214 research outputs found

    Notes over Berberidopsis corallina Hooker (Berberidopsidaceae) ¿endangered species?

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    Hasta hace pocos años se creía que el género Berberidopsis era endémico de Chile y monotípico, es decir, propio de nuestro país y poseía una sola especie. Sin embargo, Veldkam (1984) incluye en él, además de Berberidopsis corallina Hook. f. de Chile, a B. beckleri (F. & M.) Veldk. de Australia. Actualmente, Berberidopsis corallina se encuentra en la categoría de conservación de “En Peligro”. Debido a esto y a su reducida distribución geográfica mencionada en la literatura, se realizó un registro actualizado de sus antecedentes de colecta, para lo cual se revisaron los principales Herbarios del país y uno extranjero, a lo cual se sumó información bibliográfica y de expertos. En este estudio se analiza la distribución de B. corallina en Chile, la que se desarrolla sólo por la Cordillera de la Costa, y que aparentemente, en los últimos años, ha aumentado su rango de distribución y el área de sus poblaciones. Se discute su actual estado de conservación.We analize the current distribution of coralillo in Chile, Berberidopsis corallina Hooker (Berberidopsidaceae), which has apparently extended its range of distribution and the area of its populations in the last years. This is the result of the record increase. We discuss the current conservation status of the “tendargered” chilean vine

    Optimal investment and hedging under partial and inside information

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    This article concerns optimal investment and hedging for agents who must use trading strategies which are adapted to the filtration generated by asset prices, possibly augmented with some inside information related to the future evolution of an asset price. The price evolution and observations are taken to be continuous, so the partial (and, when applicable, inside) information scenario is characterised by asset price processes with an unknown drift parameter, which is to be filtered from price observations. We first give an exposition of filtering theory, leading to the Kalman-Bucy filter. We outline the dual approach to portfolio optimisation, which is then applied to the Merton optimal investment problem when the agent does not know the drift parameter of the underlying stock. This is taken to be a random variable with a Gaussian prior distribution, which is updated via the Kalman filter. This results in a model with a stochastic drift process adapted to the observation filtration, and which can be treated as a full information problem, and an explicit solution to the optimal investment problem is possible. We also consider the same problem when the agent has noisy knowledge at time 00 of the terminal value of the Brownian motion driving the stock. Using techniques of enlargement of filtration to accommodate the insider's additional knowledge, followed by filtering the asset price drift, we are again able to obtain an explicit solution. Finally we treat an incomplete market hedging problem. A claim on a non-traded asset is hedged using a correlated traded asset. We summarise the full information case, then treat the partial information scenario in which the hedger is uncertain of the true values of the asset price drifts. After filtering, the resulting problem with random drifts is solved in the case that each asset's prior distribution has the same variance, resulting in analytic approximations for the optimal hedging strategy

    Determinación y caracterización botánica de hábitats mapuche del sector Zewko-Rüpükura,comuna de Nueva Imperial (IX Región, Chile)

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    Se determinaron los hábitats mapuche presentes en la comunidad indígena Zewko del sector Rüpükura, comuna de Nueva Imperial, IX Región, Chile, y se caracterizaron botánicamente los más reconocidos. Se les analizó desde el punto de vista mapuche y occidental, aplicando paralelamente metodologías participativas y botánicas. Se identificaron 23 ecosistemas, de los cuales 8 fueron mencionados como los más relevantes; de éstos, el menoko (38%), el malliñ (19%) y el trayen (13%) son los que presentaron los más altos porcentajes de importancia. Vegetacionalmente se caracterizaron dos comunidades vegetales nativas, la pradera húmeda de junquillo (Juncetum procerii), correspondiente al malliñ, y el bosque pantanoso de temo y pitra (Blepharocalyo-Myrceugenietum exsuccae), que corresponde al menoko. Con respecto a la flora vascular se identificaron 91 especies en el sector, de las cuales el 72% correspondió a especies nativas. La forma de vida mayormente representada fueron los hemicriptófitos con un 40%. Al analizar los dos ámbitos de la investigación se reconoció la diferente concepción existente entre los sistemas de caracterización mapuche V/S el sistema ecológico occidental convencional, por lo que se hace esencial considerar estas diferencias a la hora de investigar acerca de los recursos naturales

    Effectiveness of MOOCs for teachers in safe ICT use training

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    Despite the efforts made, there is still an alarming difference between the digital competence that teachers have and the one they should have in order to develop their students' digital competence. The lack of teacher training in safe and responsible use of ICT is a special cause for concern. Online courses in MOOC format meet all the required conditions to offer a possible solution to the unavoidable and urgent need for initial and in-service teacher training in this area of digital competence. However, there is currently no evidence in the literature on the effectiveness of these courses for this purpose. This study examines the instructional effectiveness of courses in MOOC format for teacher training in the safe and responsible use of ICT by analysing three different official courses. The courses were analysed using three different methods: a questionnaire to measure participants’ perceptions, pre-tests and post-tests to measure the knowledge acquired, and LORI (Learning Object Review Instrument) to measure the quality of digital educational resources created by the participants. The results suggest that online courses in MOOC format are an effective way to train teachers in the safe and responsible use of ICT, and that these courses can enable the development of digital competence in the area of content creation

