69 research outputs found

    Glucose Promotes Stress Resistance in the Fungal Pathogen \u3ci\u3eCandida albicans\u3c/i\u3e

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    Metabolic adaptation, and in particular the modulation of carbon assimilatory pathways during disease progression, is thought to contribute to the pathogenicity of Candida albicans. Therefore, we have examined the global impact of glucose upon the C. albicans transcriptome, testing the sensitivity of this pathogen to wide-ranging glucose levels (0.01, 0.1, and 1.0%). We show that, like Saccharomyces cerevisiae, C. albicans is exquisitely sensitive to glucose, regulating central metabolic genes even in response to 0.01% glucose. This indicates that glucose concentrations in the bloodstream (approximate range 0.05–0.1%) have a significant impact upon C. albicans gene regulation. However, in contrast to S. cerevisiae where glucose down-regulates stress responses, some stress genes were induced by glucose in C. albicans. This was reflected in elevated resistance to oxidative and cationic stresses and resistance to an azole antifungal agent. Cap1 and Hog1 probably mediate glucose-enhanced resistance to oxidative stress, but neither is essential for this effect. However, Hog1 is phosphorylated in response to glucose and is essential for glucose-enhanced resistance to cationic stress. The data suggest that, upon entering the bloodstream, C. albicans cells respond to glucose increasing their resistance to the oxidative and cationic stresses central to the armory of immunoprotective phagocytic cells

    Glucose Promotes Stress Resistance in the Fungal Pathogen \u3ci\u3eCandida albicans\u3c/i\u3e

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    Metabolic adaptation, and in particular the modulation of carbon assimilatory pathways during disease progression, is thought to contribute to the pathogenicity of Candida albicans. Therefore, we have examined the global impact of glucose upon the C. albicans transcriptome, testing the sensitivity of this pathogen to wide-ranging glucose levels (0.01, 0.1, and 1.0%). We show that, like Saccharomyces cerevisiae, C. albicans is exquisitely sensitive to glucose, regulating central metabolic genes even in response to 0.01% glucose. This indicates that glucose concentrations in the bloodstream (approximate range 0.05–0.1%) have a significant impact upon C. albicans gene regulation. However, in contrast to S. cerevisiae where glucose down-regulates stress responses, some stress genes were induced by glucose in C. albicans. This was reflected in elevated resistance to oxidative and cationic stresses and resistance to an azole antifungal agent. Cap1 and Hog1 probably mediate glucose-enhanced resistance to oxidative stress, but neither is essential for this effect. However, Hog1 is phosphorylated in response to glucose and is essential for glucose-enhanced resistance to cationic stress. The data suggest that, upon entering the bloodstream, C. albicans cells respond to glucose increasing their resistance to the oxidative and cationic stresses central to the armory of immunoprotective phagocytic cells

    The Csr System Regulates Escherichia coli Fitness by Controlling Glycogen Accumulation and Energy Levels

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    International audienceIn the bacterium Escherichia coli, the posttranscriptional regulatory system Csr was postulated to influence the transition from glycolysis to gluconeogene-sis. Here, we explored the role of the Csr system in the glucose-acetate transition as a model of the glycolysis-to-gluconeogenesis switch. Mutations in the Csr system influence the reorganization of gene expression after glucose exhaustion and disturb the timing of acetate reconsumption after glucose exhaustion. Analysis of me-tabolite concentrations during the transition revealed that the Csr system has a major effect on the energy levels of the cells after glucose exhaustion. This influence was demonstrated to result directly from the effect of the Csr system on glycogen accumulation. Mutation in glycogen metabolism was also demonstrated to hinder metabolic adaptation after glucose exhaustion because of insufficient energy. This work explains how the Csr system influences E. coli fitness during the glycolysis-gluconeogenesis switch and demonstrates the role of glycogen in maintenance of the energy charge during metabolic adaptation. IMPORTANCE Glycogen is a polysaccharide and the main storage form of glucose from bacteria such as Escherichia coli to yeasts and mammals. Although its function as a sugar reserve in mammals is well documented, the role of glycogen in bacteria is not as clear. By studying the role of posttranscriptional regulation during metabolic adaptation, for the first time, we demonstrate the role of sugar reserve played by glycogen in E. coli. Indeed, glycogen not only makes it possible to maintain sufficient energy during metabolic transitions but is also the key component in the capacity of cells to resume growth. Since the essential posttranscriptional regulatory system Csr is a major regulator of glycogen accumulation, this work also sheds light on the central role of posttranscriptional regulation in metabolic adaptation

