219 research outputs found

    The esterification of xanthophylls in Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) chromoplasts; the role of a non-specific acyltransferase

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    Lewis, Esther R., Nogueira, Marilise, Enfissi, Eugenia M.A., Fraser, Paul D. (2021): The esterification of xanthophylls in Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) chromoplasts; the role of a non-specific acyltransferase. Phytochemistry (112912) 191: 1-7, DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2021.112912, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.phytochem.2021.11291

    Engineering of tomato for the sustainable production of ketocarotenoids and its evaluation in aquaculture feed

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    Ketocarotenoids are high-value pigments used commercially across multiple industrial sectors as colorants and supplements. Chemical synthesis using petrochemical-derived precursors remains the production method of choice. Aquaculture is an example where ketocarotenoid supplementation of feed is necessary to achieve product viability. The biosynthesis of ketocarotenoids, such as canthaxanthin, phoenicoxanthin, or astaxanthin in plants is rare. In the present study, complex engineering of the carotenoid pathway has been performed to produce high-value ketocarotenoids in tomato fruit (3.0 mg/g dry weight). The strategy adopted involved pathway extension beyond ÎČ-carotene through the expression of the ÎČ-carotene hydroxylase (CrtZ) and oxyxgenase (CrtW) from Brevundimonas sp. in tomato fruit, followed by ÎČ-carotene enhancement through the introgression of a lycopene ÎČ-cyclase (ÎČ-Cyc) allele from a Solanum galapagense background. Detailed biochemical analysis, carried out using chromatographic, UV/VIS, and MS approaches, identified the predominant carotenoid as fatty acid (C14:0 and C16:0) esters of phoenicoxanthin, present in the S stereoisomer configuration. Under a field-like environment with low resource input, scalability was shown with the potential to deliver 23 kg of ketocarotenoid/hectare. To illustrate the potential of this “generally recognized as safe” material with minimal, low-energy bioprocessing, two independent aquaculture trials were performed. The plant-based feeds developed were more efficient than the synthetic feed to color trout flesh (up to twofold increase in the retention of the main ketocarotenoids in the fish fillets). This achievement has the potential to create a new paradigm in the renewable production of economically competitive feed additives for the aquaculture industry and beyond

    Ketocarotenoid production in tomato triggers metabolic reprogramming and cellular adaptation: The quest for homeostasis

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    Plants are sessile and therefore have developed an extraordinary capacity to adapt to external signals. Here, the focus is on the plasticity of the plant cell to respond to new intracellular cues. Ketocarotenoids are high-value natural red pigments with potent antioxidant activity. In the present study, system-level analyses have revealed that the heterologous biosynthesis of ketocarotenoids in tomato initiated a series of cellular and metabolic mechanisms to cope with the formation of metabolites that are non-endogenous to the plant. The broad multilevel changes were linked to, among others, (i) the remodelling of the plastidial membrane, where the synthesis and storage of ketocarotenoids occurs; (ii) the recruiting of core metabolic pathways for the generation of metabolite precursors and energy; and (iii) redox control. The involvement of the metabolites as regulators of cellular processes shown here reinforces their pivotal role suggested in the remodelled ‘central dogma’ concept. Furthermore, the role of metabolic reprogramming to ensure cellular homeostasis is propose

    Impact of Zika Virus Emergence in French Guiana: A Large General Population Seroprevalence Survey.

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    BACKGROUND: Since the identification of Zika virus (ZIKV) in Brazil in May 2015, the virus has spread throughout the Americas. However, ZIKV burden in the general population in affected countries remains unknown. METHODS: We conducted a general population survey in the different communities of French Guiana through individual interviews and serologic survey during June-October 2017. All serum samples were tested for anti-ZIKV immunoglobulin G antibodies using a recombinant antigen-based SGERPAxMap microsphere immunoassay, and some of them were further evaluated through anti-ZIKV microneutralization tests. RESULTS: The overall seroprevalence was estimated at 23.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 20.9%-25.9%) among 2697 participants, varying from 0% to 45.6% according to municipalities. ZIKV circulated in a large majority of French Guiana but not in the most isolated forest areas. The proportion of reported symptomatic Zika infection was estimated at 25.5% (95% CI, 20.3%-31.4%) in individuals who tested positive for ZIKV. CONCLUSIONS: This study described a large-scale representative ZIKV seroprevalence study in South America from the recent 2015-2016 Zika epidemic. Our findings reveal that the majority of the population remains susceptible to ZIKV, which could potentially allow future reintroductions of the virus

    Spatial Distribution and Burden of Emerging Arboviruses in French Guiana.

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    Despite the health, social and economic impact of arboviruses in French Guiana, very little is known about the extent to which infection burden is shared between individuals. We conducted a large multiplexed serological survey among 2697 individuals from June to October 2017. All serum samples were tested for IgG antibodies against DENV, CHIKV, ZIKV and MAYV using a recombinant antigen-based microsphere immunoassay with a subset further evaluated through anti-ZIKV microneutralization tests. The overall DENV seroprevalence was estimated at 73.1% (70.6-75.4) in the whole territory with estimations by serotype at 68.9% for DENV-1, 38.8% for DENV-2, 42.3% for DENV-3, and 56.1% for DENV-4. The overall seroprevalence of CHIKV, ZIKV and MAYV antibodies was 20.3% (17.7-23.1), 23.3% (20.9-25.9) and 3.3% (2.7-4.1), respectively. We provide a consistent overview of the burden of emerging arboviruses in French Guiana, with useful findings for risk mapping, future prevention and control programs. The majority of the population remains susceptible to CHIKV and ZIKV, which could potentially facilitate the risk of further re-emergences. Our results underscore the need to strengthen MAYV surveillance in order to rapidly detect any substantial changes in MAYV circulation patterns
