937 research outputs found

    Functional and Structural Evaluation of Retrobulbar Glaucomateus Damage

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    Instant Abdominal Wall Reconstruction with Biologic Mesh following Resection of Locally Advanced Colonic Cancer

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    We present a case of immediate abdominal wall reconstruction with biologic mesh following the resection of locally advanced colonic cancer. The tumor in the right colon did not respond to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Surgical enbloc excision, including excision of the invasion in the abdominal wall, was achieved, and the defect was reconstructed with porcine dermal collagen mesh. The patient was discharged with no complication, and adaptation of the mesh was excellent at the six-month followup

    The Internationalization of Sources of Labor Law

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    This article examines in depth an important but underappreciated development in international labor law: how norms promulgated by the International Labor Organization (ILO) have affected the development and implementation of domestic labor laws and practices since the early 1990s. The newly globalized focus of labor law—energized by substantial expansions in international trade and investment—has been recognized by scholars, practitioners, and governments, but it has not previously been explored and analyzed in this systematic way. The article focuses on two central regulatory areas—child labor and freedom of association—and relies on doctrinal and policy developments in these areas, as evidenced by the actions of legislatures, courts, and executive branches in more than 20 countries. In doing so, the article addresses how international labor standards have influenced national labor law and practice in the Americas (excluding the U.S.)—directly through the soft-law route of convention ratification and ILO supervisory monitoring, and indirectly through trade agreement labor provisions that incorporate ILO norms. The resultant changes in domestic laws and practices have been evolutionary rather than transformative, and developments in law outpace those in practice, but within these parameters the changes have been substantial. The article then places this internationalizing trend in the context of two recognized theories that seek to explain the socialization of human rights law

    Fixed job scheduling: a literature survey and a solution proposition through meta heuristic methods

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    Fixed Job Scheduling (FJS) is defined as the arrangement of the works, which have fixed ready times and deadlines in a shift with particular number of machines. In fixed job scheduling problems, the objective is to select a set of jobs for processing so as to maximize the total weight. This problem is known to be NP-hard.  The Fixed job scheduling problem has two variants based on objective functions (Eliiyi, Azizoğlu, 2006). The first variant is the Operational Fixed Job Scheduling (OFS), where each job j has a weight wj that represents its value or relative importance, and the concern is maximizing the total weight of the processed jobs with a given number of processors. The second variant is the tactical fixed job scheduling problem, which considers the minimization of the total cost or the number of the machines needed to process all jobs (Eliiyi, Azizoğlu, 2006). FJS has been studied extensively in recent years. Arkin and Silvenberg (1987) analyzed the jobs scheduling problems with fixed start and end times. They proposed an algorithm which maximizes the value of jobs completed by k identical machines. They also showed that the problem is NP-Complete. Kolen and Kron (1992) investigated FJS problem which appears in the aircraft maintenance process at an airport. They show that the polynomially solvable cases of these problems can be solved by a combination of linear programming and network flow algorithms. Dondeti and Emmons (1992) study fixed job scheduling problem that involves two types of processors but three types of jobs. They present a polynomial algorithm for finding the minimal cost combination of the two types of processors required to complete all jobs. Fischetti et al. (1992) introduce several polynomial-time approximation algorithms for fixed job schedule problems. Some of the algorithms they present make use of a simple procedure for assigning to processors, in a greedy way. A later study by Kolen and Kroon (1994) addresses the fixed job schedule problem which appears in the aircraft maintenance process at an airport. They present an analysis of the problem of finding the minimum total number of engineers required for carrying out all jobs. In their study the engineers are addressed as machines. Another study of Kroon et al. (1995) is exact and approximation algorithms for the operational fixed interval scheduling problem. They discuss the occurrence of the fixed interval scheduling problems in practice and develop exact and approximation algorithms for solving OFS problem. Bouzina and Emmons (1996) present a polynomial solution to several interval scheduling problems. The objective of their algorithm is maximizes the number of processed jobs.  A later study of Kroon et al.(1997) is exact and approximation algorithms for the tactical fixed interval scheduling problem. They present exact and approximation algorithms for solving the tactical fixed interval scheduling problem.  In the first study on interval scheduling problems to solve by a Meta heuristic method has been proposed by Santos and Zhong (2001).  They developed a Genetic algorithm (GA) and reinforcement learning for the tactical fixed interval scheduling problem.. A graph based heuristic is described to solve the operational fixed job scheduling problem by Garcia et al. (2005). They compared their solution with other heuristic from literature.  Eliiyi and Azizoğlu (2006) propose a branch and bound algorithm for solving operational fixed job scheduling problem. Despite its practical importance and broad range of usage area from the maintenance process of planes at the airports to the car repair /rental services, there are very few studies in literature on the subject of fixed job scheduling problem. In this study, a literature survey on fixed job scheduling problems has been done for the last twenty years and also two meta heuristic methods such as Genetic algorithm(GA) and Simulated annealing(SA) are proposed for solving the operational fixed job shop scheduling problems.  To show the performance of Genetic algorithm and simulated annealing, an example is presented in the study. A random test problem for the operational fixed job scheduling on identical parallel machine is solved with Bouzina and Emmons (1996) algorithm, and proposed GA and SA algorithms. The computational results indicate that the proposed metaheuristic methods are effective for operational fixed job scheduling problems. Keywords: Fixed job scheduling, Genetic algorithm, Simulated annealing.  Sabit iş çizelgeleme; sabit bir başlangıç ve bitiş zamanında, tamamlanması gereken işlerin ve belirli sayıda makinelerin bulunduğu bir vardiyada, işlerin çizelgelenmesi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Sabit iş çizelgeleme, amaç fonksiyonuna göre iki temel alt problemden oluşmaktadır. Bunlar; sabit geliş ve teslim zamanına sahip işlerin, özdeş paralel makinelerde işlem görmek üzere, her işin wj ile ağırlıklandırılması sonucunda, toplam kâr maksimizasyonu amaçlı olan, Operasyonel sabit iş çizelgeleme ve sabit geliş ve teslim zamanlı işlerin ck sabit maliyetli paralel özdeş makineler üzerinde çizelgelenmesi ile maliyet minimizasyonu amaçlı olan, taktiksel sabit iş çizelgeleme problemleridir (Eliiyi, Azizoğlu, 2006). Havalimanında uçak bakım sürecinden, araç tamir/kiralama sistemlerine kadar geniş kullanım alanı bulunan sabit iş çizelgeleme probleminin, pratik önemine rağmen, literatürde çok az çalışma yapıldığı bilinmektedir. Bu araştırmada, sabit iş çizelgeleme problemi üzerine son yirmi yılda literatürde yapılan çalışmalar incelenmiştir. Ayrıca meta sezgisel yöntemlerde olan, Genetik Algoritma (GA) ile Tavlama Benzetiminin (TB) Operasyonel sabit iş çizelgeleme problemlerinin çözümünde kullanımı üzerine öneride bulunulmuştur. Bouzina ve Emmons (1996) tarafından geliştirilen algoritma (klasik yöntem) ile meta sezgisel yöntemlerden olan Genetik algoritmalar ve Tavlama benzetiminin, Operasyonel sabit iş çizelgeleme problemleri üzerindeki çözüm performansı, bir örnek üzerinde karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmada, meta sezgisel yöntemlerin daha iyi sonuçlar verebileceği belirlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sabit iş çizelgeleme, genetik algoritma, tavlama benzetimi.&nbsp

