19 research outputs found

    Reliability-centered maintenance: analyzing failure in harvest sugarcane machine using some generalizations of the Weibull distribution

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    In this study we considered five generalizations of the standard Weibull distribution to describe the lifetime of two important components of harvest sugarcane machines. The harvesters considered in the analysis does the harvest of an average of 20 tons of sugarcane per hour and their malfunction may lead to major losses, therefore, an effective maintenance approach is of main interesting for cost savings. For the considered distributions, the mathematical background is presented. Maximum likelihood is used for parameter estimation. Further, different discrimination procedures were used to obtain the best fit for each component. At the end, we propose a maintenance scheduling for the components of the harvesters using predictive analysis


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    The Sentinel-2a and 2B satellites form a multispectral imaging mission for Earth observation. They have promising characteristics for the study of soils and vegetation cover, and their data can be applied for land use/cover (LULC) mapping. To this end, neural networks have shown good results in pattern recognition tasks in orbital images. In this sense, the study aimed to evaluate the use of Sentinel 2 (ESA) image for LULC mapping in the Cerrado Biome, through the application of artificial neural network methodology. Among the classes of use and occupation examined, 8 classes were selected, 4 of which were natural (water bodies, savanna, forest and field formation) and 4 anthropic (Pasture, Urban areas, Silviculture and Seasonal Crop). The classification system by artificial neural network (ANN) was considered successful, with thematic accuracy (Kappa coefficient) of 0.77. Although there are still some thematic confusions during the classification process, the classification results were considered superior when compared to the MaxVer classifier. The Sentinel-2 image, together with the use of a neural network, was shown a good input for carrying out this type of mapping.Key words: Orbital Remote Sensing System, Supervised Classification Techniques, LULC classes

    Aplicações de isótopos de oxigênio e carbono na reconstrução paleoambiental do interior da Lagoa dos Patos, RS, Brasil: um estudo de caso.

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    O trabalho apresenta uma reconstrução paleoambiental, a partir de um testemunho extraído da célula sul da Lagoa dos Patos (Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil), com base em análises de isotópos estáveis de carbono e de oxigênio, realizadas em conchas de moluscos. O testemunho está localizado entre a saída do rio Camaquã e o município de Bojuru. Três zonas distintas foram observadas: uma zona inferior marinha composta pelos moluscos Carycorbula tryoni, Acteocina bidentata e Tawera gayi, mostrando um comportamento espelhado com relação à profundidade entre os valores de δ18O e de δ13C,  uma temperatura média de 17°C e a idade do 14C é de 3876 – 4004 AP a 2,5 m. Uma zona de transição, onde não são encontrados moluscos fósseis, e uma zona superior mixohalina, com o molusco Erodona mactroides, de comportamento concordante entre os valores negativos de δ18O e de δ13C. Nesta zona, a temperatura aumenta em 5°C, chegando a 22°C. A 1,2m, a idade radiocarbono é de 3.054 ± 27 anos AP. A 0,3m de profundidade, o comportamento do δ13C e do δ18O passa a ser estável, refletindo o provável fechamento da Lagoa dos Patos (2.080 AP), pertencente a Série Meghalayan da parte Superior do Holoceno. Este estudo corrobora com a variação do nível do mar e com a história evolutiva da formação de ilhas barreira no litoral sul-brasileiro em função da presença de espécies marinhas na base do testemunho e de espécies mixohalinas no topo

    Soil properties and relations with land attributes in the federal district

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    As propriedades dos solos são relacionadas com posições na paisagem. Isto implica em que as variáveis dos fatores de formação do solo, podem ser usadas para predizer atributos dos solos. A modelagem digital do relevo é uma das técnicas quantitativas melhor desenvolvidas para predizer atributos e classes de solos. As propriedades do solo estimadas podem ser usadas como dados de entrada em modelos de erosão hídrica e de transporte de sedimentos/nutrientes, risco de acidificação do solo e produtividade. Portanto, o trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as relações entre propriedades do solo (teor de argila, carbono orgânico e espessura dos horizontes superficial e subsuperficial) e atributos do terreno, derivados de um Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) na Bacia do Rio Jardim, Distrito Federal. A partir do MDE carta, foram obtidos os atributos do terreno declividade, altitude, curvatura e índice topográfico de umidade (TWI) que juntamente com os dados das propriedades do solo de 24 perfis, foram submetidos à analise de regressão linear múltipla para a obtenção dos coeficientes utilizados para a geração de equações de predição dos atributos do solo. A declividade, a altitude e o TWI foram os atributos derivados do MDE que obtiveram uma maior associação com o teor de argila e carbono orgânico nos solos da Bacia do Rio Jardim. A influência da curvatura na predição do teor de argila e carbono orgânico foi pouco representativa, porém, na predição da espessura do horizonte superficial, a curvatura e a declividade obtiveram uma boa associaçãoSoil properties are related to positions in the landscape. This implies that the variables of soil formation factors can be used to predict soil attributes. Digital relief modeling is one of the best-developed quantitative techniques for predicting soil attributes and classes. Estimated soil properties can be used as input data in water erosion and sediment / nutrient transport models, risk of soil acidification, and productivity. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship between soil properties (clay content, organic carbon and thickness of the superficial and subsurface horizons) and terrain attributes derived from a Digital Elevation Model (MDE) in the Rio Jardim Basin, Federal District. From the MDE letter, the slope, altitude, curvature and topographic moisture index (TWI) attributes were obtained, which together with the soil properties data of 24 profiles were subjected to multiple linear regression analysis to obtain the coefficients used for the generation of prediction equations of soil attributes. Slope, altitude and TWI were the attributes derived from the MDE that obtained a greater association with clay and organic carbon content in the soils of the Jardim River Basin. The influence of the curvature on the prediction of clay and organic carbon content was not very representative, but in the prediction of surface horizon thickness, curvature and slope had a good association. Keywords: digital elevation model, multiple linear regression, digital soil mappin

