46 research outputs found

    A metabolome analysis and the immunity of Phlomis purpurea against Phytophthora cinnamomi

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    Phlomis purpurea grows spontaneously in the southern Iberian Peninsula, namely in cork oak (Quercus suber) forests. In a previous transcriptome analysis, we reported on its immunity against Phytophthora cinnamomi. However, little is known about the involvement of secondary metabolites in the P. purpurea defense response. It is known, though, that root exudates are toxic to this pathogen. To understand the involvement of secondary metabolites in the defense of P. purpurea, a metabolome analysis was performed using the leaves and roots of plants challenged with the pathogen for over 72 h. The putatively identified compounds were constitutively produced. Alkaloids, fatty acids, flavonoids, glucosinolates, polyketides, prenol lipids, phenylpropanoids, sterols, and terpenoids were differentially produced in these leaves and roots along the experiment timescale. It must be emphasized that the constitutive production of taurine in leaves and its increase soon after challenging suggests its role in P. purpurea immunity against the stress imposed by the oomycete. The rapid increase in secondary metabolite production by this plant species accounts for a concerted action of multiple compounds and genes on the innate protection of Phlomis purpurea against Phytophthora cinnamomi. The combination of the metabolome with the transcriptome data previously disclosed confirms the mentioned innate immunity of this plant against a devastating pathogen. It suggests its potential as an antagonist in phytopathogens’ biological control. Its application in green forestry/agriculture is therefore possible.2022.07433.CEECINDinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Familial colorectal cancer: eleven years of data from a registry program in Switzerland

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    Deleterious germ-line variants involving the DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes have been identified as the cause of the hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome known as the Lynch syndrome, but in numerous familial clusters of colon cancer, the cause remains obscure. We analyzed data for 235 German-speaking Swiss families with nonpolyposis forms of colorectal cancer (one of the largest and most ethnically homogeneous cohorts of its kind) to identify the phenotypic features of forms that cannot be explained by MMR deficiency. Based on the results of microsatellite instability analysis and immunostaining of proband tumor samples, the kindreds were classified as MMR-proficient (n=134, 57%) or MMR-deficient (n=101, 43%). In 81 of the latter kindreds, deleterious germ-line MMR-gene variants have already been found (62 different variants, including 13 that have not been previously reported), confirming the diagnosis of Lynch syndrome. Compared with MMR-deficient kindreds, the 134 who were MMR proficient were less likely to meet the Amsterdam Criteria II regarding autosomal dominant transmission. They also had primary cancers with later onset and colon-segment distribution patterns resembling those of sporadic colorectal cancers, and they had lower frequencies of metachronous colorectal cancers and extracolonic cancers in general. Although the predisposition to colorectal cancer in these kindreds is probably etiologically heterogeneous, we were unable to identify distinct phenotypic subgroups solely on the basis of the clinical data collected in this study. Further insight, however, is expected to emerge from the molecular characterization of their tumor

    Association of proteomic markers with nutritional risk and response to nutritional support: A secondary pilot study of the EFFORT trial using an untargeted proteomics approach

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    Background: By means of a structured nutritional support intervention, EFFORT showed a risk reduction for adverse events in medical in-patients. We were interested in the prognostic and therapeutic potential of an untargeted proteomics approach to understand response to nutritional support, risk of 30-day mortality, and distinct patterns in severity of malnutrition risk as assessed by the Nutritional Risk screening (NRS 2002), respectively. Methods: From 2,088 patients, we randomly took 120 blood samples drawn before treatment initiation on day 1 after hospital admission. Cases were selected by treatment allocation (nutritional support vs. usual nutrition), NRS 2002, and mortality at 30 days, but not on disease type. We measured proteins by untargeted liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Results: We found 242 distinct proteins in 120 patients of which 81 (67.5%) survived until day 30. Between group analysis revealed a slight difference between the treatment groups in patients with a NRS 3, but not in those with a higher NRS. C-statistic between non-survivors and survivors at day 30 ranged from 0.60 (95% confidence interval 0.34-0.78) for a combination of 3 proteins/predictors to 0.65 (95% CI 0.53-0.78) for a combination of 32 proteins/predictors. In nutritional support non-survivors, pathway analysis found significant enrichment in pathways for signal transduction, platelet function, immune system regulation, extracellular matrix organization, and integrin cell surface interactions compared to survivors. Conclusion: Within this pilot study using an untargeted proteomics approach, there was only little prognostic and therapeutic potential of proteomics for phenotyping the risk of malnutrition and response to nutritional therapy. The small sample size and high heterogeneity of our population regarding comorbidity burden calls for more targeted approaches in more homogenous populations to understand the true potential of proteomics for individualizing nutritional care. Trial registration: This is a pre-planned secondary analysis of the EFFORT trial (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02517476)

