133 research outputs found

    Efek Hipokolesterolemik Susu Kedelai Fermentasi Steril secara In Vitro

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    Background: High blood cholesterol level is a risk factor of atherosclerosis, a condition causing coronary heart disease, obesity and others. The utilization of live cell like probiotic was proven to reduce cholesterol level in blood. The problem of the utilization of live cell was the low of distribution and difficulty in storage. Should be invented an alternate to produce the product with the same characteristic, that is, by utilization of inactive cell.Objective: to evaluate the effect of sterilized fermented soymilk on cholesterol reduction in vitro, that is the binding of cholesterol by the component of sterilized fermented soymilk.Method: The ability of sterilized fermented soymilk to bind cholesterol was assayed using inoculation of sterilized fermented soymilk in MRS medium with 0,1% pure cholesterol then was incubated at 37 C for 24 hours. After incubation, the cholesterol level bonded was measured by O-Pthalaldehid method.Result: The research has shown that the sterilized fermented soymilk and the fermented milk could bind the cholesterol. The sterilized fermented soymilk could bind the cholesterol the higher than the non sterilized fermented soymilk.Conclusion: The sterilized fermented soymilk had the ability of cholesterol bindin


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah pemberian bakteri asam laktat Streptococcus thermophilus secara force feeding dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah ayam broiler. Materi penelitiannya sumber Mikrobia adalah Isolat BAL diisolasi dari limbah ikan pada saluran pencernaan ikan. Dan Ayam yang digunakan adalah ayam broiler jantan strain Lohmann produksi PT Multi Breeder Adirama sebanyak 40 ekor umur 1 minggu. yang dibagi menjadi 5 perlakuan dengan setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 8 ekor sebagai ulangan, diambil secara acak dan dipelihara selama 42 hari Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis variansi menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola searah, dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Probiotik perlakuan Isolat Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah bakteri Streptococcus thermopillus dalam bentuk freeze drying yang berasal dari Laboratorium Biokimia Nutrisi, Fakultas Peternakan, UGM. Perlakuan I sebagai kontrol ( tanpa BAL ) Perlakuan II jumlah sel BAL adalah 10 6 CFU/ml., perlakuan III jumlah Sel BAL adalah adalah 10 7CFU/ml. , perlakuan IV jumlah sel BAL adalah adalah 10 8 CFU/ml Hasil peneliitian: Perlakuan pemberian bakteri asam laktat Streptococcus thermophillus menyebabkan menurunnya kadar kolesterol darah ayam broiler secara signifikan. Diduga mekanisme penyebab turunnya kadar kolesterol darah adalah secara tidak langsung dengan mekanisme dekonjugasi garam empedu.. Kata kunci : Bakteri asam laktat, kolesterol , Freeze drying, Streptococcus thermophilu


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan oxgall pada medium yang mengandung isolat bakteri asam laktat dari saluran pencernaan ikan tawes (Puctius javanicus) dalam membantu asimilasi kolesterol yang terasimilasi. BAL tersebut mendapatkan perlakuan konsentrasi oxgall yaitu 0%, 0,1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%. Masing-masing konsentrasi dilakukan tiga kali pengulangan, kemudian diinkubasi pada suhu 37oC selama 24 jam untuk diamati perubahan optical density (OD). Pengamatan pH, dan asimilasi kolesterol dilakukan pada jam ke-24. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis variansi Rancangan Acak Pola Searah kemudian dilanjutkan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) untuk rerata variable yang menunjukkan perbedaan nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan densitas secara nyata sejalan dengan meningkatnya konsentrasi oxgall. Nilai pH untuk konsentrasi 0%, 0,1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% dan 0.5% berturut-turut sebesar 4.30, 4.58, 4.75, 4.87 dan 4.88. Kadar asimilasi kolesterol pada masing-masing konsentrasi sebesar berturut-turut sebesar 0,110%, 0.047%, 0.061%, 0.079%, 0.065% and 0.088%. Penambahan oxgall pada medium memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pola pertumbuhan, pH, dan asimilasi kolesterol, tetapi peningkatan oxgall tidak mempengaruhi kadar kolesterol yang terasimilasi. Bakteri Asam Laktat dari saluran pencernaan ikan tawes (Puntius javanicus) masih mampu bertahan dan tumbuh serta mampu mengasimilasi kolesterol sampai konsentrasi 0,5%. (Kata kunci : Bakteri asam laktat, ikan tawes, asimilasi kolesterol, Oxgall, Pola pertumbuhan, p

    Temperature and Baking Duration Changes the Physicochemical Properties, Dietary Fiber Content and InVitro Calcium Bioavailability of Spirulina platensis