    MDL28170, a Calpain Inhibitor, Affects Trypanosoma cruzi Metacyclogenesis, Ultrastructure and Attachment to Rhodnius prolixus Midgut

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    BACKGROUND: Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas' disease. During the parasite life cycle, many molecules are involved in the differentiation process and infectivity. Peptidases are relevant for crucial steps of T. cruzi life cycle; as such, it is conceivable that they may participate in the metacyclogenesis and interaction with the invertebrate host. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this paper, we have investigated the effect of the calpain inhibitor MDL28170 on the attachment of T. cruzi epimastigotes to the luminal midgut surface of Rhodnius prolixus, as well as on the metacyclogenesis process and ultrastructure. MDL28170 treatment was capable of significantly reducing the number of bound epimastigotes to the luminal surface midgut of the insect. Once the cross-reactivity of the anti-Dm-calpain was assessed, it was possible to block calpain molecules by the antibody, leading to a significant reduction in the capacity of adhesion to the insect guts by T. cruzi. However, the antibodies were unable to interfere in metacyclogenesis, which was impaired by the calpain inhibitor presenting a significant reduction in the number of metacyclic trypomastigotes. The calpain inhibitor also promoted a direct effect against bloodstream trypomastigotes. Ultrastructural analysis of epimastigotes treated with the calpain inhibitor revealed disorganization in the reservosomes, Golgi and plasma membrane disruption. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The presence of calpain and calpain-like molecules in a wide range of organisms suggests that these proteins could be necessary for basic cellular functions. Herein, we demonstrated the effects of MDL28170 in crucial steps of the T. cruzi life cycle, such as attachment to the insect midgut and metacyclogenesis, as well as in parasite viability and morphology. Together with our previous findings, these results help to shed some light on the functions of T. cruzi calpains. Considering the potential roles of these molecules on the interaction with both invertebrate and vertebrate hosts, it is interesting to improve knowledge on these molecules in T. cruzi

    TRISS-AG: a genetic algorithm to adjust the TRISS prediction method of trauma patients survival

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    O método TRISS é amplamente utilizado para previsão de sobrevivência de pacientes de trauma, tendo papel chave tanto para guiar decisões clínicas no momento do atendimento como posteriormente para avaliar o desempenho do serviço de saúde. Embora seja o mais usado no mundo todo, ele tem sido criticado por não refletir a realidade do atendimento médico de países em desenvolvimento, pois foi construído por meio de uma regressão logística usando dados de pacientes norte-americanos há mais de três décadas. Estudos tem sido feitos buscando adaptá-lo usando dados locais e técnicas alternativas, incluindo inteligência computacional. Propõe-se neste trabalho uma abordagem para ajustar o TRISS usando algoritmos genéticos, testando se é possível utilizar tal técnica e superar o desempenho do TRISS original quando aplicado a dados que representem tal realidade. Inicialmente foram sintetizados cinco bancos de dados simulando pacientes atendidos por hospitais de qualidade progressivamente inferior. O desempenho do TRISS em prever a sobrevivência destes pacientes foi medido utilizando curvas ROC, mostrandose progressivamente menor, confirmando que o TRISS apresenta problemas em realidades de atendimento piores. Foi, então, desenvolvido o TRISS-AG, um algoritmo genético para ajustar a equação do TRISS. O desempenho do TRISS-AG e do TRISS aplicados aos bancos de dados foi comparado com base na quantidade de acertos na previsão de sobrevivência e o TRISS-AG apresentou desempenho melhor para todos os bancos de dados, com maior vantagem para os bancos de dados representado os piores cenários de atendimento. Os resultados confirmaram que é possível usar um algoritmo genético para ajustar o TRISS e que o algoritmo pode ter desempenho superior ao do método TRISS original.The TRISS method is widely used to predict the survival of trauma patients, having a key role both in guiding clinical decisions at the time of care and later to assess the performance of the health service. Although it is the most used worldwide, it has been criticized for not reflecting the reality of medical care in developing countries, as it was built by means of a logistic regression using data from American patients more than three decades ago. Studies have been done seeking to adapt it using local data and alternative techniques, including computational intelligence. This work proposes an approach to adjust TRISS using genetic algorithms, testing whether it is possible to use such a technique and outperform of the original TRISS when applied to data that represent such a reality. Initially, five databases were synthetized simulating patients treated by hospitals of progressively lower quality. The performance of TRISS in predicting the survival of these patients was measured using ROC curves, showing to be progressively lower, confirming that TRISS presents problems in worse care realities. Then, TRISS-AG was developed, a genetic algorithm to adjust the TRISS equation. The performance of TRISS-AG and TRISS applied to the databases was compared based on the number of correct survival predictions and TRISS-AG performed better for all databases, with a greater advantage for the databases representing the worst service scenarios. The results confirmed that it is possible to use a genetic algorithm to adjust TRISS and that such algorithm can perform better than the original TRISS method