    Sorbitol dehydrogenase overexpression and other aspects of dysregulated protein expression in human precancerous colorectal neoplasms: a quantitative proteomics study

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    Colorectal adenomas are cancer precursor lesions of the large bowel. A multitude of genomic and epigenomic changes have been documented in these preinvasive lesions, but their impact on the protein effectors of biological function has not been comprehensively explored. Using shotgun quantitative MS, we exhaustively investigated the proteome of 30 colorectal adenomas and paired samples of normal mucosa. Total protein extracts were prepared from these tissues (prospectively collected during colonoscopy) and from normal (HCEC) and cancerous (SW480, SW620, Caco2, HT29, CX1) colon epithelial cell lines. Peptides were labeled with isobaric tags (iTRAQ 8-plex), separated via OFFGEL electrophoresis, and analyzed by means of LC-MS/MS. Nonredundant protein families (4325 in tissues, 2017 in cell lines) were identified and quantified. Principal component analysis of the results clearly distinguished adenomas from normal mucosal samples and cancer cell lines from HCEC cells. Two hundred and twelve proteins displayed significant adenoma-related expression changes (q-value < 0.02, mean fold change versus normal mucosa ±1.4), which correlated (r = 0.74) with similar changes previously identified by our group at the transcriptome level. Fifty-one (∼25%) proteins displayed directionally similar expression changes in colorectal cancer cells (versus HCEC cells) and were therefore attributed to the epithelial component of adenomas. Although benign, adenomas already exhibited cancer-associated proteomic changes: 69 (91%) of the 76 protein up-regulations identified in these lesions have already been reported in cancers. One of the most striking changes involved sorbitol dehydrogenase, a key enzyme in the polyol pathway. Validation studies revealed dramatically increased sorbitol dehydrogenase concentrations and activity in adenomas and cancer cell lines, along with important changes in the expression of other enzymes in the same (AKR1B1) and related (KHK) pathways. Dysregulated polyol metabolism might represent a novel facet of metabolome remodeling associated with tumorigenesis

    Lysosomal cystine export regulates mTORC1 signaling to guide kidney epithelial cell fate specialization

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    Differentiation is critical for cell fate decisions, but the signals involved remain unclear. The kidney proximal tubule (PT) cells reabsorb disulphide-rich proteins through endocytosis, generating cystine via lysosomal proteolysis. Here we report that defective cystine mobilization from lysosomes through cystinosin (CTNS), which is mutated in cystinosis, diverts PT cells towards growth and proliferation, disrupting their functions. Mechanistically, cystine storage stimulates Ragulator-Rag GTPase-dependent recruitment of mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) and its constitutive activation. Re-introduction of CTNS restores nutrient-dependent regulation of mTORC1 in knockout cells, whereas cell-permeant analogues of L-cystine, accumulating within lysosomes, render wild-type cells resistant to nutrient withdrawal. Therapeutic mTORC1 inhibition corrects lysosome and differentiation downstream of cystine storage, and phenotypes in preclinical models of cystinosis. Thus, cystine serves as a lysosomal signal that tailors mTORC1 and metabolism to direct epithelial cell fate decisions. These results identify mechanisms and therapeutic targets for dysregulated homeostasis in cystinosis

