9 research outputs found

    A Confederação Nacional da Indústria e sua agenda legislativa : um estudo dos agentes políticos e de suas proposições.

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Paulo Roberto Neves CostaDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Ciência Política, Departamento de Ciências Sociais. Defesa: Curitiba, 20/02/2011Bibliografia: fls. 94-97Resumo: O que buscamos e problematizar, principalmente, tres questoes: a representacao concreta de interesses empresariais frente ao Estado, a acao coordenada do empresariado e a homogeneidade de preferencias. Sobre a primeira questao, o primeiro passo e entender a acao politica empresarial, apos temos que avaliar a questao da representacao, ou seja, analisar qual e a acao de determinados atores dentro da arena decisoria. A partir de 1988 se observou um grande deslocamento da acao de grupos de pressao, do meio empresarial, do Poder Executivo para o Poder Legislativo, justamente pela pluralidade de pessoas politicas, facilitando o contato entre grupos externos e o poder publico. Com essa mudanca de foco da acao empresarial, consideramos que a melhor abordagem para testar a representacao do empresariado frente ao Estado, e a de analisar a Camara dos Deputados e seus atores politicos. Nao podemos de saida aceitar a afirmacao corrente de que grupos de individuos com interesses comuns tenderiam, usualmente, a promover tais interesses, principalmente se fossem economicos. Para obter informacoes mensuraveis sobre a acao decisoria, procuramos analisar a \Agenda legislativa da industria. (ALI), documento anual elaborado pela Confederacao Nacional da Industria (CNI). Nossos achados demonstram que nao ha uma acao coordenada em prol dos interesses empresarias, pois estes muitas vezes sao fragmentados, entretanto ha determinados atributos comuns entre o grupo de representante desses interesses, nao chegando a se estabelecer uma elite dirigente empresarial, mas indicando determinadas trajetorias sociais comuns.Abstract: What we seek is to discuss mainly three issues: a concrete representation of business interests against the state, coordinated actions of business and the homogeneity of preferences. On the first issue, the first step is to understand the corporate political action, after which we assess the issue of representation, that is, analyze what is the action of certain actors within the decision-making arena. Since 1988 there has been a big shift from the action of pressure groups, the business of the Executive to the Legislature, just by the plurality of political persons, facilitating contact between outside groups and the government. With this shift in focus of the business, we believe that the best approach to test the representation of entrepreneurs from the state, is to analyze the Chamber of Deputies and its political actors. No output can accept the current affirmation that groups of individuals with common interests tend usually to promote these interests, especially if they were cheap. For information on the measurable action decisions, we examine "the legislative agenda of the industry" (ALI), an annual document prepared by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). Our findings demonstrate that there is a coordinated action in support of business interests, as these are often fragmented, however there are certain commonalities among the group representing those interests, and did not establish a corporate elite, but by identifying certain social trajectories common


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    Apresentação do Dossiê “Elites e Instituições”

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    Ricos e políticos: uma análise da origem familiar, trajetória profissional e carreira política dos 30 deputados federais brasileiros com maior patrimônio econômico da 55ª Legislatura (2015-2019)

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    This article deals with the relation between economic resources and public offices. Our analysis is based on the 30 most wealthy federal congressmen elected for the 55th legislative period (2015-2019) of the Brazilian House of Representatives. The main aim of this study is to analyze the social bases of these fortunes and their relation with elective offices. It reveals that the possession of economic resources has come to be associated with the social positions the congressmen had before they entered politics, like their family origin and professional career, both of which are strongly linked to business activities. These resources then influence the way they enter politics and their careers as congressmen, which is especially characterized by the financing of their own campaigns, in this case for the 2014 elections