5,219 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of the lobes of radio galaxies in cluster environments -- IV. Remnant radio galaxies

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    © 2019 The Author(s) Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.We examine the remnant phase of radio galaxies using three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of relativistic jets propagating through cluster environments. By switching the jets off once the lobes have reached a certain length we can study how the energy distribution between the lobes and shocked intra-cluster medium compares to that of an active source, as well as calculate synchrotron emission properties of the remnant sources. We see that as a result of disturbed cluster gas beginning to settle back into the initial cluster potential, streams of dense gas are pushed along the jet axis behind the remnant lobes, causing them to rise out of the cluster faster than they would due to buoyancy. This leads to increased adiabatic losses and a rapid dimming. The rapid decay of total flux density and surface brightness may explain the small number of remnant sources found in samples with a high flux density limit and may cause analytic models to overestimate the remnant fraction expected in sensitive surveys such as those now being carried out with LOFAR.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Point-of-care measurement of blood lactate in children admitted with febrile illness to an African District Hospital.

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    BACKGROUND: Lactic acidosis is a consistent predictor of mortality owing to severe infectious disease, but its detection in low-income settings is limited to the clinical sign of "deep breathing" because of the lack of accessible technology for its measurement. We evaluated the use of a point-of-care (POC) diagnostic device for blood lactate measurement to assess the severity of illness in children admitted to a district hospital in Tanzania. METHODS: Children between the ages of 2 months and 13 years with a history of fever were enrolled in the study during a period of 1 year. A full clinical history and examination were undertaken, and blood was collected for culture, microscopy, complete blood cell count, and POC measurement of blood lactate and glucose. RESULTS: The study included 3248 children, of whom 164 (5.0%) died; 45 (27.4%) of these had raised levels of blood lactate (>5 mmol/L) but no deep breathing. Compared with mortality in children with lactate levels of ≀ 3 mmol/L, the unadjusted odds of dying were 1.6 (95% confidence interval [CI].8-3.0), 3.4 (95% CI, 1.5-7.5), and 8.9 (95% CI, 4.7-16.8) in children with blood lactate levels of 3.1-5.0, 5.1-8.0, or >8.0 mmol/L, respectively. The prevalence of raised lactate levels (>5 mmol/L) was greater in children with malaria than in children with nonmalarial febrile illness (P < .001) although the associated mortality was greater in slide-negative children. CONCLUSIONS: POC lactate measurement can contribute to the assessment of children admitted to hospital with febrile illness and can also create an opportunity for more hospitals in resource-poor settings to participate in clinical trials of interventions to reduce mortality associated with hyperlactatemia

    Optical Response of Grating-Coupler-Induced Intersubband Resonances: The Role of Wood's Anomalies

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    Grating-coupler-induced collective intersubband transitions in a quasi-two-dimensional electron system are investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Far-infrared transmission experiments are performed on samples containing a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas quantum-confined in a parabolic quantum well. For rectangular shaped grating couplers of different periods we observe a strong dependence of the transmission line shape and peak height on the period of the grating, i.e. on the wave vector transfer from the diffracted beams to the collective intersubband resonance. It is shown that the line shape transforms with increasing grating period from a Lorentzian into a strongly asymmetric line shape. Theoretically, we treat the problem by using the transfer-matrix method of local optics and apply the modal-expansion method to calculate the influence of the grating. The optically uniaxial quasi-two-dimensional electron gas is described in the long-wavelength limit of the random-phase approximation by a local dielectric tensor, which includes size quantization effects. Our theory reproduces excellently the experimental line shapes. The deformation of the transmission line shapes we explain by the occurrence of both types of Wood's anomalies.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Physical Review B , in pres

    More Aeschynomene Pasture Legumes for the Tropics and Sub-Tropics

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    Two cultivars of Aeschynomene villosa were released in Queensland in 1995. Cultivars ‘Reid’ (previously CPI 91209) and ‘Kretschmer’ (previously CPI 93621) are both native to Mexico and are the first cultivars of A. villosa to be released as pasture legumes. They will complement the three Aeschynomene cultivars already in use in tropical and sub-tropical northern and eastern Australia, namely cultivars ‘Glenn’ and ‘Lee’ (A. americana) and ‘Bargoo’ (A. falcata). Characteristics of Reid and Kretschmer jointvetch include, early seeding perennials within high seed yields, prostrate to semi-erect growth habit, adaptation to a wide range of soil types in medium rainfall areas, tolerance of temporary waterlogging, palatability of high quality forage, responsive to added phosphorus, and tolerance of light frosts. Commercial seed will be available for sale about October, 1997. Reid and Kretschmer villose jointvetch are widely adapted high quality pasture legumes which will complement current legume cultivars and will broaden the scope for sown pasture development in sub-tropical and tropical northern Australia