    Toxic effect and inability of L-homoserine to be a nitrogen source for growth of Escherichia coli resolved by a combination of in vivo evolution engineering and omics analyses

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    L-homoserine is a pivotal intermediate in the carbon and nitrogen metabolism of E. coli. However, this non-canonical amino acid cannot be used as a nitrogen source for growth. Furthermore, growth of this bacterium in a synthetic media is potently inhibited by L-homoserine. To understand this dual effect, an adapted laboratory evolution (ALE) was applied, which allowed the isolation of a strain able to grow with L-homoserine as the nitrogen source and was, at the same time, desensitized to growth inhibition by this amino acid. Sequencing of this evolved strain identified only four genomic modifications, including a 49 bp truncation starting from the stop codon of thrL. This mutation resulted in a modified thrL locus carrying a thrL* allele encoding a polypeptide 9 amino acids longer than the thrL encoded leader peptide. Remarkably, the replacement of thrL with thrL* in the original strain MG1655 alleviated L-homoserine inhibition to the same extent as strain 4E, but did not allow growth with this amino acid as a nitrogen source. The loss of L-homoserine toxic effect could be explained by the rapid conversion of L-homoserine into threonine via the thrL*-dependent transcriptional activation of the threonine operon thrABC. On the other hand, the growth of E. coli on a mineral medium with L-homoserine required an activation of the threonine degradation pathway II and glycine cleavage system, resulting in the release of ammonium ions that were likely recaptured by NAD(P)-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase. To infer about the direct molecular targets of L-homoserine toxicity, a transcriptomic analysis of wild-type MG1655 in the presence of 10 mM L-homoserine was performed, which notably identified a potent repression of locomotion-motility-chemotaxis process and of branched-chain amino acids synthesis. Since the magnitude of these effects was lower in a ΔthrL mutant, concomitant with a twofold lower sensitivity of this mutant to L-homoserine, it could be argued that growth inhibition by L-homoserine is due to the repression of these biological processes. In addition, L-homoserine induced a strong upregulation of genes in the sulfate reductive assimilation pathway, including those encoding its transport. How this non-canonical amino acid triggers these transcriptomic changes is discussed

    Intuitive Visualization and Analysis of Multi-Omics Data and Application to Escherichia coli Carbon Metabolism

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    Combinations of ‘omics’ investigations (i.e, transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic and/or fluxomic) are increasingly applied to get comprehensive understanding of biological systems. Because the latter are organized as complex networks of molecular and functional interactions, the intuitive interpretation of multi-omics datasets is difficult. Here we describe a simple strategy to visualize and analyze multi-omics data. Graphical representations of complex biological networks can be generated using Cytoscape where all molecular and functional components could be explicitly represented using a set of dedicated symbols. This representation can be used i) to compile all biologically-relevant information regarding the network through web link association, and ii) to map the network components with multi-omics data. A Cytoscape plugin was developed to increase the possibilities of both multi-omic data representation and interpretation. This plugin allowed different adjustable colour scales to be applied to the various omics data and performed the automatic extraction and visualization of the most significant changes in the datasets. For illustration purpose, the approach was applied to the central carbon metabolism of Escherichia coli. The obtained network contained 774 components and 1232 interactions, highlighting the complexity of bacterial multi-level regulations. The structured representation of this network represents a valuable resource for systemic studies of E. coli, as illustrated from the application to multi-omics data. Some current issues in network representation are discussed on the basis of this work

