365 research outputs found

    Insect-based feed in aquaculture: a consumer attitudes study

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    The aquaculture industry is currently faced with the major challenge of finding alternative protein sources for feeding aquatic species. The goal is to mitigate the environmental impact of conventional feed production in order to satisfy the demand of consumers for sustainable and environmentally friendly food. Fishmeal and fish oil have been the predominant substrates used in the fish farming industry to date, but insects are now emerging as promising feed substitutes. However, the feeding of insects to fish continues to be perceived as unconventional by consumers, although only few studies have actually explored European consumers' attitudes towards animal food products fed with insects. This study aimed to fill this gap by investigating consumer behaviors towards the consumption of fish fillets obtained from fish fed an insect-based feed. The overall goal was to understand the interconnection between sociodemographic variables, namely levels of knowledge, food neophobia, and food consumption sustainability, and attitudes towards feed quality, climate change, shopping sustainability, and the sustainability of insect-based feed. To this end, an online survey was conducted on 303 Italian consumers aged 18–78 years (52.4% men). The analysis of the dataset was conducted by modelling the independent categorical variables with their attitudes towards the four topics studied by Multiple Linear Regression, after having established their effects using the Pearson Chi-Square test and one-way ANOVA. Our results demonstrate that sociodemographic variables, such as gender and age, are strongly correlated with attitudes towards climate change, while diet is associated with attitudes towards shopping sustainability. The measured level of food consumption sustainability correlates with both attitudes. At the same time, a high level of knowledge correlates with a strong attitude towards the sustainability of insect-based feed. Overall, we conclude that providing specific groups of consumers with meaningful information related to the use of insect-based feed in aquaculture will increase the likelihood of their accepting this innovation. Our study also offers insights that can help identify categories of consumers who could be more interested in choosing products from insect-fed animal

    The first large-area, high-X-ray energy phase contrast prototype for enhanced detection of threat objects in baggage screening

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    X-ray imaging is the most commonly used method in baggage screening. Conventional x-ray attenuation (usually in dual-energy mode) is exploited to discriminate threat and non-threat materials: this is essentially, a method that has seen little changes in decades. Our goal is to demonstrate that x-rays can be used in a different way to achieve improved detection of weapons and explosives. Our approach involves the use of x-ray phase contrast and it a) allows much higher sensitivity in the detection of object edges and b) can be made sensitive to the sample’s microstructure. We believe that these additional channels of information, alongside conventional attenuation which would still be available, have the potential to significantly increase both sensitivity and specificity in baggage scanning. We obtained preliminary data demonstrating the above enhanced detection, and we built a scanner (currently in commissioning) to scale the concept up and test it on real baggage. In particular, while previous X-ray phase contrast imaging systems were limited in terms of both field of view (FOV) and maximum x-ray energy, this scanner overcomes both those limitations and provides FOVs up to 20 to 50 cm2 with x-ray energies up to 100 keV

    Asymmetric masks for large field-of-view and high-energy X-ray phase contrast imaging

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    We report on a large field of view, laboratory-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging setup. The method is based upon the asymmetric mask design that enables the retrieval of the absorption, refraction and scattering properties of the sample without the need to move any component of the imaging system. This can be thought of as a periodic repetition of a group of three (or more) apertures arranged in such a way that each laminar beam, defined by the apertures, produces a different illumination level when analysed with a standard periodic set of apertures. The sample is scanned through the imaging system, also removing possible aliasing problems that might arise from partial sample illumination when using the edge illumination technique. This approach preserves the incoherence and achromatic properties of edge illumination, removes the problems related to aliasing and it naturally adapts to those situations in clinical, industrial and security imaging where the image is acquired by scanning the sample relative to the imaging system. These concepts were implemented for a large field-of-view set of masks (20 cm × 1.5 cm and 15 cm × 1.2 cm), designed to work with a tungsten anode X-ray source operated up to 80–100 kVp, from which preliminary experimental results are presented

    An experimental approach to optimising refraction sensitivity for lab-based edge illumination phase contrast set-ups

