6 research outputs found

    PEMFs and cerebral ischemia: the pathways behind their beneficial effects

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    Low‐energy low‐frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) exert numerous beneficial effects on different biological systems. In particular, several data have reported their neuroprotective role in cerebral ischemia, a disease that is a leading cause of mortality and disability worldwide. For these reasons, PEMFs treatment has been introduced in a clinical multicentre, prospective, randomized, placebo‐controlled, and double‐blind study, whose aim is to investigate the effectiveness of PEMFs in acute ischemic stroke, as non-invasive and safe tool to gain neuronal recovery. However, to date, little is known about the pathways used by PEMFs to mediate their positive outcome. On these bases, the aim of this work was to investigate the molecular mechanism involved in PEMFs protective effects to contrast the hypoxic neuronal death and to decrease the neuroinflammation caused by microglial cells. In particular, the first chapter of the thesis investigated the effects of PEMFs exposure on nerve growth factor‐differentiated pheochromocytoma PC12 cells, injured with hypoxia, and the pathway triggered by PEMFs to exert their effect. In detail, the fact that PEMFs mediated a protective effect on neuronal cell death in hypoxic condition was confirmed. For the first time, the neuroprotection was shown to depend on the rapid activation of p38 MAPK, enrolling HSP70 survival chaperone molecule, leading to an increase of pCREB, BDNF and finally modulating the antiapoptotic pathway regulated by the Bcl‐2 family of proteins. The second chapter investigated the effects of PEMFs on microglial cells, key elements in modulating the neuroinflammation that follows the ischemic stroke. In particular, in lipopolysaccharide-treated N9 microglial cells, the cytokines production and the pathway involved were investigated, in the presence and in the absence of PEMFs. PEMFs inhibited the production of TNF-α and IL-1β induced by LPS, through the phosphorylation of JNK, and the secretion of IL-6, without affecting cells proliferation and viability. Interestingly, the pathway stimulated by PEMFs to reduce cytokines productions was different from the ones triggered by LPS to increase the pro-apoptotic mediators. In addition, it was proved that PEMFs can reduce crucial cell functions specific of activated microglia, like ROS generation, cell invasion and phagocytosis, which are essential to stop the inflammation. To conclude, the results of this thesis showed that PEMFs manage to modulate different mediators in separate cell lines, producing distinct but beneficial effects in ischemic condition, suggesting PEMFs as a valid alternative therapeutic option for ischemic patients.I campi elettromagnetici pulsati a bassa energia e frequenza (PEMFs) stanno emergendo sempre più per i loro numerosi effetti benefici in molteplici sistemi biologici, sia in vitro che in vivo. Tra questi, diversi studi hanno dimostrato la capacità dei PEMFs di proteggere le cellule neuronali in seguito ad un evento ischemico. Questa patologia, riconosciuta a livello mondiale come una delle principali cause di morte e di disabilità permanente, non beneficia, ad oggi, di terapie o farmaci in grado di proteggere i neuroni, limitando il danno, e di favorire la ripresa del tessuto cerebrale colpito. In questo contesto si colloca il trattamento con i PEMFs. Infatti, grazie ai promettenti dati ottenuti, i PEMFs sono stati utilizzati in uno studio clinico multicentrico, prospettico, randomizzato, controllato con placebo e in doppio cieco, il cui scopo è indagarne l'efficacia nell'ictus ischemico acuto, al fine di impiegarli come strumento non invasivo e sicuro per il recupero neuronale. Sebbene, dunque, l’efficacia dei PEMFs sia riconosciuta, i pathways molecolari che innescano per mediare il loro effetto benefico sono ancora poco noti. Per questo motivo, lo scopo del mio lavoro di tesi è stato quello di investigare i mediatori attivati dai PEMFs sia nel contrastare la morte neuronale dovuta all’evento ipossico, sia nel diminuire la neuro-infiammazione a carico delle cellule microgliali. In particolare, nel primo capitolo della tesi sono stati investigati l’effetto dell’esposizione ai PEMFs sulle cellule neuronali PC12 (differenziate con il fattore di crescita neuronale NGF) sottoposte ad insulto ipossico, ed il pathway attivato dai campi elettromagnetici. Per la prima volta, i risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato un effetto protettivo dei PEMFs su queste cellule, diminuendone l’apoptosi provocata dall’ipossia. Il processo neuro-protettivo è stato scoperto essere mediato dal rapido coinvolgimento di p38 MAPK che a sua volta attiva HSP70, aumentando il livello di CREB fosforilato, reclutando BDNF e coinvolgendo infine il pathway anti-apoptotico regolato dalla famiglia di Bcl-2. Il secondo capitolo, invece, si è occupato degli effetti dei PEMFs sulle cellule microgliali che sono note per il loro ruolo fondamentale nella regolazione della neuro-infiammazione post-ischemia, e che sono coinvolte nel danno da riperfusione. Nel dettaglio, dunque, le cellule microgliali N9 sono state stimolate con un agente infiammatorio (il lipopolisaccaride, LPS) e sono stati investigati sia la produzione delle citochine pro-infiammatorie sia i relativi pathways coinvolti, con e senza il trattamento con i PEMFs. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato l’abilità dei PEMFs di ridurre la secrezione di TNF-α e IL-1β tramite la modulazione di JNK, e di IL-6, senza alterare la vitalità e la proliferazione della microglia. Oltre alla produzione di citochine è stato ricercato anche l’effetto dei PEMFs nella regolazione di alcune funzioni specifiche delle cellule microgliali attivate, tra cui la produzione delle specie reattive dell’ossigeno, la fagocitosi e l’invasione cellulare. Nel dettaglio è stata riscontrata una riduzione di tutte in seguito al trattamento con i PEMFs, confermandone il ruolo essenziale nella diminuzione dello stato infiammatorio. I risultati di questo lavoro, dunque, hanno mostrato che il trattamento con i PEMFs è in grado di modulare numerosi mediatori sia nelle cellule neuronali che in quelle microgliali, contrastandone, rispettivamente, l’apoptosi e l’azione pro-infiammatoria, e per la prima volta, hanno descritto i meccanismi molecolari coinvolti. Questi risultati si aggiungono, dunque, a quelli pubblicati in altre linee cellulari, contribuendo a definire il meccanismo neuro-protettivo ed antinfiammatorio dei PEMFs e supportandone il loro utilizzo come terapia per l’ischemia cerebrale

