197 research outputs found

    Developmental regulation of GABAergic signalling in the hippocampus of neuroligin 3 R451C knock-in mice: an animal model of Autism

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    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) comprise an heterogeneous group of neuro-developmental abnormalities, mainly of genetic origin, characterized by impaired social interactions, communications deficits and stereotyped behaviors. In a small percentage of cases, ASDs have been found to be associated with single mutations in genes involved in synaptic function. One of these involves the postsynaptic cell adhesion molecule neuroligin (NL) 3. NLs interact with presynaptic neurexins (Nrxs) to ensure a correct cross talk between post and presynaptic specializations. Here, transgenic mice carrying the human R451C mutation of Nlgn3, were used to study GABAergic signaling in the hippocampus early in postnatal life. Whole cell recordings from CA3 pyramidal neurons in slices from NL3 R451C knock-in mice revealed an enhanced frequency of Giant Depolarizing Potentials, as compared to controls. This effect was probably dependent on an increased GABAergic drive to principal cells as demonstrated by the enhanced frequency of miniature GABAA-mediated (GPSCs), but not AMPA-mediated postsynaptic currents (EPSCs). Changes in frequency of mGPSCs were associated with an acceleration of their decay kinetics, in the absence of any change in unitary synaptic conductance or in the number of GABAA receptor channels, as assessed by peak scaled non-stationary fluctuation analysis. The enhanced GABAergic but not glutamatergic transmission early in postnatal life may change the excitatory/inhibitory balance known to play a key role in the construction and refinement of neuronal circuits during postnatal development. This may lead to behavioral deficits reminiscent of those observed in ASDs patients. \ua9 2013 Pizzarelli and Cherubini

    Alterations of GABAergic Signaling in Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) comprise a heterogeneous group of pathological conditions, mainly of genetic origin, characterized by stereotyped behavior, marked impairment in verbal and nonverbal communication, social skills, and cognition. Interestingly, in a small number of cases, ASDs are associated with single mutations in genes encoding for neuroligin-neurexin families. These are adhesion molecules which, by regulating transsynaptic signaling, contribute to maintain a proper excitatory/inhibitory (E/I) balance at the network level. Furthermore, GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in adult life, at late embryonic/early postnatal stages has been shown to depolarize and excite targeted cell through an outwardly directed flux of chloride. The depolarizing action of GABA and associated calcium influx regulate a variety of developmental processes from cell migration and differentiation to synapse formation. Here, we summarize recent data concerning the functional role of GABA in building up and refining neuronal circuits early in development and the molecular mechanisms regulating the E/I balance. A dysfunction of the GABAergic signaling early in development leads to a severe E/I unbalance in neuronal circuits, a condition that may account for some of the behavioral deficits observed in ASD patients

    Early Correlated Network Activity in the Hippocampus: Its Putative Role in Shaping Neuronal Circuits

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    Synchronized neuronal activity occurring at different developmental stages in various brain structures represents a hallmark of developmental circuits. This activity, which differs in its specific patterns among animal species may play a crucial role in de novo formation and in shaping neuronal networks. In the rodent hippocampus in vitro, the so-called giant depolarizing potentials (GDPs) constitute a primordial form of neuronal synchrony preceding more organized forms of activity such as oscillations in the theta and gamma frequency range. GDPs are generated at the network level by the interaction of the neurotransmitters glutamate and GABA which, immediately after birth, exert both a depolarizing and excitatory action on their targets. GDPs are triggered by GABAergic interneurons, which in virtue of their extensive axonal branching operate as functional hubs to synchronize large ensembles of cells. Intrinsic bursting activity, driven by a persistent sodium conductance and facilitated by the low expression of Kv7.2 and Kv7.3 channel subunits, responsible for IM, exerts a permissive role in GDP generation. Here, we discuss how GDPs are generated in a probabilistic way when neuronal excitability within a local circuit reaches a certain threshold and how GDP-associated calcium transients act as coincident detectors for enhancing synaptic strength at emerging GABAergic and glutamatergic synapses. We discuss the possible in vivo correlate of this activity. Finally, we debate recent data showing how, in several animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders including autism, a GDPs dysfunction is associated to morphological alterations of neuronal circuits and behavioral deficits reminiscent of those observed in patients

    Inducers of epithelial mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cells in malignant pleural effusions

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    The Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) plays a role not only in tumor metastasis but also in tumor recurrence. This process is believed to be tightly linked to the presence of Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) however, it is still not clear which factors could induce EMT and how it could be a source for CSCs. It has been demonstrated that Malignant Pleural Effusion (MPEs) may represent an excellent source to identify markers and molecular mechanisms involved in EMT and CSCs development. Growth factors, cell differentiation markers and molecular adhesion are involved in some of the crucial neoplastic cell events such as proliferation, metastasis, resistance to chemotherapy and EMT. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of which molecular markers can orchestrate EMT and CSCs in MPEs

    Declusterization of GABAA receptors affects the kinetic properties of GABAergic currents in cultured hippocampal neurons.

