541 research outputs found

    Applying default probabilities in an exponential barrier structural model

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    This paper shows that the use of a time-dependant barrier in a structural model improve its flexibility because it allows to incorporate, as input, the probability of default. The main result achieved is the assessment that the default barrier is, indeed,characterized by a non flat structure. JEL Classification: G13, G33default structural models, barrier options with exponential boundaries, implied default probability

    Displaying risk in mergers: a diagrammatic approach for exchange ratio determination

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    This article extends, in a stochastic setting, previous results in the determination of feasible exchange ratios for merging companies. A first outcome is that shareholders of the companies involved in the merging process face both an upper and a lower bounds for acceptable exchange ratios. Secondly, in order for the improved `bargaining region' to be intelligibly displayed, the diagrammatic approach developed by Kulpa is exploited

    LST-R: A method for assessing land surface temperature reduction in urban, hot and semi-arid Global South

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    Over the next 30 years, temperatures are expected to increase in hot semi-arid zones. Despite increasing studies on urban heat, cooling measures suitable for this climate zone remain poorly investigated. The proposed method is innovative because it focuses on significant landscape metrics for determining the land surface temperature (LST) and evaluating cooling measures. Recurrence of warm spells was identified analysing the daily air temperatures. Daytime and night-time LST data acquired from space were correlated with landscape metrics extracted from very high-resolution satellite imagery. Stepwise linear regression was used to identify the significant metrics that affected it. Cooling measures were selected considering implementation leeway; performance of existing measures; strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, equity analyses. Although the method was tested in Niamey, Niger, it can be applied to any city or town in hot semi-arid Global South, requiring decision-making support on cooling policies. • Landscape metrics are consistent with development standard and general requirements • Evaluation of measures to reduce land surface temperature includes experts’ advice • Equity of measures to reduce land surface temperature is considere

    Revision on psychometric properties of the temperament and character inventory in a clinical sample

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    Cloninger’s Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) although elaborated on the general population, is frequently used in clinical samples. The study evaluates the psychometric characteristics of TCI in clinical populations with the aim of creating a reduced version of the test suitable for these subjects. This research was conducted on two groups of mental health outpatients. In the first study, 44 items, correlated with the psychiatric disorders, was selected. These items, divided in four dimensions utilizing both statistic and psychopathological criteria, show good internal consistency and external validity and constitute a Reduced Version (TR-TCI) of the test. In the second study, the predictive validity of the TR-TCI was evaluated through the ROC curves and a logistic regression model. The results show a good predictive validity of TR-TCI, that allows us to use this instrument in order to identify the personality structures that make people sensitive to psychiatric pathologies

    Computational Methods in Psychotherapy: A Scoping Review

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    The study of complex systems, such as the psychotherapeutic encounter, transcends the mechanistic and reductionist methods for describing linear processes and needs suitable approaches to describe probabilistic and scarcely predictable phenomena

    Gephyrin Selective Intrabodies as a New Strategy for Studying Inhibitory Receptor Clustering

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    The microtubule-binding protein gephyrin is known to play a pivotal role in targeting and clustering postsynaptic inhibitory receptors. Here, the Intracellular Antibodies Capture Technology (IATC) was used to select two single-chain antibody fragments or intrabodies, which, fused to nuclear localization signals (NLS), were able to efficiently and selectively remove gephyrin from glycine receptor (GlyR) clusters. Co-transfection of NLS-tagged individual intrabodies with gephyrin-enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) in HEK 293 cells revealed a partial relocalization of gephyrin aggregates onto the nucleus or in the perinuclear area. When expressed in cultured neurons, these intrabodies caused a significant reduction in the number of immunoreactive GlyR clusters, which was associated with a decrease in the peak amplitude of glycine-evoked whole cell currents as assessed with electrophysiological experiments. Hampering protein function at a posttranslational level may represent an attractive alternative for interfering with gephyrin function in a more spatially localized manner
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