8 research outputs found
Response Surface Regression with LTS and MM-Estimator to Overcome Outliers on Red Roselle Flowers
The surface response method is similar to the regression analysis method which uses procedures or ways of estimating the response function regression model based on the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. Unfortunately, using the quadratic method has no drawbacks because it is easily sensitive to assumption deviations due to outlier cases. One of the solutions to the outlier problem is using robust regression. The method of parameters in the regression is very diverse, but the methods used in this study are the Least Trimmed Square (LTS) and MM-estimator methods because both methods have a high breakdown point of nearly 50%. The variables studied were the response variable consisting of red roselle plant height (Y1) and red roselle flower weight (Y2). While the independent variables were soil moisture factor (X1) and NPK fertilizer application factor (X2). The purpose of this study is to estimate the response surface regression parameters. using the LTS and MM-estimator methods on data that contains outliers. The resulting model in data analysis shows the same result that the best model is using the LTS estimation method. The modeling result of plant height obtained an R-Square value of 98,27% with an error is 1,243. Meanwhile, for the red rosella plant flower weight model, the R-Square value was 97,31% with an error is 0.6632
In the analytical balance sheet of the base money monetary authority, Bank Indonesia explained that net foreign assets (NFA) affected the circulation of base money, including currency. This gives an assumption regarding the indication of a causal relationship between currency circulation and NFA. In addition to the causality test, the primary purpose of this study is to identify long-term equilibrium relationships between NFA and Currency Circulation. The cointegration test obtained r = 1, indicating cointegration (long-term equilibrium). Time series data plots of these two variables tend to have a trend and are not stationary. The Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) is applied as an analytical method used to correct long-term relationships between variables that are not stationary. However, in the concept of VECM deviation and short-term dynamics, the association is assumed to be linear. At the same time, in applying economics, the relationship between economic variables is not necessarily linear. The significance test for the presence of a threshold using a fixed regressor bootstrap shows a threshold effect or nonlinear VECM, so it is necessary to use an analytical method that can combine nonlinearity and cointegration through the Threshold Vector Error Correction Model (TVECM). In this study, modeling of TVECM 2 regimes and three regimes were carried out. TVECM 3 regimes obtain the best model with two threshold values ​​of -310850 and -260156
This study aims to determine the parameter estimation method of the ZINB model with the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm, and also to overcome the case of overdispersion caused by excess zeros in diphtheria cases in West Java in 2016 and to know the factors that significantly influence. Based on the results of the analysis, the factors that significantly influence the number of diphtheria cases in West Java Province in 2016 for the data count are the percentage of DPT immunization (X1), the percentage of residents who have access to safe drinking water (X3) and the percentage of TPM that meet sanitary hygiene requirements (X6). Whereas for zero-inflation data is the percentage of residents who have access to decent drinking water (X3), number of puskesmas (X5) and the percentage of TPM that meet sanitary hygiene requirements (X6)
Application of Problem-based Learning Learning Model with Game Approach to Improve Learning Outcomes in Class X-4 SMAN 8 Malang
The background of this study is that the learning motivation of students in participating in mathematics learning is very low, this can be seen in the basic ability test conducted before starting early semester learning, the average class score was 23.6 with only 16 students who had scores above the grade average of around 44.4%. In addition, from the results of interviews with grade X-4 children, information was obtained that learning in previous junior high schools was only teacher-centered and learning was carried out online, thus leading to lack of understanding of mathematics ion students. The lack of teaching aids is also one of the obstacles by teachers in the learning process. Students are also still shy in expressing opinions, so they still need to be guided in order to express their opinions. The purpose of this study is to apply the problem-based learning (PBL) learning model with a game approach to improve the learning outcomes of class X-4. This research was conducted at SMAN 8 Malang for two cycles and consisted of three stages, namely planning, implementation of actions and action results (do), and reflection (see). The results of this study showed that the results of changes in the final test results of cycle I and cycle II using the game approach showed a better development in the percentage in each cycle, which was 42.4%, with an average value of 21.36 in cycle I and to 94.4%, with an average value of 89.1 in cycle II. In this case, it can be concluded that the application of the PBL model with a game approach can improve the learning outcomes of grade X-4 students of SMAN 8 Malang.
Keywords: problem-based learning, Game, learning outcome
How to Improve Students Learning Outcomes Using Problem-based Learning with Hypnoteaching Method
Paradigm of learning began to change according to the current development. Students will have to start with more complex problems and require good abilities and skills. One of the efforts that teacher can do is to choose the right learning model and method for students. Selection of learning models is adjusted to the characteristics of students based on the results of the diagnostic assessment. Diagnostic assessment is used to see the characteristics of students and determine the appropriate treatment for these students. The appropriate learning model is problem-based learning. Problem-based learning uses problems as learning media; and serves students to actively think, communicate, search and process data, and draw conclusions from a problem. The learning method used is hypnoteaching. Hypnoteaching is used to make learning more interesting and fun. The advantage of hypnoteaching method can create a supportive learning atmosphere by giving positive suggestions to students. This study uses classroom action research in only one class with 2 cycles. Data collection is done by observation to see learning activities and tests to see an increase in student learning outcomes.