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    Speed and reliability of synaptic transmission are essential for information coding in neuronal networks and require the presence of clustered neurotransmitter receptors at the plasma membrane in precise apposition to presynaptic terminals. Receptor clusterization is the result of highly regulated processes involving functional and structural proteins. Among the structural elements, microtubules are known to play a crucial role in anchoring of gamma-aminobutyric acid, type A (GABA(A)) receptors. Here we show that microtubule depolymerization with nocodazole induces the declusterization of GABA(A) receptors and modifies the kinetic properties of GABAergic currents in cultured hippocampal neurons. In particular, this drug, applied either in the bath or via the patch pipette, induced the acceleration of the onset kinetics of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) without significantly affecting their frequency, thus suggesting a main postsynaptic site of action. After nocodazole treatment, current responses to ultrafast applications of GABA exhibited a faster rise time and an accelerated onset of desensitization. A quantitative analysis of GABA-evoked currents and model simulations suggest that declusterization affects the gating properties of GABA(A) receptors. In particular, a faster entry into the desensitized state of declustered GABA(A) receptors may account for the changes in the kinetic properties of mIPSCs after nocodazole treatment. Hence it appears that the clustered condition of GABA(A) receptors contributes in shaping GABAergic currents

    Targeting the cation-chloride co-transporter NKCC1 to re-establish GABAergic inhibition and an appropriate excitatory/inhibitory balance in selective neuronal circuits: a novel approach for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

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    GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the adult brain, depolarizes and excites immature neurons because of an initially higher intracellular chloride concentration [Cl-]i due to the delayed expression of the chloride exporter KCC2 at birth. Depolarization-induced calcium rise via NMDA receptors and voltage-dependent calcium channels is instrumental in shaping neuronal circuits and in controlling the excitatory (E)/inhibitory (I) balance in selective brain areas. An E/I imbalance accounts for cognitive impairment observed in several neuropsychiatric disorders. The aim of this review is to summarize recent data on the mechanisms by which alterations of GABAergic signaling alter the E/I balance in cortical and hippocampal neurons in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and the role of cation-chloride co-transporters in this process. In particular, we discuss the NGF and AD relationship and how mice engineered to express recombinant neutralizing anti-NGF antibodies (AD11 mice), which develop a neurodegenerative pathology reminiscent of that observed in AD patients, exhibit a depolarizing action of GABA due to KCC2 impairment. Treating AD and other forms of dementia with bumetanide, a selective KCC2 antagonist, contributes to re-establishing a proper E/I balance in selective brain areas, leading to amelioration of AD symptoms and the slowing down of disease progression

    Control of GABA Release at Mossy Fiber-CA3 Connections in the Developing Hippocampus

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    In this review some of the recent work carried out in our laboratory concerning the functional role of GABAergic signalling at immature mossy fibres (MF)-CA3 principal cell synapses has been highlighted. While in adulthood MF, the axons of dentate gyrus granule cells release onto CA3 principal cells and interneurons glutamate, early in postnatal life they release GABA, which exerts into targeted cells a depolarizing and excitatory action. We found that GABAA-mediated postsynaptic currents (MF-GPSCs) exhibited a very low probability of release, were sensitive to L-AP4, a group III metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist, and revealed short-term frequency-dependent facilitation. Moreover, MF-GPSCs were down regulated by presynaptic GABAB and kainate receptors, activated by spillover of GABA from MF terminals and by glutamate present in the extracellular medium, respectively. Activation of these receptors contributed to the low release probability and in some cases to synapses silencing. By pairing calcium transients, associated with network-driven giant depolarizing potentials or GDPs (a hallmark of developmental networks thought to represent a primordial form of synchrony between neurons), generated by the synergistic action of glutamate and GABA with MF activation increased the probability of GABA release and caused the conversion of silent synapses into conductive ones suggesting that GDPs act as coincident detector signals for enhancing synaptic efficacy. Finally, to compare the relative strength of CA3 pyramidal cell output in relation to their MF glutamatergic or GABAergic inputs in adulthood or in postnatal development, respectively, a realistic model was constructed taking into account different biophysical properties of these synapses

    PrPC Controls via Protein Kinase A the Direction of Synaptic Plasticity in the Immature Hippocampus

