280 research outputs found

    Komposisi Hasil Tangkapan Ikan Menggunakan Alat Tangkap Hand Line Yang Didaratkan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap

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    Handline merupakan salah satu jenis alat penangkapan ikan yang banyak digunakan oleh nelayan di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap karena biaya operasionalnya yang murah, ramah lingkungan, serta cara pengoperasiannya yang mudah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui komposisi, produksi dan ukuran ikan yang ditangkap menggunakan alat tangkap handline di Pelabuhan Perikanan Samudera Cilacap. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April 2020, dengan metode Survey dan pengambilan sampel secara acak (Random sampling). Sampel ikan yang diperlukan sebanyak 10 ekor per masing-masing jenis ikan dan 23 responden untuk sampel wawancara dengan ABK. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil tangkapan handline didominasi oleh ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) sebesar 61% dari hasil tangkapan total, diikuti oleh jenis lemadang (Coryphaena hippurus) sebesar 11%, yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) 14% , tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei) 13 % dan tuna mata besar (Thunnus obesus) sebesar 1% dengan ukuran panjang cagak masing – masing berkisar antara 35,5 – 65 cm, 53 – 109 cm, 59 – 106,2 cm, 30 – 48 cm, dan 75 – 95 cm dan bobot ikan berkisar antara 1,32 – 5 kg, 45 – 87 kg, 3,1 – 6,5 kg, 1 – 3,5 kg dan 28 – 75 kg

    Alat Keamanan Pintu Brankas Berbasis Sensor Sidik Jari Dan Passoword Digital Dengan Menggunakan Mikrokontroler Atmega 16

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    Doors safety deposit box still use conventional security. Where the safety deposit box door is opened by turning around and use the code, which in a sense it is not efficient. Therefore, the necessary measures to facilitate the safety deposit box door security. The purpose of this research is to create a security system safety deposit box door using fingerprint sensor R305 series. Other major equipment includes a microcontroller ATMega 16 and Visual Basic 6.0. The results showed that the Safe Door Security Tools can be monitored using applications created with Visual Basic 6.0 in accordance with the instructions given. The test results showed that the response to the command of instrument of the application is running normally. The success of the test results instrument is 100%


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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of applying vermicompost fertilizer and POC Nasa on the growth and production of shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.). This research has been carried out in the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau Islamic University for 4 months, starting from July to October 2018. The design used in this study was a factorial Completely Randomized Design consisting of 2 factors. The first factor is vermicompost fertilizer (K) which consists of 4 levels namely 0, 200, 400, 600 g / plot and the second factor is POC Nasa (P) consisting of 4 levels namely 0, 2, 4, 6 cc / l water. The parameters observed in this study were plant height, harvest age, number of tubers per clump, wet tuber weight per sample, dry tuber weight per sample, tuber weight loss. The last observation data were statistically analyzed and continued with a BNJ follow-up test at the 5% level. The results showed that the application of vermicompost fertilizer and poc nasa interaction significantly affected the parameters of plant height, age of harvest, the number of tubers per clump, dry tuber weight per sample, shrinkage of tuber weight, and the application of vermicompost fertilizer and poc nasa interactively had no significant effect on wet tuber weight parameters per sample with the best treatment is a concentration of 600 g / plot (K3) and 6 cc / water (P3) is a dose of 44.80 grams/plot. Keywords: POC, Kascing, Shallo

    Practicing Emotionally Biased Retrieval Affects Mood and Establishes Biased Recall a Week Later

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    Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) can yield clinically relevant results. Only few studies have directly manipulated memory bias, which is prominent in depression. In a new approach to CBM, we sought to simulate or oppose ruminative processes by training the retrieval of negative or positive words. Participants studied positive and negative word pairs (Swahili cues with Dutch translations). In the positive and negative conditions, each of the three study trials was followed by a cued-recall test of training-congruent translations; a no-practice condition merely studied the pairs. Recall of the translations was tested after the training and after 1 week. Both recall tests revealed evidence of training-congruent bias and bias was associated with emotional autobiographical memory. Positive retrieval practice yielded stable positive mood, in contrast to the other conditions. The results indicate that memory bias can be established through retrieval practice and that the bias transfers to mood and autobiographical memory

    Optimalisasi pengawasan orang asing pasca berlakunya Peraturan Presiden Nomor 21 Tahun 2016 tentang Bebas Visa Kunjungan pada Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Indonesia issued a policy through Presidential Regulation Number 21 Year 2016 Concerning Free Visit Visa. However, the policy turned out to be not as expected in empirical practice. Therefore this study takes the formulation of the problem of how the supervision of Foreigners before and after the enactment of Presidential Regulation Number 21 Year 2016 Concerning Free Visit Visa tentang Bebas Visa Kunjungan at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and how to optimize the supervision of Foreigners at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Rights Human Rights Special Region of Yogyakarta in the future. As a normative legal research, secondary data collection is done by studying documents or library materials. The results of data collection through the study of documents or literature are then combined by examining, analyzing, and understanding relevant information which is then taken to be limited to relevant matters and in accordance with the topic being raised. In addition, this study uses several approaches as a guiding direction so that it can facilitate data collection, namely the statute approach and conceptual approach. Based upon the research questions above, it could be proposed some primary conclusions, i.e.: in carrying out the supervision of the absence of standard operating procedure on the Alien supervision team and the limited number of human resources especially PPNS Immigration. In addition, the amount of the supervision budget is not proportional to the increasing number of foreigners who enter after the enactment of Presidential Regulation Number 21 Year 2016 Concerning Free Visit Visa