    The cataract and glucosuria associated monocarboxylate transporter MCT12 is a new creatine transporter

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    Creatine transport has been assigned to creatine transporter 1 (CRT1), encoded by mental retardation associated SLC6A8. Here, we identified a second creatine transporter (CRT2) known as monocarboxylate transporter 12 (MCT12), encoded by the cataract and glucosuria associated gene SLC16A12. A non-synonymous alteration in MCT12 (p.G407S) found in a patient with age-related cataract (ARC) leads to a significant reduction of creatine transport. Furthermore, Slc16a12 knockout (KO) rats have elevated creatine levels in urine. Transport activity and expression characteristics of the two creatine transporters are distinct. CRT2 (MCT12)-mediated uptake of creatine was not sensitive to sodium and chloride ions or creatine biosynthesis precursors, breakdown product creatinine or creatine phosphate. Increasing pH correlated with increased creatine uptake. Michaelis-Menten kinetics yielded a Vmax of 838.8 pmol/h/oocyte and a Km of 567.4 µm. Relative expression in various human tissues supports the distinct mutation-associated phenotypes of the two transporters. SLC6A8 was predominantly found in brain, heart and muscle, while SLC16A12 was more abundant in kidney and retina. In the lens, the two transcripts were found at comparable levels. We discuss the distinct, but possibly synergistic functions of the two creatine transporters. Our findings infer potential preventive power of creatine supplementation against the most prominent age-related vision impaired conditio

    Analisis refleksi pada pembelajaran: review reasearch

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    Translation fidelity is the limiting factor in the accuracy of gene expression. With an estimated frequency of 10−4, errors in mRNA decoding occur in a mostly stochastic manner. Little is known about the response of higher eukaryotes to chronic loss of ribosomal accuracy as per an increase in the random error rate of mRNA decoding. Here, we present a global and comprehensive picture of the cellular changes in response to translational accuracy in mammalian ribosomes impaired by genetic manipulation. In addition to affecting established protein quality control pathways, such as elevated transcript levels for cytosolic chaperones, activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, and translational slowdown, ribosomal mistranslation led to unexpected responses. In particular, we observed increased mitochondrial biogenesis associated with import of misfolded proteins into the mitochondria and silencing of the unfolded protein response in the endoplasmic reticulum.ISSN:2399-364

    Multiomic ALS signatures highlight subclusters and sex differences suggesting the MAPK pathway as therapeutic target

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a debilitating motor neuron disease and lacks effective disease-modifying treatments. This study utilizes a comprehensive multiomic approach to investigate the early and sex-specific molecular mechanisms underlying ALS. By analyzing the prefrontal cortex of 51 patients with sporadic ALS and 50 control subjects, alongside four transgenic mouse models (C9orf72-, SOD1-, TDP-43-, and FUS-ALS), we have uncovered significant molecular alterations associated with the disease. Here, we show that males exhibit more pronounced changes in molecular pathways compared to females. Our integrated analysis of transcriptomes, (phospho)proteomes, and miRNAomes also identified distinct ALS subclusters in humans, characterized by variations in immune response, extracellular matrix composition, mitochondrial function, and RNA processing. The molecular signatures of human subclusters were reflected in specific mouse models. Our study highlighted the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway as an early disease mechanism. We further demonstrate that trametinib, a MAPK inhibitor, has potential therapeutic benefits in vitro and in vivo, particularly in females, suggesting a direction for developing targeted ALS treatments

    cosmiq - COmbining Single Masses Into Quantities

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    cosmiq is a tool for the preprocessing of liquid- or gas - chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS/GCMS) data with a focus on metabolomics or lipidomics applications. To improve the detection of low abundant signals, cosmiq generates master maps of the mZ/RT space from all acquired runs before a peak detection algorithm is applied. The result is a more robust identification and quantification of low-intensity MS signals compared to conventional approaches where peak picking is performed in each LCMS/GCMS file separately. The cosmiq package builds on the xcmsSet object structure and can be therefore integrated well with the package xcms as an alternative preprocessing step