602 research outputs found


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    本稿では,サールの虚構論および「社会的現実の構成」論を援用しつつ,ジョウゼフ・コンラッドの短編「青春」を,主に船舶技術の変遷という背景テーマとの関連から論じる。前半では,「青春」におけるジュディア号の創作上の航海を,本作のもととなった実際のパレスチナ号の航海と比較する。両者の相違および1880年代の船舶技術を検証する中で,帆船から蒸気船への海運における主役の交代が,「青春」における重要な背景テーマであることを論じる。 本稿の後半では,「青春」を多読教材(graded reader)化することの有用性を考察する。「青春」は『ロード・ジム』『闇の奥』とともに三部作をなす作品であり,本作におけるジュディア号の航海と,『ロード・ジム』におけるパトナ号の航海は,プロット上の役割に共通点がみられる。『ロード・ジム』と『闇の奥』はすでに多読教材化されており,「青春」がそれらを補完することになる。また本作は短編小説であるため,多読教材化にあたり会話の縮約が不要である上,「語りの間接性」や「遅延解読」といった,コンラッド三部作の主要要素を解説するページの付加も可能だろう。さらに「青春」における船員達の行動は当時の船舶技術の変遷を背景としているため,本作はその背景テーマを読み取るのに適した教材である。最後に,簡潔なプロットと印象的な情景描写により,本作は読み物教材としての魅力を十分に有している。In this article, we use Searle’s ideas on the logic of fiction and the construction of social reality to examine Joseph Conrad’s short story ‘Youth’, particularly in relation to the background theme of changing ship technology. To do this, we contrast the fictional voyage of the Judea in ‘Youth’ with the non-fictional voyage of the Palestine on which the story is based. In identifying the differences between the two, and in examining the ship technologies of the 1880s, we suggest that an important background theme in ‘Youth’ is the increasing dominance of steam over sail. In the final part of the article, we consider the potential value of ‘Youth’ as a graded reader. It is an important part of a trilogy that includes Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness, with a very strong plot apposition between the voyage of the Judea in ‘Youth’ and the voyage of the Patna in Lord Jim. As both Lord Jim and Heart of Darkness have been converted into graded readers, ‘Youth’ would supplement these. As a short story, it does not need shortening for conversion into a graded reader, and there would be space for an introduction that highlights some key aspects of Conrad’s writing, these being his use of embedded narrations and delayed decoding that appear throughout the trilogy. In addition, ‘Youth’ has an important theme of changing ship technologies that acts as an important background to the foregrounded behaviour of the ship’s officers and crew. Finally, simplicity of the plot combined with powerful visual scenes make it an attractive story to read

    Face Pose Estimation From Video Sequence Using Dynamic Bayesian Network.

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    This paper describes a technique to estimate human face pose from colour video sequence using Dynamic Bayesian Network(DBN). As face and facial features trackers usually track eyes, pupils, mouth corners and skin region(face), our proposed method utilizes merely three of these features – pupils, mouth centre and skin region – to compute the evidence for DBN inference

    Utilizing the CALL System for Tight-spaced Group Work

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    This paper reports on a pilot introduction of group work, utilizing Hiroshima University’s CALL system. The aim is to assess the potential and challenges of learner-centered approaches in a CALL class, where limitations of movement in tight classroom spaces typically make face-to-face group activities difficult. The research was conducted in two English reading classes, with approximately 40 students in each, in 2018 and 2019. While these classes were TOEIC®-oriented, they were taught using the knowledge-based jigsaw method, enabled by the intercom functionality of the CALL system. The students were first divided into four different “expert groups” to discuss with their neighboring classmates how to explain the rationale for the answers to the questions assigned for each expert group. Then they worked in groups of four, called “jigsaw groups,” where one student from each expert group was reassigned to a new group. Since jigsaw groupings were made using the pair/group function of the CALL system, the students did not need to move physically in the classroom. Sitting separately and wearing headsets, the jigsaw members presented to one another on what they prepared in their previous expert group. An online questionnaire survey was administered to the participants at the end of each course. Overall, the participants gave positive feedback for the TOEIC®-oriented classes, based on group work using the CALL function. The intercom functionality of the CALL system helped introduce full-fledged group work in a small, jam-packed CALL classroom; on the other hand, groupings had to be made carefully and flexibly according to the number of students present, and the possibility of technical problems with the CALL system had to be taken into account

    Building a BYOL-based CALL Environment in a Non-PC Classroom

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    Hiroshima University launched a BYOL (Bring Your Own Laptop) policy in academic year 2015. Students are requested to bring their own laptops to the campus so that the lightweight devices can be used for their everyday coursework and research activities. Combined with the campus Wi-Fi network and the university’s Learning Management System (Bb9), the BYOL-based environment could be utilized as a simplified and handy alternative to the costly and “heavyweight” CALL system. The aim of this paper is twofold: First, it examines what can and cannot be done in a BYOL-based CALL environment; second, a survey was conducted among 12 first-year students who took both an English course in the CALL lab during the first semester, and then another English course in a BYOL-based non-PC classroom during the second. Comparing the two environments, they were asked to point out the benefits and defects of each as well as to what degree they were satisfied with the latter. It was found that multimedia and WBT (Web-Based Training) materials could be easily accessible through the LMS in the BYOL-based environment; however, the existing CALL lab was superior to the BYOL-based environment in managing oral activities, often involving communication in pairs or groups. In addition, the limited number of Wi-Fi connections and lack of power supply in the current non-PC classrooms are highly problematic. According to the survey results, while students generally appreciated the benefits of the BYOL environment ― such as the devices they own being easier to handle than the PCs in the CALL lab ― they are not quite convinced of the significance of having to carry their laptop into the classroom every week, since very few courses they take integrate BYOL into their classroom activities


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    本稿の前半では,日本の医学部生を対象とした「医学英語(English for Medical Purposes, EMP)」のための「語彙リストの作成」と「教材開発」に関する6年間のプロジェクトについてまとめる。具体的には,プロジェクト開始時の計画立案,初期及び中期における改良,そして完成期の取り組みについて概観する。その中では,どのように学部生の医学に関する理解度を反映させるために計画を修正したか,また,学生用の教材に組み入れるべき「語彙リスト」をどのように作成し,そして「学習素材」と「語彙」の融合を図る必要性があったかを詳述する。さらに,開発したオンライン教材を「反転授業」に活用できるように,どのように改発・改良したかについても報告する。 それに続き,教養教育英語授業と医学英語の「関係性」について,とりわけ語彙と文法という言語学的視点から吟味してみる。最後に,今後の医学英語教育に関する研究が,いかに学部生を対象とした英語教育カリキュラム全般の充実に資するかを述べてみたい。In the first part of this article, we document and reflect on a six-year project to develop materials and a word list for undergraduates studying English for Medical Purposes (EMP) at a medical school in Japan. We describe the initial planning, early stage, mid-term innovation, and final stage of the project. We also recount how plans changed to reflect developing understandings of medicine and the need to consider both discourse and vocabulary together in order to create a word list embedded within the student materials. In addition, we note how plans for online materials were changed to create a flipped-learning course rather than a purely online course. In the second part of the article, we discuss the relationship between general English and English for Medical Purposes, particularly with regard to vocabulary and grammar. We conclude by considering how further research on EMP could lead to a fully integrated English language curriculum for undergraduates