27 research outputs found

    Assessment of optimal pathways for power generation system in Ghana

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    This study applied the Open Source Energy Modelling System (OSeMOSYS), an optimisation model for long term energy planning, which is integrated in Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) to develop optimal generation pathways and dispatch scheduling of selected generating technologies for power generation in Ghana. Simulating conventional and non-conventional energy technologies, the study examines the technological, economic and environmental implications of renewable energy policies from 2010 to 2040. Sensitivity analyses were undertaken to determine the effect of varied development in non-conventional renewable energy technologies investment cost as well as fuel prices. The findings suggest that, with a comprehensive implementation of energy efficiency and other strategies, renewable energy technologies can contribute more than 70% of the generation requirement in Ghana by 2040. This will result in significant economic and environmental benefits as well as sustainability of the energy sector

    Environmental consciousness and choice of bulb for lighting in a developing country

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    Background: Most countries in the world especially those in Asia and Africa have been undertaking policies meant to help promote science, technology and innovation towards meeting some provisions of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, there is still a sizable number of households who have not yet fully embraced energy-saving technologies. This study provides highlights on the economic and environmental benefits for investing in energy-saving light bulbs. Methods: Using a survey and a multistage random sampling approach, we administered questionnaires to 1650 households in Ghana. The relevant diagnostic tests associated with cross-sectional data were undertaken. We estimated a maximum-likelihood probit model with its associated marginal effects to find out how the choice of energy-saving light bulb (behaviour) is influenced by environmental consciousness (both local knowledge and global knowledge) and other demographic factors. Results: Our results are consistent with economic theory as well as what earlier empirical evidence found in literature. That is, environmental consciousness, education, income, etc. are very important in explaining the choice of buying energy-saving light bulbs in Ghana. Conclusions: Besides advocating for information that will make society more environmentally conscious, we further recommend the use of fiscal policies (i.e. subsidies) to support lower income brackets who are predominant in developing countries

    Status of renewable energy resources for electricity supply in Ghana

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