    Effectiveness of MOOCs for teachers in safe ICT use training

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    Despite the efforts made, there is still an alarming difference between the digital competence that teachers have and the one they should have in order to develop their students' digital competence. The lack of teacher training in safe and responsible use of ICT is a special cause for concern. Online courses in MOOC format meet all the required conditions to offer a possible solution to the unavoidable and urgent need for initial and in-service teacher training in this area of digital competence. However, there is currently no evidence in the literature on the effectiveness of these courses for this purpose. This study examines the instructional effectiveness of courses in MOOC format for teacher training in the safe and responsible use of ICT by analysing three different official courses. The courses were analysed using three different methods: a questionnaire to measure participants’ perceptions, pre-tests and post-tests to measure the knowledge acquired, and LORI (Learning Object Review Instrument) to measure the quality of digital educational resources created by the participants. The results suggest that online courses in MOOC format are an effective way to train teachers in the safe and responsible use of ICT, and that these courses can enable the development of digital competence in the area of content creation

    floristic composition of andean grassland in alto bío-bío national reserve (Lonquimay-Chile) and its relationship with the grazing regimen

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    Andean grasslands of the La Araucanía Region are used every year by Pehuenches communities as forage resources for their livestock. Grazing is one of the most important disturbances which affect natural meadows and can produce changes at community level in the species richness and plant composition. With the aim of determining the floristic composition of the Andean grasslands in the Alto Bío-Bío National Reserve (37o S y 70o W) and its relationship with the cattle load, we studied five sites within the reserve: Cuchares Grande, Cajón Chileno, Tralilhue, Cuchares Chico and Mancha de Pinos. In each site, we sampled 20 random plots recording all the species and their relative cover. We recorded a total of 89 species of vascular plants. Taxonomic richness is represented by two Pteridophyta and 87 Magnoliophyta species. In this last group, 25 species are Liliopsida and 62 are Magnoliopsida. All flora is distributed in 37 families and 72 genera. Greatest families, in species number, are Asteraceae (13), Poaceae (11), Cyperaceae (6) and Rosaceae (6). About the origin, 88 species are native and only 11 are introduced, representing 88% and 12%, respectively. Life forms are represented mostly by hemicryptophytes with 53%, then cryptophytes arround 17% and finally chamaephytes (15%). Grasslands wich have greater livestock density, have a higher proportion of introduced species and hemicryptophytes and a greater floristic similarity between them, while those with lower livestock densities have a higher native species proportion. These results suggest that cattle use could have a significant impact in the floristic composition of Andean grasslands. Even though, the low proportion of introduced species found, the high percentage of hemicryptophytes indicates an intermediate level of disturbance

    Virtual Excursions: a new way to explore science in class

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    The educational platform Virtual Science Hub (ViSH) has been developed as part of the GLOBAL excursion European project. ViSH (http://vishub.org/) is a portal where teachers and scientist interact to create virtual excursions to science infrastructures. The main motivation behind the project was to connect teachers - and in consequence their students - to scientific institutions and their wide amount of infrastructures and resources they are working with. Thus the idea of a hub was born that would allow the two worlds of scientists and teachers to connect and to innovate science teaching. The core of the ViSH?s concept design is based on virtual excursions, which allow for a number of pedagogical models to be applied. According to our internal definition a virtual excursion is a tour through some digital context by teachers and pupils on a given topic that is attractive and has an educational purpose. Inquiry-based learning, project-based and problem-based learning are the most prominent approaches that a virtual excursion may serve. The domain specific resources and scientific infrastructures currently available on the ViSH are focusing on life sciences, nano-technology, biotechnology, grid and volunteer computing. The virtual excursion approach allows an easy combination of these resources into interdisciplinary teaching scenarios. In addition, social networking features support the users in collaborating and communicating in relation to these excursions and thus create a community of interest for innovative science teaching. The design and development phases were performed following a participatory design approach. An important aspect in this process was to create design partnerships amongst all actors involved, researchers, developers, infrastructure providers, teachers, social scientists, and pedagogical experts early in the project. A joint sense of ownership was created and important changes during the conceptual phase were implemented in the ViSH due to early user feedback. Technology-wise the ViSH is based on the latest web technologies in order to make it cross-platform compatible so that it works on several operative systems such as Windows, Mac or Linux and multi-device accessible, such as desktop, tablet and mobile devices. The platform has been developed in HTML5, the latest standard for web development, assuring that it can run on any modern browser. In addition to social networking features a core element on the ViSH is the virtual excursions editor. It is a web tool that allows teachers and scientists to create rich mash-ups of learning resources provided by the e-Infrastructures (i.e. remote laboratories and live webcams). These rich mash-ups can be presented in either slides or flashcards format. Taking advantage of the web architecture supported, additional powerful components have been integrated like a recommendation engine to provide personalized suggestions about educational content or interesting users and a videoconference tool to enhance real-time collaboration like MashMeTV (http://www.mashme.tv/)

    Resource's Relationships in the Design of Collaborative Web Applications

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    At the moment of designing a web application, we usually run into the problem of how to deal with logical connections among resources. These connections have important implications in the operations that we take on a certain resource and its representation, as we could verify in the design of the collaborative web application that we have developed, the Virtual Conference Centre. For those reasons, in this paper we analyze the relationships among resources, especially focused on collaborative web applications, and we propose some solutions and good practices for the difficulties that we have encountered

    Comportamiento no aromático de azoles : síntesis y reactividad de N-dicianometililuros de azolio

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    Tesis - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1982.Depto. de Química OrgánicaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Comportamiento no aromático de azoles : síntesis y reactividad de N-dicianometililuros de azolio

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    Tesis - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1982.Depto. de Química OrgánicaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu