1,629 research outputs found

    Nucleon electromagnetic form factors from lattice QCD using a nearly physical pion mass

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    We present lattice QCD calculations of nucleon electromagnetic form factors using pion masses mπm_\pi = 149, 202, and 254 MeV and an action with clover-improved Wilson quarks coupled to smeared gauge fields, as used by the Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal collaboration. Particular attention is given to removal of the effects of excited state contamination by calculation at three source-sink separations and use of the summation and generalized pencil-of-function methods. The combination of calculation at the nearly physical mass mπm_\pi = 149 MeV in a large spatial volume (mπLsm_\pi L_s = 4.2) and removal of excited state effects yields agreement with experiment for the electric and magnetic form factors GE(Q2)G_E(Q^2) and GM(Q2)G_M(Q^2) up to Q2Q^2 = 0.5 GeV2^2.Comment: v2: published version; 30 pages, 25 figures, 6 table

    Quark Contributions to Nucleon Momentum and Spin from Domain Wall fermion calculations

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    We report contributions to the nucleon spin and momentum from light quarks calculated using dynamical domain wall fermions with pion masses down to 300 MeV and fine lattice spacing a=0.084 fm. Albeit without disconnected diagrams, we observe that spin and orbital angular momenta of both u and d quarks are opposite, almost canceling in the case of the d quark, which agrees with previous calculations using a mixed quark action. We also present the full momentum dependence of n=2 generalized form factors showing little variation with the pion mass.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, NT-LBNL-11-020, MIT-CTP-4323. Presented at the 29th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2011), Squaw Valley, California, 10-16 Jul 201

    Signals of confinement in Green functions of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory

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    The vortex picture of confinement is employed to explore the signals of confinement in Yang-Mills Green functions. By using SU(2) lattice gauge theory, it has been well established that the removal of the center vortices from the lattice configurations results in the loss of confinement. The running coupling constant, the gluon and the ghost form factors are studied in Landau gauge for both cases, the full and the vortex removed theory. In the latter case, a strong suppression of the running coupling constant and the gluon form factor at low momenta is observed. At the same time, the singularity of the ghost form factor at vanishing momentum disappears. This observation establishes an intimate correlation between the ghost singularity and confinement. The result also shows that a removal of the vortices generates a theory for which Zwanziger's horizon condition for confinement is no longer satisfied.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors from Lattice QCD using 2+1 Flavor Domain Wall Fermions on Fine Lattices and Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We present a high-statistics calculation of nucleon electromagnetic form factors in Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 lattice QCD using domain wall quarks on fine lattices, to attain a new level of precision in systematic and statistical errors. Our calculations use 323×6432^3 \times 64 lattices with lattice spacing a=0.084 fm for pion masses of 297, 355, and 403 MeV, and we perform an overdetermined analysis using on the order of 3600 to 7000 measurements to calculate nucleon electric and magnetic form factors up to Q2≈Q^2 \approx 1.05 GeV2^2. Results are shown to be consistent with those obtained using valence domain wall quarks with improved staggered sea quarks, and using coarse domain wall lattices. We determine the isovector Dirac radius r1vr_1^v, Pauli radius r2vr_2^v and anomalous magnetic moment κv\kappa_v. We also determine connected contributions to the corresponding isoscalar observables. We extrapolate these observables to the physical pion mass using two different formulations of two-flavor chiral effective field theory at one loop: the heavy baryon Small Scale Expansion (SSE) and covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory. The isovector results and the connected contributions to the isoscalar results are compared with experiment, and the need for calculations at smaller pion masses is discussed.Comment: 44 pages, 40 figure

    The band structure of BeTe - a combined experimental and theoretical study

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    Using angle-resolved synchrotron-radiation photoemission spectroscopy we have determined the dispersion of the valence bands of BeTe(100) along ΓX\Gamma X, i.e. the [100] direction. The measurements are analyzed with the aid of a first-principles calculation of the BeTe bulk band structure as well as of the photoemission peaks as given by the momentum conserving bulk transitions. Taking the calculated unoccupied bands as final states of the photoemission process, we obtain an excellent agreement between experimental and calculated spectra and a clear interpretation of almost all measured bands. In contrast, the free electron approximation for the final states fails to describe the BeTe bulk band structure along ΓX\Gamma X properly.Comment: 21 pages plus 4 figure