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    Spirulina platensis is considered as a good source of calcium as it has high calcium content. Calcium in spirulina is found attached to sulphated polysaccharide with ionic bond. Fortification of bakery products with spirulina as a functional food have been developed. Processing food using baking method was  favoured and preferred by consumers. During baking, calcium and other minerals may change its form due to the interaction with other components in food resulting to the change of its solubility. Consequently, it can affect the bioavailability of calcium. This study aims to determine the changes of physicochemical properties during baking  and the calcium bioavailaibility during processing  in a baking system simulation models. S. platensis was added with deionized water (1: 1.5 w/v) forming the mixture with cookies dough-like consistency. Dough was stamped, and heated in various temperature (120, 150 and 180 °C) and duration (10, 20 and 30 minutes).  The results showed that temperature and duration of baking affect the physicochemical properties of the product, which decreased the moisture content, calcium solubility, water holding capacity (WHC) and oil holding capacity (OHC) (p <0.05) as well as the retention of the minerals calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the product (p <0.05). The solubility of calcium during  baking were 3.24 to 10.21 mg Ca /100 ml, wherein the calcium that could pass through the dialysis membrane  ranged from 0.04 to 0.71 mgCa/100 ml. Invitro calcium bioavailability of S. platensis was influenced by the temperature and baking duration. Keywords: Spirulina platensis, Calcium, Bioavailability, Temperature, Baking, Dietary fibe

    Kemampuan Isolat Bakteri Asam Laktat Indigenous untuk Menurunkan Kadar laktosa Yogurt = The Ability of Indigenous Lactic Acid Bacteria to Reduce Lactose in Yoghurt

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the ability of indigenous lactic acid bacteria to reduce lactose in yoghurt. Isolates of lactic acid bacteria from different sources (3 dadih isolates, 2 fecal isolates, and 2 gatot isolates) were used in this study. Two isolates from yoghurt were also examined as references. The results showed that mixed culture Streptococcus thermophilus + Lactobacillus bulgaricus + Streptococcus sp Dad 11 (ST+LB+Dad 11) and S. thermophilus + L. bulgaricus + Lactobacillus sp Dad 13 (ST+LB+Dad 13) had higher ability to highest ability to reduce lactose in yoghurt compared to yoghurt starter (ST+LB). Keywords: indigenous of lactic acid bacteria -yogur

    Identifikasi komponen ekstrak sirih (Piper betle Linn) dari beberapa pelarut dan pemanfaatannyauntuk pengawetan ikan=Identification of betle leaf (Piper betle Linn) extracts components obtained from several solvents and

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    ABSTRAK The inhibition ability of betle leaf extract against the growth of spoilage bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens) on fish had been studied. The objectives of this research were (1) to analyze compounds of betle leaf extracted by ethanol, diethyl ether, hexane,using GC-MS, (2) to determine antibacterial activity of four kinds betle leaf extract, (3) and to use betle extracts for fish preservation. The betle leaf extracts consisted of several compounds as analysed by GC-MS. The major components were 4-allyl-l,2- diacetoxy benzene and benzoic acid derivats such as 2,4-dimethyl,benzoic acid and 3,5-dimethyl, benzoic acid. The other components were derivats of phenol and terpen. In the antibacteria activity test, betle leaf extracted with etanol showed the highest antibacteria activity, followed by diethyl eter, hexane, and aquadest extracts. Concentration below 0,1%, did not inhibit P. fluorescens growth. The inhibition of betle leaf extract againts P. fluorescens in nutrien broth (NB) with initial population of 106 CFU/ml was effective at 0,2%. Fish soaked with betle leaf extract (2%) solution for 30 minutes and during cold storage had lower aerobic plate count and pseudo-monads number as compared to control. The number of pseudomonads decreased approximately 1 log cycle after soaking in leaf extract solution for 30 minutes (8,9.10* cfu/g to 6,0.103 cfu/g), and total bacteria from 4,0.10s to 2,34.104 cfu/g. In the second day, the number of total bacteria of fish without soaking in extract solution reached 107 cfu/g, but fish soaked in extract solution for 30 minutes reached total bacteria count of 107 cfu/g after 5 days. The results indicated that betle leaf extract had the ability to extend the shelf-life of fish in cold storage. Keywords : be tie leaf-- antibacteria -fish

    Production and Extraction Of Antibacterial Bacteriocin from Pediococcus sp. NWD 015