    Inhibition of A2A Adenosine Receptor Signaling in Cancer Cells Proliferation by the Novel Antagonist TP455

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    Several evidences indicate that the ubiquitous nucleoside adenosine, acting through A1, A2A, A2B, and A3 receptor (AR) subtypes, plays crucial roles in tumor development. Adenosine has contrasting effects on cell proliferation depending on the engagement of different receptor subtypes in various tumors. The involvement of A2AARs in human A375 melanoma, as well as in human A549 lung and rat MRMT1 breast carcinoma proliferation has been evaluated in view of the availability of a novel A2AAR antagonist, with high affinity and selectivity, named as 2-(2-furanyl)-N5-(2-methoxybenzyl)[1,3]thiazolo[5,4-d]pyrimidine-5,7-diammine (TP455). Specifically, the signaling pathways triggered in the cancer cells of different origin and the antagonist effect of TP455 were investigated. The A2AAR protein expression was evaluated through receptor binding assays. Furthermore, the effect of A2AAR activation on cell proliferation at 24, 48 and 72 hours was studied. The selective A2AAR agonist 2-p-(2-carboxyethyl)phenethylamino-5′-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine hydrochloride (CGS21680), concentration-dependently induced cell proliferation in A375, A549, and MRMT1 cancer cells and the effect was potently antagonized by the A2AAR antagonist TP455, as well as by the reference A2AAR blocker 4-(2-[7-amino-2-(2-furyl)[1,2,4]triazolo[2,3-a][1,3,5]triazin-5-ylamino]ethyl)phenol (ZM241385). As for the signaling pathway recruited in this response we demonstrated that, by using the specific inhibitors of signal transduction pathways, the effect of A2AAR stimulation was induced through phospholipase C (PLC) and protein kinase C-delta (PKC-δ). In addition, we evaluated, through the AlphaScreen SureFire phospho(p) protein assay, the kinases enrolled by A2AAR to stimulate cell proliferation and we found the involvement of protein kinase B (AKT), extracellular regulated kinases (ERK1/2), and c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs). Indeed, we demonstrated that the CGS21680 stimulatory effect on kinases was strongly reduced in the presence of the new potent compound TP455, as well as by ZM241385, confirming the role of the A2AAR. In conclusion, the A2AAR activation stimulates proliferation of A375, A549, and MRMT1 cancer cells and importantly TP455 reveals its capability to counteract this effect, suggesting selective A2AAR antagonists as potential new therapeutics

    Synthesis, biological evaluation and docking studies of a novel class of sulfur-bridged diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanes

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    A small library of 3-thia-7,9-diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonanes was synthesized and their opioid receptors affinity and selectivity evaluated. Among these novel sulfur-bridged compounds, the (E) 9-[3\u2032-(3-chlorophenyl)-but-2\u2032-en-1\u2032- yl]-7-propionyl-3-thia-7,9-diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane 2i emerged as the derivative with the highest \u3bc receptor affinity (Ki = 85 nM) and selectivity (Ki \u3bc/\u3b4 = 58.8, Ki \u3bc/\u3ba > 117.6). The antinociceptive activity of 2i was also evaluated in acute thermal pain. Docking studies disclosed the specific pattern of interactions of these derivatives