pacientes con sospecha intermedia de coledocolitiasis y CRM normal, la USE permite diagnosticar litiasis en aproximadamente una tercera parte de ellos. Los hallazgos endosonográficos permiten modificar significativamente la actitud terapéutica en estos pacientes, lo que apoya su utilización en la práctica clínica diaria

    Endoscopic management of common patologies with a new suturing system

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    Background: Overstitch endoscopic suturing system (Apollo Endosurgery. Austin, Texas) was created for NOTES procedures. As it demonstrated to be feasible, secure and effective in this field, further studies have evaluated its use in common gastrointestinal disorders in which current therapeutic tools, endoscopic or not, are not efficient or safe enough. Published results are promising. We present our initial experience with this system in the management of pathologies we usually face in our clinical practice. Method: Suturing system was evaluated for: 1. Endoscopic fixation of metallic stent to prevent migration in patients with gastrointestinal non-neoformative pathology. 2. Outlet reduction in patients with weight regain following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Results: During a period of 6 months Overstitch endoscopic suturing system was used in 5 patients: For stent fixation in 3 and for outlet reduction in 2. Technical success: Suture was performed in all the patients. Only 1 stitch was lost. Effectiveness: Stent fixation and outlet reduction were achieved in all the patients. However, in 1 patient the final anastomotic size was not close enough. Clinical success: Clinical recovery was achieved in all the patients in whom endoscopic stent fixation was performed. The patient which appropriated outlet closure developed a significant weight loss. The patient in which final size was not close enough did not lose weight. Conclusions: We found Overstitch endoscopic suturing system feasible, safe and effective, as it has been previously described. We encourage the publication of further studies evaluating the real utility of this tool, mostly taking into account that it allows a successful management of usual disorders for which there are not current effective therapies