    Ultra-low noise microwave generation with fiber-based optical frequency comb and application to atomic fountain clock

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    We demonstrate the use of a fiber-based femtosecond laser locked onto an ultra-stable optical cavity to generate a low-noise microwave reference signal. Comparison with both a liquid Helium cryogenic sapphire oscillator (CSO) and a Ti:Sapphire-based optical frequency comb system exhibit a stability about 3×10−153\times10^{-15} between 1 s and 10 s. The microwave signal from the fiber system is used to perform Ramsey spectroscopy in a state-of-the-art Cesium fountain clock. The resulting clock system is compared to the CSO and exhibits a stability of 3.5×10−14τ−1/23.5\times10^{-14}\tau^{-1/2}. Our continuously operated fiber-based system therefore demonstrates its potential to replace the CSO for atomic clocks with high stability in both the optical and microwave domain, most particularly for operational primary frequency standards.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Unusually large polarizabilities and "new" atomic states in Ba

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    Electric polarizabilities of four low-J even-parity states and three low-J odd-parity states of atomic barium in the range 35,60035,600 to $36,000\ cmcm^{-1}areinvestigated.Thestatesofinterestareexcited(inanatomicbeam)viaanintermediateodd−paritystatewithasequenceoftwolaserpulses.Theodd−paritystatescanbeexcitedduetotheStark−inducedmixingwitheven−paritystates.Thepolarizabilitiesaremeasuredviadirectspectroscopyonthesecond−stagetransition.Severalstateshavetensorandscalarpolarizabilitiesthatexceedthevaluesthatmightbeexpectedfromtheknownenergylevelsofbariumbymorethantwoordersofmagnitude.TwooftheStark−inducedtransitionscannotbeidentifiedfromtheknownenergyspectrumofbarium.Theobservationssuggesttheexistenceofasyetunidentifiedodd−parityenergystates,whoseenergiesandangularmomentaaredeterminedinthepresentexperiment.Atentativeidentificationofthesestatesas[Xe] are investigated. The states of interest are excited (in an atomic beam) via an intermediate odd-parity state with a sequence of two laser pulses. The odd-parity states can be excited due to the Stark-induced mixing with even-parity states. The polarizabilities are measured via direct spectroscopy on the second-stage transition. Several states have tensor and scalar polarizabilities that exceed the values that might be expected from the known energy levels of barium by more than two orders of magnitude. Two of the Stark-induced transitions cannot be identified from the known energy spectrum of barium. The observations suggest the existence of as yet unidentified odd-parity energy states, whose energies and angular momenta are determined in the present experiment. A tentative identification of these states as [Xe]6s8p ^3P_{0,2}$ is suggested.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    A new Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) experiment designed for climate and chemistry models

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    A new Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) experiment "G4 specified stratospheric aerosols" (short name: G4SSA) is proposed to investigate the impact of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering on atmosphere, chemistry, dynamics, climate, and the environment. In contrast to the earlier G4 GeoMIP experiment, which requires an emission of sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the model, a prescribed aerosol forcing file is provided to the community, to be consistently applied to future model experiments between 2020 and 2100. This stratospheric aerosol distribution, with a total burden of about 2 Tg S has been derived using the ECHAM5-HAM microphysical model, based on a continuous annual tropical emission of 8 Tg SO2 yr−1. A ramp-up of geoengineering in 2020 and a ramp-down in 2070 over a period of 2 years are included in the distribution, while a background aerosol burden should be used for the last 3 decades of the experiment. The performance of this experiment using climate and chemistry models in a multi-model comparison framework will allow us to better understand the impact of geoengineering and its abrupt termination after 50 years in a changing environment. The zonal and monthly mean stratospheric aerosol input data set is available at https://www2.acd.ucar.edu/gcm/geomip-g4-specified-stratospheric-aerosol-data-set

    Circadian rhythms and sleep regulation in seasonal affective disorder

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    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is characterised by recurrent episodes in autumn and winter of depression, hypersomnia, augmented appetite with carbohydrate craving, and weight gain, and can be successfully treated with bright light. Circadian rhythm hypotheses (summarized in) have stimulated research into the pathophysiology of SAD, postulating that: 1.The illness is a consequence of delayed phase position, 2.It is correlated with diminished circadian amplitude, or 3.It results from changes in the nocturnal duration between dusk and dawn e.g. of low core body temperature or melatonin secretion. Light is considered to act directly on the circadian pacemaker (‘Process C') and not on sleep dependent processes (‘Process S'). Thus successful treatment of SAD must act via mechanisms within known retinohypothalamic pathways. Conversely, emergence of SAD symptoms may reflect inappropriate neurobiological response to decreasing daylengt