Keywords: problem-based learning, classroom action research, hypnoteaching method, learning outcome
Pelatihan Literasi Statistika Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah
Literasi Statistis adalah salah satu kecakapan yang diperlukan di era globalisasi. Perkembangan teknologi yang begitu cepat, berakibat pada ketersediaan data dalam skala besar. Untuk merespon fenomena ini, siswa perlu dibekali dengan literasi statistis sejak dini. Selain literasi bagi siswa, guru juga perlu memilikinya agar kualitas pembelajaran matematika di sekolah meningkat. Oleh karena itu, Departemen Matematika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Malang melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat terkait peningkatan literasi statistika bagi para guru Matematika di MGMP matematika SMA Kota Kediri. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk ceramah dan workshop. Berdasarkan kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan, kegiatan ini memberikan pemahaman lebih bagi para guru tentang literasi statistis yang merupakan materi ajar baru dari contoh-contoh soal yang mungkin diberikan untuk meningkatkan nilai AKM siswa. Selain itu guru-guru juga memperoleh informasi terkait metode ajar yang sesuai untuk diterapkan ke siswa terutama untuk literasi numerasi ini.  Kata kunci— Literasi Statistika, Matematika, Pelatihan, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Abstract Statistical Literacy is one of the skills needed in the era of globalization. The rapid development of technology has resulted in the availability of data on a large scale. To respond to this phenomenon, students need to be equipped with statistical literacy from an early age. In addition to literacy for students, teachers also need to have it so that the quality of learning mathematics in schools increases. Therefore, Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Malang carried out community service related to increasing statistical literacy for Mathematics high school teachers at Kediri City. Activities are carried out in the form of lectures and workshops. Based on the activities that have been carried out, this activity provides more understanding for teachers about statistical literacy which is a new teaching material from examples of questions that may be given to increase the value of students' AKM. In addition, teachers also obtain information related to appropriate teaching methods to apply to students, especially for numeracy literacy. Keywords— Statistics Literacy, Mathematics, Workshop, Community Servic
Abstract Robust linear discriminant analysis is used to classify data that contains outlier by replacing classical parameters in linear discriminant analysis with robust parameters. This study aims to classify the Index of Concern for Population Issues (IKIK) of 34 provinces in 2020 into two categories namely target fulfilled IKIK and target not fulfilled IKIK using robust linear discriminant analysis. The independen variabels used are quantity dimensions (X_1), quality dimensions (X_2), mobility dimensions (X_3), and environment dimensions (X_4). The results obtained are 17 provinces were categorized as target fulfilled IKIK, 17 provinces as target not fulfilled IKIK. There are 2 robust discriminant functions formed, each for target fulfilled and target not fulfilled IKIK. The accuracy of the robust linear discriminant functions formed is 97,06%, the APER value of the discriminant functions is 2,94% and the PressQ value = 30,11 is greater than the value of (Chi_(3,0.05)^2) = 7.81. This shows that the discriminant functions can classify observations accurately.Keywords: classification, Index of Concern for Population Issues, robust discriminant analysi
The Malang Raya Area is one of the tourist destinations in East Java..Batu City is an area of Malang Raya which is visited by many for sightseeing. Given the development of tourism in Malang Raya, it is necessary to classify the popularity of tourist objects so that they can be used as a reference in policymaking by the tourism office and tourism object managers. In this study, the Expectation Maximation (EM) algorithm is used to determine the clustering of tourist objects in Malang Raya using data on the number of visitors. The results of grouping the popularity of leading tourist attractions in Malang Raya based on the number of visitors are divided into 5 groups, namely: Group 1: Selecta; Group 2: Balekambang, Wendit Baths, and Brawijaya Souvenir Tour; Group 3: Transport Museum, Coban Rondo, Animal Museum, Jatim Park, BNS, Picking Apples “Makmur Abadi and Agro Wonosari Tea Plantation; Group 4: Kusuma Agro Wisata, Kampoeng Kidz, Cangar Hot Springs, Eco Green Park, Predator Fun Park, Coban Rais Tourism Area, Mount Banyak, Mahajaya T-Shirt & Souvenirs, Ngliyep and Selorejo Dam; Group 5: “Dammadhipa Arama” Temple, “Kaliwatu” Rafting, Batu Rafting, Coban Talun Tourism Wana, Tirta Nirwana Baths, Songgoriti Natural Hot Springs, Wonderland Waterpark, Friends of Water Rafting, Independent Apple Picking, Apple Agro Stone, Tourism Village