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    objectives were to study the growth pattern of Pediococcus sp. NWD 015 and bacteriocin activity, extractionand characterization of bacteriocin, and to determine the effect of storage time and temperature on bacteriocinactivity. Results showed that the bacteriocin activity increased during growth and reached the highest activity duringstationary phase. The maximum bacteriocin production reached after incubation of the cell for 12 h at 37oC in TGEbroth and decreased after 96 h incubation. Extraction with adsorbtion-desorbtion method could increased a specificactivity of bacteriocin. Bacteriocin from Pediococcus sp. NWD 015 is inactivated by Proteinase-K; however it is stillactive by heat treatment at 121oC for 15 min and over pH 2 – 11. Bacteriocin of Pediococcus sp. NWD 015 was effectiveagaints Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Eschericia coli, Listeria monocytogenes but not against Salmonellathypimurium. The molecular weight of bacteriocin is 4.95 kDa.Keywords : Bacteriocins, Pediococcus sp NWD 015

    Karakteristik dan Profil Inulin Beberapa Jenis Uwi (Dioscorea spp.)

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    Wild yams (Dioscorea spp.) grow well in Indonesia known as Uwi, is the kind of tubers that grow in the community,but they have not been used optimally. Publicity about the characteristics and types has been limited. The tubers contain inulin, but also there have been no publication related.The purpose of this study was to uncover the characteristics of wild yam and inulin profiles contained in the tubers.The yams were obtained from various regions in East Java, among others Pacet Mojokerto, Karang Ploso and Kawi Mountains in Malang, Nganjuk, and traditional markets in Surabaya.The tubers were characterized for shape and size of tubers, skin color and flesh tubers, average weight and texture of the tuber, moisture content, ash content and levels of inulin, texture and flavor. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and further test Duncan’t Multiple Range Test (DMRT).Based on the characteristics of tubers, there were 10 types of wild yams, namely D1 (Dioscororea alata/ white yam), D2 (Dioscorea pinthaphylla/frog yam), D3 (Dioscorea hispida /Gadung), D4 (Dioscorea alata /purple yam with yellow skin), D5 (Dioscorea alata /purple yam), D6 (Dioscorea esculenta/gembili), D7 (Dioscorea alata/yellow yam), D8 (Dioscorea opposita/white yam with yellow skin), D9 (Dioscorea bulbifera/gembolo) and D10 (Dioscorea rotundata/ white yam with brown skin). The highest levels of inulin obtained in Dioscororea esculenta (gembili) ie 14.77 % (db). The water content rangedbetween 71.89- 85.07 % (wb), ash content 0.59- 1.83 % and texture between 0.012 to 0.055 (mm/g.dt). Organoleptic score was 2.75 to 4.55 texture and taste is from 3.20 to 5.00.ABSTRAKUwi merupakan jenis umbi-umbian yang tumbuh di Indonesia, namun belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal dan belumbanyak publikasi mengenai kharakteristik dan jenis-jenisnya. Uwi mengandung inulin, namun belum banyak publikasi yang mengungkap kadar inulin pada berbagai jenis umbi uwi tersebut.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kharakteristik fisik dan kimia jenis-jenis umbi uwi (Dioscorea spp.), serta profil inulin yang terkandung dalam masing-masing umbi.Beberapa jenis uwi diperoleh dari berbagai daerah di Jawa Timur, antara lain Pacet Mojokerto, Karang Ploso dan Pegunungan Kawi Malang, Nganjuk, dan pasar tradisional Surabaya. Karakteristik fisik yang diamati meliputi , bentuk dan ukuran umbi, warna kulit dan daging umbi, berat rata-rata dan tekstur umbi. Karakteristik kimia yang diamati meliputi kadar air, kadar abu dan kadar inulin. Karakteristik organoleptik pada uwi kukus yang diamati adalah tekstur dan rasa. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Varian (ANOVA) dan uji lanjut Duncan’t Multiple Range Test (DMRT).Dari hasil karakterisasi diperoleh 10 jenis uwi yaitu D1 (Dioscororea alata/uwi putih), D2 (Dioscorea pinthaphylla/ uwi katak), D3 (Dioscorea hispida/uwi gadung), D4 (Dioscorea alata/uwi kuning kulit ungu), D5 (Dioscorea alata/ uwi ungu), D6 (Dioscorea esculenta/gembili), D7 (Dioscorea alata/uwi kuning), D8 (Dioscorea opposita/uwi putih kulit kuning), D9 (Dioscorea bulbifera/gembolo), dan D10 (Dioscororea rotundata/uwi putih kulit coklat).Kadar inulin tertinggi diperoleh pada Dioscororea esculenta (gembili) yaitu 14,77 % (db). Kadar air berkisar antara71,89-85,07 % (wb), kadar abu 0,59-1,83 % dan tekstur   antara 0,012-0,055 (mm/g.dt). Skor organoleptik tekstur adalah 2,75-4,55 dan rasa adalah 3,20-5,00
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