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    Refraction sensitivity can be optimised for differential x-ray phase contrast (XPC) imaging methods by modifying the set-up. Often, modifications involve changing source/detector parameters, propagation distances, or the design of optical components, i.e. parameters that are not readily changed without non-trivial time investment, replacing components, or performing high-precision recalibrations. The edge illumination (EI) XPC method provides a method of optimising the refraction sensitivity, by exploiting micrometric translations of its periodic masks, that bypasses the constraints listed above. These translations can be performed on-the-fly and allow optimising the refraction signal for specific applications without making significant changes to the set-up. The method can prove advantageous for lab-based systems that make use of larger sources but with limited available set-up space. In this paper, we study how refraction sensitivity varies as a function of illuminated pixel fraction (IPF) under two commonly encountered experimental conditions: (1) at approximately constant detected counts, and (2) at equal exposure time. We compare the standard deviation in the background of reconstructed refraction images at different IPFs and find that refraction sensitivity is optimal at 25% IPF under both conditions. Finally, we demonstrate that refraction sensitivity affects the visibility of weakly refracting features on an insect leg. The results suggest that IPFs lower than 50% can actually be preferable, especially in the case where the statistics is kept constant, and provide experimental validation that phase sensitivity in EI is not fixed once the system parameters are defined

    Does the ‘Mountain Pasture Product’ claim affect local cheese acceptability?

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    This paper aims to explore the impact of “mountain pasture product” information on the acceptability of local protected designation of origin (PDO) cheese produced from the raw milk of cows grazing in mountain pastures (P) or reared in valley floor stalls (S). A total of 156 consumers (55% males, mean age 41 years) were asked to evaluate their overall liking on a 9-point hedonic scale of four samples: Cheeses P and S were presented twice with different information about the origin of the milk (cows grazing on mountain pasture or reared in a valley floor stall). Demographics, consumer habits, and opinions on mountain pasture practice (MPP), attitudes towards sustainability, and food-related behaviours (i.e., diet, food waste production, organic food, and zero food miles products purchase) were recorded and used to segment consumers. The cheeses were all considered more than acceptable, even though they were found to be significantly different in colour and texture by instrumental analyses. In the whole consumer panel, the cheese P was preferred, while in consumer segments less attentive to product characteristics, this effect was not significant. External information had a strong effect: Overall liking was significantly higher in cheeses presented as “mountain pasture product”, both in the whole panel and in consumer segments with different attitudes (except for those with a low opinion of MPP

    Reliable material characterisation at low x-ray energy through the phase-attenuation duality

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    We present a comparison of between two polychromatic X-ray imaging techniques used to characterise materials: dual energy (DE) attenuation and phase-attenuation (PA), the latter being implemented via a scanning-based Edge Illumination system. The system-independent method to extract electron density and effective atomic number developed by S.G. Azevedo et al IEEE Transactions on nuclear science, Vol. 63, 341 (2016) - SIRZ - is employed for the analysis of planar images, with the same methodology being used for both approaches. We show PA to be more reliable at low energy X-ray spectra (40 kVp), where conventional DE breaks down due to insufficient separation of the energies used in measurements, and to produce results comparable with “standard” DE implemented at high energy (120 kVp), therefore offering a valuable alternative in applications where the use of high x-ray energy is impractical

    Large field-of-view asymmetric masks for high-energy x-ray phase imaging with standard x-ray tube

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    We report on a new approach to large field-of-view laboratory-based X-ray phase-contrast imaging. The method is based upon the asymmetric mask design that enables the retrieval of the absorption, refraction and ultra-small- angle scattering properties of the sample without the need to move any component of the imaging system. The sample is scanned through the imaging system, which also removes possible aliasing problems that might arise from partial sample illumination when using the edge illumination technique. This concept can be extended to any desired number of apertures providing, at the same time, intensity projections at complementary illumination conditions. Experimental data simultaneously acquired at seven different illumination fractions are presented along with the results obtained from a numerical model that incorporates the actual detector performance. The ultimate shape of the illumination function is shown to be significantly dependent on these detector-specific characteristics. Based on this concept, a large field-of-view system was designed, which is also capable to cope with relatively high (100 kVp) X-ray energies. The imaging system obtained in this way, where the asymmetric mask design enables the data to be collected without moving any element of the instrumentation, adapts particularly well to those situations in medical, industrial and security imaging where the sample has to be scanned through the syste