    The Diverse Calpain Family in Trypanosomatidae: Functional Proteins Devoid of Proteolytic Activity?

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    Calpains are calcium-dependent cysteine peptidases that were originally described in mammals and, thereafter, their homologues were identified in almost all known living organisms. The deregulated activity of these peptidases is associated with several pathologies and, consequently, huge efforts have been made to identify selective inhibitors. Trypanosomatids, responsible for life-threatening human diseases, possess a large and diverse family of calpain sequences in their genomes. Considering that the current therapy to treat trypanosomatid diseases is limited to a handful of drugs that suffer from unacceptable toxicity, tough administration routes, like parenteral, and increasing treatment failures, a repurposed approach with calpain inhibitors could be a shortcut to successful chemotherapy. However, there is a general lack of knowledge about calpain functions in these parasites and, currently, the proteolytic activity of these proteins is still an open question. Here, we highlight the current research and perspectives on trypanosomatid calpains, overview calpain description in these organisms, and explore the potential of targeting the calpain system as a therapeutic strategy. This review gathers the current knowledge about this fascinating family of peptidases as well as insights into the puzzle: are we unable to measure calpain activity in trypanosomatids, or are the functions of these proteins devoid of proteolytic activity in these parasites

    Reliability-Centered Maintenance: Analyzing Failure in Harvest Sugarcane Machine Using Some Generalizations of the Weibull Distribution

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    We considered five generalizations of the standard Weibull distribution to describe the lifetime of two important components of sugarcane harvesting machines. The harvesters considered in the analysis harvest an average of 20 tons of sugarcane per hour and their malfunction may lead to major losses; therefore, an effective maintenance approach is of main interest for cost savings. For the considered distributions, mathematical background is presented. Maximum likelihood is used for parameter estimation. Further, different discrimination procedures were used to obtain the best fit for each component. At the end, we propose a maintenance scheduling for the components of the harvesters using predictive analysis

    Calpains of Leishmania braziliensis: genome analysis, differential expression, and functional analysis

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    Submitted by Sandra Infurna ([email protected]) on 2020-03-20T18:40:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VitorEVidal_ClaudiaLevy_etal_IOC_2019.pdf: 2297099 bytes, checksum: cb1aca4fd57f8498a88ea0341a2b9d0b (MD5)Approved for entry into archive by Sandra Infurna ([email protected]) on 2020-03-20T18:52:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 VitorEVidal_ClaudiaLevy_etal_IOC_2019.pdf: 2297099 bytes, checksum: cb1aca4fd57f8498a88ea0341a2b9d0b (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2020-03-20T18:52:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VitorEVidal_ClaudiaLevy_etal_IOC_2019.pdf: 2297099 bytes, checksum: cb1aca4fd57f8498a88ea0341a2b9d0b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Estudos Integrados em Protozoologia. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Estudos Integrados em Protozoologia. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil..Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Biologia Celular. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Biologia Molecular de Parasitas e Vetores. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Laboratório de Imunofarmacologia Parasitária. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Laboratório de Estudos Avançados de Microrganismos Emergentes e Resistentes. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Laboratório de Estudos Avançados de Microrganismos Emergentes e Resistentes. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Laboratório de Estudos Integrados em Protozoologia. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.Calpains are proteins belonging to the multi-gene family of calcium-dependent cysteine peptidases that undergo tight on/off regulation, and uncontrolled proteolysis of calpains is associated with severe human pathologies. Calpain orthologues are expanded and diversified in the trypanosomatids genome