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    The cellular form of prion protein PrPC is highly expressed in the brain, where it can be converted into its abnormally folded isoform PrPSc to cause neurodegenerative diseases. Its predominant synaptic localization suggests a crucial role in synaptic signaling. Interestingly, PrPC is developmentally regulated and its high expression in the immature brain could be instrumental in regulating neurogenesis and cell proliferation. Here, PrPC-deficient (Prnp0/0) mice were used to assess whether the prion protein is involved in synaptic plasticity processes in the neonatal hippocampus. To this aim, calcium transients associated with giant depolarizing potentials, a hallmark of developmental networks, were transiently paired with mossy fiber activation in such a way that the two events were coincident. While this procedure caused long-term potentiation (LTP) in wild-type (WT) animals, it caused long-term depression (LTD) in Prnp0/0 mice. Induction of LTP was postsynaptic and required the activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) signaling. The induction of LTD was presynaptic and relied on G-protein-coupled GluK1 receptor and protein lipase C. In addition, at emerging CA3-CA1 synapses in WT mice, but not in Prnp0/0 mice, pairing Schaffer collateral stimulation with depolarization of CA1 principal cells induced LTP, known to be PKA dependent. Postsynaptic infusion of a constitutively active isoform of PKA catalytic subunit C\u3b1 into CA1 and CA3 principal cells in the hippocampus of Prnp0/0 mice caused a persistent synaptic facilitation that was occluded by subsequent pairing. These data suggest that PrPC plays a crucial role in regulating via PKA synaptic plasticity in the developing hippocampus. \ua9 2013 the authors

    Tuning GABAergic Inhibition: Gephyrin Molecular Organization and Functions

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    To be highly reliable, synaptic transmission needs postsynaptic receptors (Rs) in precise apposition to the pre - synaptic release sites. At inhibitory synapses, the postsynaptic protein gephyrin self -assembles to form a scaffold that anchors glycine and GABA A Rs to the cytoskeleton, thus ensuring the accurate accumulation of postsynaptic receptors at the right place. This protein undergoes several post -translational modifications which control protein-protein interac- tion and downstream signaling pathways. In addition, through the constant exchange of scaffolding elements and recep- tors in and out of synapses, gephyrin dynamically regulates synaptic strength and plasticity.The aim of the present review is to highlight recent findings on the functional role of gephyrin at GABAergic inhibitory synapses. We will discuss different approaches used to interfere with gephyrin in order to unveil its function. In addition, we will focus on the impact of gephyrin structure and distribution at the nanoscale level on the functional properties of inhibitory synapses as well as the implications of this scaffold protein in synaptic plasticity processes. Finally, we will emphasize how gephyrin genetic mutations or alterations in protein expression levels are implicated in several neuropathological disorders, including aut- ism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, temporal lobe epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease, all associated with severe def- icits of GABAergic signaling. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Honoring Ricardo Miledi - outstanding neuroscientist of XX-XXI centuries. (c) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO. This is an open access article under the CC BY -NC -ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Pin1 Modulates the Synaptic Content of NMDA Receptors via Prolyl-Isomerization of PSD-95

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    Phosphorylation of serine/threonine residues preceding a proline regulates the fate of its targets through postphosphorylation conformational changes catalyzed by the peptidyl-prolyl cis-/trans isomerase Pin1. By flipping the substrate between two different functional conformations, this enzyme exerts a fine-tuning of phosphorylation signals. Pin1 has been detected in dendritic spines and shafts where it regulates protein synthesis required to sustain the late phase of long-term potentiation (LTP). Here, we demonstrate that Pin1 residing in postsynaptic structures can interact with postsynaptic density protein-95 (PSD-95), a key scaffold protein that anchors NMDA receptors (NMDARs) in PSD via GluN2-type receptor subunits. Pin1 recruitment by PSD-95 occurs at specific serine-threonine/proline consensus motifs localized in the linker region connecting PDZ2 to PDZ3 domains. Upon binding, Pin1 triggers structural changes in PSD-95, thus negatively affecting its ability to interact with NMDARs. In electrophysiological experiments, larger NMDA-mediated synaptic currents, evoked in CA1 principal cells by Schaffer collateral stimulation, were detected in hippocampal slices obtained from Pin1(-/-) mice compared with controls. Similar results were obtained in cultured hippocampal cells expressing a PSD-95 mutant unable to undergo prolyl-isomerization, thus indicating that the action of Pin1 on PSD-95 is critical for this effect. In addition, an enhancement in spine density and size was detected in CA1 principal cells of Pin1(-/-) or in Thy-1GFP mice treated with the pharmacological inhibitor of Pin1 catalytic activity PiB.Our data indicate that Pin1 controls synaptic content of NMDARs via PSD-95 prolyl-isomerization and the expression of dendritic spines, both required for LTP maintenance