    Nucleon structure from mixed action calculations using 2+1 flavors of asqtad sea and domain wall valence fermions

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    We present high statistics results for the structure of the nucleon from a mixed-action calculation using 2+1 flavors of asqtad sea and domain wall valence fermions. We perform extrapolations of our data based on different chiral effective field theory schemes and compare our results with available information from phenomenology. We discuss vector and axial form factors of the nucleon, moments of generalized parton distributions, including moments of forward parton distributions, and implications for the decomposition of the nucleon spin.Comment: 68 pages, 47 figures. Main revision points: improved discussion of chiral fits and systematic uncertainties, several minor refinements. Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Instantons and Monopoles in General Abelian Gauges

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    A relation between the total instanton number and the quantum-numbers of magnetic monopoles that arise in general Abelian gauges in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory is established. The instanton number is expressed as the sum of the `twists' of all monopoles, where the twist is related to a generalized Hopf invariant. The origin of a stronger relation between instantons and monopoles in the Polyakov gauge is discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures; comments added to put work into proper contex

    Quasinormal modes and holographic correlators in a crunching AdS geometry

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    We calculate frequency space holographic correlators in an asymptotically AdS crunching background, dual to a relevant deformation of the M2-brane CFT placed in de Sitter spacetime. For massless bulk scalars, exploiting the connection to a solvable supersymmetric quantum mechanical problem, we obtain the exact frequency space correlator for the dual operator in the deformed CFT. Controlling the shape of the crunching surface in the Penrose diagram by smoothly dialling the deformation from zero to infinity, we observe that in the large deformation limit the Penrose diagram becomes a `square', and the exact holographic correlators display striking similarities to their counterparts in the BTZ black hole and its higher dimensional generalisations. We numerically determine quasinormal poles for relevant and irrelevant operators, and find an intricate pattern of these in the complex frequency plane. In the case of relevant operators, the deformation parameter has an infinite sequence of critical values, each one characterised by a pair of poles colliding and moving away from the imaginary frequency axis with increasing deformation. In the limit of infinite deformation all scalar operators have identical quasinormal spectra. We compare and contrast our strongly coupled de Sitter QFT results with strongly coupled thermal correlators from AdS black holes

    On topological charge carried by nexuses and center vortices

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    In this paper we further explore the question of topological charge in the center vortex-nexus picture of gauge theories. Generally, this charge is locally fractionalized in units of 1/N for gauge group SU(N), but globally quantized in integral units. We show explicitly that in d=4 global topological charge is a linkage number of the closed two-surface of a center vortex with a nexus world line, and relate this linkage to the Hopf fibration, with homotopy Π3(S3)≃Z\Pi_3(S^3)\simeq Z; this homotopy insures integrality of the global topological charge. We show that a standard nexus form used earlier, when linked to a center vortex, gives rise naturally to a homotopy Π2(S2)≃Z\Pi_2(S^2)\simeq Z, a homotopy usually associated with 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles and similar objects which exist by virtue of the presence of an adjoint scalar field which gives rise to spontaneous symmetry breaking. We show that certain integrals related to monopole or topological charge in gauge theories with adjoint scalars also appear in the center vortex-nexus picture, but with a different physical interpretation. We find a new type of nexus which can carry topological charge by linking to vortices or carry d=3 Chern-Simons number without center vortices present; the Chern-Simons number is connected with twisting and writhing of field lines, as the author had suggested earlier. In general, no topological charge in d=4 arises from these specific static configurations, since the charge is the difference of two (equal) Chern-Simons number, but it can arise through dynamic reconnection processes. We complete earlier vortex-nexus work to show explicitly how to express globally-integral topological charge as composed of essentially independent units of charge 1/N.Comment: Revtex4; 3 .eps figures; 18 page
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