22 research outputs found

    Humour in the Prison: Brendan Behan Confesses

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    The essay explores the comical aspects of Behan’s autobiographical writings. It focuses on how humour, especially black humour, often flourishes wherever we find conflicts and contrasts. Humour is always born out of oppositions, and it can be argued that it always functions as an act of resistance to outside tragedy. Brendan Behan, a writer of slum and working class background, is one of the leading Irish prison writers. He is in many ways an exponent of an Irish republican tradition based on the idea of prison endurance. Given Behan’s notoriously flamboyant personality and his own talking gifts, it is not hard to imagine that the worst aspect of prison confinement might have been for him compulsory solitude and silence. His exuberant language and larger-than-life personality can be considered perhaps as a reaction to such partial deprivation of interpersonal relationships during his youth. In this context, where fictional and autobiographical truth are kept apart by an unstable divide increased by the abundance of comical interludes and jokes, the core of the essay analyses the second chapter of Confessions of an Irish Rebel in order to discuss the way in which Behan alternates funny accounts and tragedy in his own autobiographical reports

    Humour in the Prison: Brendan Behan Confesses

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    The essay explores the comical aspects of Behan’s autobiographical writings. It focuses on how humour, especially black humour, often flourishes wherever we find conflicts and contrasts. Humour is always born out of oppositions, and it can be argued that it always functions as an act of resistance to outside tragedy. Brendan Behan, a writer of slum and working class background, is one of the leading Irish prison writers. He is in many ways an exponent of an Irish republican tradition based on the idea of prison endurance. Given Behan’s notoriously flamboyant personality and his own talking gifts, it is not hard to imagine that the worst aspect of prison confinement might have been for him compulsory solitude and silence. His exuberant language and larger-than-life personality can be considered perhaps as a reaction to such partial deprivation of interpersonal relationships during his youth. In this context, where fictional and autobiographical truth are kept apart by an unstable divide increased by the abundance of comical interludes and jokes, the core of the essay analyses the second chapter of Confessions of an Irish Rebel in order to discuss the way in which Behan alternates funny accounts and tragedy in his own autobiographical reports

    Beyond Mutability and Change. Translating Joyce's Ulysses: A Study in Ambiguity

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    HTTP://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1980-4237.2012n12p45 Este artigo trata da questao da traducao de indeterminacoes e ambiguidades (lexicais, sintaticas, semânticas) na retraducao de 2012 deste autor do Ulysses de Joyce, que surge na esteira da traducao canonica de Giulio De Angelis, de 1960. Perpassando uma ampla gama de teorias da traducao e argumentando do ponto de vista privilegiado de uma estetica da transformacao que ocorre na traducao, o ensaio revela, por meio de uma serie de exemplos textuais que enfocam casos de elipses sintaticas, multiplas alusoes e indeterminacao grafica (ausencia de pontuacao), atraves de quais estrategias a nova traducao e a de De Angelis evocam a participacao criativa do leitor italiano, emulando as economias micro e macro do texto joyceano. - ABSTRACT The present paper addresses the issue of translating (lexical, syntactic, semantic) indeterminacy and ambiguity, in the author's 2012 retranslation of Joyce's Ulysses which comes in the wake of Giulio De Angelis's canonic 1960 Italian translation. Spanning a broad range of translation theories and arguing from the vantage point of a transformational aesthetics in translation, the essay shows on a series of textual examples focusing on cases of syntactical ellipses, multiple allusion, graphic indeterminacy (lack of punctuation), by what strategies the new and De Angelis's previous translation elicit the Italian reader's creative participation, emulating the micro and macro economy of the Joycean text. Keywords: Indeterminacy; Ambiguity; Reader's response; Allusiveness; Ulysses

    The polylogue project: part 2: errors: lots in translation

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    This collective piece [edited by F. Senn, E. Mihalycsa and J. Wawrzycka], the work of nine authors and covering some ten languages, examines the creative possibilities of translation to invent analogous forms to the broad range of (volitional) errors found in Joyce's text – lapses, aural/semantic slippage, defects, errors, misquotes. It also addresses the inevitable prioritizing, in translation, of either some existing coincidence (homography / homophony) in the TL, or of the original's signified – a choice that is as opportunistic as it is ideological. Since one of the most radical and aesthetically challenging features of the Joycean text is its co-opting of chance and error as principles of composition, the present glosses attempt to trace the translation text's possibilities to in-vent similar occasions for lateral growth, "portals of discovery" to breach expectations of narrative, syntactic and stylistic correctness and coherence

    The polylogue project: part 1: shortmind

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    The aim of this collaborative project [edited by F. Senn, E. Mihalycsa and J. Wawrzycka], the work of ten authors and covering more than ten languages, is to chart the possibilities of translation to recreate in the TL texts, the anomalous, elliptic, pre-grammatical, inchoative forms that became almost a signature mark of the Joycean interior monologue, and which here are called 'shortmind'. It therefore addresses such issues as indeterminacy, (anomalous) word order, punctuation, ellipsis, polysemy, ungrammaticality, linguistic sub-standards etc., and examines the (un)willingness of translation texts to breach ingrained rules and norms of (syntactic, narrative) control, correctness and coherence, in the TL culture

    The Polylogue Project : shortmind

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    The aim of this collaborative project [edited by F. Senn, E. Mihalycsa and J. Wawrzycka], the work of ten authors and covering more than ten lan-guages, is to chart the possibilities of translation to recreate in the TL texts, the anomalous, elliptic, pre-gramma-tical, inchoative forms that became almost a signature mark of the Joycean interior monologue, and which here are called 'shortmind'. It therefore addresses such issues as indeterminacy, (anomalous) word order, punctuation, ellipsis, poly-semy, ungrammaticality, linguistic sub-standards etc., and examines the (un)willingness of translation texts to breach ingrained rules and norms of (syntactic, narrative) control, correct-ness and coherence, in the TL culture.O objetivo deste projeto colaborativo [editado por F. Senn, E. Mihálycsa e J. Wawrzycka], trabalho de dez autores e que cobre mais de dez línguas, é catalogar as possibi-lidades de tradução ao se recriar nos textos da língua alvo as formas anô-malas, elípticas, pré-gramaticais e incoativas que se tornaram como que uma marca distintiva do monólogo interior joyceano, chamadas aqui de “shortmind”. Trata, portanto, de tó-picos como indeterminação, ordem (anômala) das palavras, pontuação, elipse, polissemia, agramaticalidade, sub-padrões linguísticos, etc, e exa-mina a (má)vontade de textos em tradução de romper com regras e normas de controle, correção e coe-rência (sintáticas e narrativas) arrai-gadas na cultura alvo

    Ulysses at 100

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    The year 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of the publication of Ulysses. The following reflections express different sentiments and thoughts about the novel that gave T. S. Eliot “all the surprise, delight, and terror that I can require.

    Fabio Luppi. Fathers and Sons at the Abbey Theatre (1904-1938). A New Perspective on the Study of Irish Drama

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    Recensione di Luppi, F. (2018). Fathers and Sons at the Abbey Theatre (1904-1938). A New Perspective on the Study of Irish Drama. Irvine-Boca Raton (FL): Brown Walker Press, 246 pp

    Translating the ‘Plultiple’: Awaking Joyce in Finnitalian

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