    Evaluation of Germination, Emergence and Physiological Properties of Sugar Beet Cultivars Under Salinity

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    DergiPark: 947001trkjnatThis study aimed to determine a useful selection criterion for salt tolerance during the early development stage of sugar beet. Four sugar beet cultivars (Orthega, Valentina, FD Shoot, and Mohican) were exposed to NaCl stresses (Control, 5, 10, and 15 dS m-1), and morphological and physiological characteristics were investigated. Germination percentage, mean germination time (MGT), seedling length, and seedling fresh weight (SFW) in germination test; emergence percentage, mean emergence time (MET), root length, shoot length, plant fresh weight, relative chlorophyll content (Chl), relative water content (RWC) and electrolyte leakage of the plants grown in pod experiment were measured. The results showed that the maximum germination at control was recorded in FD Shoot, but it gave the lowest germination at 15 dS m-1. In the pod experiment, the highest emergence rate was detected in Orthega and Mohican at all levels of NaCl. Increased salinity delayed MET and led to reduction in shoot length, root length, and RWC of sugar beet cultivars. Relative Chl content and electrolyte leakage enhanced from 32.7 SPAD and 21.6% in control to 38.5 SPAD and 35.6% in 10 dS m-1, respectively. In general, there were significant differences among sugar beet cultivars, and they could keep the salinity up to 5 dS m-1 in terms of the investigated traits. It was concluded that relative Chl content and electrolyte leakage should be used a promising clue for selection of tolerant or sensitive sugar beet cultivars for salinity.Bu çalışmada, erken gelişim döneminde şeker pancarının tuza toleransı için faydalı bir seçim kriteri belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. NaCl stresine (Kontrol, 5, 10 ve 15 dS m-1) maruz bırakılan dört şeker pancarı çeşidinde (Orthega, Valentina, FD Shoot ve Mohican) morfolojik ve fizyolojik özellikler incelenmiştir. Çimlenme testinde; çimlenme yüzdesi, ortalama çimlenme süresi, fide uzunluğu ve fide yaş ağırlığı, çıkış testinde; çıkış yüzdesi, ortalama çıkış süresi, kök uzunluğu, sürgün uzunluğu, bitki yaş ağırlığı, bağıl su içeriği, bağıl klorofil içeriği ve elektrolit sızıntısı ölçülmüştür. Sonuçlar, FD Shoot çeşidinde en yüksek çimlenmenin kontrol, en düşük çimlenmenin ise 15 dS m-1 seviyesinde kaydedildiğini göstermiştir. Çıkış testindeki tüm NaCl seviyelerinde en yüksek çıkış yüzdesi Orthega ve Mohican çeşitlerinde tespit edilmiştir. Artan NaCl seviyeleri ile şeker pancarı çeşitlerinde ortalama çıkış süresi gecikmiş ve sürgün uzunluğu, kök uzunluğu ve bağıl su içeriği azalmıştır. Bağıl klorofil içeriği ve elektrolit sızıntısı, kontrol ve 10 dS m-1 seviyelerinde sırasıyla 32,7 SPAD ve %21,6; 38,5 SPAD ve %35,6 olarak belirlenmiştir. Genel olarak, şeker pancarı çeşitleri arasında önemli farklılıklar bulunmuş ve incelenen özellikler açısından çeşitler 5 dS m-1'e kadar olan tuzluluğa tolerans göstermişlerdir. Bağıl klorofil içeriği ve elektrolit sızıntısının, tuzluluğa toleranslı veya hassas şeker pancarı çeşitlerinin seçiminde umut verici bir ipucu olarak kullanılması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır.