    Business Analysis Of Freswater Fish Enlargement In Pond Of Bagan Besar Village Bukit Kapur District City Dumai Riau Province

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    This research was conducted in June 2013 in Bagan Besar village's Bukit Kapur District's Dumai Riau Province. The analysis method was conducted by survey. Where farmers Catfish 3 people, African catfish 3 people and farmers tilapia 3 people, 9 freshwater fish farmers have been selected at random. Respondens was choosen by cluster sampling method that consist of three catfish farmer, theree african catfish and three tilapia farmer. Totaly, 9 freshwater fish farmers was selected randomly.This research aimed to determine how much the total cost of production, revenue and operating income in the freshwater fish rearing ponds at Bagan Besar village Bukit Kapur District City Dumai Riau Province. The financial analys result showed that business was profitable, so that business of freshwater fish enlargement's in bagan besar worthy to continue and develop. Net provit value criteria catfish was Rp. 937.761,-/harvest. Catfish Rp. 1.581.575,-/harvest and Tilapia Rp. 1.501.101,-/harvest

    Community of Macrozoobenthos and Physical-Chemical Parameters in the Watas Hutan Lake, Tanjung Balam Village, Siak Hulu Sub-regency Kampar Regency, Riau Province

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    Watas Hutan Lake is one of the oxbow lakes in the Kampar Regency. In the areas around the lake, there are activities such as oil palm, rubber and banana plantations. To understand the water quality in general, a research was conducted from April to May 2015. This research aims to determine the water quality of the lake based on physical and chemical characteristics and makrozoobenthos community structure. There were three stations, 3 sampling points/ station. Water samples were taken 3 times, once/ week. Parameters measured were abundance, uniformity and dominancy index of the macrozoobenthos and several water quality parameters such as temperature, turbidity, depth, total suspended solid, pH, dissolved oxygen, BOD5, nitrate, phosphate, substrate type, and organic materials. Results shown that there were 12 species (4 classes) of macrozoobenthos, with abundance 353 organisms /m2. There were Oligochaeta (4 species), Insects (3 species), Gastropods (3 species), and Bivalves (2 species). In general, the H' was 2.62-2.82; C was 0.17-0.19 and E was 0.79-0.85. Water quality parameters are as follows : temperature 29-300C, turbidity 4.00-6.30 NTU, depths 1.29-4.03 cm, TSS 4.00-5.30 mg/L, pH 5, dissolved oxygen 2.00-2.73 mg/L, BOD5 5.20-5.50 mg/L, nitrate 0.04-0.06 mg/L and phosphate 0.75-1.14 mg/L. The value of WQI-NSF index of the Watas Hutan Lake was 22.21-24.83, indicates that this river is badly polluted. There was muddy substrate with 39.03-42.20% organic materials content in each area. Based on the values of H', C and E in the macrozoobenthos community, it can be concluded that the aquatic ecosystem in the Watas Hutan Lake is balance

    DEMO: Using TwitterTrails.com to Investigate Rumor Propagation

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    Social media have become part of modern news reporting, used by journalists to spread information and find sources, or as a news source by individuals. The quest for prominence and recognition on social media sites like Twitter can sometimes eclipse accuracy and lead to the spread of false information. As a way to study and react to this trend, we demo TWITTERTRAILS, an interactive, webbased tool (twittertrails.com) that allows users to investigate the origin and propagation characteristics of a rumor and its refutation, if any, on Twitter. Visualizations of burst activity, propagation timeline, retweet and co-retweeted networks help its users trace the spread of a story. Within minutes TWITTERTRAILS will collect relevant tweets and automatically answer several important questions regarding a rumor: its originator, burst characteristics, propagators and main actors according to the audience. In addition, it will compute and report the rumor’s level of visibility and, as an example of the power of crowdsourcing, the audience’s skepticism towards it which correlates with the rumor’s credibility. We envision TWITTERTRAILS as valuable tool for individual use, and especially for amateur and professional journalists investigating recent and breaking stories

    Sequence Analysis and Modeling of Antimicrobial Peptide from Goat Milk Protein Hydrolyzed by Bromelain

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    Hydrolysis of goat milk protein by bromelain generates fractions 10 kDa which act as antimicrobe. The fractions contain some peptides that not all were biologically active. Sequence analysis and modeling of the peptides sequences are important to predict their potential bioactivities. The aims of this study were to obtain physicochemical and structure prediction of peptides and their relation with antimicrobial activity. The study was conducted by sequencing of selected fraction in the electrophoresis gel, analyzing and modeling. Analysis of the peptide showed that peptide VLVLDTDYK that predicted from β-lactoglobulin sequence had similar sequence with antimicrobial peptide indolicidin which active to Gram positive bacteria. Peptide LVNELTEFAK was potent to be antimicrobial peptide with therapeutic index 28.69. Modeling of the peptide showed that peptide LVNELTEFAK was able to form helix which important for interaction with microbial membrane. Replacing 2nd amino acid Valine (V) to Alanine (A) and 4th amino acid Glutamic acid (E) to Serine (S) might able to increase the therapeutic index to 94.91. Based on the result, peptide LVNELTEFAK potent to be antimicrobial peptide and replacing certain amino acid was able to increase therapeutic index and its antimicrobial activity
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