    Régulation transcriptionnelle de Gsy2p, glycogène synthase majeure de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    La levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae se doit de répondre aux stress et contraintes environnementales pour assurer sa survie et sa prolifération. Un de ces mécanismes de réponse adaptative est l'accumulation de sucres de réserve comme le glycogène lors d'une limitation nutritionnelle. Nous avons démontré que l'ensemble des protagonistes impliqués dans le métabolisme du glycogène est induit en un même stimulon par un phénomène d'induction transcriptionnelle à la sortie de la phase exponentielle de croissance sur glucose. La majorité de ces gènes possède des éléments STREs (STress Response Elements) dans leur promoteur qui permettent l'induction en réponse aux stress. Toutefois, les STREs ne sont pas nécessaires à l'augmentation d'expression des gènes du stimulon, en fin de phase exponentielle sur glucose. Cette induction nécessite au moins deux éléments de régulation dans le promoteur du gène GSY2, codant pour la glycogène synthase majeure de S.cerevisiae. L'étude de diverses mutations affectant l'expression de GSY2 a abouti à la détermination d'un schéma de régulation complexe, impliquant trois systèmes de transduction du signal requis pour indiquer la présence ou le changement de substrat nutritionnel dans le milieu. Nous avons localisé les éléments du promoteur de GSY2 nécessaires au contrôle de la transcription du gène par ces voies de signalisation. La voie AMPc/PKA a démontré son rôle majeur sur l'établissement du phénomène d'induction et sur le niveau d'expression du gène. Enfin, les interférences sur la biosynthèse du glycogène liées à l'absence de régime respiratoire ont été étudiées. Ces travaux ont aboutis à la clarification du rôle de sucre de réserve et de la cinétique d'accumulation et de dégradation du glycogèneThe Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, like most of the living organisms, has to cope with stress and environmental constraints to ensure its survival and proliferation. One of this adaptive response is the synthesis of glycogen during a nutritional limitation. We have demonstrated that the whole group of genes allowing the glycogen synthesis or degradation is induced at the same time, before the end of the exponential phase of growth on glucose. Most of these genes possess STREs (STress Response Elements) in their promoter which are responsible for their increase in expression due to a stress but not to the disappearance of glucose. This induction requires at least two elements in the promoter of the GSY2 gene, encoding the major glycogen synthase. Study of the main mutations affecting GSY2 expression has led to the unraveling of a fine regulation system implicating three nutritional signaling pathways. The elements regulating the GSY2 transcription have been localized and the cAMP/PKA has been demonstrated to be the main pathway controlling the gene expression and induction. Moreover, our work on the linkage between glycogen biosynthesis and respiratory requirement have allowed to precise the production and consumption kinetics of glycogen and its function as a sugar storageTOULOUSE-INSA (315552106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Release from Quorum-Sensing Molecules Triggers Hyphal Formation during Candida albicans Resumption of Growth

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    Candida albicans is a pathogenic fungus able to change morphology in response to variations in its growth environment. Simple inoculation of stationary cells into fresh medium at 37°C, without any other manipulations, appears to be a powerful but transient inducer of hyphal formation; this process also plays a significant role in classical serum induction of hyphal formation. The mechanism appears to involve the release of hyphal repression caused by quorum-sensing molecules in the growth medium of stationary-phase cells, and farnesol has a strong but incomplete role in this process. We used DNA microarray technology to study both the resumption of growth of Candida albicans cells and molecular regulation involving farnesol. Maintaining farnesol in the culture medium during the resumption of growth both delays and reduces the induction of hypha-related genes yet triggers expression of genes encoding drug efflux components. The persistence of farnesol also prevents the repression of histone genes during hyphal growth and affects the expression of putative or demonstrated morphogenesis-regulating cyclin genes, such as HGC1, CLN3, and PCL2. The results suggest a model explaining the triggering of hyphae in the host based on quorum-sensing molecules