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    Aim: The accuracy of three electronic apex locators (EALs) during retreatment of root-end resected teeth with different resection bevel angles were evaluated in the present study. Materials and Methods: Forty mandibular premolar teeth were divided into two groups regarding resection bevel angle after root canal filling. In the first group, the apical 3 mm of each specimen was resected at a 0-degree bevel angle using a diamond bur. The resection bevel angle was approximately 45-degree in the second group. Electronic length measurements were obtained with a size 15 K-file advanced apically in dissolved gutta percha using Dentaport ZX, Propex Pixi, and Apit 15. The filling materials were then completely removed from the root canals, and the actual lengths up to the resection region were determined. The actual length was subtracted from the electronic length measurements for each specimen. Measurements were analyzed statistically using independent sample t-test, repeated-measures analysis of variance, and Bonferroni tests. The level of statistical significance was defined as P<0.05. Results: In the 45-degree group, a significant difference was found between Propex Pixi and Apit 15. Measurements at 0- and 45-degree resection bevel angles were not statistically different from each other in any EAL groups. Conclusions: The resection bevel angle did not affect the accuracy of the tested EALs. More accurate measurements were obtained with the Propex Pixi at a 45-degree resection bevel angle compared with the Apit 15

    The effect of early tranexamic acid administration on hemoglobin levels after unstable pelvic fracture: An experimental study in rats

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    Aim: To investigate the effect of early systemic tranexamic acid (TRA) administration on hemoglobin (Hb) levels in rats with pelvic fracture. Method: In our study, 30 Wistar Albino rats were randomly divided into 3 groups in equal numbers and their hemoglobin levels were measured by taking blood samples from each. No trauma was applied to the first group and it was taken as the main control group of the study. Closed bilateral unstable pelvic fractures were created in all rats in groups 2 and 3. Fracture creation time is considered as minute 0. 10 minutes after the fracture was formed, TRA was given to the 1st group, TRA to the 2nd group and saline solution to the 3rd group systemically. Hemoglobin levels were measured by taking blood samples from all rats at 30th minute and 24th hour. The initial Hb values ​​obtained were normalized to 100 and the percentages of 30th minute and 24th hour values ​​were calculated. The initial, 30th minute and 24th hour values ​​of all groups were compared statistically with each other. The 30th minute and 24th hour values ​​were compared statistically between the groups. Results: No death was observed within 24 hours in all three groups. When the first Hb values ​​of each group are normalized to 100, the mean Hb percentages were calculated in the first group as 99.54 and 99.84 at 30 minutes and 24 hour, respectively; 92.95 and 87.73 in the second group; and 87.95 and 73.16 in the third group. When these values ​​obtained were compared statistically within the groups (initial, 30th minute, 24th hour Hb percentages), there was no significant difference between the initial, 30th minute and 24th hour values ​​in group 1. However, a statistically significant difference was found between the initial, 30th minute and 24th hour values ​​in group 2 and 3 (p<0.01). In the comparison between the groups, a statistically significant difference was found between group 1-2, group 1-3 and group 2-3 between both 30th minute and 24th hour values (p<0.01). Conclusion: In rats with bilateral unstable pelvic fractures due to blunt pelvis trauma, early administration of TRA after trauma significantly reduced the first 24-hour decrease in Hb value. Our study supports the early and prehospital use of TRA in traumas that are predicted to progress with acute bleeding, such as unstable pelvic fractures