4 research outputs found

    Metamorphic Relations via Relaxations: An Approach to Obtain Oracles for Action-Policy Testing

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    Specifying and Testing kk-Safety Properties for Machine-Learning Models

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    Machine-learning models are becoming increasingly prevalent in our lives, for instance assisting in image-classification or decision-making tasks. Consequently, the reliability of these models is of critical importance and has resulted in the development of numerous approaches for validating and verifying their robustness and fairness. However, beyond such specific properties, it is challenging to specify, let alone check, general functional-correctness expectations from models. In this paper, we take inspiration from specifications used in formal methods, expressing functional-correctness properties by reasoning about kk different executions, so-called kk-safety properties. Considering a credit-screening model of a bank, the expected property that "if a person is denied a loan and their income decreases, they should still be denied the loan" is a 2-safety property. Here, we show the wide applicability of kk-safety properties for machine-learning models and present the first specification language for expressing them. We also operationalize the language in a framework for automatically validating such properties using metamorphic testing. Our experiments show that our framework is effective in identifying property violations, and that detected bugs could be used to train better models

    RAID: Randomized Adversarial-Input Detection for Neural Networks

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    In recent years, neural networks have become the default choice for image classification and many other learning tasks, even though they are vulnerable to so-called adversarial attacks. To increase their robustness against these attacks, there have emerged numerous detection mechanisms that aim to automatically determine if an input is adversarial. However, state-of-the-art detection mechanisms either rely on being tuned for each type of attack, or they do not generalize across different attack types. To alleviate these issues, we propose a novel technique for adversarial-image detection, RAID, that trains a secondary classifier to identify differences in neuron activation values between benign and adversarial inputs. Our technique is both more reliable and more effective than the state of the art when evaluated against six popular attacks. Moreover, a straightforward extension of RAID increases its robustness against detection-aware adversaries without affecting its effectiveness

    Debugging a Policy: {A}utomatic Action-Policy Testing in {AI} Planning

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    Testing is a promising way to gain trust in neural action policies π. Previous work on policy testing in sequential decision making targeted environment behavior leading to failure conditions. But if the failure is unavoidable given that behavior, then π is not actually to blame. For a situation to qualify as a "bug" in π, there must be an alternative policy π' that does better. We introduce a generic policy testing framework based on that intuition. This raises the bug confirmation problem, deciding whether or not a state is a bug. We analyze the use of optimistic and pessimistic bounds for the design of test oracles approximating that problem. We contribute an implementation of our framework in classical planning, experimenting with several test oracles and with random-walk methods generating test states biased to poor policy performance and/or state novelty. We evaluate these techniques on policies π learned with ASNets. We find that they are able to effectively identify bugs in these π, and that our random-walk biases improve over uninformed baselines